Content Posted in 2020
15 years of economic development in the U.A.R., Hermann F. Kroeger
3D convolution with two-stream convNets for human action recognition, Karim Mohamed Hosny
3D finite element modeling of the welding process, Ihab Fanous Zakaria
4D schedule generation for flat slab BIM models, Amir Ossama Hosny
A battle of wills: examining the religious factor in Hizbullah's 2006 ground engagements with Israel, Arwa Salah Mahmoud
Abbasid luster wares in the Egyptian context, Rosalind A Wade Haddon
ʻAbd al-Rahṃān al-Rāfiʻī and the ʻUrābī revolution: A critical appraisal, Walid A Attallah
Abd al-Rahman al-Sharqawi and his novels, Buthayna Ibrahim Elwan
A bibliography of Ibrāhīm ʻAbd Al-Qādir Al-Māzinī with a critical introduction, Nabila Mehanni Assyuti
Ab initio techniques for methane, Nora Mohamed Hassan Mohamed
A blended learning education policy in Egypt: The road for better access and social inclusion, Seif El Din Abou Zaid
Abrasion resistance of concrete made with various types of aggregates, Mohamed Hamada Rashwan
Abū Yaʻqūb al-Sijistānī: The opening of the Persian mission and the beginning of the Ismāʻīlī dogma, Paul Ernest Walker
A case for legal quotas for women in the Egyptian parliament, Hebatallah Saleh El Naggar
A Case study in Promotion of Orange Exports, Kamel Tawfik Diab
A case study of Egyptian learners' attitudes toward autonomous language learning, Dina Hosni Abdel Rahman Mohamed
A case study of syntactic patterns of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic-English code-switching, Salma Mohamed Farid
A case study on the implementation of blended learning education: Stakeholders' views, Nada Ezzatlo
Accelerated curing test of cement, Amr Ali Ibrahim
Accessible switching of electronic defect type in SrTiO 3 via biaxial strain, Mostafa Youssef
Access to energy resources in the Caspian/Central Asian region has become one of the biggest struggles in the contemporary geopolitical context, Senada Kanlic Chelminski
Access to skilled labor, institutions and firm performance in developing countries, Mona Abdel Salam Said
Accommodation in inter-ethnic backchanneling, Larry J Ciccarelli
Accountability, autonomy, and governance challenges of public university hospitals in Egypt, Yasmine Badr
Accountability in school governance in Egypt, Nadeen Baraka
Acculturating autocrats: Tracing compliance with the international counter-terror regime through an analysis of Chad and Libya, 2000-2016, Brandon Shinhearl
Accurate multiple input switching solution for static timing analysis, Khaled El-Kinawi
Achieving Environmental Sustainability of Sugarcane Industry in Egypt: An Application of Life Cycle Assessment, Dalia Adel Habib Nakhla
A cognitive linguistic study of cultural models of age in American English and Egyptian Arabic: A corpus-based approach, Hebatallah Said
A comparative analysis of seven listening comprehension tests for use in Fayoum College of Education, Omnia Farah Kommos
A comparative analysis of the role of foreign aid in post-conflict reconstruction of Rwanda and Sierra Leone, Amna Elnour
A comparative study of a management development institution in transition as seen by its former and current trainees, Sherifa Fouad Sherif
A comparative study of Arabic language achievement of bilinguals and monolinguals in Egypt, Moufida Badr
A comparative study of desert novels of Ibrāhīm al-Kūnī and ʻAbd al-Rahṃan Munīf, Hala Mohammed Hassan Hassan El Ganayni
A comparative study of job satisfaction in two Egyptian hotels, Amany Ibrahim Shahin
A comparative study of literary authorship, copyright laws and intellectual property, Hanya Borham Mohamed Atallah
A comparative study of Richardson's Clarissa and Laclos' Les liaisons dangereuses, Maha Abdel Hakim Hassan
A comparative study of seismic response of R.C low-to-medium rise buildings under the Egyptian Code of Loads (ECDL 2003), Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Diab
A comparative study of six Guha anecdotes which correspond in both Arabic and Sicilian versions, Francesca Maria Corrao
A comparative study of spoken word poetry and its literary counter-part, Haidy Tarek Zakaria
A comparative study of the images of women in Taha Husain's The call of the curlew and Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Pervine Yehia Al-Refai
A comparative study of the inorganic composition in body fluids of four Egyptian tick species, Samir Fouad Araman
A comparative study on regional literature with specific reference to William Faulkner's The sound and the fury and Yehia El-Taher ʻAbdullah's The collar and the bracelet, Hala Zakariya Khalifa
A comparative study on the effect of male migration on female spouses in middle and lower income families, Marwa Helmy
A comparative study on the news credibility of Egyptian television and daily newspapers, Sahar Mohamed Khamis
A Comparison between the West & the East in state supervised control through the power of eminent domain, Eman MGA Eshmawy
A comparison of analytic and holistic scales for ESL essay evaluation, Melissa Ellis Espinosa
A comparison of errors made by monolingual vs bilingual Egyptian students learning an additional language, Aida A Boulos
A Comparison of the Coverage of the 1993-94 Political crisis in Nigeria by the New York Times and Al Ahram Weekly: A Content Analysis, Eucharia Chinelo Oramah
A comprehensive comparison between design for testability techniques for total dose testing of flash-based FPGAs, Mohamed Ayman Ahmed Ibrahim
A comprehensive fully integrated finite element analysis of metal flow and die stresses in forward cold extrusion, Tarek Hamdi Farid
A computational model for dilated cardiomyopathy: morphology and electromechanics, Andrew Athanasios
A Computer-aided-learning tool for teaching construction engineering decision making: an excavation stage educational game, Hosnachah Ahmed Refaat Mekkawi
A computer allocation algorithm for space problem, Hesham Abdel Aziz Ibrahim
A concentric flow slot burner for stabilizing turbulent partially premixed inhomogeneous flames of gaseous fuels, Mohy Saad Mansour
A Conceptual Framework for Enriching Architectural Classroom with Mobile Augmented Reality, Sherif Morad Abdelkader Abdelmohsen
A condition assessment approach for buildings, Sally Maher Naguib El-Gizawy
A Constantinois view of the Algerian society: a study in continuity and change, Gamila Mahmud Abdel Wahab
A Content analysis of cartoons in al-Ahram before and after the lifting of press censorship, Maha Mohamed Kamel El-Tarabichi
A content analysis of the media coverage of the 2014 presidential elections in Egypt: the case studies of CBC and Channel 1, Jiana Barsoum
A Contextual study of Islamic laws of war: the case of Ibn Hazm, Nesrine Badawi
A contrastive analysis between Arabic and Japanese in definiteness and predictions based on the markedness theory, Haruko Sakaedani
A contrastive analysis of directives in educated spoken Cairene Arabic and educated spoken English, Nadia A Shalaby
A contrastive analysis of English and colloquial Egyptian comparatives: a study made on a sample of Egyptian adult learners, Mariam Hussein Ghaleb Osman
A cooperative expert system-explanation architecture, Samhaa R Adel El-Beltagy
A corpus analysis of stance marker use in international and Egyptian medical research articles, Sarah Ahmed Seleem
A correlational study between authenticity of Arabic pronunciation and attitude toward the Egyptian society among a group of CASA students, Amin Hosny Bonnah
Acquiring Islamic identity through architectural style, Omar Kishk
Acquisition of Arabic and English conditionals with reference to Markedness theory, Yasmin Salah El-Din
A critical analysis of dower (mahr) in theory and practice in British India through court records from 1800 to 1939, Sunil Tirkey
A critical evaluation of the writings of Yahya Haqqi, Samir Wahby
A critical study of Abū Yūsuf and his Kitāb Al Kharāj, Abubakar Aliu Gwandu
A critical study of Al-Tạhṭạ̄wī's Nihāyat al-ījāz fī sīrat sākin al-Hịjāz with particular emphasis on the foundation of the Islamic State, Lamiaa' Mahmoud Zaki
A critical study of budgeting planning and control in the public sector of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abu-Bakr Mohamed Ibrahim
A critical study of Muhammad Husayn Haykal's "Hayāt Muhammad", Dawud Olatokumbo Shittu
A critical study of Sunʻ Allah Ibrahim's novels, Nādiyah Badrān
A critical study of the poems on the battle of Siffīn in the book "Waqʻat Siffīn" by Nasṛ B. Muzāhịm Al-Minqarī, Ali Naibi Suwaid
A cross-cultural comparison of organizational communication media: an application of media richness theory, Mai Wahid Abdel Kader
A cross-cultural comparison of the strategies of 'complaints' in spoken Egyptian Arabic and spoken English, Muhammad El-Hashimi Mostafa
A cross-cultural study of Irish and Egyptian expressions of sympathy with reference to gender, Anne Abdel Moneim Hassan
A cross-cultural study: the Arab teacher's image students' perspective, Siham Ahmed Serry
A cross-sectional survey study to assess attitudes towards research misconduct among the community of the American University in Cairo, Marwan Tarek Felaefel
Action research for the development and integration of child protection policies and practices at private schools in Egypt, Hana Abdelsalam
Active magnesium oxide prepared from magnesium oxalate dihydrate, Jehane Nour El Dine Ragai
Adaptation in Egyptian television: The perception and impact of Egyptian sitcoms on Egyptian youth: A case study, Sara El Nagar
Adaptation in the Egyptian film industry & cultural imperialism, Shahira Safwat Fahmy
Adaptation to a unique environment: El Jebelya of Saint Catherine, Iman Youssef Bastawisi
Addiction among the Egyptian upper class, Mona Al Dabbagh
Address forms in Cairene Arabic: their social implications, Azim Sedqi Azim Abdel-Khalek
Addressing better health communication for young married couples in Egypt, Mayada Mostafa Wahsh
A decision support system for managing results-based financed mega infrastructure programs, Kareem Zahran
A decision support system for methods of measurement in construction projects, Abdelrahman Magdy
A decision support system for the re-equilibrium of PPP contracts, Amira Mohamed Shalaby
A description and comparison of the interrogative in English and colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Johan Girgis
A dielectric study of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Mohamed Mounir Shalaby
A discourse subsystem for information extraction, Doha Ahmed Ali Shawki
A discursive atlas of the old and new AUC campuses, Nadeen Shaker
A discussion on adaptive designs for computer experiments, Noha Ahmed Youssef
ADL modeling of Jini-UPNP bridging using rapide, Rehab Ahmed El Kharboutly
Administrative problems facing non-governmental organizations with particular reference to Egypt, Bernahu Bankashe Balaker
Administrative problems in the implementation of the privatization program in Egypt, Ayman Dahroug
Administrative reform for development: the Egyptian experience, Sameh Saad-El-Din Sabbour
Administrative reform in an environmental perspectives: The case study of Kuwait, Sami Saidi
Adolescent leisure project in Boulac el Dakrour, Sarah Ahmed Salah Bukhari
Adopting a citizen-centered approach in consular services provision by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nevine Mohamed El-Saeed
Adoption of internal auditing in developing countries: Egyptian public sector, Samar Yousry El-Tahan
Adoption of ISO 14001 by construction companies in Egypt, Dalia Abdel-Hamid Mahmoud Sakr
A dramatics of the postmodern, Nisma Idrīs
ADR-Miner: An Ant-based data reduction algorithm for classification, Ismail Mohamed Anwar Abdel Salam
Adsorption of heavy metals cations in wastewater using cement kiln dust, Mohamed Abdel Kareem El Zayat
Adult education and training in public administration: a case study of Nile Center for Information education and training, Ragaa Ramadan Shehata
Adult Egyptians' pronunciation of initial consonant clusters, Moharram El Rohbini
Advancing the Egyptian Public Broadcaster to Compete in the Digital Era, Maha Sherif Hussein Nagy
Adversarial or inquisitorial: which approach is closer to arbitration?, Ahmed Galal Zaki
Adversarial or inquisitorial: which approach is closer to arbitration?, Ahmed Galal Zaki
Advertising of in-flight magazines in the Middle East: a content analysis, Mona Badran
Advocacy to lawful rebellion: enforcing IHRL in Egyptian domestic courts, Ashraf El-Sayed Abdel-Megied
A field theoretic study of electron phonon interactions in metals, Sami Hakim Mikhail
A finite element analysis of the forward rod extrusion process with an emphasis on die profile optimization, Mahmoud Mohamed Nagui Shatla
A Finite element material model applied to A1-alloy consolidates processed via equal channel angular extrusion, Khalil Ibrahim El Khodary
A flow of funds account for the Egyptian economy for the year 1985/86, Nadia Mohamed Hussein
A framework for fine-grain synthesis optimization of operational amplifiers, Taher Essam
A Framework for requirements engineering support for service providers, Yohana Saad Soliman Nassim
A framework for sustainable slum development based on zero waste concept: "Learn to Earn Model", Sally Maher Elgizawy
African economic integration: Assessing the tripartite free trade area, Hoda Ahmed Dorra
African refugee women in Egypt: lacunae in international refugee law and the erasure of disadvantaged groups, Wigdan Mohamad
Africa's new media: a case study of Uganda's mass media under Museveni, Peter G Mwesige
A fuzzy programming approach for portfolio management in banks, Noha El Sayed Ahmed Ibrahim
Agencies of hegemonization and global social control, Moustafa A Wahdan
Agency and creativity: An eye on gender identity in four Egyptian novels, Maha Mosalem
Agenda setting and local issues on Egyptian regional television broadcasting, Solafa A Goueli
Agenda setting of Arabic related content on German TV: a content analysis on Deutsche Welle TV Arabia, Nadine Abdel Latif Rashwan
A generalized analytical theory of the response of the photoconductor, M Sameh Said
A geno-dynamic hybrid approach for time-cost optimization of non-serial repetitive construction projects, Ahmed Abdallah Soliman
A geopolitical assessment of Egyptian security in the Red Sea, Dalia Abdel Kader
Aggregate production planning in a stochastic environment, Ashraf Samy Naguib
Agile manufacturing system scheduling using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, Sherif Masoud
Agricultural development in Naway village, Egypt: a conceptual and empirical study, Samia Shenouda Guirguis
Agricultural liberalization policies in Egypt, Perrihan Hussein al-Riffai
Agricultural pricing policy in Egypt: an empirical study, 1965-1977, Tarek A Moursi
A historical study of the medical profession in medieval Egyptian and Syrian society: the use of Ibn Abī Uṣaybia's Medical biographical dictionary as a historical source, Hoda Moftah El Saady
Ahmad Abd Rabou - Interview, Yasmine Hassan
A hybrid approach to simultaneous localization and mapping in indoors environment, Amr Morssy
A hybrid deep learning approach for texture analysis, Hussein Adly
A hybrid method for solving the non-rigid point matching problem in 3D, Nahla El Said
Aid harmonization: U.K and Denmark aid policies towards Tanzania and Ghana (2005-2010), Abeer Rabei Youness
A Layered IoT Architecture for Greenhouse Monitoring and Remote Control, Hassanein Hamed Amer, Amr Mohamed Shaarawi, Hassan Ibrahim, and Norhan Mostafa
A leftist opposition party in a dominant party system: the case study of the Arab Democratic Nasserite Party, Salma Ihab Wahba
A legal evalution of article 12(2) of the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court, Ahmed Lotfy Abdel Fattah Mohsen
A legal policy analysis: the current and prospective regulatory framework for renewable energy and energy efficiency in Egypt, Karam J. Abulzahab
Al-fallāh ̣(the peasant) by ʻAbd al-Rahṃān al-Sharqāwī, Sara J M Marsden
Al-Ghazālī's conception of the purification of the self: Reflections from Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn (revival of the religious knowledge), Soha Ahmad Helwa
Al-Ghazali's integral epistemology: A critical analysis of the jewels of the Quran, Amani Elshimi
Al-Ghazālī's Kitāb al-tawhị̄d wa'l-tawakkul, John Herbert A McHugo
Alhaj Umar AbuBakar Krachie: A Bio-Critical Study, Abbas Umar Muhammed
Alienation and dissent in the poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Fadhil Al-Azzawi, Farah Geninah
ʻAlī Mubārak : the man and his achievements, Suzanne Sidhom
Ali Pasha Mubarak's Philosophy of Education and its Relationship to the Emergence of a Modern Bureaucracy in Egypt, Mariam Ahmad Shouman
Al-Ishârât Al-Ilâhiyya by Abû Hayyân al-Tawhîdî, Maha Mahmoud Zaki Saleh
A little closer to Egyptian singer Malak El Husseiny, Salma El-Saeed
Al Jazeera as a political tool within the contradictions of Qatar, Munehiro Anzawa
Allowable settlement of above-ground oil storage tanks under operation loads, Hatem Farid El-Sherif
al-Madhammah fi istʻmāl ahl al-dhimmah, Nermine Kamel Hafez
Al-Madrasa al-Firdaus in Aleppo: a chef-d'oeuvre of Ayyubid architecture, Rana Jalabi-Holdijk
al-Masālih ̣al-mursalah as treated by al-Ghazālī, Yusuf Dalhat
Al-Māwardī on the vizierate and the provincial Amirates: a translation and commentary, Leslie J. Collins
al-Muhạ̄walāt al-hạdīthah li-isḷāh ̣al-nahẉ al-ʻArabī fī Misṛ, ʻAbd al-Wārith Mabrūk Saʻīd
A low-cost rice mapping remote sensing based algorithm, Ashraf Mohamed Abdelaziz Elshorbagy
al-Sultānīyyā, Farida Makar
al-Takāmul al-Masri-al Sudani 1974-1985: a case study in the dynamics of Arab integration, Charles Michael Malak
Alternative causes of civil war onset – repression and signals from external actors: a comparative case study of Bahrain and Syria, Katherine Kassanitz
Alternative healing, Mona Yousef Adly
Aluminum-carbon nanotube nanocomposite for silicon solar cell back metallization, Kareem El-Rafei
A mania for truth: art and reality in Katherine Mansfield's fiction, Nevine Sabry Abdel Nabi
Ambiguity in literature: recovering the life of reading, Eden Unger Bowditch
A medley of mummies from Deir el-Bahari, Salima Ikram
American aid and its effect on Egyptian agriculture (1975-1985), Menha Mahrous Bakhoum
American crisis decision-making: the fall of the Shah and the hostage crisis, Nihad Gohar
American foreign policy in the Middle East under George W. Bush 2001-2004: Reasons for Change, Marwa Ghoniem
American legal realism: towards a new approach to the privatization of Omar Effendi in Egypt, Peter Maurice Mikhael
A method of correction for the effect of optical traps in equilibrium microrheology experiments, ElHassan ElSabry
Amethyst, apotropaia, and the Eye of Re, Laurel Hackley
Amethyst, apotropaia, and the Eye of Re, Laurel Hackley
A mnemonic topology of the eighteen days in Egypt (25th January-11th February 2011), Sara Verderi
Amnesty, conflict and international law, Moses Chrispus Okello
A model for examining the relation between news media literacy skills, heuristic-systematic news processing and political knowledge levels, Doaa Mohamed Fathallah Rady
A model for the assessment and analysis of the carbon footprint of residential buildings in Egypt, Jilan Mohamed Saada
A Model of Cumulative Racial–Ethnic Trauma among Americans of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Descent, Mona Magid Amer
A Morettian literary atlas of Naguib Mahfouz's Cairo in three early realist novels: Cairo modern, Khan al-Khalili, and Midaq alley, Paul A. Sundberg
Amplitude modulation in infrared metamaterial absorbers based on electro-optically tunable conducting oxides, Mohamed Swillam
A multi-criteria workforce planning system for contracting companies, Yasmine Mamdouh Mohamed Abou Samra
Amygdalin: Therapeutic Effects and Toxicity, Iyanu Oduwole and Anwar Abd Elnaser
An adaptive hybrid genetic-annealing approach for solving the map problem on belief networks, Manar Hosny
Anaerobic digestion of organic waste: A kitchen waste case study, Charles Sendaaza
An aerobic eukaryotic parasite with functional mitochondria that likely lacks a mitochondrial genome, Ahmed Moustafa
An alchemical interpretation of the House of Alma episode in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie queene, Ivan-Constantin Hekimian
An Algorithm for Computing Average Mutual Information Using Probability Distribution Smoothing, Amr Mohamed Goneid
Analysis of concurrent delays in the construction industry, Yasmin El Hakim
Analysis of folded core sandwich structures, Waleed Ahmed Ibrahim Mahmoud
Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Jordanian Third Preparatory Pupils in English Composition, Saad Kuleib Al-Musa
Analysis of Multi-Layered Commingled and Compartmentalized Gas Reservoirs, Ahmed Hamdi El-Banbi
Analysis of public policy-making for civil service reform in Egypt: law 18/2015, Sarah Nasr Eldeen Ibrahim El Sayed
Analysis of single-cell RNA-Seq reveals dynamic changes during macrophage state transition in atherosclerosis mouse model, Ahmed Safwat Abouhashem
Analysis of the cup drawing process and optimization of the blank holder force, Hossam Gharib
Analysis of the D1S80 VNTR locus polymorphism in the Nubian population, Soha Rabie Ahmed
Analysis of the evolution of literature in the field of psychology using index term networks, Youssef Assabghy
Analysis of the flow through a Francis' turbine runner using computational fluid dynamics, William Anthony
Analysis of the Russian foreign policy in new Eastern Europe, the Baltics, and Eastern Europe, Ghada Moustafa Kaptan
Analysis of the static and dynamic stability of elastic structures using the finite element method, Mohamed Hassan Gadallah
Analysis of the vibrational modes of the triborate anion, Panayiotis Th. D. Sphicas
Analysis to: party-platforms' answers to the Coptic question within the post-revolution transition for a better future, Mariam Makram Labib
Analytical appraisal of the Egyptian privatization experience, Hanaa Mossad El Habrouk
Analytical techniques of planning in Egypt, Salwa Farid Abou-Hadid
Analyzing and evaluating effects of reform policy, Ghena Abou Taleb
Analyzing growth of Egyptian industry with endogenous technological change, Nihal Magdy El Megharbel
Analyzing stance in online threat discourse by anti-immigration attackers: an integrated approach, Marwa Mustafa
An Analysis and evaluation of an integrative grammar test, Mona Zaklama
An analysis of dictation errors, Kamila Moustapha Helmy
An analysis of the pragmatic functions of idiomatic expressions in the Egyptian novel ‘Taxi’, Hala Mohamed Elshamy
An analysis of the strategic, operational, and organizational differences between the Islamic State and al-Qa'ida, Jacob Greene
An analytical study of Muhammad ʻAbid Al-Jabiri's Arab-Islamic thought, Nevine Mounir Tewfik Loutfi
An anthology of some of the stories of Bahā' Tạ̄hir in translation with a critical introduction, Anne Nicola Parsons
An application of asset based community development approach: a case study from rural community in Egypt, Alyaa Farouk Hessin
An application of copulas in modeling interest rate and equity returns in the Egyptian market, Ibrahim Mohamed Abuallail
An application of surplus labour theory to the growth of the industrial sector of the U.A.R., Josephine Wahba
An application of the capital asset pricing model to the Egyptian stock market, Islam Abdel Azim Azzam
An application of the finite element method in forging, Hazim Atef El Mounayri
An applied CGE model for Egypt, Fady Michel Kiama
An appraisal of Arnold Wesker's trilogy and the kitchen, Wafaa Fayez Iskander
An appraisal of the role of foreign financial institutions in LDCs, Al-Mansour Al-Tarzi
An approach to second language learning through community language learning, Mona Grant Nashed
An approach to second language learning through songs and jazz chants, Samira Mohamed Hegazi
An assessment of teachers' perceptions of bullying in an Egyptian school, Nada Shalabi Farahat
An assessment of the bargaining relationship between foreign investors and the Egyptian government, John Ragheb
An assessment of the education sector in the five- year plan for economic and social development [manuscript] : 1982/83-1986/87, Adel S F Ishac
An assessment of the Egyptian government alternative healthcare coverage system: treatment at the expense of state, Rasha Sadek Radwan
An assessment of the Egyptian government's use of public service announcements for development communication, Ghada El Marsafawy
An assessment of the possible use of air cushion systems to assist the development of Egyptian deserts, Baha Elsayed Attia Abulnaga
An assessment of the progressive Islamic movement in Iran, 1965-1981, Walid Mahmoud Abdelnasser
An assessment of the use of gender mainstreaming to promote equality in pre and post 2011 revolutionary Egypt, Farah Shash
An attitude makeover towards unconventional dance in Egypt, Sarah Guirguis
An auditing capability on top of the JAVA virtual machine (JVM), Margo Fouad Fawzi Hanna
An economic evaluation of manufacturing in the U. A. E. with special reference to the cement industry, Shaykhah Saif Al-Shamsi
An edition and review of Al-Rajabī's Fī sha'n tārīkh al-wazīr Muhạmmad ʻAlī, Husam Na'em Shakhshir
An education, Nour Ibrahim
An Efficient Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, Tamer Abdelmaguid
An efficient technique for evaluating the modal parameters of damped dynamic systems, Hany Jim Gross
An EFL needs analysis of a university library staff: A case study, Sahar Mahmoud Sobeih
An Egypt-based model for the use of the internet in national development, Naila Nabil Hamdy
An electrocardiogram readout circuit based on CMOS operational floating current conveyor, Nermine Maher Edward
An electro-kinetic platform based on printed circuit Board technology for identification and characterization of biological cells, Reda Abdelbaset and Yehea Ismail
An electron paramagnetic resonance study of the interaction of cupriethylenediamine dihydroxide and cuprammonium hydroxide with cellulose and related carbohydrates, Saba Mitri Saba Mattar
An Emerging Triangle: Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights: the case of New Zealand,Tuvalu and Kiribati, Sarah Stefanos
An empirical investigation of middle management training programs of the petroleum sector in Egypt, Ahmed Ibrahim Hamed
An engineered nanocomposite for sensitive and selective detection of mercury in environmental water samples, Ibrahim Abdullah, Nashaat Ahmed, and Nageh Khalaf Allam
An equation of state for solids based on a new exponential integral potential function, Magdi Amin Awad
An e-readiness assessment tool for local authorities: a pilot application to Iraq, Mohammed Raji Musa
An error analysis of possession expressions in the written performance of Egyptian students learning English and Russian as foreign languages, Somaia M Afifi
An error analysis of the present perfect with reference to errors made by Egyptian learners of English, Nagla Aboul Fetouh
An error analysis study of some problematic aspects of modern standard Arabic adverbials facing the students of CASA and ALU at AUC, Alaa El Din El Gibali
An ethnographic study of the re-conceptualization of opinion leadership via Twitter amongst Egyptian revolutionaries in the post-Jan25 revolution era, Hend AbdAlrahman AbdAlmotagally
An evaluation of income-generation activities for refugees in Cairo by the UNHCR through CARITAS, David Zoyarkenia Tongor
An evaluation of the agricultural production and credit project in Egypt, Hussein Jemma
An evaluation of the development and delivery of the Leadership in Mental Health MENA region course, Kathleen Rose Hannah Ellis and Carie Lu Forden
An evaluation of the spiral of silence among an elite stratum of Egyptian society, Effat Adel Mohamed Kamel
An evaluation of two community based initiatives, Salma Abdel Rahman Sabri
An evaluation report on wastewater program in rural Egypt, Benaiah Ny Aing Duku
A new hierarchical negotiation scheme on top of interrap-like multi-agent architecture, Nehal Abd ElAziz Hammouda
A new industrial revolution: a case study of wireless mobility and labor input in Egypt, Fadi Zaki El-Jundi
A new linear-programming based admissible heuristic for cost-based abducaton, Muhamed Salah-Al-Din Hefny
A new message-based protocol for building a platform and language independent distributed object model, Hazem S. El Ashmawi
A new method of teaching simultaneous interpretation, Magda Anwar El-Mofty
A new trend in family planning adoption: the case of Kasr El Aini family planning clients, Baheya Ahmed El Tayeb
An exact algorithm for solving the set partitioning problem, Ahmed Mohamed Badr
An examination of the Gacaca tribunals in Rwanda as a practical means of delivering mass justice, Myra Oscar Sabongi
An existentialist interpretation of paradise lost, Nadia Tewfik El Sioufi
An experimental study of single mode fiber-optic sensors, Joumana Mohamed Taysir El-Rifai
An experiment in communication and leadership during an employee appraisal interview, Janet M Van Vleck
An experiment in the use of Cloze tests to measure the English language proficiency of non-native speakers, Phyllis Ann Abd-El Al
An expert system approach for process planning of rotational components, Sherif Salah Raslan
An expert system for design, materials selection and manufacture of FRP liquid containers, Khalid Mahmoud Abdel Ghany
An expert system for experimental designs selection, Safa Fouad Khater
An expert system for failure analysis of rotating steel shaft, Dalal Eissa Ahmed
An expert system for service industries towards high performance, Sherif Samir Abou Seif
An expert system for underground under gravity sewer piping material selection, Nader Wahib Morcos
An expert system for underground water piping material selection, Amal Esawi
An exploration of structural, cultural and institutional factors behind the Japanese recession, 1990-2000, Yasmin Ahmed Mowafy
An exploratory analysis of the use of multi-word units in national secondary school EFL textbooks in Egypt, Ahmed Abd-Allah Sallam
An Exploratory Study of Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability in the Management Education of Top Universities in the Arab Region, Mohamed Abdel Kader Basuony
An exploratory study of media literacy issues among primary school students in Egypt, Lamya Mohamed Wagdy Tawfik
An exploratory study of teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding the class opening by teachers of Arabic to speakers of other languages (TASOL), Ghada Abdalla Ibrahim Abdelrehim
An exploratory study on the coordination needed to administer the policy of the right man in the right place in the Egyptian government sector, Mohamed Sayed Hamzawi
An extended configurable UML activity diagram and a transformation algorithm for business process reference modeling, Yosra Osama Badr
Angry half-rebels, Areeg Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim
An historical study of Hajj administration in Northern Nigeria, 1954-1966, Yakubu Ahmed Danfuloti
An illustration of the transitional period in Egypt during 1919-1924: Political Cartoons in Egypt's Revolutionary History, Tonia Rifaey
An information system to guide new small businesses in Egypt, Hisham Nabil Roshdy
An inquiry into the language of Wallace Stevens' "Harmonium", Engy Mohamad Arafa
An integrated credit information system in Egypt, Mohamed Nasser Almahallawi
An Integrated Energy Economic Interaction Model with Application to Egypt, Yassin Yehia Rady
An integrated framework approach for PPP projects in Egypt, Nada Sherin Mohy El Din
An interpretative analysis of the applicability of management information systems concepts to the design of a university information system, Sherif Hosni Mohamed Hosni Mostafa
An introductory analysis of Sitt 'Ajam's commentary on Ibn 'Arabi's Mashāhid al-Asrār al-Qudusiyya wa Matāli' al-Anwār al-Ilāhiyya with a translation of the chapters on divinity (al-Ulūhiyya) and Uniqueness (al-Ahadiyya), Fatima al-Zahra' Ahmad Langhi
An investigation into the long-term impact of the professional development component of USAID/Egypt Education Reform Program (2004-2009)., Alaa Mohamed Badran
An investigation of open inflation theory, Hussein Mostafa Ghanem
An investigation of semantic lexical errors in the written composition of Egyptian EFL learners, Hanan Ali Fares
An investigation of some factors affecting English language teaching in Egyptian public schools, Nawal Hamza El-Badry
An investigation of teachers' self-reported and actual written feedback practices in Egyptian ESL Classes, Lidya Magdy Ibrahim Farag
An investigation of teachers' written feedback practices at different proficiency levels: An Egyptian perspective, Noura Nabil Soliman
An investigation of the effectiveness of extensive listening and reading practice on students' ability to read English, Nermine Shaaban Fahmy
An investigation of the phenomenon of polygyny in rural Egypt, Laila S Shahd
An investigation of the presence of pesticides in the drinking water of Greater Cairo, Mohsen Majed Alami
Anomaly Detection for Categorical Data: A Review, Ali S. Hadi
An ontological approach for building a pattern language and a pattern language management tool, Reaham Osama Badr
An Ontology Framework for Addressing Cost Overrun through Risk Modeling: A Risk Path Approach, Tamima Sherif Elbashbishy
An optimal control model for performance appraisal, Abdel Hamid Awni El Sawy
An optimal production plan in a Make-to-Stock manufacturing environment using mixed integer programming, Amr Mohamed Nofal
A Note on Self-Accelerating Olver and Olver-Gauss Beams, Amr Mohamed Shaarawi
A novel arch-shaped hybrid composite triboelectric generator using carbon fiber reinforced polymers, Mustafa Hani Arafa
A Novel Assisted History Matching Workflow and Application on a Full Field Reservoir Simulation Model, Ahmed Hamdi ElBanbi
A novel control mechanism for hybrid 5-level DC-DC converter for higher switching frequency and lower voltage ripple, Mohamed Samir Mazloum
A novel thermostable halophilic thioredoxin reductase from Red Sea brine pool, Walid Mohamed Fouad and Elham A. Badiea
A novel truss formwork made from Casuarina wood, Moustafa Hussein
A novel versatile CMOS operational floating current conveyor amplifier, Nermine Maher Edward
Ant Colony Optimization approaches for the Sequential Ordering Problem, Ahmed Mohamed Alaa El-din Ezzar
Antecedents of Global Brand Purchase Likelihood: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Quality, Prestige and Familiarity, Rania Mohamed Samir Hussein
Antibiotic resistance in Red Sea brine pools, Ali Hassan Ali Elbehery
Antidumping practices under the WTO, Doaa Mohie Mahmoud
Antimicrobial activity of grape seed and skin extracts coated on Corona treated LDPE and PET films, Nahla Mohamed Khalil
Anti-schistosoma single-domain antibody-nanoparticles conjugate: a novel tool for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, Mohamed Abdelazim Sallam
Anti-spoofing using challenge-response user interaction, Alia Mahmoud Khaled Saad
Antiulcer activity of Cyperus alternifolius in relation to its UPLC-MS metabolite fingerprint: A mechanistic study, Mohamed Ali Farag
AN Unsilenced Text: The Literature of the Female Voice in Hanan Al-Shaykh's Women of Sand and Myrrh and Leila Abouzeid's Year of the Elephant, Mariam Mounir El Batran
Anxious dwellers: housing, labor and the potentiality of tanks in Nahda, Marwa Sabah
Anytime algorithms for maximal constraint satisfaction problems, Noha Kaptan
A patient-specific adaptation of the Living Human Heart Model in application to pulmonary hypertension, Yousof Abdel-Raouf
A philosophy of rebellion: Anarchism in literature and film, Menna ElDawi Zein
A pill, a cup of tea, and a cigarette: Male body in Egypt at the age of viagra, Youssef Ramez Boktor
A political study of the Nationalist Progressive Unionist Party, Khalda Sami Ahmed Zaki
Apologies, directness, politeness and language proficiency, Mona Moustafa Osman
Apology in American English and Egyptian Arabic, Nabila Fouad Andrawis
Applicability of the river conservative model for heavy metals calculations in Egypt, Amr Mohammad Osama Abdel Aziz
Application of laminated ferrocement in repairing R.C. slabs and beams, Yasser Sayed Korany
Application of optical and ESR measurements to the solar disinfection of drinking water, Mary-Catherine Spyridion Cotis
Application of standardized project management practices in Egyptian non-profit organizations: Two case studies, Mostafa Adel
Application of the Egyptian labor law in the private sector, Mary Gamil Artinian
Applications of data mining for educational decision support, Mohamed Nabil Essam El-Din Ahmed El-Refai Khamis
Application-specific extensible operating system's support for MPEG video-encoding, Kamal Wagdy Botros Sami
Applying genetic algorithms to the deterministic time-varying fixed quantity lot sizing problem, Ekundayo Abdulrazaq Shittu
Applying neural networks in case-based reasoning adaptation for cost assessment of steel buildings, Essam Amin MLotfy AbdRabou
Applying neural networks in case-based reasoning adaptation for cost assessment of steel buldings, Essam Amin MLotfy AbdRabou
Applying particle swarm optimization to dynamic lot sizing with batch ordering, Ahmad Hassan Sayed Aly
Applying Sharīʿa in post-revolutionary Egypt: theory and practice revisited, Mohammed Sameh Mohammed Mostafa
A Practical Road Map for Assessing Cyber Risk, Zeinab Hafez Amin
A Prediction Interval Approach to Developing Life Test Acceptance Criteria for Progressively Censored Data, Zeinab Hafez Amin
A preliminary study of attitudes and motivation among AUC students, Roger Wesley Ponder
A Prince and a Fractured Kingdom: The Case of the Sudan’s Power Relations, Jihad Salih Mashamoun
A priori skepticism, conventionalism and contextualism, Sherif Mohamed Gamal Salem
A programmable receiver front-end for multi-band/multi-standard applications, Hoda Ahmed Abdelsalam
A proposed assessment scheme for smart sustainable urban development, Ilham Abdelfattah Elfiky
A proposed inconsistency management model for an integrated multiple view OO-software development environment, Mahmoud Gouda Mohamed
A proposed segmented precast concrete spherical cap: geometry, structural stability and construction, Maha Kenawy
A psychological and methodological approach to second language learning through drama, Hoda Grant Nashed
A public law approach to investment treaty arbitration: Redressing the balance between investment protection and state regulation, Mohamed Adel Shoaib
A quantitative study of private consumption expenditure in Egypt during the period 1960/61-1980/81, Ahmed Mohamed Atif Abdel-Ghaffar
Aquaponics as a sustainable alternative to new land reclamation and conventional agriculture in Egypt, Hisham Ahmed Samy El Essawy
Aquaponics: a sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture in Egypt – a pilot scale investigation, Hisham El-Essawy, Peter Nasr, and Hani Sewilam
Arab Economic Integration, Marwa El-Sayed El-Sayed Aly
Arabic consonant cluster acquisition, Iman Saad El Din Fahmy Nahla
Arabic poetic drama, Abdallah Muhammad El-Kholy
Arabic rhetoric discourse: an analysis of opinion newspaper articles, Fatma Gad
Arabic sentence-level sentiment analysis, Amira Magdy Shoukry
Arabic-Yoruba morpho-syntax, Tajudeen Yusuf
Arabism and the Syrian Intelligentsia in Cairo: 1900-1918, Justin Hoyle
Arab-Israeli conflict and American public opinion, Rania Salim Awar
Arabization and derivation in quadrilateral verbal nouns: a study on three newspapers, Said AlGorn
Arabization of the internet assessment and impact, Mariam G Nagib
Arab states' interests, B Ann Mclennan-Smith
ARAGI:An Ethnography of Sudanese Displacement, Bjorn Curley
Architectural patronage in the reign of Sultan Jaqmaq in Cairo, Shams El-Din Tantawy
A reading of the influence of stoic and Nietzschean thought on Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Jude the obscure, The dynasts, Aziza Saleh Ahmed Hafez
A reading of Virginia Woolf's Orlando in the light of Roland Barthes' S/Z, Nagui Abdel Moneim
A Reassessment of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Extending the Limits of Regional Conceptualisation and Approach, Robert David Mason
A reconstruction of the lost Kitāb Al-Maghāzī of Mūsā ibn ʻUqba: with translation and critical commentary, Abdu Rahimih Baba Braimah
Are Egyptian Women Empowered?, Laila Mostafa El Baradei
Are female-headed households credit constrained? Evidence from Children and Young Adult School Drop outs in Tanzania, Salma Dafalla El Hag Yousif
A religious space as a place for migrants in Cairo, Alexsa MacDowall
A review and comparison of ontology-based approaches to robot autonomy, Maki Khalil Habib
A review of decentralization and local development initiatives in Egypt between the years of 1994 and 2011, Soraya M. El Hag
A review of Palestinian foreign merchandise trade before and after the Paris Protocole, Iman Seoudi
A Review of the Potential Replacements of HCFC/HFCs Using Environment-Friendly Refrigerants, Mohamed S. El-Morsi
Are we intensifying the stigma? A content analysis of movies portraying mental and psychological illnesses in the Egyptian cinema, Caroline Mitry
A risk mitigation framework for construction / asset management of real estate and infrastructure projects, Ahmed Fayad
Armed conflict in light of colonialism's legacy: reweaving the social fabric of Uganda, Rebekah Ernst
A road map to new regionalism, Reham Zaki Amin
Aroma encapsulation for eco-friendly textile application, Asma Sharkawy
Around the Globe A Glimpse of Microwave Education and Research Activities in Egypt, Ahmed Mahmoud
Articles in the English language, Fawzia Danial Boutros
Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early Modern Capitalism (1600-1800), Nelly Boulos Hanna
Art of the Astrolabe, Heather Suzanne Campbell
A rule on paper, Yasmeen Mamdouh
A section from the ʻUyūn al-akhbār wa funūn al-āthār (volume VII) of Dāʻī Idrīs ʻImād al-Din̄ (d. 872/1468) ; and, The succession controversy following the death of the Fatimid caliph al-Mustansịr, Bazat Saifiyah Qutbuddin
A simulation model analysis of an MRP system under nervousness in assembly shops, Bahig Ali Ali
A simulation model for scheduling and analysis of a job shop manufacturing system using automated guided robots, Sherif Abdel Monem Barakat
A small scale energy harvester from wind induced vibrations, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Abdel-Fattah
A social and semantic history of the concept of minority with particular reference to the coptic question, Mariam Aziz Kirollos
A socio-ecological assessment of unemployment interventions in Cairo, Egypt, Hana Emad ElDin Fahmy
A sociolinguistic study of English and Egyptian proverbs, Nagia Mohamed Nihad El Ashry
Aspectization of web applications quality of service measures, Lamya Atef Othman Tantawy
A spectroscopic study of the interaction between some divalent metal ions and hexacyanocobaltate (III), Yasser Ismail Ahmed
Aspects of cultural continuities in Upper Egypt, Mona Sabry Hanna Sabry
Aspects of nonverbal behaviour of Egyptians in Cairo, Djenan Kamil Sirry
Assesing interactivity in the websites of human rights organizations' websites in Egypt, Andalib Mohamed Fahmy
Assessing bacterial pollution of reclaimed wastewater for irrigation reuse, Sherif Youssef Hegazy
Assessing community based education in Upper Egypt failure and success, Amira Hussein
Assessing Deep-Water Culture and Sand-Bed Aquaponics Systems for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Yield and Water Consumption, Lobna Salem
Assessing parental mediation methods of children's television viewing in Egypt, Heba Hafez Aziz El Sayed
Assessing parenting: Adaptation of the HOME inventory for use in Egypt, Khadiga Abdellatif Alsharif
Assessing Readiness for e-Health in Egypt : A Case study of Cairo University Hospitals, Jessica Stadelmann
Assessing the Impact of Knowledge Management on Total Factor Productivity, Mina Sami and Randa El Bedawy
Assessing the impacts of “Feed-in tariffs Vs. Net metering” in deploying solar market in Egypt, Mostafa Elsayed
Assessing the international criminal court with the organizational effectiveness approaches, Heba Yehia Abdel Megeed
Assessing the resilience of adolescents who were raised in orphanages in Cairo, Egypt, Noha Emam Hassanin
Assessing The Socio-Economic Characteristics of Higher Education Subsidies’ Beneficiaries in Egypt. Problem of Subsidizing the Rich, Sarah El-Gerby
Assessment of bridges' expansion joints in Egypt, Abdelhay Mohamed Badawy
Assessment of chloride ingress into concrete, Mohamed Tamer Farouk Bassuoni
Assessment of flat plate collectors for solar powered Rankine cycle, Inas Mokbel Ghanem
Assessment of forage quality Among the sudangrasses, sweet and grain sorghum inbred lines at different cutting time points, Muziri Mugwanya
Assessment of market risk in banking as one of the risk pillars in enterprise risk management, Nancy Ashraf Rabie
Assessment of market risk in banking as one of the risk pillars in enterprise risk management, Nancy Ashraf Rabie
Assessment of needs and barriers to sex and gender education among social workers in Egypt, Germeen Riad
Assessment of non-mechanical thermo-syphon solar pump, Tarek Hassan Selim
Assessment of performance of bio self-healing mortar using diatomaceous earth and silica fume, Ahmed AlBughdadi
Assessment of school supervision system in Egypt, Areeg Refaat Hegazi
Assessment of skylight design configurations on daylighting performance in shopping malls: A case study, Basil Ahmed Kamel
Assessment of the accuracy of metal cutting in a microcomputer controlled machine, Aly Mohamed Saad Ed-Din Dars
Assessment of the dispute settlement mechanism in the context of the WTO, Shaymaa Mahmoud Bayoumi
Assessment of the readiness of Egyptian companies to implement business process reengineering programs, Hany Waguih Shoukry
Associating nodes with routers in K-Ary M-Way interconnection networks, Aya Hassan Saad
Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the CFH, ARMS2 and HTRA1 genes with risk of developing age related macular degeneration in Egyptian patients, Radwa Ossama Abbas
A statistical analysis of the style of four arab writers: El Rafʻi, Ahmed Amin, Taha Husain and Salama Mousa, Mahmoud Sami Ibrahim Mousa
A step towards a well engineered component based extensible operating system, Mohamed Fathey Abdel Fattah
A story of an Egyptian homosexual, Mostafa Medhat
A strategy to improve Egyptian elementary stage ESOL student’s speaking skills using role-play., Hania Mahmoud Ezz
A students information system for the Management Department, Amr Mohamed Hafez
A study and a translation of nine stories by Majid Tubia with special reference to the element of the fantastic, Nadia Gohar
A study in gender Schema Theory, Jenny Hopkins
A study in intertextuality and religious identity in selected novels of Egyptian literature, Grace R. McMillan Stoute
A study of aluminium-lead borate glass composite materials, Aziza Nour El-Din Ragai
A study of an Indian muraqqaʻ from Dar al-Kutub, Shereen Mohamad Rashad El-Mitainy
A study of avalanche transit-time devices, Salah Mohamed Hamza
A study of chromium-doped high lead containing silicate glasses for possible laser action, Mervet Maurice Saleh
A study of code-switching among educated Lebanese as reflected in television talk shows, Mona El Sayed El Samaty
A study of common writing mistakes by advanced learners of Arabic, leading to a remedial course in Arabic composition, Galila Gabriel Salib
A study of compliment responses among male and female Egyptian undergraduate students, Mariam Mostafa
A study of conflict and resolution in Aeschylus' and Shelley's treatments of the Prometheus myth, Rafida A Shukairy
A study of Koran-readers in medieval Islam with special reference to the activities of Al-Shātibī (538/1143-590-1194), Masaru Horiuchi
A study of migrant domestic workers in New York city and their fight for equality, Heba Abdella
A study of obligations on death occasions among a Nubian group from Besharan Adendan living in Cairo, Najwa Ahmad Shukairy
A study of official media outlets of Muslim Brotherhood group and Freedom and Justice Party in Egypt, Shaimaa Mostafa Ibrahim
A study of parameters affecting displacement ventilation, Alia Sameh Abdel Rahman
A study of relative clauses in English and colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Ahmed Abdel Azim Gad Gomaa
A study of religious themes in Graham Greene's Brighton Rock, The Power and the Glory, The Heart of the Matter, Riham Atef Morshed
A study of some properties of As2S3 glass and the test of a new theory of glass formation, Edward Nashed Bolous
A study of the acquisition of the broken plurals in colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Marie Therese Shoukry Barsoum
A study of the association of compensations on employees satisfaction in the public sector in Egypt, Mai El Tahawy
A study of the attitudes of Kasr-El-Aini attendants towards sterilization as a means of birth control, Dalia Shahed
A study of the concept of the tragic heroine, Omaya Ibrahim Khalifa
A Study of the Devitrification Characteristics of the Egyptian Window Glass, Zeinab Hani Hashem
A study of the differences between first and subsequent drafts of free compositions of students at the English Section Faculty of Education Ain Shams University, Faiza Mohamed Hassan
A study of the effective rates (ERPs) and domestic resource cost (DRC) for a number of selected Egyptian industries, Nabila Sami Al Iskandarani
A Study of the history and the current impact of specialized sports satellite channels in the Middle East, Shahira Amr Monieb
A study of the impact of the government's policies and regulations on micro and small enterprises in Egypt, Zeinab Awad
A study of the ionic diffusion under the effect of electric field (computer simulation with reference to biological membrane), Hagar Mohamed Fawzy
A study of the oxidation kinetics and induced plastic deformation of tantalum, Laila Abdel Hadi Makhlouf
A study of the relationship between working conditions and job satisfaction of nurses in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdalla M Assad Yehia
A study of the stability of alternate deletion patterns in Cloze tests, Amal Abdul Ghany Mahmoud
A study of the structure and some physical properties of antimony glasses, Pakinam Mahmoud Askalani
A study of the training of senior administrators in the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, Mohamed Abdel Moneim Serour
A study of thiourea-thiocyanato binuclear complexes of some transition metals, G N Christodoulou
A study of Virginia Woolf's "Between the acts", Rhoda Gordon Amine
A study on Ibn Al-Dumaynah's poetry, Sabry Botros Abd El-Masseh
A study on the acquisition of English complements by Egyptian students learning English as a second language, Mary Yacoub Guirguis El Dafashy
A study on the behaviour of sandwich beams under three point bending, Sherif Sami
A study on the functions of minimalism in three contemporary dramatic texts, Nevine Shoukry
A study on the physicochemical properties and cytotoxic activity of p-sulfocalix[4]arene-nedaplatin complex, Sherif Ashraf Fahmy and Tamer Shoeib
A suggested mortgage system model for Egypt, Mohamed Mohamed Galal El-Barkouky
A survey analysis of AUC English language target behaviors, Jefferson Peck van der Wolk
A survey of undergraduate student attitudes towards a curriculum for preparing English language teachers, Hamid Mohammed Hawas
A sustainable complex fenestration system using recycled plastics, Islam Ayman Mashaly
Asymmetric supercapacitors based on 3D graphene-wrapped V2O5 nanospheres and Fe3O4@ 3D graphene electrodes with high power and energy densities, Hossam Ghaly and Nageh Khalaf Allam
A systematic study of As-S-C1 glasses, Raouf Omar Loutfi
A Tale of Two Somali Community-Based Organizations in Cairo: Between Assistance, Agency &Community Formations, Hannah Huser
A Techno-Economic study for heating poultry houses using renewable energy, Heidi ElZanaty
A thematic analysis of the journal, articles, interviews and speeches of Mohammed Husayn Haykal, Malak Badrawi
A Three core type heterogeneous chip multiprocessor: towards an optimized CMP architecture, Ali Yehia Ali
A three dimensional finite element thermo-mechanical analysis of intermittent cutting, Mariam El Gallab
A translation and critical assessment of the reign of ʻUthman B. ʻAffān based on al-Balādhuri's Ansār al-ashrāf, Waguida El Bakary
A translation of Al-Ghazālī's Kitāb adāb Al-Nikāh,̣ the Book of the etiquette of marriage, Mustapha Adekunle Babadare Adeyanju
A translation of ʻAlī ʻAbd al-Rāziq's al-Islām wa usūl al-hụkm: with a brief introductory study, Jim L King
A translation of ibn Hazm's Mulakhkhas ibtāl Al-Qiyās wa Al-Ra'y wa Al-Istihsān wa Al-taqlīd wa Al-Taʻlīl, Abdul Quadir Zubair
A translation of the novel Al-Harām by Yūsuf Idrs̄ with a critical introduction, Kristin Peterson
A translation of the sections of al-Balādhurī's Ansāb al-Ashrāf on ʻAbd al-Malik, al-Walīd, Sulaymān, Yazīd and Hishām followed by brief critical studies, Richard T Mortel
A translation of the unique Leiden autograph of Al-Jabartī, with an introduction and a critical appraisal of the manuscript, Hoda A Lotfy
A treatise on the outwardly nature of consciousness, Ramy Amin
At the Corner of a Dream: A Journey of Revolution and Resistance: The Street Art of Bahia Shehab, Bahia Mohamed Deeb Shehab
Attitudes and motivation in foreign language learning, Omneya Karima Fayek Kassabgy
Attitudes of foreigners towards five star hotels in Cairo, Amani Essawi
Attitudes toward seeking couples counseling among Egyptian couples: towards a deeper understanding of common marital conflicts and marital satisfaction, Eman Onsy Attia
Attitudes towards learning and teaching English for special purposes in university faculties and higher institutes, Samy Ali Hassan El-Faras
Attitudinal and language proficiency screening an alternative selection procedure for university admission, Nabila Louis Nakhla
Attitudinal and social structural aspects of the brain drain, Sanīyah ʻAbd al-Wahhāb Ṣāliḥ
Attitudinal conflicts regarding role expectations and role performances among middle-class muslim couples in Damietta, Nadya Ahmed Hassan El Mawaziny
AUC Professor’s Experience with the Shift to Online, Mai Attia
AUC rare books and special collections library audio feature, Mai Abdel Moaty
AUC student publications .... the way they see it, Lamees Hazem Risha
Audio documentary: Life as a plant eater in Egypt, Farida Ismail
Audio documentary materials, Farah Abass
Audio documentary: What's the magic word?, Yasmine Bassily and Ramy Emad
Audit Firms and Industry Specialization in an Emerging Economy: Are we witnessing changing environments or a dominant market?, Mohamed Abdel Aziz Hegazy
Audit Firm Tenure and Earnings Management: The Impact of Changing Accounting Standards in UK Firms, Mohamed Abdel Kader Basuony
A UML extension for modeling aspect-oriented OO systems, Aida Atef Zakaria
A unified framework for metering cloud environments, Karim Sobh
Authentic Dasein and the anxious uncanny, Hend Diaa Diaa Seifeldin Khalifa
Authenticity and Expectation: Tourism in Siwa Oasis, Lisa Anne Raiti
Autobiographical Fantasia: Kingston's The Woman Warrior and El Telmissany's Dunyazad, Marwa Mohammad Nur Eldin Ismail Elnaggar
Autobiography and the language of memory, Maha Gamil Khairy
Automated early plant disease detection and grading system: Development and implementation, Hashem Rizk
Automated selection of legacy systems SOA modernization strategies using decision theory, Rafik Amir Salama
A view from within: student perspectives on medical education and medical practice in Egypt, Fawzia Tadros
A Vision of metaphor between mind and world : Ricoeur, Stevens, and La métaphore vive, Jacinthe A. Assaad
A visitor-centric Approach to Socially Sustainable Museums: The Egyptian Geological Museum, Eman El-Adawy
Awareness: the threat to naturalism in Stephen Crane's fiction, Sana Said El Ezaby
A Water and Wastewater Sector Performance Assessment: A Comparative Study, Reham Khalifa
"A well-oiled machine" The limits of rentierism: The case of Saudi Arabia, Yasser Aboraya
A wilderness of mirrors': internal and intercultural conflicts in Taha Husayn's Adib and Waguih Ghali's Beer in the Snooker Club, Rana Assem Mohamed Kamel El-Harouny
Az OOO-val szembeni négy leggyakoribb ellenvetés, Graham Harman
Backchannels, Mervat Kazroun
Backtracking in wormhole-switched interconnection networks, Soha Saad Zaghloul Abdallah
Ba’da and qabla in online news: A corpus-based study, Ayman Eddakrouri
Bahraini women in transition, Nadia Abdel Naby
Bahri Mamluk wooden ceilings, Jasmin Wardani
Balancing refoulement to torture against security interests - the pitfalls of the Suresh exception, Amira Hetaba
Banking fragility: causes and indicators with application to the Egyptian banking sector during the period 1980-1997, Nermine Ibrahim Al Saadany
Banking stability and optimal deposit insurance design, Yasmine Hamdi Moukhtar
Barbarous Magnificence: The Decline and Continuity of Akan Traditional Religious Practices, Kwasi Bempong
Barriers to entry: Challenges facing youth entrepreneurs as they establish their small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt, Roqaya Zamzam
Basel capital adequacy accord 1988 and the new proposed accord with application to Egyptian commercial public sector banks : the period from 1985-2001, Amr Mohamed El Tiby
Basic colour terminology in Arabic, Jehan Abdel-Khalek Allam
Basic needs, inflation, and the poor of Egypt, 1970-1980, Myrette Ahmed El-Sokkari
Battle scars set in ink, Mariam Ismail
Beacon of an illusion : a critique of the mainstream narrative of self-determination, Mai Amr Taha
Beam-energy dependence of identified two-particle angular correlations in Au+ Au collisions at RHIC, Ahmad Hamed
Because we cannot walk on water, Meriam Rizkallah
Beckett's bleak universe and its objective correlatives, Mohamed El-Said Ahmed
Beckett's Wager: A Pascalian Reading of Waiting for Godot, Zainab Juzer Najmuddin
Becoming and being: Atheism as a social experience in Egypt, Wael Ossama Al-Soukkary
Becoming women: Gender and religion/culture in novels by Nawal El Saadawi and Gabriel García Márquez, Sherin Hany Abd Rabouh
Behavior of concrete masonry prisms under axial compression, Tarek Ghoneim Mohamed Ghoneim
Behavior of filament winding fiber reinforced polymer structural members, Mohamed Soliman Samy Aguib
Behind the fashion scene in Egypt, Nada El-Tobgy
Being a woman in Egypt: Hopes, dreams, and restrictions., Noura Shibl
Beliefs of Egyptian teachers and learners about learning English as a foreign language, Ihab Moussa Abdalla Taha
Benchmarking project performance: a guideline for assessing vulnerability of mechanical and electrical projects to productivity loss, Wafik Boulos Lotfallah
Between accumulation and (in)security: The real estate industry and the housing crisis in Egypt, Norhan Sherif Mokhtar
Between Egyptian nationalism and religion: Imagining the nation from below, Yara Moussa Sultan
Between family and market: the decline of professional employment among Egyptian female university graduates, Magda Aboul Ela
Between synergy and conflict: The processes of individual and organizational resilience in an Afghan women’s community., Amy Michelle Carrillo
Between worlds and thresholds: death, the (un)knowable, and reassembling the social, Aya Walyeldin Shafik Osman Sabry
Beyond Aristotelianism: al-Farabi on revelation, humans and animals in his on the Perfect State, Michael William Stark
Beyond political Islam: exploring discourses and uses of three popular global Islamic social media initiatives, Dina Mohamed Basiony
Beyond (the ABCs): Education, community, and feminism in Afghanistan., Amy Michelle Carrillo
Beyond the rhetoric promises of the Egyptian sexual harassment law: a study of the relationship between law and domination, Nihal Mostafa Abdel Akher
Beyond the straightforward illness narrative, Menna Taher
Beyond triple identity: The Judicial Transformation of the Doctrine of Res Judicata in Egyptian Law, Fatma El Zahraa Ibrahim Khalil
Bifunctional Tailoring of Platinum Surfaces with Earth Abundant Iron Oxide Nanowires for Boosted Formic Acid Electro-Oxidation, Heba Farrag and Nageh Khalaf Allam
Bilateral investment treaty and stock market correlation: Africa & Middle East case, Nada Asaad
BIM-Based model for the automatic generation and optimization of planning and 4-D scheduling for concrete skeleton: A graph theory approach, Yasmeen Essawy
Biographies of Port-Said: Everydayness of state, dwellers, and strangers, Mostafa Mohielden Lotfy
Birth control in context: A case study of urban Egyptian women, Farida Ezzat
B is for burka, C is for counterinsurgency: US troops experiences of and with Afghan society, Sarah Cosette
Bitcoin and Gold Prices: A Fledging Long-Term Relationship, Sarfaraz Ali Shah Syed
Black titania nanotubes/spongy graphene nanocomposites for high-performance supercapacitors, Dalia M M. El-Gendy and Nageh Khalaf Allam
Board Diversity and Earnings News Dissemination on Twitter in the UK, Nermeen Fathy Ahmed Shehata
Board Independence and Internal Control Quality in Egypt: does CEO Duality matter?, Khaled Ibrahim Hamdy Samaha
Board monitoring and firm performance: evidence from the UK, Asmaa Hanafy
Boardroom governing dynamics: A case study of state-owned oil and gas joint ventures in Egypt, Aliaa Ali Gharib
Board Structure and Corporate Disclosure via Social Media: An Empirical Study in the UK, Mohamed Abdel Kader Basuony and Khaled Ibrahim Hamdy Samaha
Bonding effects on x-ray diffraction intensities in amorphous silicon, Essam El Din E Aly
Bone and ivory carving in early Islamic Egypt, Marilyn Ereshefsky
Bones and society: A short introduction, Salima Ikram
Books that Changed Egypt: a Study of the Diffusion of Innovations, Naila Abu Zeid Touny
Borges the Sufi, Dalia Mohamed Eltayeb
Brain-computer interface for physically impaired people, Nourhan Shamel El Sawi
Brain lateralization for reading in Arabic-English bilinguali:, Lucia Carol Coulter
Brand equity in higher education: Comparative analysis, Maha Mourad and Hakim Adel Hakim Meshreki
Brazilian trade policy: a successful model impacting the role of developing countries withing the World Trade Organization, Johanna Santos Navarro
Bread subsidy policies in Egypt: A SWOT analysis of recent systemic reforms, Hossam El Din Fawzy Ahmed
Brexit negotiations and the UK-EU future relationship, Mostafa Magdy Refaei
Bridging the relef-development gap among refugees in Cairo, Hilary Erin Smith Ingraham
Broadband MIR harvester using silicon nanostructures, Sara Magdi, Farah El-Diwany, and Mohamed A. Swillam
Browning on art and artists, Mary Adib Yackoub
Building 6 October City, Dalia Essam Wahdan
Building cultural content schemata: The classroom versus experience, Donna Lynn Albrecht
Building general indicator cost indexes for the construction industry price movement in the Egyptian market, Bahaee Nabil Labib Khalil
Building in Egypt between craft and industry, Ola Salah Said
Building nations, dividing peoples: Israel, Syria and the struggle for the Druze, Daniel W. Stoker
Bulding 6 October City, Dalia Essam Wahdan
Bulk behavior of nanostructured aluminum: Nanocrystalline powders compaction, canning and consolidation via intense plastic straining, Mohamed Mahmoud Hamed Shamma
Business interest groups in Egypt, Salma Mostafa El Bakry
Business process normalization using model transformation, Mohamed Abdel-Razik Mansour
Business-state relations and development, Yasmine Mohamed Ali Negm
By my Honor! Women's Lives in a South Sinai Bedouin Community, Deborah Jane Wickering
Caesio varilineata (Osteichthyes: Caesionidae) a new alien fish in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea, Arthur Remco Bos and Joel Ogwang
Cairene Bahri Mamluk minbars, Gloria Sergine Ohan Karnouk
Cairene women: a bachelorette, not a spinster!, Sandra Abdalla Khalifa
Cairo and its branded view, Pakinam ElGohary
Cairo: Mapping the neoliberal city in literature A study of: The heron, being Abbas el Abd and Utopia, Nesma Gewily
Calcified gelatin nanofibers for guided tissue regeneration using water-based benign solvent: An investigation for periodontal applications, Nihal Abdelnabi Elsayed
Campus-based student volunteering in Egypt: A case study of students in a private university, Basma Serag
Canada and the Gulf war, Aaron David Smith
Canadian refugee resettlement: a case study of the process of policy-making for Iraqi refugees, Mia Gauthier
Can green banking help promote and enforce sustainable development? The case study of Egypt, Nuran Ashraf Atef
Cannibalism: The Tempest and Robinson Crusoe, Yara Amr El Masry
Can reforming the pre-university public educational sector in Egypt through privatization influence its quality?, Khaled Elzoughbi
Can social media networks like Facebook and Twitter influence the agenda-setting of traditional media? Two case studies from Egypt., Salma Ibrahim Oda
Cantus Lamentus: Navigating HIV positive mothers subjectivities in Egypt post 2011, Wesam Adel Hassan
Can women have it all?, Farah Adel Dayem
Can youth activation policies be central to social policies in MENA countries?, Ghada F. Barsoum
Capital formation, capital rate of return and economic inequality in Middle East and North Africa, Marmar Farid
Capital market and investment finance in Egypt, Magda Fawzi Mikhail
Capital structure determinants for family business in MENA region, Wedad Ismail
Capturing design patterns for performance issues in database-driven web applications, Osama Mabroul Khaled
Carbon markets as regulation strategy: States, non-state market actors and public-private climate governance, Nouran Shash
Carbon monoxide and formic acid oxidation at Rh@ Pt nanoparticles, Ehab El Sawy
Carbon nanotubes-cellulose acetate nanocomposites: membranes for water desalination, Nouran Ashraf El Badawi
Carbon nanotubes/low density polyethylene composite films for strain sensing, Radwa Raafat Abdel Chafy
Career planning, theory and practice: a case study in El Nasr Petroleum Company, a public sector in the U.A.R., Mohamed I Wali
Careers, culture, and migration: occupational and migratory preferences, their underlying conditions among Egyptian students at The American University in Cairo, Sima Stephen Kirikian
Caregivers and people with disabilities: relational embodiment of stigma and concern in Egypt, Nahla Omarah
Carmen: Debating the Femme Fatale, Jala Sameh El Hadidi
Carrying messages of "Peace" to the world: Landscape, discourses, and practices of peace in Hiroshima, Yuichi Yokoyama
Case studies on art education in Egypt, Mahitab Hamama
Case study community-based learning: toy design project for children in Egyptian squatter community, Lamyaa El-Gabry
Case study: SERAC vs. Nigeria examining the role of international law in supporting social movement goals, Owen Williams
Cash flow optimization for construction engineering portfolios, Gasser Galal Ali
Cash transfers and state-citizen relation in Egypt: Takaful and Karama in a development context, Ebshoy Magdy Zaki
Cataloging authority: The development and function of the Fihrist genre, Garrett Davidson
Catalogue of Mamluk doors with metal revetments, Hoda Batanouni
Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by manganese-doped magnesium hydroxide, Nabih Philobbos Kelada
Catastrophic health expenditure and poverty in Egypt: an analysis of household survey data, Ahmed Rashad
Catch 22 exclusionary inclusion: The Palestinian refugees' struggle for protection, Suzanne Taher Shams
Categorizing women: gender and social media during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, Sydney Winston Barnes
Causes of variation orders in the Egyptian construction industry: Classification, ranking, and mitigation, Amr Khaled El-Sadek
Causes of variation orders in the Egyptian construction industry: Time and cost impacts, Jwanda Mohamed El Sarag
Censorship of English-language books in Egypt, Samira Helmy Ammar
CFRP-Strengthened HSS Columns Subject to Eccentric Loading, Ezzeldin Yazeed Sayed-Ahmed Elbawab
Challenges facing women living with HIV in Upper Egypt, Ahmed Hussein Ali Abdeldaim
Challenges of social service delivery to persons with disabilities in Egypt: A stakeholders' analysis, Amira Ayman El Refaei
Challenges to return, reintegration and reconstruction of refugees and internally displaced persons: Case of South Sudan, Nesreen Hamimi
Challenges to strategic planning in the context of Egyptian non-profit organizations: A critical review, Baher Hany Wassif
Change in rituals in Kanuba: Salat al-Gum3a & al-zikr, Hussein M Fahim
Change in the strategic culture of Israel, Nanice Mostafa Khalil
Changes in Egyptian Family life from Muhammad ʻAli till the Present, Nadia Haggag
Changes in family gender roles among the Southern Sudan refugee families in Cairo, James Wani-Kana Lino Lejukole
Changes in family planning knowledge gap and KAP-gap in Egypt during the 1980's, Hanan Zakaria Sisalem
Changes in the folk performing art in Egypt and the impact of the mass media, Adela Mahmoud Sami Esmat
Changing Consumer Cultures of Modern Egypt: Cairo's Urban Reshaping, Mona Mohsen Abaza-Stauth
Changing economy of semi-settled Bedouins, Afaf A Al-Bassam
Changing values among young Palestinian middle class women from the West Bank, Vivian Edward Khamis
Channel estimation and tracking algorithms for vehicle to vehicle communications, Moustafa Awad
Characteristics and performance of R413a as an alternative refrigerant to R12, Waleed Mahmoud El-Nahas
Characteristics of linear alternator performance under thermoacoustic-power-conversion conditions, Ahmed Ibrahim
Characterization and effects of halloysite nanotubes and date palm fibers on thermoplastic starch based nanocomposites, Ahmed Mostafa Aboelsoud
Characterization of aggresome formation in choroid plexus carcinoma., Marwa Mohamed Ali Nassar
Characterization of the bacterial gut fauna of phlebotomus papatasi: culture dependent vs. culture independent techniques, Nada Mohamad El-Ayouty
Characterization of variant strains of respiratory adenoviruses isolated in Egypt from 2003 to 2010, Pola Nashdy Demian
Characterization of zirconia gels and their selectivity towards metal ions, Manal Mohamed Talaat El- Saidi
Charge-dependent pair correlations relative to a third particle in p+ Au and d+ Au collisions at RHIC, Ahmad hamed
Charge Independent DC Model for Floating Gate MOSFET Used for Flash Memory and Electro-optic Switching Applications., Yehea Ismail
Charity and Nationalism: The Case of ‘Abd Allah al-Nadim’s Islamic Philanthropic Society, Mohamed Amr Gamal-Eldin
Charity, Development and the Global Market: The Pursuit of an Alternative through Fair Trade, Christy L Ferguson
Charity versus social development, Gihan Wasfy Labib
Chekhov, work, idleness, and the new life, Mahmoud El Lozy
Chelsea Green - Interview, Nadine El Guiddawy
Chemical and mineralogical determination of Kenyan clay-rock (Kissi soapstone), Abraham Seyoum Berhe
Chemical constituents of Cassia Absus, linn seeds, Hanaa Ibrahim Assil
Chemical treatment for lignin removal from non-wood pulping wastewater, Ahmed Abdel-Naby Teaama
Chemopreventive activity of Chamaedorea sefrizii and Attalea butyracea leaf extracts in relation to its metabolite fingerprints analysed via UPLC-qtof-MS and chemometrics, Mohamed Ali Farag
Chemotherapy Based on Supramolecular Chemistry: A Promising Strategy in Cancer Therapy., Sherif Ashraf Fahmy, Mayyada M. H. El-Sayed, and Tamer Shoeib
Chew your way to a stress free life, Nada Khaled ElDamaty
Child labor in Cairo "profiles of working boys", Eftetan O Farrag
Child language development in the first year, Merhan Nader Ezz El Din
Children's magazines in Egypt, Marwa Moneir Mohammed
Christopher Marlowe : a dichotomy of elements in Dr. Faustus, Amal Fouad Mikhail
Church Politics: A Modernist Approach to the Role of the Coptic Orthodox Church of the see of Alexandria in Constructing Group Identity Among Egyptian Copts, Ranya Abdelsayed
Circuit design techniques for Power Efficient Microscale Energy Harvesting Systems, Ayman Abdelaziz Eltaliawy
Circulating MicroRNAs in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Nahla O. Mousa, Ahmed Abdellatif, Suher Zada, and Hassan El-Fawal
Citizen participation in community development, Pakinaz Ezzat A Hamid Baraka
Civil Society: Agent of Change in Egypt, Ola Kubbara
Civil society and faith-inspired social action in the Middle East, Samuel Rizk
Civil society and state practices in Egypt. Case studies: Innovation and civic education, Rana Gaber
Civil Society and the Rise of Unconventional Modes of Youth Participation in the MENA, Nadine Mourad Sedky Sika
Civil society engagement and education for sustainable development (ESD) in Egypt: A case study of El-Warraq area, Heba Shaheen
Civil society in Northern Uganda: Constraints and possibilities, Jasmina Brankovic
Class, family and power in an Egyptian village, Samer El-Karanshawy
Classical and colloquial Arabic, Mona Kamel Hassan
Classification of mouth action units using local binary patterns, Sarah Adel Bargal
Classification of risks for international construction joint ventures projects, Yasser Abd El Ghany Azmy ElShabassy
Climate change and food security in Egypt, Laila Yassin
Climate change and its impact on coastal cities: A case study from Alexandria, Hend Ismail
Cloning, expression and preliminary characterization of a novel nitrilase from the Red Sea, Atlantis II Deep brine pool using a metagenomic approach, Sarah Ali Sonbol
Clustered simulation modeling for the probabilistic analysis of large networks, Amr Ahmed Kandil
Cobalt Sulfide/Spongy functionalized Graphene nanostructured electrodes for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Israa Mohamed Afifi
Code choice in Egyptian TV advertisements, Mostafa Younes
Code-choice on Twitter: How stance-taking and linguistic accommodation reflect the identity of polyglossic Egyptian users, Sahar Mashhour
Code mixing in 'Ammiyat Al-muthaqqafin: a case study on the use of the b-prefix as a tense marker, Hanady Tawakol
Code mixing in 'Ammiyat Al-muthaqqafin: a case study on the use of the b-prefix as a tense marker, Hanady Tawakol
Code switching and attitudinal perception, Hossam Ebid
Code-switching between Cairene mothers and their children in public: A study in language attitudes, Gihan Hamdi Hussein
Code-switching in relation to gender and social class: The case of an Egyptian TV series, Ayatallah Mohamed Amin
Code-switching in Sheikh Shaʻarawi's commentaries on the Qur'an, Hala Mohamed Hassan Hassan El Ganayni
Code-switching in the written mode, Elisabeth Anne Yoder
Cofactor of BRCA1 as a modulator of hepatocellular carcinoma growth and migration, Eman Mahmoud El Zeneini
Cofactor of BRCA1 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell proliferation in intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, Mennatallah Ghouraba
Collaborative filtering for domain independent recommendation, Rami El-Gawly
Collocations and vocabulary teaching, Dala Yassin Abo El Seoud
Color symbolism in Islamic book painting, Imane Sadek Abaza
Come my staff, I lean upon you: an iconographic and contextual study of sticks and staves from 18th dynasty Egypt, Nicholas R Brown
Commercial arbitration and the right to a fair trial: the relation that never worked out, Ramy Bassily
Commercial architecture in fifteenth-century Cairo: the Wikālat Qāʼit Bāy at the side of the Mosque of Al-Azhar, Elizabeth Lee Higashi
Commodity export and economic development in Ethiopia, Mohammed-Burhan Abrar
Common conditions of construction contracts in Egypt, Amr Ibrahim El-Hoteiby
Communicable Disease and International Security: The Case of Africa & HIV/AIDS, Amy L Rue
Communication: an explanatory survey of management perceptions and attitudes in the U. A. R. industrial sector, Mustapha Serag El Din
Communication Exercises and Activities, Oglah Mahmoud Al-Samadi
Communication for development. Towards effective communication, Mona Ali Soliman
Communication in Egypt: A journey of letters and beyond, Karima Ragab
Communication strategies in problem-free synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC): an Egyptian EFL university context, Hanaa Abdel Rahman
Communicative writing, Zenab Rabie
Community education project leadership and organizational culture: Perceptions of empowerment in an Egyptian NGO, Aisha Khairat
Community engagement and civic participation in education: The role of education in advancing social capital among rural communities. A case study of USAID funded program to basic education in Egypt; the new schools program (NSP)- 2000-2008, Yasmine Ali Mohamed Ibrahim
Community journalism and civic engagement in Egypt: the case study of Sahafet Welad El-Balad project, Rasha Saad Tawfik
Community Participation: A Basis for the Development of Local Administration in the United Arab Republic, Ibrahim Abbas Atia Omar
Community participation and environmental change, Inas Tewfik
Comparative analysis of legal frameworks governing NGO in Egypt with applications from global practices, Maha Mohamed Ismail
Comparative efficiencies of foreign firms and local firms in Egypt, Yasmin Mahdy Fathallah
Comparative strategies of environmental awareness campaigns in Egypt, Rawia Abbas El Dabi
Comparative study of bureaucratic corruption in Egypt and France, Radwa Abdel Wahab Al Gaaly
Comparative study of the seismic bahavior of anchored and unanchored steel tanks, Mohamed Al Sayed Abd Al Latif Al Kashef
Compassion in The caretaker and The zoo story, Randa Rushdy Kamel Helmy
Competing models of the modern Islamic state: Wahhabi vs. Muslim Brotherhood ideologies, Mohammad Affan
Complex emergencies and the challenge of achieving development in Afghanistan, Mahitab Mohamed Marzouk
Compliance of corporate businesses to health and environment standards. The case of cell phone towers in Egypt, Mohamed Mostafa Ibrahim
Composting for organic agriculture, Mona Mohamed Hamdy Mostafa Sayed Ahmed
Composting of green waste under severe dry hot weather, Magdy Bdel Ghaffar Elbieh
Comprehension-based methods and the functional syllabus in ESP curriculum design, Mary Schleppegrell
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of patients suffering coarctation of the aorta (CoA) for pre and post-operative, omar abozaid
Computational modeling of nanodrug-induced effects on cardiac electromechanics, Noha Mahmoud Shalaby
Computation of potential and potential gradient around bundled conductors, Mamdouh Hossny Ibrahim
Computer-assisted spelling instruction versus programmed workbooks, Deirdre Ruth Mitchell
Computerised selection of materials and reliability, Nabil Ibrahim Mikhail
Computerized biomechanical model of the low back during lifting and pushing activities, Soha Samir Sadek
Computer khatba, Shereen Ali Abu Abu Hashish
Concept and practice of integrated rural development, Noha Abdel Khalek Allam
Conceptualizing 'Chinese diaspora': a study of Chinese migrants in Cairo, Shannon McDonald
Concurrent listening and reading comprehension at the beginning stages at DPS, Noha Salah Khafagi
Condensed silica fume concrete, Mohamed Nagib Abou Zaid
Conditional cash transfer in Egypt: the need for proper financial and administrative controls, Ahmed Fathy Badawy
Conductivity and photoconductivity of As-S-I glasses, Ahmed Abdel-Hamid El-Difrawi
Confidence-building measures in the Middle East and South Asia, Gamal Mohammed El-Sayed Selim
Configuration interaction in Auger spectra of magnesium, Mohamed Salah Sobhy
Configuring Palestine: a neo-Gramscian perspective of international institutions in Palestinian state formation, Suzanne Maureen Morrison
Conflict resolution in sub-sharan Africa, Yasmin Shafei
Conformists, manipulators and rebels: problems of self-conception among women in a changing culture, Zeinab Mohamad Shahin
Confronting life in literary guises: A study of Dante, Blake and Sartre., Sherine Ismail Elsherif
Connectionist approaches to cost-based abduction, Emad Abdel-Thalooth Massry Andrews
Consensus building in Tunisia: A study from 2011 - 2013, Amatelrauf Tawfik Ghanem
Conservative and modern Egyptian Family types, Soha Abdel Kader
Constellations of mobility: The politics of dream-making, Yara Ahmed
Constitutional engineering in Lebanon (1958-1988): thinking the unthinkable, Elie Antoine Samia
Constitutionalism, gender equality and judicial reform: A study of the status of women in the Egyptian judiciary, Mahmoud Moustafa
Constitutional theory and political history as justification for the gender quota in Egypt's legislature, Abir Ahmed El-Menshawy
Constitution-making in transition: a comparative study of the 2012 Egyptian and 2014 Tunisian constitutions, Mona Ahmed Saleh
Constructed illness in an Egyptian neighborhood: The Cases of Al Daght and Al Sukar, Caren Diane Craigo El Gabry
Constructing an islamist vision: a discourse analysis of Egyptian islamist websites, Youssef Esmat Morshedy
Constructing a rating schedule for the observation and evaluation of the teaching performance at the DPS (AUC), Magda Laurence Naguib
Constructing a social welfare function under poverty and inequality with application to developing countries, Nyiwul Linus Mabughi
Constructing the orient: North Africa in the short stories of Albert Camus and Paul Bowles, Lamish Abdelaziz Hamdy
Constructing true cost of living indexes for Egypt, Shireen Abdel Hameed Al-Demerdashi
Construction delays of high investment projects in Egypt, Nora Mohamed El-Gohary
Construction of Shopping Malls in Egypt, Ramez Wageih Shafik
Construction Site Coordination and Management Guide, Ahmed Samer Ezeldin and Ahmed M. Alhady
Consuming Islamic fashion in Cairo market, Sahar Aref
Consumption inequality and inflation differentials among different income groups in Egypt, Dina Abdallah
Consumption planning with special reference to U.A.R., Ahmed Nabil Kamel
Contemplating the one in two: Witnessing the divine in marriage and prayer, Hebatallah Youssef
Contemplation of death and life, Sarah Fadīl
Contemporary Alevi Politics: The Case of Corum, Hande Bayrak
Contemporary Gulf poetesses: a feminist perspective, Dhabiya Khamis
Contemporary mosque architecture in Turkey, Samaa Moustafa
Content analysis of the media statements made by select armed groups operating in Egypt 2013-2015, Karim Sherif Marzouk
Contentious politics in the Maghreb: a comparative study of mobilization in Tunisia and Morocco, Johan Rognlie Roko
Context aware advertising, Youssef Youssef
Context-aware goal-oriented business process modeling, Mariam Armia Keriakos Sawers
Contextual analysis of international labor migration, Rania Abdallah Said
Contingent pay and employee performance, Rania Mohamed Abou Senna
Continuing professional development in the healthcare sector in Egypt: A readiness assessment, Mahmoud Fathi Mahmoud Abdalrahman Nassar
Continuity within Islamic art and architecture: Hassan Fathy as a modern catalyst, Ahmad Hamid
Contrastive study of the consonant blending Features of Cairo Egyptian Arabic and standard American English, Barbara Jean WIchian Gadalla
Controlling the processing parameters for consolidation of A1-2124 micro and nanopowders into bulk nanostructured material by combined hot compaction - intense plastic straining, Ahmad Mar Wagih Sadek
Controversy over Jihad, Hazem Khaled Khalil Kandil
Conversation strategies in Egyptian T.V. programs, Ashraf Mohamed Ali Abdou
Conversations with women in Ma'sarah, Cairo, Jeannette Rizk
Cooperative Marketing of Paddy Rice in Egypt, Hussein Youssef Alfy
Cooperative transport in swarm robotics. Multi object transportation, Aalaa Ibrahim Hamouda
Coordination and subordination of clauses in the English writing of native Arabic-speaking EFL students, John MacLean
Coping amidst crisis: The narrative of five Sudanese women, Nada Mustafa Mohamed Ali
Coping with displacement among the Sudanese community in Egypt, Hwiada Mahmoud Abu Baker
Coptic Orthodox Christianity: religious transformation in the time of Neoliberalism, Marsil Kalliney
Copyright: a roadblock to education in developing countries?, Noha El Labban
Corporate corruption: lawyers' ability to comply with professional responsibility rules in the avoidance of possible corporate corruption, Yasmine M Aïdaros
Corporate social responsibility in Egypt, Nagwan Refaat Zohry
Corporate social responsibility in Egypt: A study on the current practice, challenges, and potentials, Sara Refaat
Corporate social responsibility in Egypt: Towards creating shared value, Alya Hegazy
Corporate social responsibility in the Egyptian banking sector: A study on effectiveness and profitability, Yasmin Youssef
Corporatism within the Egyptian context, Nahed Dajani
Corporatization of state owned press institutions in Egypt : an adapted corporate governance index, Diana Samir Eldaba
Corpus-based analysis of three Arabic adversative conjunctions in current Egyptian newspapers, Shaemaa Essa
Correlation between geometrical and structural properties of mixed oxide ultrathin nanotubes and their solar water splitting performance, Ayatullah Mohamed Adel Saleh Elsayed
Corrosion damage in silica fume concrete, Ahmed F Idriss
Corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel in concrete, Hanan Abdel Aziz Elnouhy
Corruption as a collective action problem: Enabling the administrative control authority in Egypt, Lameece Gasser
Corruption: Friend or Foe? A Study on the Effect of Corruption on Economic Growth, Dalia Mahmoud Al Arousy
Cosmogenesis, anthropogenesis and the land of reality, Ibn al-ʻArabī
Cost-benefit analysis and estimation of user fees for the Atakumosa local government village drinking water supply project, Southwest Nigeria, Olajide Mohamed Damilola
Cost/benefit analysis of oily water discharge regulations in Egypt, Amir Nabil Abdel-Malek Gerges
Could stocks hedge against inflation in the MENA region?, Laila El Adly
Counterinsurgency in Yemen: Assessing operations decisive storm, restoring hope, and golden arrow, Curtis Hanson
Courtly Culture and Gender Poetics: Wallada bint al-Mustakfi and Christine de Pizan, Iman Said Darwish
Created vulnerabilities: political economy of tourism development in Sharm El Sheikh, Catherine Meaghan Walsh
Creating a strong statistical machine translation system by combining different decoders, Ayah ElMaghraby
Credibility of editorial content versus advertising of luxury hotels in Egypt, Sara Fathi Mohamed Ibrahim
Credibility of online political news among Egyptian youth, Dalia ElAbd
Credit fund for women in Menuf village, Dalia El Sayed Bayoumi
Credit planning in mixed type economies with application to U.A.R. (Egypt), Shawki Riyad Ibrahim
Criminal legal aid systems: Benefiting from the burden, Anthony George Leone
Critical success factors for e-learning implementation in Egyptian public universities: a stakeholders' analysis, Hoda Salaheddin AlShabrawy
Critical success factors of international development projects in the education sector in Egypt: Community Schools as a case study, Marian Mohareb
Cross-culturalism experiences of a Saudi Arabian Egyptian, Refan AbdelNabi
Cross cultural item bias in measuring native and non-native English proficiency, Samia Rashed Iskander
Crossing of English- speaking expatriates into Galician on Facebook and how their stance taking indexes their identity, Patricia Mrozek
Crystal Growth and Electrical Properties of some PbTe-SnTe Alloys, Adel Fayez Seif
Crystallographic transformations in amorphous titania gels to the anatase and rutile modifications, Wegdan Lotfi Abdel Khalek
Cultivation effects of Saudi newspapers on estimates of expatriate crime, Ahmed Sabri
Cultural analysis of Arabic books fot teaching Arabic as a foreign language, Hala Yeheya Abd El-Wahab
Cultural and Religious Trends in Contemporary Egypt, Al-Sayyad Shams Al-Huda
Cultural background, language proficiency, and reading comprehension, JoDee Walters
Cultural crisis and modalities of knowledge, Giovanni Carlo Bonotto
Cultural hegemony, identity and the challenge of literature, Rabab Nabil Wereda
Cultural impact on the perception of family planning, Dalia Moustafa Ramadan
Cultural intelligence of expatriate teachers in a multi-cultural education setting, Yousra Gohar
Cultural persistence and the Bedouin of Egypt's Sinai Penninsula, Simeon Roos-Eefsting
Cultural resistance and the role of the intellectual, Ghada Ragaa Helmy
Culture contextualisation of mathematics instruction. A draw a scientist test (DAST) analysis, Mariam Makramalla
Culture, creativity & politics in Egypt (1939-1952), Omneya Abdel Basset El Naggar
Culture in the AFL Novice Classroom: Teachers' Perceptions, Teaching Techniques, and Assessment., Amera Abdalrahim
Curbing the practices of research misconduct: a qualitative study on the perceptions of researchers at Egyptian public institutions, Passant Elwy Moustafa
Customized medical modeling, Seif Allah Mohamed El Sayed
Cyber-activism: engendering political subjects within new logics of resistance in contemporary Egypt and Yemen, Fatma AbdulMalik Mansour
Cyber-activism: Engendering Political Subjects within New Logics of Resistance in Contemporary Egypt and Yemen, Fatma Abdulmalik Mansour
Cyberactivism in Egypt: a new social movement, Sherif Azer
Cyber-feminism and facebook: A comparative study of Arab Women's Organization activity in Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt, Amira Abdlgalil
Cyberfeminism in the Arab world, Dalia Al Nimr
Cytotoxic activity of the Red Sea anemone entacmaea quadricolor on liver cancer cells, Noha Moataz El Salakawy
Dabiq: A study of the usage of terrorist-produced publications in framing and selective moral disengagement, Nouran Hussein Mohamed Hussein Khalil
Daily columns in the contemporary Egyptian Press, Thomas Kerop Gorguissian
Damage detection via structural model updating using frequency response functions and genetic algorithms, Bassam Sabry Fawzy Elsaid
Dam development and human security: The Iraqi water situation, Amy L. Rue
Data base design, Mohamed Aly El Hamamsy
Data distribution techniques for fault tolerant colored two dimensional barcode, Rana Farid Mikhail
Data security in cloud storage services, Mai Mansour Dahshan
Dawr al-shāmīyīn al-muhājirīn ilā Misr fī al-nahdạh al-adabīyah al-hạdīthah, 1798-1919, Ahṃad Tāhir Hạsanayn
Dawsha w Al-Qāhirah: Listening to power and possibilities in Cairo’s everyday, Noor Salama
Dayas in urban health care: activities, problems, and prospects for the future, Dagmar Simon
D. C. conductivity of magnetite and nickel ferrites, Nazeih M Botrous El Badramany
Dealing with Hamas: An analysis of the boycott of Hamas, Stine Lill Loge
Dealing with slums in Egypt: Learning from the success factors of international experiences, Sylvia Maher
Dealing with urban poverty: the case of Ezbet Bekhit, Manshiet Nasser, Nazly Amr Abdel Azim
Debates on Islam and Knowledge in Malaysia and Egypt: Shifting Worlds, Mona Mohsen Abaza-Stauth
Decentralization and public participation in urban Egypt, Joseph J Marino
Decentralization as public policy, Margaret Suzanne Plum
Decentralization of development administration in Africa, Paul Loku Agani
Decentralized algorithm of dynamic task allocation for a swarm of homogeneous robots, Maha AlShawi
Deciding about agent mobility using a performance cost model, Dalia Fakher Elmansy
Decision support system for investigating the construction contractor's technical capabilities, Ahmed Abdel Hameed Ibrahim Shaheen
(De)construction of patriarchal gendering in the Arabian Nights, Nadia R Wassef
Deductive vs. inductive strategy for teaching verbs to adult EFL students, Laila Tadros Ghali
Deep Learning for Multi-Tissue Cancer Classification of Gene Expressions, Tarek Khorshed
Defeating Sanctions: The Case of Libya and Iraq, Daniel Zeytoonian
Deferred Cooling System, Maha Farouk El Bedaiwy
Defiance or despair?, Rania Maged Al Malky
Deficiencies of anti-dumping agreement, Marwa Badr Abd El Wahab
Definiteness in modern Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, Hsin-Fei Yang
Deformation and fracture of nodular and grey ferritic cast irons, Maha El Koshairi
Deformation and fracture of some aluminium-magnesium alloys under impact compressive loading, Mohamed Ibrahim Hamed
Deformation and fracture of zinc-aluminium alloys under static and dynamic compressive loading, Hanadi A Ghoneim
Deformation and limit strain analysis of superplastic materials using finite elements, Noha Mohamed Hassan
Defying secularization, Sean W Anthony
Dehydration and rehydration behavior of Zinc and magnesium sulfate heptahydrates, Hanaa Youssef Ghorab
Deixis (Iltifāt) in the Qur'ān, Lobna Ismail
Demand analysis of Egyptian cotton, 1963-1977, Mervat Doss Adly Doss
Democratic solutions to identity conflict: The Case of Lebanon, Monty Roberson Jr.
Democratization and the decision-making process in rural Egypt, Hanan Hamdy Radwan
Democratization and the role of the military: Cases of Serbia and Tunisia, Mona Abdelmoneim ElHusseiny
De novo metagenomic assembly of microbial communities from the lower convective layer of the Red Sea Atlantis II brine environment., Osama Said Ali
Design and analysis of a 2-stroke linear CAM engine, Hatem Mohamed Wasfy
Design and constructability of funicular arched steel truss (FAST) false-work, Ahmed El Sayed
Design and construction of a pulsed glass laser, Mostafa Ibrahim Azab
Design and modeling of a novel compact solar collector with phase change material, Mohamed Osman
Design and optimization of input shapers for liquid slosh suppression, Ameen Aboel Hassan
Design flow factors using socioeconomic based synthetic wastewater hydrographs for small communities, Haitham Yousri Elnakar
Design for manufacturing of mechanical power transmission shafts, Tamer Mohamed Wasfy
Design of tailor-made polymers with intrinsic micro-porosity for the “environmentally friendly” separation and storage of natural and industrial gas mixtures, Worood Adel El-mehalmey
Design of the fully differential operational floating conveyor and its applications, Hossam ElGemmazy
Design optimization of gas-to-liquid biosludge management systems, Rana Mostafa
Desire across Boundaries: Marriage and Sexuality in a Transnational and Global Context, Mustafa Abdalla
Desire and death in Marguerite Duras' The lover and Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, Sherine S Azzam
Detecting malicious VBscripts using anomaly host based IDS based on principal component analysis (PCA), Racha El Sokkary
Detention in a time of terror: The inevitability of protection, Fatma Hussein Saber
Determinants of banking sector development in emerging economies: panel estimation, Lamia Donia
Determinants of Egypt's economic growth for the period 1985-2007, Rasha Mostafa Hammam
Determinants of FDI: Evidence from Developed & Developing Countries, Tarek Ibrahim
Determinants of foreign direct investment in developing countries: 1990 - 2017, Mona ElShazly
Determinants of stock returns: Evidence from Egypt, Reem Abd El Maksoud Ahmed El Abd
Determination of flame retardants and Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl substances in indoor dust in Greater Cairo: assessment of human exposure., Yasmeen Hassan
Determination of phthalate esters in Egyptian PET-bottled water investigated under different storage conditions, Ghada Ismail Zaki
Determination of shakedown boundary and fitness-assessment-diagrams of cracked pipe bends, Mostafa ElSaadany
Determination of the antioxidant activity of surface treated PET films coated with natural extracts, Hebatullah Hassan Farghal
Determining code choice: written slogans during Egyptian revolution-January 2011, Hanzada Hesham Amin
Develoment [sic] and reform in the third world, Mona Samir El-Tawil
Developed and major developing countries' abuse of trade remedies and its consequent ramifications on developing countries with small economies, Rania Abd El Aziz El Nady
Developing a cost justified software usability testing technique, Mohamed Osama Grida
Developing and validating a cultural competence test for students of Arabic as a second language, Ebtesam Orabi
Developing an E. F. L. oral proficiency test for adult Egyptian students, Alberta Aziz Raphael
Developing an expert system for improvement tools, Mamdouh Mohamed El Oufy
Developing an expert system for processing planning, Mahmoud M Abdel Wahab
Developing Arabic multimedia computer-assisted language learning materials for teaching listening skills, Mohd Feham Md Zalib
Developing a tool to assess the integration of sustainability into banks: A case study on a bank in Egypt, Arwa Sayyadi
Developing countries and the foreign exchange problem, Hend El Sayed
Developing industrial resource sustainability roadmap: Cement industry case study, Mary Mamdouh Moharib
Developing teaching materials for deck officers, Soad Mohamed Said Hashem
Developmental study of relative clause acquisition by native speakers of Arabic learning English as a second language, Salwa Mohamed Farag
Development and characterization of biodegradable biorenewable polymeric nanocomposites for food packaging applications, Samar Mohamed Ahmed Fadl
Development and community organization, Elena Volpi
Development and economic and social rights: The Bretton Woods Institutions in Egypt post-2011, Mahinour El-Badrawi
Development and Evaluation of Lime Mortars for Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments, Tarek Said Mahfouz
Development and impact of broadcast satellite in the Middle East, May Monier Azzam
Development as 'Hostage': A Look at the World Bank's Participation Agenda, Amr Afifi Mahmoud Selim
Development of a bid/no bid decision index for construction contractors, Zeyad Hamed-Ramzy Hakam
Development of a hierarchical model-based decision support system (dss) for production planning and control systems, Khaled Mohamed Sami Abdel-Hamid
Development of a hybrid power management unit for mobile applications: solar energy case study, Ahmed Abdelmoaty
Development of a Job Evaluation System at the American University in Cairo (a Case Study), Fayek Gaballa Hanna
Development of an integrative listening test, Robert Douglas Monro
Development of error identification as a teaching aid for composition writing, Penelope Farag
Development of ferrocement U-shaped beams infilled with core materials, Ahmed Mahdy Abdelnaby
Development of honey/chitosan nanofibrous scaffolds loaded with natural materials and bacteriophage: Evaluation of their antimicrobial and wound healing activities., Wesam Awad Sarhan
Development of immuno- nanoparticles for targeting schistosoma parasites, Eman Rabie Abdul-Ghany
Development of inhalable microparticles for drug delivery to deep lung tissues, Yasmine Houssam ElDin Abbas
Development of prototype gold nanoparticle-dased immunoassays for the detection of plasmodium falciparum hsp70, Bassem Samy Guirgis
Development of real-time PCR assay for detection of total bacteria in beverage emulsions, Essam Gamaleldin Elsisi
Development of the predictive listening format as a test of listening comprehension, Peter John Wiese
Development of vertical diffusion solar stills utilizing folded sheets technology, Amr Seleem
Development planning with reference to UAR (Egypt) 1952-1963, Raouf Galal El Din
"Dhakirat al-alam": Palestinian traumatic memory in three works by Elias Khoury, Nourhan Tewfik
D. H. Lawrence's investigation of human relationships using the artist as privileged character with specific reference to Sons and lovers, The rainbow, and Women in love, Samia Youssef Kholoussi
Dialectic of past and present in Eco's the Name of the Rose and Al-Ghitani's Zayni Barakat, Martino Lovato
Diaspora-driven development in stateless Somalia: all relationships are local relationships, Joseph Scheibel
Diaspora-driven development in stateless Somalia: all relationships are local relationships, Joseph Alan Scheibel
Diasporic Female Identities in Bharati Mukherjee's Desirable Daughters and Idris Ali's Dongola., Rola Alaa Koraa
Dielectric properties of single crystal nickel ferrous ferrites, Essam Fawzi Mina
Different approaches to modelling the monetary demand function for Egypt, with particular stress on the money-income relationship, Srdja Ivekovic
Differential acquisition of knowledge from television among Egyptian adults in a natural disaster, Hany Mohamad Abou Elfotouh El-Konayyesi
Different perspective for diabetes in Egypt, Bassant Salama
Difficulties encountered in acquiring the present perfect tense in English by Arabic speaking adults, Mohsen Gabr
Difficulty factors in Arabic fiction for beginning readers, Soheir Mohamed Ahmed Agroudy
Diffraction of X-waves from multiple rectangular slits in an opaque screen, Ahmed El Saeed El Halawani
Digital all-computer simulation in managerial problems, Ahmed Soliman Zaki
Digital photojournalism, Yasmine Abdou Salem
Digital platforms and the reconfiguration of politics: the formation of new political actors in the United States, Kaitlin Junod
Dilemma of applying Islamic sharia’a through takhayur and talfiq principles in the modern Egyptian legal system, Aly Abdulrahman Ahmed
Dimensionality reduction of feature space in pattern analysis, Basma Fathi Hussain
Dimension and shape invariant programming: the implementation and application, Manal Ezzat Helal
Dimensions of Alienation and the Postcolonial Context: Hegel, Marx, and Fanon, Sherifa Amin
Dip your Bread in the Gravy: A Culinary History of Class Difference in Mamluk and Ottoman Egypt, Siko Deine Bouterse
Direct conversion of mouse fibroblasts into osteoblasts and investigating COBRA1 expression responce, Walid Almoafy Alasar
Direct detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using gold nanoparticles, Marwa Mohsen Hussain
Direct foreign investment in developing economies, Khaled El Beblawy
Direct private foreign investment: a source of financing development, Mounir AF Abdel Nour
Disability, Gender and Marriage, Heba Hagrass
Discourse and identity in Antigone, The Awakening, and The House of Mirth, Ahmed Tarek Kadry
Discourse markers functions of /Jaʻni/ in educated Egyptian Arabic, Amani El Shimi
Discourse markers: Functions of /jaʿni/ in educated Egyptian Arabic, Amani Elshimi
Discourses around Nubians: A critical discourse analysis of Egyptian social studies and history textbooks, Nesma Assem Mansour
Discovery Education Transformative Professional Development Model in Egypt: A phenomenological study, Rezk Marey
Discrepancies of language associations between Arabic, American English, Indian English and Japanese, Zeinab Mohamed Ibrahim
Displaced human skeletal remains in predynastic period, Sarah Marei
Dispute review boards: Expected Application on Egyptian Large Scale Construction Projects, Islam Hassan El-Adaway
Distributed development and deployment of ontologies for knowledge-based systems, Sameh El-Ansary
Distributed web services firewall, Hesham Samy Sabry
Divided, they win? a case study of the new political generation in Egypt since 25th January 2011, Sanaa El-Banna
Divorce for better or for worse, Malak Saad
Do arbitrators have a duty to report corruption? Maybe . . . Maybe Not, Hussain Alobaidi
Does human capital cause economic growth in Egypt?, Iman Mohamed Fouad Mohamed
Does microfinance really offer a win-win solution?, Samar Maziad
Does the Degree of Shari’ah Compliance Affect the Volatility? : Evidence from the MENA Region, Neveen Ahmed and Omar Farooq
Does trade liberalization lead to specialization in dirty industries? A CGE assessment for Kenya, Charles Kariuki Muthuthi
Doing well by doing good? The case of Magrabi Foundation, Mohammad Shalaby
"Do libraries still exist?" challenges and opportunities to an effective role of libraries in Egypt., Radwa Magdy Shehata
Domestic cattle breeds in ancient Egypt from the predynastic period through the end of the old kingdom, Katherine Bateman
Domestic savings in underdeveloped countries, Soliman Mohammed Abu Swaireh
Donors assessment methods and the institutional capacity of grassroots organizations in Egypt., Angie Atef Sideek Henein
Do remittances change household spending?, Dalia Hammam EL Sherbiny
Dostoevsky and Education through Punishment, Christopher Barker
Dostoyevsky and the question of Russian identity, Alia Salah Soliman
Dramatizing national dignity in El Lozy's trilogy, Samy Selim
Drilling tools and stone vessels of Heit el-Ghurab, Emmy Adel Malak Ayad
Dr. Jane - Interview, Menatalla AbdelBaky
Drug prevention program at preparatory schools, Yomna Adel Aly
Dual Output Power Management Unit for PV-Battery Hybrid Energy System, Ahmed Ayman Rezk
Dual protocol performance using WiFi and ZigBee for industrial WLAN, Ghada Afifi
Durability and stability of briquetting from solid agricultural wastes, Ishaq Oladapo Adeleke
Dynamic lot sizing with batch ordering using simulated annealing, Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan Aly
Dynamic modeling and control of a Quadrotor using linear and nonlinear approaches, Heba talla Mohamed Nabil Elkholy
Dynamic modeling and robust nonlinear control of unmanned quadrotor vehicle, Amr Elhennawy
EAP teacher expectations vs. EFL student interpretation of written teacher feedback: Authority and attitude issues, Heba Saber El-Sayed
Early Egyptian bone and ivory inlaid woodwork, 700-1200 A.D., Balsam Abdul-Rahman Saleh
Early Marriage, Eman Mahmoud Zaki Saleh
Early marriage among Egyptian students, Mona Tawfik
Early Ottoman architecture in Cairo, Seif Eldin Mamdouh El Rashidi
Early sabīls and their standardization, Sophie W Ebeid
Early warning systems for refugee crises: between ideals and practice, Dalia El Fiki
Earth-abundant nanostructured catalysts for solar fuel production at room temperature, Ahmed Khalifa Said
Echoes from the abyss of silence: The complexity of female self-expression in literature and film, Yasmin Tahseen Sheer
Economic and capital market growth in Egypt and the adequacy of the minority shareholders protection regime, Sherief Abbas Rashed
Economic and financial valuation of the marble industry in Egypt, Farah Ahmed Haggag
Economic cost associated with democratic transition economic analysis of Egypt, Sarah Refaat Khalifa
Economic Development and Financial Liberalization: The Case of Egypt and China, Yasmin Ahmed Allam
Economic development with alternative trade regimes, Manal Saad El Hinnawy
Economic efficiency in public sector enterprises, Ahmed M Galal
Economic evaluation of mechanizing land preparation, Raouf Fareed Khouzam
Economic evaluation of recreational tourism in Egypt with special emphasis in Hurghada City, Hamsa el Sayed El Said
Economic liberalization and female labor force participation in Egypt: Women empowerment or feminization trap?, Dahlia Hassanien
Economic project evaluation and development planning: An applied study, Samir Abdel-Messih Attia
Economic sanctions as a tool of coercive diplomacy, Heba Mostafa Rizk
Economics of population policies: a cost-benefit analysis for family planning program in Egypt, Hamdy Abdo El-Hinnawy
Economics of semiconductor industry in Taiwan and South Korea, Tamer Mohamed Safwat El-Zayat
Economics of technological innovation with application to the Egyptian food processing industry, Safwan M Noaman
Economic viability of growing wheat in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iman Mohiddin Al Husieni
Ecotourism, Marwa Tarek Aly Ibrahim
Educating Liberty: Democracy and Aristocracy in J.S. Mill's Political Thought, Christopher Barker
Educational accountability of faculty and students in Higher Education: A prospective policy analysis, Marwa Khalil
Educational and family planning in Egypt, Nivene El Koshairi
Educational Journey: From Qena to Cairo, Reem Elmaghraby
Education and economic development: a comparative study of South Korea and Thailand, Khanittha Saleemad
Education and human resource development: the case of Saudi-Arabia, Nehal Fouad Alfy
Education in the Syrian Golan Heights under international human rights law and international humanitarian law, Michelle Strucke
Education quality and readability improvement efforts in primary public schools in Egypt: A process analysis, Mays Abou Hegab
Effective algorithms for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in microprocessors, Mahmoud Ahmed Abdel-Fattah
Effective communication of urban and rural school principals, Mohammed El Sayed Abdel Wahed
Effective modeling of mass concrete foundation under dynamic loads, Ossama Salem Ali Ahmed
Effectiveness of noun phrase accessibility hierarchy in predicting order of difficulty of relative clauses for AFL learners, Mohamed Amin
Effectiveness of self healing in repair of strategic concrete structures "a simplified model", Mohamed Hussein Fawzy
Effective recharge from stream beds in arid basins, Sherif Kamal Fouad Kamel
Effect of building materials on indoor air quality in residential buildings in Egypt: A pre occupancy assessment, Dalia Wagdi
Effect of different additives on properties of virgin PP/recycled PP to substitute PC, Myriam Nabil Raouf Demian
Effect of educational films on environmental attitude change, Sahar Mohamed Fawzi Hegazi
Effect of external factors on deterioration of photo voltaic panel's performance, Ahmed Osama Ghoneim
Effect of Graphene addition on the mechanical and tribological behavior of nanostructured AA2124 /Graphene self-lubricating metal matrix composite, Ahmed Hazem EL Ghazaly
Effect of heat treatment on microstructure, hardness & superelasticity of severely deformed NiTi, Omar Bahy El-Din Mortagy
Effect of refrigerant charge and condenser temperature on the operating characteristics of a vapor-compression air conditioning system, Ezzat Fikri Assaad
Effect of river impoundment on its water salinity and associated environmental impacts, Ayat Ahmed Soliman
Effect of stucture on the static and fatigue properties of some AL-SI alloys, Samia Monir Amin Iskander
Effect of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical behavior of AL/SIC particulates metal matrix composites, Mohamed Mahmoud Zaki Emara
Effect of the United Nations convention on the international sale of goods on the Egyptian commercial code, Sherif El Farouk Omar El Saadani
Effects of low temperature reactor radiation upon crystalline SiO2, Sami Fouad M El-Iskandarani
Effects of temperature and soil organic content on the growth and survival of E. coli in sandy soil, Mariam Maher William Melek
Efficacy of Nubian press in Cairo: A uses and gratifications study 2006, Syonara Mohamed Adel Tomoum
Efficacy of residential point of use activated carbon water treatment units under local conditions, Bahy Safaa ElDin Emam
Efficiency of the language used as the medium of instruction in Egyptian primary schools, Younis Hussein Khadrawi
Efficient light trapping via nanostructures integration in thin film organic and inorganic solar cells, Sara Magdi Al-Menabawy
Efficient market hypothesis, Mai Ahmed Kamel Farid
Efficient redundancy in wired and wireless S2A architectures for NCS, Medhat Medhat Toubar
Efforts for improving buildings conditions in public schools in Egypt : SWOT analysis of two governmental renovation programs, Nagwa Ibrahim
Efforts to involve youth in policy making in Egypt post-2014, Mohamed Hesham
EFL reading comperhension strategies of Egyptian and non-Egyptian Arab students, Gehan Osman
EFL reading comprehension strategies of Egyptian and non-Egyptian Arab students, Gehan Osman
E-governance for sustainable development in Ghana: Issues and prospects., Gabriel Sadat Alhassan
E-governance in Egypt: A New Methodology to Poverty Reduction, Shahdan Mahmoud Niazi
Egypt and COMESA, Mokhtar Gamil Warida
Egypt and the superpowers, Nazli Shafik
Egypt: A State of Emergency, A State of Mind, Diana Elassy
Egyptian-American Relations Under Obama’s Presidency: A Defensive Realist Analysis, Karim Abdoun
Egyptian audience's perception of political satire show: an analysis of the perceived and actual influence of political comedy programming, Dina Mohamed Younis
Egyptian criminals in suits- analytical study on the criminology of white collar crimes: special focus on Egyptian cases, Sue Ellen Hassouna
Egyptian decision makers' attitude towards international advertising, Mona L Zaki
Egyptian defense programmes and their impact on social and economic development of Egypt, Nāzlī Madkūr
Egyptian-Ethiopian water relations: A benefit sharing perspective, Mennatallah Nasr Atwan
Egyptian government’s diaspora engagement strategy: A qualitative study, Mai Abou Samra
Egyptian independent cinema: a journey of successes and struggles, Salma Hamed Abdallah
Egyptian media policies to protect minors from harmful content and promote positive media use, Nour Hussien Abu-Seada
Egyptian Media Production City (EMPC), Mervat Abou Oaf
Egyptian museums, Timothy Jason Brown
Egyptian Political Cartoons: Evolution and Impact as seen by Cartoonists themselves, Rania Mohamed Saleh
Egyptian presidents' speeches in times of crisis: Comparative analysis, Dina Tawfic Abdel Fattah
Egyptian public diplomacy: Past performance and future strategies ( case study), Manar Abd El-wahed
Egyptian Rice in International Trade, 1960-1970, Abdalla-Fikry M El-Wakil
Egyptian securities market, Jailan Wagih Shindy
Egyptians' perception of the Shias and the role of media, Raya Shokatfard
Egyptians' perceptions, attitude and behavior towards online advertising, Effat Tarek Khalifa
Egyptian stabilization policies for cotton, 1945-1972, Amira Kamel Guindi
Egyptian student perceptions of visual warnings on cigarette packs, Hala Touta
Egyptian theft of U. S. intellectual property, Shahira H Tewfik
Egyptian Unbelievers' Beliefs, Luciana Magharious
Egyptian weddings: happily ever after?, Nahla El gendy
Egyptian wives' portrayal in Egyptian cinema: A content analysis on 35 Egyptian films produced prior to and post 1952, Sahar Aly Sedky
Egyptian women and the relationship between work and marriage, Marwa Bayoumi
Egyptian women fight back!, Salma Hegab
Egyptian women's awareness of their marital rights and its relation to their status within the family, Noha Ezzat Maarouf
Egyptian youth building a peaceful community – a case study, Shereen Aly Sayed
Egypt-New York: Journeys of migration and desire, Yassmin Moataz Abdelhamid Ahmed
Egypt post the January 25th revolution: the relationship between non-governmental organizations and networks of activists, Yara Shawky Shahin
Egypt's Currency Devaluation & Impact on the Most Vulnerable, Laila Mostafa El Baradei
Egypt's desert paradoxes, promises, and possibilities: A study of land reclamation policies along Cairo-Alexandria desert road, Salwa Yehia Salman
Egypt's economic policy for the poor, Amina Mustafa Kamel
Egypt's external debt: An Attempt to apply Sargent-Wallace Model to Egypt, Ashraf Mahmoud Abdel Moneim
Egypt's import and export demand functions: an econometric model, Hussein A Kamel Fahmy
Egypt's manufactured exports, Khaled Khalil Hefnawy
Egypt's new investment strategy between planning and implementation, Amira Abdel Wahab Ghandour
Egypt’s North Sinai post 2011 revolution: The nexus between ungovernability dimensions and terrorism, Karim Ashour
Egypt's position towards the implementation of the convention of biological diversity, Shatha Soliman Hamid
Egypt's post-colonial approaches to internal self-determination, Charlotte Kaeppel
Egypt’s state-owned television: A call for reform, Nourhan Ismail
Egypt's trains: on track to disaster, Ghazala Irshad
Egypt's Visually Disabled People Plead for Improvement, Ahmed Ahmed
Elastic impact of beams on gap-spring supports, Hany Aly Abdelhafiz
Elastic-plastic behavior and limit load analysis of pipe elbows under in-plane bending and internal pressure, Mohab Ahmed Shalaby
Elastic-plastic finite element analysis of aligned short fibre composites, Abdel Hamid Mokhtar Kassem
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics for two-dimensional stable crack growth and instability as applied to PVC pipe material, Ayman Aly Badawy
Electrical switching in iron calcium phosphate glasses, Mohsen Naguib Morcos
Electroactive nanomaterials for environmental and pharmaceutical sensing, Ibrahim Hassan Abdullah
Electro-chaabi music: liberating or just trendy?, Alaa El Sayed
Electrochemical technique for corrosion monitoring, Nadia Mohamed Khattab
Electronic absorption spectra of Ni (II) in sodium phosphate and sodium fluorophosphate glasses, Tarek Mostafa Sami Genena
Elements of existentialism in some American novels, Wagiha El Shiati
El Kora Fi Mal3abek, Nour Omar
El-shabab El-Masry, Shannon Arvizu
El Tayibin, Petra Yvonne Kuppinger
Emancipatory futures: women and agitational politics in revolutionary Egypt, Shaza Zaher Abdel-lateef
Emergency department design evaluation and optimization using discrete event simulation, Irinie Wanis Tadros Rofaeel
Emergency sequestrations, a process of political control, Maisa El Gamal
EMG-based eye gestures recognition for hands free interfacing, Ahmed Zahran
Emphasis in standard Arabic, Muhammad Auwal ʻIsa ʻAbdul-Munim
Emphatic sounds in educated Cairene Arabic: What to teach to AFL students?, Jean N. Druel
Employing humor appeal in Egyptian TV commercials: a content analysis on Ramadan and non Ramadan advertising campaigns, Rana Saad Hassan
Empowering professional syndicates in Egypt to achieve good governance; An application to the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Eissa Mohamed Mohamed Abou Omar
Empowerment through education: the case of adult African refugees, Valentina Hiegemann
Encapsulation of essential oils in chitosan nanoparticle formulations and Investigation on their antioxidant and antibacterial properties., Amro Abdel Azeem Shetta
Energy retrofit decision support model for existing educational buildings in Egypt, Rania Eltahan
Enforcement of arbitral awards in Nigeria: An appraisal of emerging trends, Foluke Olamiposi Omosuyi
Enframing News:An ethnographic study of AFP policies and procedures 2000 -2003, Safaa M Kanj
Engaging the Egyptian diaspora for development: Egyptian government policy and knowledge transfer, Dawood Iman
Engendering empowerment? : Rethinking gender mainstreaming policy in "post - conflict" Afghanistan, Kavita Kapur
Engineering characteristics of rocks in Qatar; Applications on excavation and tunneling, Ahmed Fawzy Kassem
English for academic purposes: students' planning strategies for an authentic reading task, Natalie J Novak
Enhanced facial feature tracking of spontaneous and continuous expressions, Rana Ayman El Kaliouby
Enhancement of an organization's capacity to carry out certain functions on a self-sustainable basis, Michael Abat Elikana
Enhancing Emotion Elicitation using the Contextual, Multimodal Features of a Social Network, Ahmed Rizk
Enhancing human development in the periphery :, Sean Joseph Osner
Enhancing image classification and content query using perception-based models, Ahmed Badr El-Din
Enhancing the institutional efficacy of the Ahfad University for women to promote the outreach of reproductive health information in Umbadda, Omdurman, Nawar Omar Abdel-Magid Abdel-Rahman
Enhancing the role of treaty bodies in reviewing reservations to human rights treaties, Mohammed Ali Ahmad Al Nsour
Enrolment in the division of public service and emigration, Zeinab El Naggar
Enset Leyady, Mayar Rahmy
Entrepreneurial training and consultancy program (ETCP), Monzer Fathi Selim
Entrepreneurship and the integration of refugees and migrants: A case study of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Riham Kabbani
Entrepreneurship as a sustainable approach towards efficient waste management in Cairo, John Estephanous
Environmental auditing of small wastewater treatment plants, Hanan Mahmoud El-Hadary
Environmental education in Egypt: A preliminary assessment, Nouran Assyed Fadl Faragallah
Environmental Elitism vs. Environmental Justice: How Egyptian NGOs shape environmental injustices between the Elite and the rest, Sarah Sensamaust
Environmental evaluation of incinerators in Egypt & waste management of ash, Aya Mohamed Lamei
Environmental factors affecting potential direct investment of American automotive enterprise in Japan, Hiroshi Abe
Environmental industrial auditing in an Egyptian textile industry, Ahmed Reda El Sotouhy
Environmental risk assessment model, Ahmed Hammam El-Sherbiny
Environmental scarcity and water development in the Eastern Nile basin, Kennan Wright
Enzymatic hydrolysis and ion exchange fractionation of sulfated polysaccharides extracted from Ulva lactuca and evaluation of their biological activity., Nihal Ali Moheib Abdelmoneim Abou El Azm
EPR spectra of divalent manganese in halide crystals, Veron Sarkis Sarkissian
EPR study of some d5 transition elements in single crystals, Mahmoud Gawish
Equalizing classroom participation: public speaking contexts in the Egyptian EFL classroom, Mariah Jane Fairley
Errors of Egyptian learners of English with reference to the expression of modality in standard English and written Arabic, Hala K Shawarby
Establishing an arabesque center in Gamalia, Walid Adham Salem
Establishing a waste management system for Imbaba Fever Hospital, Wafik H Matta
Establishing Belifia training & development center at Belifia - Beni Suef, Nagla Mohamed Bahr
Establishing literacy center at Banha Teaching Hospital, Manal Moustafa Samra
Estimates of some aspects of personal wealth distribution in Egypt, Heba Ezzeldin Helmy
Estimating a fiscal reaction function to assess Egypt's debt sustainability, Nadin Hossam El Din Ramadan
Estimating economic and epidemiological burden of hepatitis C in Egypt, 2015-2025, Wessam Mankoula
Estimation of aggregate formal private sector investment, Sally Abdel Kader
Estimation of internal forces and moments in linearly vibrating beam structures, Doris Yasmou Yacoub
Ethiopia's literacy revolution, Amare Asgedom.
Ethnic groups in Lebanon, Farida Abdel-Hamid Gadou
Ethnic inclusion, education, durable assets and occupational opportunities, Nihad Aboud
Ethnicity and public politics, Hesham Khalil Issa
Ethnicity homegrown: how the Lebanese-Argentines in Buenos Aires construct ethnicity, Bianca Kemp
Ethnic markers and boundaries in the Armenian community in Cairo, Cynthia Lynn Shartzer
Ethnic salience and change, Abdel Rahim Hassan Hallaj
Ethnography on the return of professional Egyptian female migrants from the Gulf Cooperation Council, Nerida Mackey
Euphemistic expressions and strategies used by Egyptian speakers of Arabic in light of face theory, Noha Enab
European Union foreign policy towards Egypt during the Arab spring of 2011, Ahmed Adel Hassan
Evaluating Egypt's renewable energy and energy subsidies policies., Mahmoud Lotfy El-Refai
Evaluating the governmental health expenditure pattern and its association with health outcomes in Egyptian governorates, Wessam Abass
Evaluation and implementation of a 5-level hybrid DC-DC converter, Farid Khaled El-Sehrawy
Evaluation and improvement of production quality performance application at Hadisolb, Helmy Nada
Evaluation of concepts through a semantic differential by Arabic speakers responding in Arabic and English /, Suad Shafeeq Gobrial
Evaluation of dynamic stresses and fatigue life prediction for randomly loaded structure, Walied Ahmed Moussa
Evaluation of fire resistance of plastering applied to reinforced concrete, Engy M Samy Serag
Evaluation of green building rating systems for Egypt, HebaAlla Mostafa Karmany
Evaluation of low temperature properties of gas oil, Dina Atef Abd El Ghaffar
Evaluation of minimum number of points for assessment of geometric deviations, Ola Hamada Rashwan
Evaluation of rapid low-cost colorimetric methods for diagnosis of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in limited-resource settings, Mai Mohamed Hesham Mansour
Evaluation of salesmen incentives in the United Arab Republic, Kamal AES Metwally
Evaluation of textbooks in the general secondary schools in Egypt, Saleh Antoun Demetry
Evaluation of the performance of a waste stabilization pond system in an arid region, Nadine Aly El-Aassar
Evelyn Waugh, the satirist, Riccardo Andretta
Even in words, there's greed: stories about power and the everyday among Christian cement carriers in Saft el-Laban, Fouad Halbouni
Evolution of recurrent cascade correlation networks with ditributed collaborative species, Ghada Nasr Aly
Examining guided online peer feedback on L2 writing content and language via Edmodo, Hasnaa Hisham Shaalan
Examining the boom of youth migration, Mariam Elmenofi
Examining the Role of Social Trust in the Angel Investors’ Decision-Making Process: The Case of Egypt, Salma Elhady
Excise taxes in Egypt, Amira Mohamed Ibrahim Kazem
Excitation and propagation of X-wave pulse trains in wave-guides, Ahmed Mohamed Dia ElDin Hassanein
Exclusive breastfeeding promotion in a selected village in Upper Egypt: (pilot project), Maha Nabil El-Shenhaby
Expanding development through human rights, Dina H. Sherif
Experiences of Egyptian Female Journalists With Workplace Gender Discrimination, Mai Ismail
Experimental investigation of non-linearities in thermoacoustic systems: Streaming, transition to turbulence and entrance effects, Islam Ahmed Elsayed Ramadan
Experimental investigation of the performance of a solar crop dryer, Sherif Nabil Abd
Experimental investigation on the dynamics of orthogonal metal cutting, Yasser Mohamed Ali
Experimental training for local government key decision makers in two Egyptian governorates, Sherine Mohamed Samir
Expert system for the material selection of aircraft structure, Bassem R Iskandar
Expert system for the material selection of steam piping, Ayman Mohamedein
Explaining Iran's foreign policy: Khomeini's Operational Code?, Hani Adel Dimitry Yassa
Explicit corrective feedback and gestures in pronunciation instruction: Effects on Egyptian ESL learners' oral accuracy, Omnia Fouad El Kholy
Exploratory study of the relationship between knowledge of roots and derivational system and reading comprehension and general proficiency in classical Arabic, James Richard Slater
Exploring Changes In The European Democracy Promotion Policy In Egypt After The 2011 Events ‘Same Cocktail, Different Portions’, Abdallah Shehata
Exploring Egyptian EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Leadership, Amira Salama
Exploring higher education policy reforms in different contexts: A comparative study of Australia, Canada and Egypt., Eman Mahmoud Abdel-Tawab
Exploring new arguments for the protection of refugee women: Holding states, UNHCR, and international NGOs accountable for violations of human rights, Natalie I Forcier BeVille
Exploring phonological awareness skills in Egyptian children with Down syndrome, Maha Salah El Dien Hamed
Exploring Refugee Administration Systems in Egypt, Jordan, and Uganda: A Comparative Study, Noura El Guindy
Exploring the ability of Montessori education to achieve sustainability and global citizenship education, Howaida Sayed Mohamed
Exploring the biodiversity of anammox in Atlantis II and Kebrit brine pools' interfaces, Ibrahim Farag
Exploring the fitness landscape and the run-time behavior of an iterated local search algorithm for cost-based abduction, Sarah M Hossam Ali Gheita
Exploring the impact of community service experiences on social responsibility of adolescents in private schools in Egypt, Moaz Osama El-Tantawy
Exploring the impact of community service experiences on social responsibility of adolescents in private schools in Egypt, Moaz Osama El-Tantawy
Export of Egyptian school teachers to Saudi Arabia & Kuwait: cost-benefit analysis, Suzanne Anis Messiha
Export problems in less developed countries, Mona Ali Atrash
Exposed Aggregate Concrete, Tamer Ibrahim Al-Anany
Exposing the protection gap: Detention as perpetuating refoulement in Egypt, Dalia Malek
Exposure to Arabic music video clips and Egyptian men's perception of females & marriage, Maram Mohammed Mohie Eldin Said
Expression analysis of liver-specific circulating micrornas in hcv-induced hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patients, Lobna Mohamed Mourad
Expression Levels of miR-590-3p in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Osteosarcoma Cell Lines and its Downstream Target Genes, Mennatallah Mohamed Bassem Mahmoud Elfar
Expressions of Musical Notes, Yara Abdellatif
Extended holiday in Hurghada: Russian women and 'urfi marriage as an 'alternative circuit of survival', Joanne Walby
Extensions to the ant-miner classification rule discovery algorithm, Khalid Magdy Salama
External disequilibrium and adjustment in Egypt, 1960-1990, Halla Erfan Shafey
External labor migration and the Egyptian economy: a short run CGE analysis, Jamila Yousuf Matar
Fabliau a universal sub-genre, Ahmed Bahaa El-Din Mohamed Salah El-Din Helmy
Fabrication and characterization of aluminum-carbon nanotubes (Al-CNT) functionally graded cylinders, Sherry Samy Morad
Fabrication and characterization of antibacterial herbal drug-loaded polylactic acid/cellulose acetate composite nanofiberous for wound dressing application., Salma Fouad Khalifa
Fabrication and characterization of carbon nanotube-reinforced polypropylene matrix composites, Hanady Hussein
Fabrication and characterization of Pb-Ge-Te nanocrystals and thin films as a potential material for ferroelectric applications, Asmaa Mohammed El-Khodary
Fabrication and characterization of semiconductor based photo-catalysis for light-Driven water splitting, Shady Abd El-Nasser
Fabrication and mechanical properties of aluminium composite duplex alloys by semisolid forming, Merhane Mohamed Kamel
Fabrication and properties of Carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced aluminium composites, Ahmed Sayed Salim Mohamed
Fabrication of buckypaper with tailored porosity for application in water filtration, Ruaa Elnur
Fabrication of cellulose acetate /citric acid composite electrospun nanofibers and their antibacterial activities, Mohamed Adly Faried
Fabrication of garlic composites nano-biotics and investigating their anti-bacterial activities, Sherif Ashraf Saad Fahmy
Fabrication of layer-by-layer ECM/polysaccharides/electrospun composite nanofibrous scaffolds and hydrogels for in-vitro skin cell regeneration, Fatma Nabil El-Shishiny
Fabrication of pomegranate peel extract/honey nanofibers loaded with bee venom as effective antibacterial wound dressings, Sara Abouzekry
Fabrication, structure, properties and workability of AL 2024/SIC particulate composites, Renee Naim Aziz
Facets of certainty: A critique of the development of a fundamental cartesian notion, Muhammad Sami
Factors affecting code switching between Arabic and English, Rana Medhat Hafez
Factors affecting commitment among graduate nurses in Cairo, Cheherezade Ghazi
Factors affecting elementary teachers’ decision to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) in an Egyptian international school, Shaimaa Mohamed Hafez
Factors affecting ESL achievement at the primary stage, Ruth Anderson Henning
Factors affecting essay scores of ESL students, Laila Abdel Hadi Makhlouf
Factors affecting national technological absorptive capacity, Karim Fathy Saad
Factors Affecting Online Services Shopping Behavior: A Study of Egyptian Consumers, Manal Hamdi El-Tahawy
Factors affecting the fire resistance properties of fly ash concrete, Hisham Tarek Hafez
Factors affecting the quality of dry shotcrete, El Rasheid Mohamed AbdAlla El Khidir
Factors affecting the standard of achievement in English of students in English language schools in Egypt, Nazli Hanna Rizk
Factors affecting using computers in an EFL/EAP setting, Rehab Ghazal
Factors contributing to sustainability of development projects: The cases of old and new Basaisa, Mona Lotfy Takla
Factors influencing an increase in the U.S. study abroad poplulation in the Middle East/North Africa, Cara Kathleen Lane
Factors influencing the implementation of family planning programs in selected African countries, Leben Nelson Moro
Factors influencing the success of television presenters, Dina Farouk Abou Zeid
Factors related to product country of origin effects in Egyptian advertising, Tara Al-Kadi
Faculty perceptions of faculty development programs in Egyptian universities: An exploratory study, Noran Ali Eldebecky
Faith based education in Cairo: An assessment of the role and quality, Dalia Samir El-Gamal
Family law and citizenship: the case study of Egyptian Baha'is, Vargha Dana
Family planning in Egypt, Amira A Fouad Abdel Hakim Khalifa
Family planning knowledge, attitudes and practices: a restudy in an Egyptian village [Gezirat-El-Musaada], Nazek Nosseir El Fishawy
Family violence in Egypt, Sherine Ahmed Ramzy
Farmer's regulation by Muhammad Ali 1830 from legal and social perspectives, Enas Moustafa
Farm to fork: Cairo’s food supply and distribution during the Mamluk sultanate (1250-1517), Anthony Teke Quickel
Farmworkers in the desert: an anthropological study of a village in reclaimed desert land in Egypt, Kazuaki Takemura
Fashion in Amman new camp: An ethnographical study of consumption in a Palestinian refugee camp, Ashley Fortner-Dominguez
Fate of natural organic matter and formation of disinfection by-products in a conventional water treatment plant, Noha Hesham Abdel Halim
Fatimid lustre: Origins, Evolution and Influence, Katie M Ziglar
Fatimid metalwork, Gregory Bilotto
Fatimid woodwork in Egypt: its style, influences and development, Fatema AlSulaiti
Faulkner's treatment of time in The sound and the fury and The bear, Nevine Aly Hussein
Fault tolerance in WBAN applications, Malak Yousry ElSalamouny
Fault-tolerant fpga for mission-critical applications., Gehad Ismail Ibrahim Alkady
Fault-tolerant NCSs with video sensors, Hadeer Ahmed
"Fayyumi ware": variations, imitations, and importation of an early Islamic glazed ceramic type, Gregory Williams
FDI versus local industrial investment: a human capital perspective of development, Hebatallah Hamdy El Shamy
Fear appeal message repetition in public service announcements: A cross-cultural comparison, Nihal Elkharadly
Fear voting: Securitization of migration in the context of European parliament election 2019 in the Czech Republic, Martin Brozik
Feasibility analysis model for construction of soccer stadiums, Mohamed Zakaria Serageldin
Feasibility of converting existing residential buildings to net zero-energy buildings in Egypt, Somaya Albadry
Feasibility of incorporation of by-pass dust in clay bricks, Amr Aly Gamal El-Din
Feature-based generation of pervasive systems architectures utilizing software product line concepts, Mostafa Ahmed Hamza
Features of place, time and characterization in four of Nabokov's novels: Pale fire, Invitation to a beheading, The eye, Ada, Tatiana Rodina
Federalism and political stability in the Sudan, Amir Hassan Idris
Feeling images: subjectivities and affective experience in the Egyptian revolution, Brice Woodcock
Female Illiteracy: A Case Study of Egypt, Sherin Mohamed Bahig Nafie
Female/male ratings of female/ male authors: A written "matched- guise" anaysis of students at the three Egyptian universities, Barbara Jean McQueen
Female participation in the labor force and changes in their status and decision making power, Sherine Adel Emam
Female resistance and discourses of power: Sonallah Ibrahim and Sue Monk Kidd, Ragia Mostafa Abdel Hamid
Female sexuality and the discourse of power, Seham Abd el Salam Mohammed
Female subjectivity in times of constraint: a study of Naguib Mahfouz and Gabriel García Márquez, Safinaz Ahmed Saad Mahmoud
Feminism and the media, Nadia Mohamed Kira
Feminist engagement in international criminal law: a historiographical analysis, Sarah El Saeed
Ferrimagnetic resonance and low temperature transition in nickel and cobalt substituted powder magnetite, Mohie El-Din Yehia Mohie El-Din
Ferrimagnetic resonance in NiFe2O4, YIG, Fe3O4 and Mg-Fe ferrite, Nabil Naeem Nagib
Ferrocement sandwich and hollow core panels for floor and wall construction, Hassan Mohammed Gaafar
FGM abandonment in Egypt: A case study of changing behavioural patterns and attitudes towards FGM in the village of Benban, Aswan, Laila Mahmoud El Moshneb
Field independence and ESL achievement, Janet Theresa Daly
Film censorship in Egypt: power and subject-making, Sara El Adl
Financial and economic criteria for the pirvatization (sic) of public enterprises, Sherine Badie Al-Ashrafy
Financial and economic viability of the projects established under the Egyptian investment law no. 230 of 1989, Karim Badr El Din Attia Hassanein
Financial and institutional sustainability of development projects: the case of the Green Corridor Project and the case of the High Dam Lake Area Project, Nadine Hisham Fawzy
Financial Inclusion in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges, Farid Ghebrial
Financial inclusion, shadow economy and financial stability: Evidence from emerging economies, Nevine Essam Elsherif
Financial instability: is regionalism the answer?, Marco Vasconi
Financial repression in developing countries, Faten Sabry
Financial repression, inflation and growth in Egypt, 1974-1991, Abear El Shennawy
Financial services liberalization with emphasis on the Egyptian banking sector, Noha Hatem Abdel Razek
Finite element analysis of the tube-hydroforming process, Hany Fayek Abdalla
Finite element analysis of workability in bulk forming processes, Nagi Hosni Abbasi
Finite element evaluation of the elastic-plastic fracture parameters, Ibrahim Medhat Ibrahim Ayoub
Finite element model updating approach to damage identification in beams, Mohamed Medhat Saada
Finite element simulation of elastic wave propagation in porous rock media, Ahmed Kamal Kamel
Finite element study of the effect of the blank holder force and drawbead on the sheet metal's drawability in the deep drawing process, Shada Philip Halim
Finite element study of the flat strip rolling process using a deformable roll model, Hany George Harmouch
Finite element study of wellbore stability, Karim Ibrahim Badawi
Firas Al-Atraqchi - Interview, Karim Abdel Kodos
First language maintenance, shift and attrition among Egyptian immigrants in Houston, Texas, Tawhida Ahmed Askary
First principles insights on CO adsorption on metal surfaces, Kareem Gameel
Flesh made word: Flannery O'Connor and the creation of mystery, Laila Galal Rifaat
Flooring systems from locally grown Casuarina wood: Performance evaluation based on simulated in-service testing, Tariq Mohamed Almahallawi
Food & beverages advertising viewed by Egyptian children: A content analysis, Mona Rady
Food policy as a way out of famines case study: India and Ethipia, Tamam A Youssouf
Food problems in developing countries with special reference to the U.A.R., Fawzia Mohamed El Tayeb
Forecasting exchange rates, Rawia Atef Mokhtar
Forecasting with combined seasonal indiaces, Al-Nasser Essam Taki El Din
Forecasting with combined seasonal indices, Al-Nasser Essam Taki El Din
Foreign aid and the health sector: A case study from Palestinian National Authority, Wafa Ahmed Mataria
Foreign direct investment and development objectives in the Republic of Uganda, David Olanya
Foreign direct investment and intellectual property rights protection: TRIPS economics for Developing Economies and their pharmaceutical sectors, Hanan Hamed Sileem
Foreign direct investment and international technology transfer to the south: case study of Egypt, Mohamed Mansour Kadah
Foreign direct investment, institutional quality and business regulatory environment: Evidence from Africa, Nada Abdelghany
Foreign funding to human rights organizations in Egypt in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, Kenzy Hassan AbdAllah
Foreign language anxiety: perceptions and attitudes in the Egyptian ESL classroom, Shaden Samir Attia
Foreign language reading anxiety and its relationship to reading comprehension, Cori Ann Yochim
Foreign policy decision-making in a developing state, Mona Abdel-Raouf Ayyad
Foreign policy decision-making in Egypt under Sadat, Abdel Raouf Mohamed Reda
Forgotten in the diaspora: the Palestinian refugees in Egypt, 1948-2011, Lubna Yassin
Formal and informal register as related to phrasal verbs, Shahira Zaki
Formal verification of automotive embedded UML designs, Ghada Bahig
Formal vs informal vocational training: Which is more effective in preparing workers for the labour market? The case of a carpentry programme in Egypt, Wafeya Ahmed El Shinnawy
Foster care in Egypt: A study of policies, laws, and practice., Samar Mohamed Ali
Fractionation of natural organic matter in Nile water to reduce disinfection by-products formation, Ahmed Abdul Aziz Al Qabany
Framework for developming a standard construction information classification system for the Egyptian construction industry, Rehab M Anwar Wahch
Framing Arab refugees in global news, Abdulrahman Elsamni
Framing a voice: a mental health consumer movement's media discourse, Jon Birgir Einarsson
Framing of charity TV advertisements in Egypt: A content analysis, Maha Sherra
Framing of political forces in liberal, islamist and government newspapers in Egypt: A content analysis, Noha El-Nahass
Framing of terrorism and Ethiopian dam on online Egyptian publications and social media, Noha El Tawil
Framing the Darfur crisis in videoblogs and Sudanese newspapers, Ehab Hamdi Gomaa
Framing the forgotten war of Yemen: A comparative study, Omnia Elzahar
Freedom of movement of refugees: those forced to move find themselves without their human right to move, Amanda Michele Slobe
From AUC to UCLA, Yasmina Wahba
From Brothers to Partners: The Evolution of China's Foreign Policy to the Middle East (1949-2008), Shuang Wen
From driver of change to marginalised actor: organised labour in post-revolutionary Egypt from a comparative perspective, Nadine Abdalla
From free trade to fair trade: Reclaiming special and differential treatment, Mahmoud Ahmed Sabry
From gender equality to gender justice: the Egyptian revolution and public sphere debates, Heba Moahmed El Azzazy
From herds of goats to herds of tourists: negotiating Bedouin identity under Petra's romantic gaze, Cynthia Allison Wooten
From Islamophobia to Islamistophobia: framing Islamic movements in Egyptian newspapers after the January 25th Revolution, Aisha Essam El-Haddad
From mini skirts to veil, Yomna Amr Khallaf
From political tool to humanitarian stalemate: a critical appraisal of international refugee law as a global protection mechanism, Emily Rose Mattheisen
From text to screenplay (gendering the nation in Mariam Naoum's literary adaptations), May Serhan
From the young Turks to Kemalists: Links and discontinuities, Erica Dunham
Functional identification of a Ligase in the Red Sea Atlantis II deepest Layer, Mahera Mohammed
Functionalism and conflict solution in the dispute over water in the Levant, David Colvin
Functional nanostructred photoanodes for solar fuel production, Ahmad Mohyeldin Mohamed
Functions and contextual triggers of offensive language on Twitter, Deena Mohamed Mansour
Functions and structure of code-switching: An analysis of the Egyptian novel mawlana, Ro'ya Mahmoud Hammoudeh
Funding development NGOs: A comparative study, Niveen Mohamed Badawi
Future dangers of proliferation within the non-proliferation regime, Nazih El Naggary
Fuzzy logic traffic signal controller enhancement based on aggressive driver behavior classification, Shaimaa Mohammed Hegazy
GAdaboost: Accelerating adaboost feature selection with genetic algorithms, Mai Tolba
Galling characteristics of aluminum alloys, Magdy Mohamed Hussein Ahmed Shoukry
Gap analysis on the product and organization levels for benchmarking industrial enterprises, Hany Mohie El Din Awadain
Gated cities in Greater Cairo, Wesam Mohamed Ibrahim Younis
Gender and authority in Almoravid Andalusia: Subjects/Objects of Regulation in Ibn Abdun's Risala Fi Al Qada'wa Al Hisba, Sean Connor Riordan
Gender and citizenship, Ghalia Walid Gargani
Gender and identity in contemporary Coptic society, Hazel Haddon
Gender and leadership in Egypt's public sector: the case of the Ministry of Finance, Ola Gamil El Taliawi
Gender, citizenship and personal status laws: Egypt & Morocco compared, Yvette Fayez Isaac
Gender differences in motivation for learning English as a foreign language among university students, Noha Mohamed Ghaly
Gender differences in reasons for alcohol and drug abuse among youth in Kenya: programs for prevention, Faith Wanjiru Kimunya
Gender dimensions in training and development at the information and communication technology sector in Egypt, Rozana Adnan Khayyat
Gender discourse in Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra: deconstructing Ibn Sa'd's portrayal of the model Muslim woman, Amira Naim Abou-Taleb
Gender discrimination, social stratification, Eshrak Gamal Zaki
Gendered infidelity in comparative literary context, Magda Elsehrawi
Gendered nationality gendered nation: analyzing gender equality within the 2004 nationality law reform in Egypt, Marwa Salem Baitelmal
Gender, Forced Migration and Paid Domestic Work: Case Studies on Refugee Women Domestic Workers in Cairo, Amira Abderahman Ahmed
Gendering labor contestation in Egypt, Francesca Mara Ricciardone
Gendering migratory social spaces in Upper Egypt, Azza Abdelrahman Mahmoud Salman
Gender, perceptual factors, and entrepreneurial intention: Evidence from Egypt, Eman Tawfik El-Hadary
Gender writing - writing gender: the representation of women in a selection of modern Egyptian literature, Nadje Sadig Al-Ali
Generating large scale images using GANs, Mohamed Mohsen Mahmoud Mohamed
Generational dynamics: Eritrean women in Egypt, Naseem Hashim
Generation of random numbers for business applications, Samir Youssef Salama
Generic implementation of components of Neuro-Fuzzy controllers based on FPGA technology, Mohamed Samir Ahmed Abd El Kader
Genetically Modified Food Crops: Another Challenge to Development, May Abul Seoud
Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of alternative splicing modulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, Moustafa Ahmed Abohawya
Geopolitics and economy, Nahla Hassan
George Etherege's satire of restoration society, Mervat Shukry Shafik
Geotechnical investigation of the new site of the American University in Cairo, Yehia Abdel Maksoud Abdallah Eissa
Germany's foreign policy in the Arab world, Dalia Abu Samra
Get out! the host state's objective perspective and "voluntary" repatriation : a case study on Liberian returnees, Danielle Beasley
GFRP external strengthening of structural concrete, Tarek Mohamed Nabil Fathy Rizk
Girls’ empowerment through sports: Sports and physical activity with life skills, Weaam Mossallam Mohamed El Leithy
Glass splinter realism, M El-Assyouti
Global incremental garbage collection in distributed systems, Soha Safwat Labib
Globalization and the transformation of citizenship, Atef Selim Abdel Aal
Global nomads: Struggles third culture kids face living in Egypt, Doaa Abdelghany
Going inside the life of the fashion designer Caroline Yassa., Sally AbdelRahman
Gold nanoparticles-based sensors for detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic DNA, Amira Hazem Mansour
Good governance and integration for sustainable municipal solid waste management: a case study of Egypt, Randa El Masry
Gordes carpets in Egyptian collections, Ahmed Mohamed Dabbʻ
Government and community efforts in upgrading infrastructure in informal areas- the case of Izbit ElHaggana, Noura Medhat Wahby
Government environmental policy making, Heba Behairy
Government provision and regulation of bus service in Cairo, Mohamed Abdelsalam Elkaramany
Government regulatory policy towards the Biopharmaceutical sector: regulatory outlook on biosimilars in Egypt., Mohamed Atef Abdelhakim Farag
Government response to radical Islamic movements in Egypt during the Mubarak regime, Jeongmin Seo
Grammatical versus pragmatic awareness: the case of Egyptian students in an English-medium university, Nourhan Sorour
Graphene quantum dots with multi-band emission: Unraveling the molecular origin of graphene quantum dots, Radwa Adel Shedeed
Grappling with Cairo’s garbage: Informal sector integration as a means to urban sustainability, Hussein Bakry
Grassroots Empowerment: The Case of an Egyptian NGO, Youmna Ali Khalil
Greetings and farewells in Cairene Egyptian society, Nagwa Taha Zeini
Greywater treatment using aquatic filtration for possible reuse in landscape irrigation, Lana Mahmoud
Groundwater desalination using forward Osmosis in Egypt, Peter Nasr
Growing up in institutions, Nevine S Ibrahim
Growth factor-free and antimicrobial elastic nanocomposites for bone regeneration, Dina Mohsen Ibrahim
Growth of single crystals by the flux technique, Nabil H Kerba
Growth-oriented structural adjustment programs for Egypt, Mona Abdel Salam Said
Guidelines for sustainable urban zero pollution community (S.U.Z.C), Mianda Khaled Khattab
Guidelines for the application of recycled concrete aggregate in the Egyptian construction Industry, Ahmed Moustafa Essam Aly Kamel
Hamas' maze: finding the way out of the crisis, Veronica Aguilar
Harmonization of regulations as a step towards achieving economic integration, Ahmed Mohamed Hesham Elaiat
Hate speech in Egyptian television talk shows: a qualitative study, Caroline Elias
Hats and tarbooshes: identity, cosmopolitanism, and violence in 1920s Alexandria, Daniel Woodward
Health and development: a health care model for Ein Helwan community, Rabab El-Mahdi
HeLa cell line, a model to study the role of cofactor of BRCA1 in cervical cancer, Noha Saad Abd Elhamied
Helping EFL students use outside-the-classroom input sources, Dorry Mann Kenyon
Henry James: The "rehearsal" for The portrait of a lady, Jack Mardick Guiragossian
Herding behavior in the Egyptian stock market, Noha Allam
Heritage language learners in L2 Arabic classes: Challenges and instructional strategies, Almutazbellah Alabd
Hermann Hesse’s Peter Camenzind: A Sufi Reading, Omneya Ahmed Ali Badr
Heterogeneous LTE/ Wi-Fi architecture for intelligent transportation systems, Noha Sadek
Hezbollah as a norm entrepreneur: Reconstructing resistance and legitimacy, Ali Elbenhawy
Hierarchical fault tolerance in wireless networked control systems, Esraa Aziz Makled
High-field mobility effects in junction-gate field-effect transistors, Waguih John Boctor
High frequency analysis of the EWZ ETF, Nada Ragab
High income residential compounds around Cairo: an investigation of house components' importance and finishing materials selection, Marwa Mohamed Lamei
Highlighting the major weaknesses of the WTO anti-dumping agreement which cause international market distortion, Ahmed Abo Elnour
High performance 3-folded symmetric decoupled MEMS gyroscopes, Hani Hisham Tawfik
High performance distributed storage architectures, Ahmed M Amer
High speed serial links for on-chip networking, Abdelrahman Hesham Elsayed Ahmed
Hija' in the early Islamic period, Elsa Birgitta Elmahdy
Hiring challenges facing employers in small and medium enterprises (SMES) in Egypt’s textiles sector, Reem Abughattas
Hispano-Umayyad caliphal iconography, Maria Isabel Varas Cruz
Historical analysis of language policy in Egypt, Latifa Aly Fahmy
Histories of the Muslim Hero: Medieval and Modern Perceptions of Al Zaher Baybars, Amina A Elbendary
History and development of the Egyptian Radio, Doaa Mohamed Zaki Darwish
History and impact of mobile telephony in Egypt, Dina Tayseer El Hawary
History, development, and the future impact of Egypt's soft power in Africa: broadcasting media approach, Hany Mehany
HIV services for refugees in Egypt: an evaluative study, Reham Hussain
HLA typing for breast cancer patients in Egypt, Maha Adly Guindi
Holocaust education in Egyptian secondary schools, Marisa Jones
Honor and War, Amanda Frances Paulin
Horace's 'Carpe Diem' in modern literature as an application to Thornton Wilder's plays, Our town and The matchmaker, Munira Essameddin Omar Wagdy
Horizontal formwork design optimization & selection system using genetic algorithms, Ramy Mohamed Ghowiba
Horses, health and humans, Barbara Ann Bird
Housing Egypt's urban poor: A case study of future housing project, Nadine Sherif Fanous
Housing, service and integration, Hala A Omar
How Al Ahram Weekly online and Al Ahram Hebdo online framed the 2003 Iraq war, Ingrid Wassmann
How can sense-data processing generate perception?, Marian Reda Asaad Ghattas
How do the variations in military organization influence the implementation of economic coup proofing mechanisms in the MENA Region? The cases of Jordan, Syria and Egypt, Reem Mahmoud Abou Refaie
However long the journey, our destination is set: Liberty and justice for all: dealing with the issue of slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States, Felicia Janelle Lindsey
How ISIS addresses women from Western and Middle-Eastern backgrounds: A discourse analysis, Kesmat Taha Nassar
How reading can shape us as literary, cognizant, and ethical human beings, namely witnesses, Yukiko Yamasaki
Howwa wheyya: Performance and gendered style in the Egyptian caricature "The Piece of Paper", Hasnaa Essam
Human centric situational awareness, Mohamed Abdel Samie
Humanitarian intervention and its challenges to sovereignty, Marwa Hamed Hashem
Humanitarian intervention: Before and after responsibility to protect (R2P) assessing the impact of R2P, Amr Abdelhady
Human rights as an element of U. S. policy towards Egypt, Moira Eileen McDaid
Human rights coverage in the Egyptian media, Amira Samir Aly El Messeiry
Human rights NGOs and democratization, Nadine Sika
Human trafficking in Egypt: policy and alternatives?, Bernadette Michel Guirguis
Hurdles to development: Challenges facing Libya's post-conflict reconstruction, Munir Eldin Ibrahim A Betelmal
Hyperlink-extended pseudo relevance feedback for improved microblog retrieval, Tarek Elganainy
"I aspire to walk": Egyptian working women defining threats on Cairo's public space, Caroline Kamel Nassif
Ibn 'Arabi's primacy of consciousness: finding in being found by the Real, Reham Elnory
Ibn Taimīya's concept of heresy with particular reference to his fatwa on jihād, Lamia Ahmad Hosny Eid
Ibn Taymiyya’s theory of exegesis: rejecting the Ḥaqīqa-Majāz dichotomy, Isa Kundra
I can't get no (just) satisfaction? An analysis of monetary awards at the European Court of Human Rights, Karl Christopher Procaccini
Identification of drug leads against HCV and malaria using different target proteins, Reem Al Olaby
Identification of risks in construction contracts, Hala Mohamed Fouad Afify
Identification of T-cell epitopes in the Hepatitis C virus genotype 4 proteome: a step towards epitope-driven vaccine development, Karim Mohamed Ali Abdel-Hady
Identifying strategies and techniques for the Egyptian medium and large size contractors to respond to economic hardship, Michael Salib
Identifying the topic-specific influential users in Twitter, May Shalaby
Identifying Worst-Case Test Vectors for Delay Failures Induced by Total Dose in Flash- based FPGA, Adel Ammar
Identifying worst case test vectors for FPGA exposed to total ionization dose using design for testability techniques, Mohamed Sami Abdelwahab
Identity and its political manipulation in Syria, Nada Yasser Sharkawy
Identity and urbanism, A Monim Elgak
Identity construction among L2 writers in an Egyptian university, Duaa Zein Abousaeed
Illiteracy among lower social class Egyptian women in Hai Al Zarayyeb (Mansheyyat Nasser, Cairo), Samah Zuhair Al Minawi
Illumination tolerance in facial recognition, Aishat Dan-Ali Mahmoud
Image compression of facial photographs based on BTC/TSVQ local processing, Suhair Hafez Najib Amer
Image of women as portrayed in the Egyptian media, Rasha Nabil Allam
Images of women in contemporary Egyptian film: elements of the body sexuality and consumerism, Nahla Zeitoun
I'm back, now what?, Nada Mawsouf
Imitation and Originality in Four Poems by al-Hạ̄jjʿUmar ibn AbīBakr ibn ʿUthmān Krachi (ca 1856–1934), Jibril Abubakr Gabid
Immigration and refugee movement, Anthony B Y Gubek
Immobilized titanium dioxide for emerging contaminant removal in wastewater, Abdel-Maksoud Yasmine
Impact of aggregate fines on short term properties of concrete incorporating water-reducing admixtures, Maged Maher Fakhry
Impact of artificial intelligence on education for employment: (learning and employability Framework), Akram Marwan
Impact of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) on modern constructions: A case study in the new Egyptian administrative capital, Esraa Ahmed Khalil
Impact of Converging New lVledia in Journalism: A new tool to foster information in Egypt, Elisa Pierandrei
Impact of elevated temperature, chemical and workmanship on performance of beams with near surface mounted FRP bars, Mahmoud Mohamed
Impact of Fatawa el-Jihad on users of, Hanaa Ahmed Marie
Impact of flow control structures on river's [sic] self assimilative capacity, Dahlia Mohamed Eid
Impact of gender, socioeconomic class and product involvement on the portrayal of women in Egyptian TV commercials, Alia El-Mohandes
Impact of global warming on dissolved oxygen concentrations in river Nile and on the waste allocation plan of the river (present and future plan), Rawnaa Imam Yassin
Impact of Islamic TV on Social Development in Egypt, Mohamed Ahmed Selim Khalil
Impact of leadership styles on employees' job satisfaction and employees' intention to quit in not-for-profit organizations in Egypt., Amira Samir Kamel
Impact of lignin from non-wood pulping processes on Kraft wastewater treatment and receiving water quality, Mohamed Hamdy Nour
Impact of one-to-one computing on middle school teaching and learning, Hebba Haroun
Impact of social media on political participation of Egyptian youth, Sally Samy Tayie
Impact of the real economy on stock market performance: evidence from Arab countries, Mariam Hasseeb
Impact of the relationship between government and religion on Egyptian media content (1950-1995), Mourad Ruben Haroutunian
Impact of trade liberalization on the Egyptian industrial sector: a CGE analysis, Moataz Mostafa El-Said
Impact of TV terrorism news on Egyptians' perception of national security measures and civil liberties: A cultivation study, Reham Gamal Salem
Impact of U.S. assistance on educational policy in Egypt, Sahar Mohamed Ramy
Impact of variation orders on performance of repetitive residential projects in Egypt, Wael Sherif
Impact of Western cultural values as presented in the Egyptian movies, Mariam El Shenawi
Impact ot the mass media and other kinds of communication on American tourism in Egypt, Sonia A Guirguis
Impacts of water scarcity on Egypt's agricultural strategy with emphasis on food security, Noha Ahmed Hatata
Implementation of an integrated cost and schedule control system in the Egyptian construction industry, Nahla Mofid El-Ebiary
Implementation of ISO 9000 standards in the Egyptian construction contracting companies: A Quality Managers' view, Mohamed El-Sayed Mohamed El-Bassuni
Implications of publication ban orders in Egypt on press journalists’ work and news dissemination, Reem M. Gehad Fathy
Imprisonment for insolvent debtors in Egypt with specific reference to Al-Gharemoun cases, Nivert ElSherif
Improved compressed earth blocks, Tarek Mahmoud Ahmed Elgindy
Improved decoder metrics for DS-CDMA in practical 3G systems, Shady Osama Mahmoud Elbassiouny
Improved fault-tolerant PMU placement using algebraic connectivity of graphs, Mahmoud Mostafa El Hosainy
Improved fault-tolerant PMU placement using algebraic connectivity of graphs, Mahmoud El Hosainy
Improving machine learning techniques for influenza-A classification, Nermin Ashraf Shaltout
Improving region based CNN object detector using bayesian optimization, Amgad Muhammad
Improving the effectivness of audit committee: a comparative analysis of audit committee codes in US, UK and Egypt, Auday Sabri Tawfeek Sarsam
Improving the quality of public health services in lower income areas in Cairo, Egypt: a comparative study between the accredited and non-accredited primary health care clinics in Cairo, Amira Moukhtar Abdel Latif
Incentives of violence dynamics and duration of the Syrian civil war, Mennatallah Fouad Youssef
Inching Towards Democracy, Ana Damasio
Incidental second language vocabulary acquisition, Shorouk Nour EL-Din Ahmed Hnafy
Incidental vocabulary acquisition and gamer perceptions of learning in massive online multiplayer role-playing games, Gilan Hussein
Inclusion strategies in President El Sissi's discourse in context of election campaigns, Ihab Abdelhafiz
Incorporating construction and demolition waste into non-load brearing bricks., Neveen samy Talaat Soliman
Incorporation of public interest in Egyptian contract law: A critical review of sixty years of the Sanhury civil code, Wael Ibrahim
Increasing blood donation in Egypt, Azza Akram Shafei
Indexing returns to human capital, Rana Kanaan
Indicators of variance in the frequency of terrorist attacks across Egyptian governorates, Kamal Eldin Hesham Kamal Eldin Salah
Indigenous knowledge: A route to the infusion of sustainable development in education., Ekbal Mohammed Mokhles
Individualism and sensitivity of investment to stock prices: evidence from emerging markets, Ayatallah Mohamed Amin
Indomitable patriarchy, ambivalent masculinities? Investigating men's gendered relations in Egypt /, Katherine Pavljuk
Indonesian students in Cairo : Islamic education, perceptions and exchanges, Mona Mohsen Abaza-Stauth
Induced color centers in α-spodumene called kunzite, Maher Helmy Labib
Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from mouse germ cells, Nora Khan
Industrialization and Underdevelopment: Towards a Heavy Industrial Drive in Egypt, Mohamed Ismail Sabry
Industrialization and underdevelopment: towards a heavy industrialization drive in Egypt, Mohamed Ismail Sabry
Industrial monuments in the Holy Land, Adham Mahmoud Fahmy
Industrial production of activated carbon from cotton stalks, Mamdouh Magued Louis
Inequality through sports, Alia Haytham Rabie
Infertility: the hidden burden, Sally G El Mahdy
Inflation, financial development and growth, Hishame Gamal Khedr
Inflation targeting in the case of Egypt, Diaa Mohamed Noureldin
Influence of coatings on energy conservation in construction industry: A case study in the new Egyptian administrative capital, Nancy Abdel Moneim Sakr
Influence of delta-6-desaturase on hepatic membrane composition in obesity/insulin resistance: implications for the development of cardiometabolic syndrome, Dina Ahmed Safwat Nemr
Influence of friction stir welding on the microstructural evolution, mechanical properties and superplastic behavior of Al-Cu-Li alloy (AA 2095), Moataz Attallah
Informal economy in Madinat Al Nahda, Manal Mohamed Eid
Informal housing in Cairo: Legislation concerning the Housing Process, its Problems, Approaches and Options, Angela Hoisington Ibrahim
Informational Role of Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from an Emerging Market, Moataz Hamouda
Information and communications technology for small and medium enterprises in Egypt, Moustafa Yosry Khalil
Information technology in class, Nihal Adel Nasr
Infrastructure projects in Egypt: A decision-support framework for the selection from World Bank lending instruments, Mohamed Bahgat Moussa
Innovation in the local administration system in Egypt, Mustafa Adel Abdulrahman
Innovative cleaner production technique: foam glass production from lead crystal glass sludge, Hussein Abdel Fattah ElKersh
Innovative polymer nanocomposite membranes for industrial applications, Irene Fahim
Input-output analysis and its applicability in Egypt, Shafik Mikhail Youssef
Inscription programs in Cairene domestic architecture (14th-18th century), Noha Mohamed Khaled Abou-Khatwa
Inscriptions of Bahri Mamluk sultans, Heba Abd-el-Aziz El-Toudy
Inscriptions on Fatimid lustre ware, Nevine Fathy Shamel Fathy
Insider trading regulations in emerging markets: The case of Egypt, Dina El Sayed Hashish
In silico design of selective high affinity ligands against HCV using novel computational diology tools, Reem Rafik Al Olabi
In silico identification and in Vitro assessment of a potential anticancer peptide sequence retrieved from the red sea metagenomics library, Mona Elradi Imam
In silico identification of potential biomass and cell wall degrading enzymes in the microbial community of the Red Sea Atlantis-II brine pool using metagenomic approach, Norhan Mohammed Magdy Mofeed
In silico screening, analysis, and modelling for a novel anticancer peptide, Youssef Abdou
Institutionalization and Reform: the Case of the National Democratic Party in Egypt, Safinaz El Tarouty
Institutionalizing the revolutionary movement: a study in the transformations of the Egyptian public sphere, Reem Abu-Zaid
Institutionalizing youth aspirations in the public policy process in Egypt, Mohamed Kadry Ibrahim
Instructional factors contributing to good L2 writing, Jennifer A Cate
Instructional television programs in Egypt: a case study of the primary stage programs, Mahitab Khalil
Instructor perceptions of effective teaching in LMOOCs and strategies utilized to enhance learner engagement, Sara Matlack
Integrated asset management system for performance-based road maintenance contracts, Soliman Abu-Samra
Integrated construction project planning, Umar Farouk Dolleh
INTEGRATED devices in MIR for on chip applications, sara ahmed shafaay
Integrated fast optical modulators, Mohamed Youssef Abdelatty
Integrated life-cycle cost & risk optimization framework for coastal protection structures, Ayman Hassan Abdel-Wahab El Hakea
Integrating globalization processes into the rational unified process, Omar Bahy Badreddin
Integrating language and content in mainstream biology classrooms - the experiences of English language learners, Yasmeen Tawfik
Integrating renewable energy with conventional power grid, Mobarak Saleh
Integration of linear alternators in thermoacoustic heat Engines, Moamen Bellah Abdelmwgoud
Intellectual property rights and pharmaceuticals: The impact of the intellectual property rights regime on the access to medicine in developing states, Hend Youssef Abdel Rahman Hosny
Intellectual theft, advertising infringements & music piracy, Reem M Hamza
Interaction analysis in ESL classes in the Division of Public Service, American University in Cairo, Shadia Farid El Komos
Interaction of silica fume and polypropylene fibers in high performance concrete, May Tarek Massoud
Interests, identity, and the geopolitical causes for military rule in Egypt., William Lamon
Interfacial energy and wettability of some glass-metal systems, Mahmoud Yehia Demeri
Interference phenomena in the use of some cohesive devices, Amal Gobran El Shammah
Internal curing of high performance concrete using lightweight and recycled aggregates, Mohamed Afifi
Internal displacement outside the camp: recognizing displacement in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, Maya Moseley
International agencies and the reform of food subsidies in Egypt after the revolution of 2011, Marie Di Pietrantonio
International and regional measures against Somali piracy: genuine but misguided, Essam Mahmoud Badran
International broadcasting to the Middle East, Radwa Ali Mohamed Mobarak
International Development Donors and Non-Governmental Organizations: "An Exploratory Pilot Study for the relationship Dynamics within the Egyptian Development Context", Dalia Salah El-Noury
International law, national law and UN practice: a study of the complexity of black refugee women collective identity in Cairo, Menna Roshdy
International media coverage of conflict at the III International Conference for Population and Development in Cairo, Cherine Adel Sadek
International migration in the Sudan, Kuot Mawien Kuot
International trade remedies in purgatory : Anti-trust, anti-dumping and the pitfalls of policy choices, HossamEldin Shawki Gramon
International war crimes tribunals, Nora Awad El Gabbani
Internet Regulation in Egypt: Outcomes and Policy Recommendations, Sara ElDemerdash
Interorganizational relations, Nadra Garas
Interpersonal metadiscourse categories in two Egyptian newspapers concerning the 2007 "constitutional amendments", Ahmad Abdelmoneim
Interplanar force constants of symmetry planes in close-packed structures, Paul G Khoury
Interpolated Domestic Space: The Metropolitan Museum’s Damascus Room Re-installed, Ellen Van Riper Kenney
Interpretive revolutions, Pamela Wren Ritchie
Intertextuality in Sinister street, Lamyaa Ibrahim El-Sahn
Interview 1 with Dr. Mona Amer, Alaa El Dirini
Interview with Doctor Mahmoud Yousry, Hagar Eissa
Interview with Ghada Hassan, Hagar Eissa
Interview with Lauren Clark: The roots of hip-hop and their worth to Egyptian youth, Sarah Guirguis
Interview with Mahmoud Shoukry: The scope on Egyptian attitude towards unconventional dance over time, Sarah Guirguis
Interview with Mariam Eissa, Hagar Eissa
Interview with Maya for audio documentary: What's the magic word?, Yasmine Bassily
Interview with Nadine Dafrawy, Youmna Ahmed
Interview with Ramy Emad for audio documentary: What's the magic word?, Yasmine Bassily
Interview with Rawya El-Hagem, Nour El-Afandi
Interview with Sameh Bassily for audio documentary: What's the magic word?, Yasmine Bassily
Interview with Shahira Hamdy: Common Egyptian opinion about girls on-stage, Sarah Guirguis
Interview with Starwood Regional PR and marketing manager Dina Naeem, Malak El Husseiny
"In the Memory of These Concrete Living Gests": C.S. Peirce on Science of Review, Alessandro Topa
In the mind of the beholder, Sara Sharaf
Introducing culture into the EFL classroom, Saida Dirie Herzi
Introducing entrepreneurship into the public university scheme in Egypt, Ahmed Abbas
Introducing public service media principles to the state-owned newspapers: The case study of Al-Ahram, Salma Adel Hussein
Investigating a natural organic binder as a bitumen substitute in flexible pavements, Karim Ahmed Abdel Warith
Investigating circulatory microRNA expression profiles in Egyptian patients with HCV induced hepatocellular carcinoma, Amany Al Anany
Investigating project-based learning (PBL) in a STEM school in Egypt: A case study, Hamada Ahmed Elfarargy
Investigating the effect of explicit and implicit instruction on the acquisition of verb + noun collocations: a case of L2 Egyptian learners, Omneya Hesham Kamal
Investigating the effects of using concordance data on vocabulary acquisition in an Egyptian English for academic purposes setting, Jenna Steiner
Investigating the mechanical and physical properties of wood plastic composites (WPC), Mokhtar Aly Nour El-Din Kamel
Investigating the translation of Cobra1: canonical expression is alternatively initiated from a non-AUG codon, Mohamed Abouelsoud
Investigating the use of solid waste as alternative fuels in Egypt, Fatma Adel Shahat
Investigating the use of stance markers in Egyptian and American MA theses: A corpus-based study, Sandra Adel Mohamed Elfiky
Investigation of AuNi5 films deposited by laser ablation for RF MEMS switches, Noha Sameh Ahmed Farghal
Investigation of biogas burner optimum operating conditions with respect to NOx and combustion efficiency, Michel Samir Sadek Farag
Investigation of reinforced foam waste with natural or synthetic fibers, Riham Abdel Mohsen
Investigation of two-phase air water flow using annubar, Ehab Fouad Shoukry
Investment banks in Egypt (a case study for Misr Iran development bank), Ahmed Fouad Zahran
Investment criteria vs. project appraisal for underdeveloped countries, Salah I. El-Sheikh
Investment promotion in Egypt: Institutional analysis of the general authority for investment and free zones, Rawda Said Ali
Investor trading behavior: empirical evidence from the Egyptian stock exchange, Heba Mohamed Khalil
Invisible contributors in the economy: the case of domestic workers in Egypt, Noha Saad Zaghloul
Invoking the sacred: Journeys into 'Ashura as ritual and art across time and space, Dena Al-Adeeb
Ion-exchange and surface properties of titania gels from Ti (111) chloride solutions, Suzan I Khairy Seleem
Ion exchange properties of titania gels prepared from titanous chloride and amonium carbonate, Nahed Latif Yacoub
IP traceback of denial of service attacks using mobile agents technology, Ghada Magdi Hashem El-Keissi
Iraqi propaganda before and after the invasion of Kuwait, Suzy Said El Geneidy
Iraq: Post-invasion reconstruction or deconstruction, Heba Saleh
Irony and the savage circle: a comparative study of Things fall apart and Heart of darkness, Eric Giles Nwakuna
Irregular Egyptian migration of unaccompanied minors to Italy: a journey of death or salvation?, Hend A. F. Hafez
IR theory and the press in democracies: The relevance of realism based on an analysis of the coverage of the Iraq war 2003 in the FAZ and NYT, Stephanie Dornschneider
Is American power declining?, Mohamed Gabr
Is background knowledge really that important?, Elizabeth Assaad Boustagui
Is conflict over Jerusalem a zero sum game?, Heba Zaghloul
Is education beneficial in protracted refugee situations? a case study of Somali refugees in Kharaz refugee camp, Stephen Lack
Is Egypt willing to embrace Inflation Targeting as a framework for its monetary system?, Maha Emad
Is inclusion the key to addressing the issue of marginalization of children with mental disabilities in Egypt?, Nour El-Zouhairy
Islam : A guide for the Perplexed - Study & Evaluation of an Attempt of Application: Alleviating Poverty in Tafahna AlAshraf, Nancy Fathy Emara
Islam and human rights a case study of the National Islamic Front (NIF) in the Sudan, Mohamed Osman Obeid El-Faki
Islam and Postmodernity: The New Islamic Discourse in Egypt, Mohamed Mosaad Abdel Aziz
Islamic and Western Critiques of Modernity: A Comparison Between the Critiques of the Islamic Thinkers and The Frankfurt School, Ashraf Nabih El-Sherif
Islamic associations in Cairo, Manal Abdel Salam Badawy
Islamic banking and socio-economic development, Nabila Fattouh
Islamic banking: theory and practice with reference to Kuwait Finance House, Mohammed Sadek Hasan
Islamic Cairene architecture in the first half of the twentieth century, Tarek Mohamed Refaat Sakr
Islamic cult of saints and patron-clent relationships, Amira Ahmed Fouad Othman
Islamic design influences on Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, M Tarek Amin El-Akkad
Islamic education in Northern Nigeria, Saidu Bako Gumel
Islamic feminism: A perfect match or a contradiction in terms?, Merna Aboul-Ezz
Islamic finance : a study of Malaysian banks from 1999-2005, Tamer ElGindi
Islamic Jurisprudence on the Regulation of Armed Conflict: Text and Context, Nesrine Mahmoud Badawi
Islam in the American Media, Inas Amin Farid
Islam is the solution: Islamic development from theory to practice, Mohamed El-Far
Islamist state: Various visions?, Shehab Wagih
Islamophobia in South Korea with a focus on Muslim migrants, Sang Yong Han
Isnad in Arabic literary works, William J Kopycki
Isolation, propagation and characterization of mouse testis-derived mesenchymal stromal cells, Mai Abdul Rahman
Isotope effect on some electrical properties in mixed alkali glasses, Mahmoud Mohamed Abou El-Leil
Israel, AIPAC and the peace process, Charles Perreault
Israeli character depictions in Hollywood films (1948-2008), Hanan Omary
Israel's assault on Lebanon in 1996, Enass Salah Elmaghraby
Issue salience of Facebook users in Egypt: an agenda-setting experiment, Mark Visonà
Issues in urban planning and the development of arid zones: A case study of the 10th of Ramadan City, Janan Benabud
Is water trade/management in the Middle East a feasible economic and technological option?, Faisal Jawad Rehman
It's all about gender segregation in schools, Nada Hehsam Shaker
Ittijāhāt al-dīnīyah wa-al-siyāsīyah fī shiʻr Ahmad Shawqī, Mukhtār al-Rahṃān Lūd'hī
January 18 and 19, 1977, Hossam ElHamalawy
January 25 Revolution: Morsi's presidency, Mohamad Nagi
Japan: A Future Nuclear Power? A Tentative Conclusion, Aliaa Abdalla Khalil
Japan as a middle power -Japanese diplomacy during the Asian Financial Crisis-, Takeshi Kobayashi
Japan's policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict, Mohamed Naguib Fakhry
Jesus according to Ibn al-’Arabī and Christian scholars, Jeong Jae Yoo
Job creation in the Gaza Strip during the second Intifada, Hashim Saud Al Hussaini
Job satisfaction among female school teachers in Saudi Arabia, Hayat Adel Habhab
Job satisfaction and work performance: a case study of the American University in Cairo (AUC), May Ramy Younes
Job satisfaction in public administration, Ibrahim Mohamed Abdel Latif
Job satisfaction of accountants in the Egyptian civil service, Khaled Mahmoud Mattar
Job satisfaction of nurses: a comparative study between public and private sector hospitals, Alia Galal Shoeib
Jobs For "Wilad al-nas", Ghada Fakhry Barsoum
Jordan, 1952-1986: case study of the survival of a small and vulnerable state, Omar Jamil Nadif Al Turk
Jordanian politics 1954-1957, with particular reference to the National Socialist Party, Sami Hasan Aloul
Jordan's peace dividend, Amal Abdel Fattah Kandeel
Journalism as a political career for women in Egypt: five case studies, Manal Mahmoud Abdoul Mageed
Journalism, professionalism and information control, Mohamed Ahmed El Nawawy
Joyce and myth, Al-Hussaini Hassan Mansour Arab
Judicial activism in Egypt: the many-sided judiciary, Amr Mohamed Adel Farid
Judicial activism in the Egyptian state council, Ibrahim Ahmed Soliman
Judicial review in Ethiopia: A comparative appraisal, Mekonnen Firew Ayano
Julia Kristeva and Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth Clea Lamont
Justice denied: how the Egyptian legal system perpetuates impunity, Salma Nasser El Hosseiny
Khul' in Egypt Between Theory and Practice a Critical Analysis for Khul' Implementation, Nivine Samaha
Kinetics of oxidation of bismuth and bismuth based alloys in air between 500 and 530 (degree) K, Magda Ishak Ahmed Waly El-Guindy
Kinetics of the oxidation of hydrazine by iodine in acidic perchlorate medium, Mohamed Ashraf Anis Onsy
Knowing the ropes: autonomy in the everyday life of Egyptian married women, Neveen Bashier
Knowledge and behavior differentials among illiterates regarding the television literacy campaign and literacy programs, Intesar Khaled Al Shukry
Knowledge based expert system for flexible pavement design in Egypt, Magdy Youssef Mikhail
Kurds in the Mosul province 1918-1932, Kristen Alff
Kuwait: a study in political development, 1961-1981, Laila Hagin
Label oriented clustering for social network groups, Ahmed El Kholy
Lacking a self(ie): "Apps" of desire in virtual Cairo, Fernando Revelo La Rotta
Lack of human security, a cause of irregular migration: the case of Egypt, Noha Ashary
Land consolidation in Cyprus, Stephania Yiorca
L and M Auger spectra for silver, Samaa Naga El Ibyari
Language and thought in Egypt's schools today: what does Arabic mean to Arabic native speakers? A literature review, Diego Dalle Carbonare
Language attitudes among urban Moroccan youth following recent developments in language policy and linguistic landscape, Rashid Abdullah
Language attitudes and motivations of Egyptian university students in an intensive EFL program, Russanne Green Hozayin
Language attitudes in an Egyptian discourse community, Emily Reigh
Language attitudes in education, Millicent Bentley
Language attitudes towards dialects of Arabic in Egypt, Ibrahim Eltouhamy
Language contact and word order change in Nobiin Nubian, Nahed Adly
Language identity of Egyptian university students majoring in English education, Nahla Ibrahim Abdel Raheem Elfawal
Language interference of Kuwaiti speakers and Egyptian speakers pronouncing English, Zahia Al awadi
Language learning beliefs and gender dynamics of university students in Egypt: an exploratory study, HebatAllah Abdel Aal Mohamed
Language levels in Yūsuf Idrīs's writings, Hassan El-Banna Mustafa Ezz El-Din
Language motivation and language needs of secretarial studies students: A study made on a sample of the public school graduates studying in the secretarial studies program at the American University in Cairo, Wafaa Sami El-Mancabadi
Language planning and policy in the Federal Republic of Nigeria with particular reference to the position of Arabic, Mohammad Kamel Ahmad
Language situation and language planning in the Southern region of the Sudan, Arop Yor-Ayik
Language used by Egyptians on Facebook: a descriptive study, Sept. 2010- Sept. 2011, Randa Muhammed
Language variation in classical and modern standard Arabic: The case of interrogation, Enas Moustafa
Large and small-scale fishing in lake Nasser: Inclusion and exclusion in a common pool resource, Hadeer Ahmed El Shafie
Latent heat: Changing forms of activism under repressive authoritarian regimes: A case study of Egypt, 2000-2008, Shireen Zayed
Latent resistance, Deena Magdy Abul Fottouh
Lattice vibrations of a planar hexagonal structure, Hani Henry Ibrahim Abou-Seif
Law and discipline: A psychological trap?, Alaa Mazloum
Law and other-spaces: legal geographies of the Sinai peninsula, Tracy Allison Young
Law as a tool for empowering women within marital relations: A case study of paternity lawsuits in Egypt, Hind Ahmed Zaki
Law is discourse. Discourse is rhetoric. Therefore, Law is rhetoric. A rhetorical analysis of the responsibility to protect, Dina El-Kassaby
Law, love and violence: Interfaith romance in modern Egypt, Mariam El-Maghlawy
Law models for one world, Ahmed Anany Anan
Layered double hydroxides-biopolymer nanocomposites for the controlled delivery of vitamins, Raghda El-Said El-Dessouky
Layout regularity metric as a fast indicator of process variations, Esraa AbdelAzim AbdelHamid Swillam
Leadership, motivation and job satisfaction among the employees of State and private enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector in Egypt, Mohamed Hafez Abdel Hamid
Leadership styles of school principals: a comparison among principals of governmental schools, private language schools and international schools in Egypt., Maged Makram Habashy
Learner engagement in a MOOC in the Arab world: A case study analysis using the community of inquiry framework, Nadine Aboulmagd
Learning basic Arabic structures, Iman Mohamed Salah El-Din Metwally
Learning to be Lebanese: socializations of citizenship and subjecthood in Beiruti primary schools, Jade Lansing
Learning to serve-serving to learn, Anne E Zaki
Legal interpretations of the right to divorce and polygamy and the Egyptian feminist movement, Mozn A Hassan
Legislating "Infitah", Khālid Fahmī
Legitimation strategies in Egyptian political discourse: The case of presidential speeches, Hala Mohammed Said
Lexical organization in trilingual: Investing the Foreign Store Hypothesis, Christine Laliberté
Lexical variation in news headlines: A comparative study of Egyptian, Lebanese and Moroccan written Arabic, Moustafa Saleh
Liberalization of air transport service: Open Skies and its impact on developing world : Egypt as a case study, Bahira Elkilany
Liberation vs. the radical mystique: a critique of theoretical humanism as the ground for emancipatory sociology, Aisha I Sabri
Liberia's GEMAP: a new wave in development intervention?, Edefe Ojomo
Life, bread and gold: the story of a street food vendor, Sarah El Safty
Life crisis and existentialism in three dramatic works, Mohga Hassib
Life cycle cost and assessment model for systems and sources of lighting, Noran Heteba
Life, death, and corporeal resistance in immigration detention, Jana Michelle Moss
Life through the lens of the 'almost' dead, Jaidaa Taha Arafa
Lina Mahmoud - Interview, Reem Fatthelbab
Linguistic projection and the ownership of English: solidarity and power with the English language in Egypt, Alexander Lewko
Linguistic redundancy as a factor in comprehension, Abdel Messeeh Asad Rizk
Lipid-based nanoparticles for altering immune response: A step towards targeted cancer immunotherapy, Noha Samir Ismail
Lipid Nanocapsules for brain targeting of Nimodipine, Karim Mohsen
Literary Kinship: Thematic and Stylistic Antithesis in the Short Stories of Yusuf Idris and William Faulkner, Ranya Farouk Shalaby
Literature on Egyptian radio, Yosri Mohammad Mostafa Fouda
Living a bare life: assembling the everyday of migrant domestic work in Cairo, Sabrina Lilleby
Living with family and foreigners: Egypt female tourist guides' narratives on their family, work, and identity, Junko Toriyama
Local integration of African refugees in Egypt; the policy challenges, Maha Soliman
Local Integration of Refugees in Egypt, Derek Neil Maxfield
Localized corrosion behaviour of molybdenum bearing and stabilized stainless steels in saline media, Hany Mohamed Sabry Ahmed
Local perceptions of social stratification in an Egyptian village, Laila El Missiri
Local self help - local self defeat, Maha Mahfouz Abdel Rahman
Lock-Based cache coherence protocol for chip multiprocessors, Ihab Ismail
Longitudinal cracking of concrete slab in composite beams, Talat Fawzi Abu-Amra
Long run marginal cost the basis for natural gas pricing in Egypt, Amr Hamdy Abdel Ghani
Long term retention in relation to semantic and keyword methods of vocabulary instruction, Thomas S Brown
Love and arranged marriage in Egypt, Heba Alam El-Din
Low complexity blind and data-aided IQ imbalance compensation methods for low-IF receivers, Mohamed Hussein Eissa
LTE network slicing and resource trading schemes for machine-to-machine communications, Sylvia Nader Gendy
Lucian's Prolaliai: An Intermediate Greek Reader, Stephen Albert Nimis
Lucius and psyche, Daniele Stabellini
Machine interference problems in robot served manufacturing systems under priority analysis considerations, Amr Fawzi Hamed
Macro-economic development planning, Salib Botros
Macro-model of through silicon vias (tsvs) arrays, Karim Ahmed
Madness and form in the short story, Faten Ismail Morsy
Magnetic properties of iron rich calcium silicate glasses and their aluminium composites, Sylvia Menassa
Magnetic treatment of brackish water for sustainable agriculture, Kareem Hassan
"Maintaining Order over Chaos": A study of the ba and baw concepts in the Predynastic Period, Early Dynastic Period, and Old Kingdom, Bianca van Sittert
Maintenance strategy selection as a multiple criteria decision making problem, Mohamed Farag Mostafa
Major factors affecting job satisfaction of teachers in basic school education, Bassem Abdul Rahman Shams El Din Mohamed
Makings of imagination in alternative cultural spaces in Cairo, Mariz Kelada
Malaka and arabic language & literature in the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldūn, Warren A Cofsky
maʕleš maʕleš: A corpus-based study on the discourse marker maʕleš, Mukhtar Sayed Abd El Hafiz
Mamluk carpets ( Cairene and Ottoman), Hala Mohamed Sayed
Mamluk Female Patronage, Nanis Nabil Hanna
Management and the role of leadership in a land reclamation and cultivation project, Nermine M Refaat Abdel Aziz
Management information system for ISO 9000, Reem Mahmoud Abdel Motaal
Management of change in Palestine Hotel in Alexandria /, Abeer Farouh Rizk
Management of change order claims in the Egyptian industrial construction sector: analysis and means of improvement, Waleed El Nemr
Management of industrial organizations in Nigeria: generation of human resources for management, Emmanuel Ifeabunike Unachukwu
Management of training in state audit organizations: A case study of central audit organization in Egypt, Amr Abbas Helmy
Management perceptions & attitudes towards privatization in Egypt, Dalia El-Demellawy
Managing job-related stress among child protection social workers in Egypt: The role of religion and social support, Yasmine A Sabala
Managing multi-cultural engineering teams in Egypt, Rania Joseph Busada
Mannose binding lectin in the treatment of imiquimod induced psoriasis mouse model, Hagar Nofal
Manufacturing consent: Italy, the Mutamassirun, Egypt, and the invasion of Libya, Andrew Heiss
"Many a Wish Has Turned to Dust" the royal Aq Quyunlu Khamsa of Nizami, Dalia R. al Nashar
Maqasid al-Shari'a: A tool of mediation in the politics of the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional court, Reem Shehab Khalil
Maqrizi and his Khitat: A verification of the section on dars, Hanan Ahmed Shams El-Din
Marble paving in Mamluk Cairo, Muhạmmad ʻAbd al-Wahhāb
Mariam: Audio documentary, Hagar Eissa
Marital economies: A comparative class study in two contemporary Cairo neighborhoods, Sahar Mohsen Mohammad
Market and credit risk as components of bank enterprise risk management, Heba Mohamed Mohamed
Marketing characteristics of the service of project management in Egypt, Mohamed Ali AlHadidi
Marketing chracteristics of the service of project management in Egypt, Mohamed Ali AlHadidi
Marketing of computers in the U.A.R., Ahmed Moustafa El Zorkani
Marketing research in Egypt... truth or a myth, Samar Ibrahim
Marriage via a mediator, Yasmine Ahmed Mohamed El Sayed
Marwa Al-Mut’afy - Interview, Rawan Ibrahim
Marx and Rostow on the historical approach to the theory of economic development, Mona Naga El-Ibyari
Mass communication master's theses in Egypt from 1972 to 1993, Mariam Maurice Magar
Maternal morbidity in Menoufeya governorate, Egypt: a socio-cultural perspective, Naglaa A T Nahal
Maternal perception and attitudes towards diarrheal diseases, Nora Joseph Kelenshian
Mawqif al-Ghazālī min al-Bātinīyah, Mahṃūd Muhạmmad Salāmah
Mayy Ziyadah and her contribution to Arabic literature, Aida Adib
Meaningful materials for teaching specific English tenses to adult Egyptian students, Adel Mohammad Salama
Measuring atmospheric scattering from digital images of urban scenery using temporal polarization-based vision, Tarek El-Gaaly
Measuring the degree of Central Bank independence in Egypt, Noha Aboubakr Farrag
Mechanical behavior of AL-AL2O3 particulate metal matrix composites manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques, Abdirahman Youssef Ahmed
Mechanical properties and microstructure examinations of aluminium-steel composites, Mervet Ibrahim Shenouda
Mechanical properties, structure, and corrosion characteristics of AL and AL-ZN coated steel sheets, Farraj El Shammari
Medea, Nihal Samir El Ganzoury
Media advocacy and policy making in Egypt: Sexual harassment as a case study, Aya Sami Shata
Media advocacy and social change: the Case of sexual harassment in Egypt, Naglaa Atef Beshay Hanna
Media convergence and virtual communities: Current and Future Implications for Civic Inclusion, Lamees Magedy El Baghdady
Media convergence: Effects on the Egyptian mobile phone users, Eiman Eissa
Media darlings: the Egyptian revolution and American media coverage, Rebecca Fox
Media diversity and public deliberation in Egypt: the case study of Law 107 of year 2013 on organizing the right to public meetings, marches, and peaceful protests, Dina Ahmed El Basnaly
Media framing of the Egyptian monetary policy in domestic news websites: insights from "The Flotation of the Egyptian Pound in 2016", Engy Azzam tawfik
Media in health and health education, Jok Madut Jok
Media, national development and democracy, Muktari Magaji
Media piracy in the Middle East: A case study of 2018 world cup, Ruba Sayed
Medical healers in Ottoman Egypt, 1517-1798, Sherry Sayed Gad ElRab
Medical tourism in Egypt: Opportunities and challenges, Magdi Ayoub
Medium-term impact of microcredit schemes on business and household welfare: A case study from Manshiet Nasser, Cairo, Else Kathrine Nesmoen
Memories and the everyday: An ethnography of a Polish-Egyptian family, Ola Kamal
Memories from Egyptian Television, Mahitab Adly
Memory and literary retrieval of disappearing worlds, Heba Ibrahim Meshaal
Memory span test as a measure of EFL proficiency, Ferial Rashad Hassan
MEMS based heavy metal detector, Inas Ramsis
Men of Shoubra: Hairdressing, shades of masculinities, and ghosts of sectarianism, Tarek Moustafa Mohmed
Men selling sex in Cairo and Alexandria: perspectives on male sex work and AIDS in Egypt, Souad Hamada
Mentorship programs: A comparative study on mentoring novice teachers, Rana Elafify
META-analysis of microarray data to assess gender biased differential gene expression in hepatic tissue, Amira Salah eldin Mahmoud ElBakry
Metagenomic profiling of microbial metal interaction in Red Sea deep-anoxic brine pools, Mina Magdy Abdelsayed Hanna
Metal-decorated carbon nanotubes for gas sensing applications, Icell Sharafeldin
Metamaterial antennas for cognitive radio applications, Ahmed Rajaie Raslan