The project discusses the justifications that the armed groups operating in Egypt provide for their use of violence. The paper classifies the groups that use violence for political reasons in accordance to their motivations as presented in their statements. The major three reasons the terrorist/insurgent groups give for justifying their use of force are the religious, nationalist, and grievance justifications. The paper’s aim is to provide a result upon which an action plan for handling the problem can be developed. The paper suggests that grievance is the most common justification among the armed groups in Egypt, according to the studied sample. It suggests also that some groups that are perceived as fanatic religious do not use religion as a core justification for their behavior, in spite of the fact that their messages are sent through a religious language. In addition, they assert that they do not target civilians, and that they are keen on not hurting them while targeting the governmental forces. On the other hand, the paper suggests that some groups adopting non-religious justifications attack civilian targets through their operations. Finally, the paper briefly suggests an action plan according to the results of the data analysis.
Public Policy & Administration Department
First Advisor
Hodgkins, Allison
Committee Member 1
Shahin, Magda
Committee Member 2
Wahby, Hisham
73 p.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval
Not necessary for this item
Recommended Citation
Marzouk, Karim Sherif, "Content analysis of the media statements made by select armed groups operating in Egypt 2013-2015" (2016). Capstone and Graduation Projects. 10.
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Publication Date
Summer 9-4-2016