Content Posted in 2020
Metaphor interpretation: a comparison between native and non-native speakers of English, Barbara Sharon Sayers
Methodology for enhancing negotiation of BOT contracts, Mohamed Al-Sayed Kamal
Methylene Blue Dye Removal Using Water Hyacinth Derived Active Carbon Embedded with Cobalt Nanoparticles, Hany A. Elazab, Abdelrahman Okasha, and Tamer Tawhid El-Idreesy
Michael Gibson - Interview, Amr Zaghloul
Microcredit for women, Mariz Fikry Tadros
Microeconomics of Brand Loyalty: Learning, Switching, and Uncertainty, Ronia Ahmed Moustafa Hawash
Micro-finance and the delivery of business development services to women, Dina M Younis
Microindentation hardness variation as a function of composition for some lead glasses, Hamdi Mohammed Kandil
MicroRNAs as noninvasive biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of liver fibrosis in HCV genotype 4 patients, Amanda Abdel-Al
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hardened Portland Cement Pastes, Ragai Charles Ramzy Stino
Middle class imaginaries of Cairo's waste: The zabaleen's story retold, Manar Zaki
Middle East Security Predicament: Revisiting the Literature, Heba Ezz El-Din Negm
Migration and shifting borders: Re-conceptualizing non-citizens in Turkey, Jessica Zerrin Holle
Mikhail Naimy: A study of his life with special reference to his poetry, Roger Stanley Monroe
Military contractors and international law, Ali Deif
Military development: Twenty-five years of U.S. military AID to Egypt, 1980-2005, Matthew Robert Fomby
Military spending and natural resources: evidence from global data, Noha Ahmed Hassan
Mining the red sea metagenomics libraries for betaine pathways, Sherouk Allam
miRNA-221 and miRNA-222 are promising biomarkers for the progression of liver fibrosis in HCV Egyptian Patients., Amanda Abdel-Al, Amgad Ouf, and Suher Zada
Mirrors of minds: Images of Nine Nigerian Women, Dolapo Adeniji-Neill
Mistakes in identity: sexual orientation and credibility in the asylum process, Michael Carl Budd
Mixed marriage, Said Sadek
Mobile Internet use by Generation Z: Evidence from an Emerging Market, Rania Mohamed Samir Hussein
Mobile user movement and service usage prediction using Bayesian learning for neural networks, Sherif Hany Akoush
Mobilizing dissent: community organizing for informal housing, Hatem Zayed
Modeling and control of aeration tanks in wastewater treatment plants, Ola Diaa El Monayeri
Modeling and design of high force RFMEMS contact switches, Joseph Eid Estefanous Zekry
Modeling and design of memristor-based fuzzy systems, Sherif Hassanein Hamed Amer
Modeling and optimization of remanufacturing operations of spent products for sustainability, Eman Heikal
Modeling and optimization of single-leg multi-fare class overbooking problem: the case of Ethiopian Airlines, Getachew Basa Bonsa
Modeling and optimization of supply chain cost of responsiveness, Moataz Mohamed Magdy Hamouda Ahmed
Modeling the performance of point-of-use activated carbon unit for the removal of disinfection by-products from drinking water, Malak Sami Naguib
Model of sustainable development in corporate social responsibility in Egypt, Amani Abdallah Gamal El Din
Models of inflation & the costs of disinflation, Ahmed Gad Kamaly
Mode of corrective feedback, M James Thomas Ward
Moderate political Islamism as a possible new social movement, Joshua Alan Stacher
Moderating Islam in democratic openings: Ennahda and the Muslim Brotherhood, Alexandra Jameson
Modernized and updated Turkish conservatism, Battal Dogan
Modern Monarchs, Kevin D Nolan
Modification of cellulose acetate membranes with graphene oxide nano-fillers for water treatment, Madina Mahmmod
Modified force/displacement-based procedure for performance-based seismic design of regular RC frames, Soha Hassan Nashaat ElKassas
Modified strategy for compliance to national environmental standards, Aliaa Samaha
Modulators of MRP1 promoter in Neuroblastoma cell lines, Myret Said Ghabriel
Molding and moving bodies in a neoliberal world: African football labor migrants in Egypt, Andrea Groves
Molding the gender schemas of Egyptian children: An analysis of Egyptian children`s books since 1952, Christine Shenouda
Molecular adaptation of mercuric reductase to hypersaline environments, Emanbellah Ramadan
Molecular and Functional dissection of IgaA, the negative regulator of the E.coli Rcs system., Nahla A. Hussein
Molecular dynamics simulation and phase transitions of Tetrafluoromethane, Rasha Ibrahim Abdulshahid
“Molecular Dynamics Simulation of an Engineered T4 Lysozyme Protein with Potential Nano-Biotechnological Applications”, Hadeer Elhabashy
Molecular vibrations of tetrahedral systems with application to fused silica, Leila Sado Balloomal
Moments of Crisis: Religion and National Identity in Québec, Ian A. Morrison
Mom's a pilot, Kenzie AboHamed
Monitoring and evaluation in Egypt, Reham Nabil Abdel Hamid
Monumental Quranic inscriptions on Cairene religious monuments, Dina Mahmoud Hamdi Montasser
Moral and cultural discourses surrounding women athletes in Egypt, Yasmeen El-Ghazaly
More than just a game: A documentary about professional video gamers in Egypt., Abdallah AbdelDayem
Mortage finance impediments in egypt: borrowers' perspective, Mina Stefanos
Mosques: the 100 Most Iconic Islamic Houses of Worship, Bernard O'Kane
Motion detection using randomized methods, Howaida Mohamed Naguib
Motivation: An Explanatory Study of Workers' Attitudes Towards an Incentive Wage Scheme in the United Arab Republic (Egypt), Adel A Assaad
Motivations and attitudes of undergraduate students toward ESP classes in an Egyptian university, Waleed Emad Ali
Moving towards a knowledge-based economy: What is needed to enable science, technology and innovation in post-revolutionary Egypt., Salma Khaled El Tanany
MTHFR C677T, PT G20120A and FV Leiden as Risk Factors for Thrombosis in Egyptian Pediatric ALL Patients, Mohamed Nagy Ahmed
Muhammad Rashid Rida's conception of the West, Emad Eldin Ali A Shahin
Muhammad's tribal policy in relation to the geography of the Maghāzī, Donald L Blackwelder
Mūhndsīn; explorations of the right to the city, Fatma Saber
Mulids in the Muslim Arab world: The case of a Sudanese Burhani Mulid, Soumaya Helmi Ibrahim
Multiaxial fatigue in drill pipes under non-proportional loading, Nahla Helmy
Multigrade education: application and teacher preparation in Egypt, Shereen Kamel
Multilevel multistate hybrid voltage regulator, Abdullah Amgad Abdulaziz Abdulslam
Multiple trace element assay by x-ray fluorescence, Richard Pierre Koshakji
Mummy portraits: Investigating regional variations, Maryan Ragheb Sobhy Ragheb
Musḥạf as an object, Natalia Kasprzak
Musical comedy in Egypt: a dance between song and joke, Adam Awad
Musical protest and revolutionary media: capital transformation among artists, activists, and journalists during the 14 January Revolution, Nathanael Mannone
Muslim Brothers in Egypt: politics of generational gaps, Doha Samir Mostafa Abdelgawad
Muslim minorities in the west: between fiqh of minorities and integration, Dina M. Taha
Muslims residing outside" Dar Al-Islam": identity, and the emergence of an American Islam?, Hend Mohamed Mamdouh Ahmed Zaki Medhat
Musṭạfā Kāmel's letters from France, 1895-1896, Andrea W Lorenz
Mustaqillat: navigating women's mobilities in post-2011 Egypt, Ghadeer Ahmed Eldamaty
Myanmar in transition: rule of law, democracy, free markets and false contingencies, Claiton Fyock
Mycotoxins detection in grains and nuts using LC - MS/MS, Rahma Abubakr
Mystical dimension in Sạlh̄ ̣ʻAbd al-Sạbūr's Dreams of the ancient knight, Mohammed Sani Isa Abulmumin
Myth and history in Max Frisch's Don Juan or, The love of geometry, Shahira Fikry Kelesh
Nanocomposite formulations for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), Marwan Yasser Rezk
Nanocomposites of Layered Clays and graphene/graphene oxide for drug delivery, Nada Mahmoud Hegazy
Nano particle formulation of Phoenix dactylifera L. (ajwah and black date) seed and peel and investigating their antioxidant and antibacterial properties, jailan essam badawi
NanoPhotonic structures for biosensing applications, Ahmed Bassam Emam
Nano-scale TG-FinFET: Simulation and Analysis, Ahmed Taha Elthakeb Naguib Youssef
Nanostructured Mg-ZK50 Sheets Fabricated for Potential Use for Biomedical Applications, Peter Mabrouk Morcos
Nanostructured scaffold for neural tissue regeneration, Walaa Abbas
Naqd Ibn Taymīyah li-nazarīyat wahḍat al-wujūd = Ibn Taymiya's criticism of monism, Muhạmmad ʻAbd Allāh ʻAfīfī
Narrative and antinarrative: resisting oppression in selected works of Toni Morrison and Salwa Bakr, Nermine Sergius
Narrative and nation construction, Yasmine Ramadan
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass and the Biography of Malcolm X as self-emancipation proclamations, Sherine Hassan Ibrahim
Narratives and evidence: struggles over Mohamed Mahmoud, Manar Hazzaa
Narratives of third world cities, Dalia Said Mostafa
Narrative technique in the short stories of Ernest Hemingway, Wafaa Koussi
Nasser and Park: Development, state building, and elite consolidation, David Wooil Choi
Nathaniel West: the vision of a writer, Rawhieh Mohamed Agamieh
National labor productivity in the Egyptian economy, 1959/60-1969/70, Nadia Mostafa El Shishini
National vs. International Schools: Factors influencing school choice in Egypt; The voices of parents and students., Yasmine Alaa Khorshed
Nature and Mystical Identity: Three Journeys to the Absolute, Mayada Mahmoud Al Shereef
Navigating multiple sites: religion and women's NGO activism in Cairo, Emma Sundkvist
Nawal El-Saadawi's political feminism, Sohad M Nagi Aboul Ela
Nazareth municipality: a case study in local government, Maysoun Barakat
Need for cognition and rumour theory in post-revolutionary Egypt, Lina Ashour
Needs assessment of career certificate English program of D. P. S., Deena Aly Boraie
Negation in literary Arabic, Sophie Ragheb Abdou
Negotiated identity of teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL): A sociocultural perspective, Nesma Hossam Eldin Abdel Fattah
Negotiating peace in Sudan : an analysis of the factors leading to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, Ghada Mashamoun
Negotiation of Space in Garden City: Urban Securitization, Gender, Everydayness and Affective Encounters., Diana Magdy
Negotiations for the first land-based oil concession in Qatar, Ivan Rosales-Montes
Neoliberalism and disciplinary power in Egyptian corporate workplaces and Thanawiyya Amma, Karem Said
Neoliberalism, Violence and Capital Accumulation, Reem M. El Barbary
Network analysis in project management with application to medium-sized construction projects, Terho Simo Jaatinen
Networked control systems for intelligent transportation systems and industrial automation, Tarek Khaled Salaheldin Ismail Refaat
Neural network approach to causal reasoning with penalty logic, Ghada Moussa Abdel Ghany Bahig
Neural networks for estimating the productivity of brick works and plastering works in Egypt, Mohamed Aly Masoud
Neurosis as a form of social protest in the plays of Tennessee Williams, Zainab Abdel Halim El Berry
Never too late to change, Seif Issa
New forms of electronic media and their impact on public policy making: three cases from Egypt, Doaa Alaa El Din Farag
New forms of exile: Arab identity in three contemporary novels, Rabab Al - Saffar
New imaginings: Hizballah, Iran, and the dynamics of articulation, Hebah Farrag
New mathematical formulation for designing a fully differential self-biased folded cascode amplifier, Mohamed Adel Abdelsalam
New Ni (II) thiocyanato-sulphur dicyanide complexes, Maha Y Khaled
Newspaper advertising development in Egypt with emphasis on Al Akhbar daily newspaper, Abdalla Eissa Mohamed
Newspaper coverage of terrorism: a content analysis of Al Ahram and the New York Times, Dina Amal Kotby
Newspapers coverage of the Egyptian January 25 Revolution: a framing analysis, Ekram Ibrahim
New technologies and the future of communication education in Africa, Bala A Muhammad
NGOS and refugees' rights in Cairo: an investigative research on the role of Egyptian NGOS in assisting refugees to access their rights, Hussam Eldin ElNaim Hussain Abd ElRahman
Niger as a transit country for Nigerian and other West African migrants., Ganiyu Azeez
Nilopolitics, Mohamed-Hatem H Atawy
Nineteenth century domestic architecture with ʻAbbasiyya as a case study, Nihal Tamraz
Niqūlā Al-Turk as a source on the French occupation of Egypt, Margarethe Elise Weyergang
No margins: Lake Nasser and the ecological and socio-economic dislocations among the nomads of the South Eastern desert - a policy-oriented study, Shahira A Fawzy M Mokhtar
Noncoherent MIMO codes for low-medium SNRs, and layered MIMO space-time coding for coherent and noncoherent receivers, Mohamed Ali ElMossallamy
Non-Edible Women: The Question of Marriage in Mid-20th Century Feminist Thought through the Lens of Atwood and Soueif, Asmaa Abdallah
Non-formal education for a sustainable development program in Cairo, Mennatallah Sabry Nada
Non-governmental organizations and family reform, Hala Mostafa El Zahed
Nonlinear control for Two-Link flexible manipulator, Mohamed Shalaby
Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams, Wael Mohamed El-Dessouki
Nonlinear transient dynamics of flexible robots, Mohamed Fouad Abdel Wahab
Nonviolent jihad: an immanent critique, John Roedel
No one told me about this: legal and cultural negotiations around family violence among resettled Sudanese refugees and their host community, Cyrena C Khoury
Normalize this! human rights, resistance and hip-hop, Syeda Re'em Hussain
Notes on military architecture of the Ayyubid period in Egypt, Tarek Mohamed Galal Eldin Abdel Hamid
Noticing neighbors: reconsidering ancient Egyptian perceptions of ethnicity, Taylor Bryanne Woodcock
Noun-number signification, Emil Amin Gad
Novel DNA ligases from the Red Sea brine pools: Cloning, expression, in silico characterization and comparative thermostability, Iyanu Mumeen Oduwole
Novel light trapping techniques for silicon solar cells., Ahmed Emad Khalifa
Nubians and development: 1960-2014, Samantha Allen
Numerical assessment of the effects of grout characteristics on settlement measurements in borehole extensometers, Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Mohamed Bayoumi
Numerical investigation of eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete sandwich walls, May Haggag
Numerical modeling and optimization study for the geometry of film cooling holes, Mohammad Mahmoud Alshehaby
Numerical modeling of concrete masonry walls strengthened by fiber reinforced polymers under lateral loads, Mohamed Salama
Numerical modeling of infill RC walls in seismic retrofit of RC frames, Mohamed Mohamed Slah El-Din Darwish
Numerical simulation of acoustic wave in a convergent-divergent nozzle using a characeristic based algorithm, Haitham Maher Mahmoud
Numerical study of film cooling influence on performance of transonic vane cascade, Ahmad M. Alameldin
Obesity interventions in Egypt: identifying gaps and highlighting assets, Hana Shahin
Objectification of women in the new shaa'by song, Noorhan Gamal Aboubakr
Objective/essay literature testing, Guirguis Younan Mansour
Objectivity in the Shadows of Political Turmoil: A Comparative Content Analysis of News Framing in Post-Revolution Egypt’s Press, Sara Farag Elkamel
Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything, Graham Harman
Odious Debt Doctrine: a legal perspective, Hesham Mohamed Abozeid
Of bodies and borders: Syrian migration to Egypt through Sudan, Banan Abdelrahman
Offensive realism in the Middle East: Iraq's opportunity for war,1980, Yaser M El Shimy
Omni-joint; proof of concept & comparative Study, AbdAllah Ezzat AboZaied
On becoming citizens of the 'non-existent': violence, document-production and Syrian war-time migration in Abkhazia, Jihad Abaza
On body, soul, and popular culture: A study of the perception of plague by muslim and coptic communities in Mamluk Egypt, Mohamed S. Maslouh
On-chip optical sensors, Mohamed Elsayed
On-chip signaling techniques for high-speed Serdes transceivers, Ramy Nagy Tadros
On commitment and defection: A study on conversion to Ismail, Magdy G Elias
On common ground, John Zada
O'Neill's dramatic adaptation of the theme of Electra: a comparative study of Aeschylus' Oresteia and O'Neill's Mourning becomes Electra, Isis Restawros Gindi
On forgiveness: Phenomenon and Norms, Wassim Abdelmasseh
On-line signature verification using global features, Akrum Mamdouh Shawky
On political satire: The serious comedy, Yasmeen Mansour
ON sectored sensor to actuator networked control systems architectures with fault tolerance at the sensor level, Rana Hassan ElMaraashly
On the demand to incorporate Shari'a law into UK law, Mayada Serageldin
On the effect of structure on some properties of some aluminum alloys, George Abdel Malak Gurgis
On the empirical production function, Mahmoud A Gamal
On the interaction of aluminium and iron calcium borate glasses and its effect on the properties of their composites, Sherif K. Arif
On the limitations of the archive: Affective traces, sensible intensities and the humming background noise of the universe, Mohammad Shawky Hassan
On the mechanical properties of A1.20% Si splat cooled alloy, Ahmed Wahid Tewfik
On the path of the Prophet, Zachary Valentine Wright
On the performance optimization of reliable networked control systems, Hassan Hesham Halawa
On the production testing of analog and digital circuits, Ahmed Shukry A.S. Emara
On the Road to Montreux: US Capitulatory Rights in Egypt 1922-1937, Dahlia Mohamed Abdel Fattah
On the use of liposomal delivery systems for oxaliplatin and in dual drug delivery in combination with chemo-sensitizing and chemotherapeutic agents, Ayat Zein-elabedeen Mohamed Ibrahim
Openness and growth, Dina El Halaby
Optical properties of glasses doped with rare earth metals, Tarek El Ashkar
Optical studies of La2+, Gd2+ and Tb2+ ions in alkali earth fluoride crystals, Amr Mohamed Mohsen
Optimal crew routing for linear repetitive projects using graph theory and entropy maximization metric, Ahmed Gouda
Optimization of a mobile robot's goal-seeking fuzzy navigator, Ayman Ibrahim Ahmed El-Halfawy
Optimization of multiple resources for multi-projects, Sarah Aboul Fotouh
Optimization of municipal solid waste management in Port Said, Mohamed Fathy Abd El-Rahman Mohamed Badran
Optimization of receptive fields for MLP networks with ensemble encoding, Deena Osama Hassan
Optimization of the blank holder force using finite elements and genetic algorithms with application to deep drawing and draw bending, Lucas Aaron Levitsky
Optimization of thermal efficiency of buildings, Hussein Kamel
Optimized production and inventory decisions for a mixed make-to-order/make-to-stock ready-made garment manufacturer, Aya M. El-Mehany Youssef
Optimizing Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Hospitals, Mohamed Ahmed
Optimum design of RC affordable housing, Amr Mostafa Hussein Fathy
Optimum operation of cargo ships, Said M El Noshokaty
Optimum production and installation capacities for products with seasonal demand, Ahmed Reda Adawy
Oral Histories for Muslim Communities: A Grassroots Guide to Conducting Oral Histories on Muslim Communities in the U.S., Maurice Lee Hines
Order of acquisition of prepositions by adult L2 learners, Sophie Mahmoud Mohamed Farag
Organization of the civil service for social and economic development, Fantaye Awash Beyane
Organizing the unorganized: migrant domestic workers labor union organizing in Lebanon, Farah Kobaissy
Originary tmporality in being and time, Mai Abdel Kader
Orphanages in Egypt, Randa Selim Risgallah
Orthodox Judaism vs. Secularism: Israeli National Schism and Its Impact on Israeli Foreign Policy, Tamim Khallaf
Our stories, our lives: performed storytelling in Cairo, Dana Alawneh
Ousted Egyptian President Morsi in United States Media: A framing analysis of "The Washington Post” and "The New York Times", Salma Hisham Halawa
Outcomes of CALL instruction in relative clauses, Reem Mohamed Ater Abdel Baki El Sherif
Out-of-country voting systems and Egyptian elections: a future outlook, Sherine Mohamed El-Saeed
Out of place re-claiming the self in Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Latifa Al-Zayyat's The Open Door, Mai Mohammad Abbas
Out of sight, out of mind... Cairo's street children: a question of agency and justice, Shirley Wang
Out of sight out of rights: Rejected asylum seekers and closed-files individuals in Egypt, Nourhan Amr Abdel Aziz
Overcoming the anxiety of speaking Arabic as a foreign language from students' perspectives: a qualitative case study, Sarah Abou El-Goukh
Overcoming the conflict of jurisdiction in cybercrime, Abdelmonem Mohamed Magdy Khalifa
Overexpression of cofactor of BRCA1 in HepG2 cells: A step towards understanding the role of COBRA1 in hepatocellular carcinoma, Razan Jamil Masad
Over weight or under the weight of the world?, Mariam Mohamed Akram Mazhar
Owner time and cost contingency estimation for building construction projects in Egypt, Seif El-Din Nawar
Palestinian labour in a dependent economy: the case of women in the sub-contracting clothing industry in the West Bank, Randa George Siniora
Palestinian refugees and Canadian sanctuary: A way through the protection gap?, Rounwah Adly Riyadh Saeed Bseiso
Palestinian refugees in Canada Camp, Mariam Sami El-Waqf
Palestinian rights: A literary multiple-genre approach, Marwa Mahmoud
Parables of impermanence: Disintegrating the real in John Fowles's "The Magus" and Thomas Pynchon's "V", Ahmed Emad El Din Hamza
Parallel simulated annealing for scheduling agile manufacturing systems, Ahmed Osama AbdulRahman
Parallel versus iterated: comparing population oriented and chained sequential simulated annealing approaches to cost-based abduction, Heba Abdallah Amer
Parameters influencing the performance of reinforced concrete-fiber reinforced polymer systems, Yosra Hesham Mohamed El Maghraby
Parametric freeform-based construction site layout optimization, Ibrahim Abotaleb
Parametric polymorphism in the simple language, Soumaia Ahmed Al Ayyat
Parental factors affecting schools drop-outs in Egypt, Margaret Varoujan
Parental guidance involving children's television viewing in Egypt, Ramza Hussein Sedky Amin
Parental involvement in early childhood literacy: International programs & Egyptian experiences, Lojain Tamer Ibrahim
Parental involvement in their children's English language learning in Egyptian elementary schools, Ingy Emara
Parenting in Egypt: Recommendations for a parenting program for upper and middle class Egyptians, Amira Ragy Saad Hanna
Parents’ Attitudes towards Their Children’s Bilingualism and Cultural Identity in International Schools in Egypt, Mona Aboulfetouh
Parents' views on the relationship between television violence and their children's aggressive behavior, Dina M El Deeb
Parliamentary versus presidential political system: options for Egypt post January 2011, Ashraf Hamdy
Participation and Resistance: Project Success in Telal Zinhom, Maysa Abbas Ayoub
Participation in community development administration, Seleshi Ayehu
Participative decision making and employees job satisfaction: A comparison between public and private pharmaceutical companies in Egypt, Amal Saadeldeen Elsayed Ali Azab
PARTICIPATORY design for sustainable community development. Case Study; A dates-pack-house in the Egyptian Western Desert, Dina Bahaa Eldin Hussein
Participatory development and empowerment of the poor, Nancy Gamal Okail
Participatory development and the reintegration of street children into society's mainstream: a case study of Hope Village Society street children project, Reham Ahmed Massoud
Particle image velocimetry studies of an oscillating flow in a thermoacoustic device, Michael Rezk Saad
Passive aeration of wastewater using tray aerators, Ayman Mostafa El-Zahaby
Paths of rural transformation, Hanan Hosni Sabea
Patriarchy and khul': women's struggle for equal rights in pre and post revolution Egypt, Nada Elafify
Patron and client, Mona Omran El Shafei
Patrons and clients in Mubarak's Egypt, Mohamed Ibrahim Fahmy
Patterns in spiritual awakening: A study of Augustine, Coleridge and Eliot, Lucy Shafik
Patterns of local leadership among Lake Nasser fishermen, Nirvana A Essawi Khadr
Patterns of sociometric relations and implication for leadership identification, Helmi R Tadros
Pauses and hesitations in American English and the English of speakers of Egyptian colloquial Arabic, Connie Hope Miller
Pausing in modern standard Arabic: an experimental study, Azza Mohamed Waked
Pay television in Egypt, Sherin Moody
Peasants' rights and development in rural Egypt, Cinderella Hassan
PEGylated chitosan / doxorubicin nanoparticles and conjugated with monoclonal antibodies for breast cancer therapy, Omar Helmi Zidan
Pepsi campaign 2014: returning to the old days, Nour Hanna
Perceived control and its association with students' performance in the CACE English language program, Amina Ahmad Aboul Wafa Makhlouf
Perception and articulation difficulties of Cairene Arabs learning English segmental phonemes, Margaret Heiss Moustafa
Perception of corporate responsibility in the textile sector, Ola EL-Sharnoubi
Perception of women in Egyptian advertising, Alia Mohamed Arafa
Perceptions of Al Jazeera arab satellite news channel's image among yemenis after its news coverage of the southern yemenis movement and the northern yemenis rebellion, Mustafa Al-Ezzi Naji Al-Harazi
Perceptions of education for sustainable development in Egypt: Prospective changes in teaching practices, Hanan Salah Yusuf Abozaied
Perceptions of effectiveness of celebrity endorsed advertisements among Egyptian consumers, Marwa Diaa El Din Azab
Perceptions of Egyptian ESL teachers of teaching aspects of the target culture: The case of culturally-oriented speech acts in textbooks, Fatma Elzahraa Abdelrahman Mohamed Abdelrahman
Perceptions of NGOs employees of their framing in the Egyptian media, Ghadeer Ahmed Ali
Performability of Integrated Networked Control Systems, Eslam Moustafa
Performance evaluation and control systems in the Egyptian public sector, Murād Wahbah
Performance evaluation of AUC backbone network using simulation and monitoring tools, Nabawia Khalil Abdel-Karim
Performance evaluation of Egyptian national railways with a reform programme for the 90's, Nabil M Sadek
Performance evaluation of the cement industry in Ethiopia, Alemu Mekonnen
Performance evaluation of the factored model for Arabic to English phrase based statistical machine translation, Mireille Anwar
Performance of an air conditioning system using R-134a as a refrigerant, Abdelrahman I Elsherbini
Performance of compressed earth blocks, Sherif Mostafa Elsayed Agha
Performance of PLC concrete incorporating chemical and mineral admixtures, Sara Mohsen Hussain
Performance of self-compacting concrete, Mohamed Samir Rushdy
Performance of Steel-Jacketed RC columns using various cementitious materials, Saadeldin Mostafa Saadeldin Mohamed Mostafa
Periodate oxidations of aminoglycosides, Araxy M Deronian
Permanent art, Dina Gamal Sabry
Permanent exile, permanent fear? gender-based violence in refugee camps, Rosalie Capps
Permeability control using polymer impregnation in sandy soil, Mohamed Salah Mohamed Ahmed
Pervasive computing reference architecture from a software engineering perspective (PervCompRA-SE), Osama Mabrouk Khaled
Phonological problems in aural comprehension of English: a study made on a sample of Egyptian adult learners, Inas Mohamed Lotfi
Phrasal verbs in modern standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial, Amina Ahmed Abdel Alim Mohammed
Physical and biological insights of nanostructured Ti-8Mn alloy for coronary drug eluting stent material, Alaa Mohyeldin Soliman
Physicians' motivation in the Ministry of Health and Population - Egypt: challenges and opportunities., Heba Alsawahli
Phyt-dewatering of sewage sludge, Amira Galal Ahmed
Pidgin of Egyptian Kitchen Arabic, Nora Abdel Wahab
Piety and power: Pious endowments in the Bahrī Mamlūk period, 1250-1382, Muhammad Shaaban
Pile driving analysis in selected Egyptian soil deposits, Yasser Abd Elhamid Gowayed
Pinter's dramatic technique, Amal Kary
Pitsilia integrated rural development project, Ioanna Sergidou
Planning manpower development in Sub-Sahara Africa, Abdi Mohamed Ali
Planning towards full employment in the newly industrializing economies with a special reference to UAR, Djehane Abd
Plasma and red blood cells' amino acids patterns in Egyptian children with protein calorie malnutrition, Mary Mitry Mikhail
Plasmonic transmission lines: neural networks modeling and applications, Robert Andrawis
Plasmonic waveguides and nano-antennas for optical communications, Mai Osama Sallam
Plastic deformation and fracture of binary and ternary aluminum alloys under compressive loading, Samir Mokhtar Biblawi
Plastic deformation and fracture of two-phase alloys under compressive loading, Abla Mahmoud Zayed
PLITS, Dina Salah El Din Nasr
Pluralities, Sandra Fernandez
Polarity and peacekeeping: The effect of the international structure on United Nations peacekeeping missions, Abigail Appleton
Polar questions in Egyptian colloquial Arabic, Nevenka Korica
Political culture and democracy in the Arab world, Ibtissam Rakha Hassan
Political documentary cinema coverage of the Palestinian question, Ingy Salama N Al-Sayed
Political economy of foreign policy change: understanding the change in the Mozambican foreign policy during the 80s, Sergio Mateus Gomes
Political international terrorism, Maha Sami Sourour
Political Islam in Egypt and Algeria, Amira Mohamed Nassar
Political programs on Arab Satellite Television, Yasmin Bakir
Political spuds, Dalia Samir El-Naggar
Political uncertainty and firm performance: Does Shariah compliance matter?, Nourhan Abdelaal
Politics and identity in design: An analysis of two contemporary Cairene mosques, Leena Sadek
Politics of adultery in The scarlet letter, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, Maggie Nabil Nassif
Politics on the margins: A case study of neoliberal subject formation in the popular quarters of Cairo, Bassem Zakaria Al-Samragy
Polychrome underglaze pottery of the Ayyubid and Bahrī periods, Amy Whittier Newhall
Polycrystalline semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (SIS) solar cells, Tarek Sayed Ahmed El-Bawab
Polyketide Synthase III isolated from uncultured deep-sea Proteobacterium from the Red Sea- functional and evolutionary characterization, Hadeel Mansour El Bardisy
Pope and metaphysical poetry, Chafika Soliman Hamamsy
Pope's adaptation of Jonson's theory of humors in The rape of the lock, Laurence Moftah
Popular theater as a mass communication medium for development, Eberhard G Chambulikazi
Population growth, economic growth, and employment in U.A.R., Darwish M. Wakid
Pore structure and surface area of iron impregnated silica gels, Magda Fouad Bichara
Portrayal of characters with mental disabilities in Egyptian films: a content analysis on Egyptian feature films produced 1950s-2000s, Reem Amr Abdelhamid
Portrayal of women in Egyptian TV advertising, Mireille Ishak
Portraying domestic violence in Egyptian films, 1950-2000, Maie Shawky
Positioning of the Other and identity of the self revealed in Richard Wright’s Black Power: A critical discourse analysis, Nicholas Francesco
Positive deviance inquiry of breastfeeding in Egypt, Ayah Sarhan
Post-realist law and development: Amartya Sen's critical theory of values, Samuel Maverick Bayard
Post resistance: cyberspace and women's voices in the Arab world, Hanin Hassan Hanafi
Potential role of cofactor of BRCA1 in hepatocellular carcinoma pathogenesis, Aya Atef Youssef
Potential transformational leadership and public employee performance: a case study of the Egyptian ministry of antiquities, Asmaa Mohammed
Potential uses of public-private-people-partnerships for improving the health services in Egypt: A case study of "Egypt free from virus C" program, Sarah Mohamed Farahat
Poverty, Gender, and Religion: A Reflection on the Status of Coptic Women in Poor Areas, Ereeny Talaat Zaki
Poverty in Egypt, Amal Rakia Abd El Ghani El Bishry
Poverty reduction, microcredit, and the challenges of sustainability, Kiros Tadesse Beyene
Powder rolling of CNT-reinforced aluminum strips, Mostafa Abdel-Fattah El-Borady
Power and marital satisfaction, Nabila Fahmy Ghoneim
Power-aware on demand routing protocol for mobile wireless ad-hoc networks, Mohammed Kamel Fattouh Mohammed
Power efficient resilient microarchitectures for PVT variability mitigation, Shady Agwa
Power politics and sexual harassment in Downtown Cairo, Cally Walker
Pragmatic functions of political humor used by Egyptian Facebook users, Shereen Elshindy
Pre-analytical variations affecting INR measurement for dose tailoring of anticoagulants., Samir Nabhan Shamma
Predictions and Computational Analysis of Novel Chromosomal Type II Toxin Antitoxin Systems in the Human Oral Microbiome, Ashraf Abd-el-Raouf Bazan
Pre-Islamic influences on Fatimid and Seljuk jewelry, Badriya Yasmeen Dowe
Pre-Ottoman minarets in Anatolia, Mohamed Ibrahim Radwan
Preparation and characterization of natural composite based on plasticized potato starch and date palm fibers, Aws Ibrahim
Preparation and evaluation of poly lactic acid antioxidant packaging films containing thyme, rosemary and oregano essential oils., Amr Mostafa Zeid
Pre-requisites of political decentralization in Egypt: Case studies of local popular and executive councils in the villages of Shubra Babel (Al-Gharbeya Governorate) and Al-Mahamid (Qena Governorate), Omar Ahmed Fouad Abdalla
Press freedom during elections in Egypt: case study, Asir Hani Afifi
Press freedom in Egypt, Amira Abdel Fattah Hussein
Presupposition and markedness in determining selection of terms of address in structured discourse, Nahwat Arousy
Prevalence and determinants of self-medication with antibiotics in high and low-income areas within Cairo, Shaymaa Mohamed Hassan
Primary education, human rights, and customary international law: A case study of refugee children in Cairo, Jennifer G Renquist
Primary education reforms targeting marginalized groups: The role of local non-governmental organizations in slum areas in Cairo, Faiza Alaraji
Private broadcasting in Egypt, Ibrahim Mostafa Saleh
Private military companies, Sherine Mahmoud Negm
Private military companies: assisting the transnational capitalist class in accumulation by dispossession, Tori Aarseth
Private philanthropy in Egypt, Marwa Ahmed El-Daly
Private sector bureaucratic behavior in Egypt: a case study of the American University in Cairo, Nathaniel Gordon Knox
Privatization and revolution: a critical reading of the Omar Effendi case, Ahmed El Hadidi
Privatization Slow-Down: Government Reluctance or Economic Failure?, Sara Alam El-Din
Privatization through employee ownership, Gehane El Sokkary
Problems of foreign debt management in Egypt, Ayman Magdy Abbas
Problems of manpower planning and training of seafarers in Egypt, Gamal-Eldin Ahmed Moukhtar
Problems of teaching standard Arabic & Egyptian colloquial simultaneously to the beginning learners of Arabic, Ahmad Hasan Hoksha
Process lower deviation selection policy for load distribution, Louay Farag
Production policy for export promotion, Adel T Sidarous
Productivity of Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture in aquaponic systems, Kazir Adewale Afolabi
Professional associations in a developing country: the case of the lawyers and engineers syndicates in Egypt, Mervat Fayez Hatem
Profiling movie downloaders in Egypt: Law awareness as an attitudinal factor, Mona Abdelsattar Elswah
Progressive collapse analysis of RC building frames with different seismic design levels, Mohamed Foda El-Shahat
Project seminar, Eman Abdel Rahim Omran
Promising antitumor therapeutics of herbal origin: exploring cytotoxic activity of glycoalkaloids and unraveling underlying mechanisms., Noha Nagdy Farrag
Promoting corporate intelligence in Italy to improve stability in the Middle East, Antonio Giuseppe Di Pietro
Promoting local economic development in Egypt: Challenges and lessons learned from the case of Fayoum governorate, Omar Abozeid
Promoting recycling in the solid waste management system of Cairo, Iman Mostafa Kamel Mostafa
Promotion of democracy in international law and its effect on the practice of torture, Dareen Hassan Mohamed Aboul Naga
Properties and structure of some chalcogenide glasses, Amin Ismail Amin Abdel-Latif
Properties of concrete mixtures incorporating magnetized water, Mohamed Abdel Raouf Metwally
Properties of glass fabric reinforced silicone glazing for solar applications in rural areas, Mohammed A Ahmed Dabbour
Properties of light transmitting concrete, Dina Abdel Mohsen Abou Alia
Properties of Portland cement pervious concrete, Farrah Abdel Aziz El-Tawil
Properties of ultra-high performance concrete, Akram Sayed M Saleh
Proposal for a family planning project in Dar El Salam district of Sohag, Abdullah Mojaddedi
Proposal for a micro-enterprise development initiative in Masr El Qadima, Brendan Sheehy
Proposed force majeure clause for construction contracts under prevailing laws, Amr Mohammad Abu Helw
Propositional and non- propositional functions of /Keda/ in the language of Egyptian film, Mona Hussein
Pro-social content in popular animated cartoons viewed by Egyptian children, Lina Nada
Prospects of police reform in Egypt's changing political environment 2011-2015, Rabha Allam
Protected and creative learning through earning, Maissa Hamed
Protecting the poor against health related financial burden: assessment of the legal-institutional framework in Egypt, Omkolthoum EL-Sayed Abd El Mogeith
Protection denied: Palestinian refugees from Syria and the protection gap theory, Maya Abu-Ajamieh
Protection of beliefs or believers: incitement to religious hatred replacing blasphemy and defamation of religion, Mahmoud Farag
Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Darfur: a dilemma and failure of responsibility to protect, Assad Khalid Salih
Provision for the health needs of a low socio-economic group, Wafaa Mohamed Mabrouk
Psychiatric patients' human rights: With a case study of Abbasiya Hospital-Cairo, Egypt, Nada Ibrahim Hamdan
Psychological Correlates of the American Sound System for Native and non-Native Speakers of English, Linda Cheryl Cansler
Public education in the United States in a post-Brown era: the antinomies of equal protection doctrine, Sarah Rizk
Public participation in enviromental initiatives in relation to solid waste management in Mit Salsil- Governorate of Dakahleya, Dina El Naggar
Public personnel administration in Cyprus: a study of selected aspects, Marina Micheal Alexandrou
Public policy in the Saudi rentier state: from boom to boom, 1974-2005, Cole Gibas
Public private partnerships: The Experience of Alexandria, Heba-TAllah S Shaaban
Public venture capital in Egypt: an assessment, Abdulaziz Turki
Pulsed laser irradiation of plasma sprayed alumina-zirconia coatings, Hala Mohamed Omar
Pure ones: the WˁB AND WˁBT from the old Kingdom to the end of the middle kingdom, Amy Wilson
PVT Property Correlations, Selection and Estimation, Ahmed El-Banbi, Ahmed Alzahabi, and Ahmed El-Maraghi
Pygmalion, Nahla Saad Abd El Fattah Imam
Qaytbay's decoration: an analysis of the architectural decoration of various Cairene facades from the period of Qaytbay, ʻAlaʼ ad-Din Shahin
Qibla orientation versus street alignment in the Mosques and Madrasas from Qaytbay to the end of the Mamluk period, Injy Roy Shediac
Quadcopter: Design, modelling, control and trajectory tracking, Khaled Abouelsoud
Quaker activity in Ramallah: 1869 -1914, Catherine C. B. Baylin
Quality of service management for non-guaranteed networks, Tarek Madkour
Quantification of contractors' quality costs in construction projects, Nihal Fathi El Sabbagh
Quantum Simulation of the Schrodinger Equation using IBM's Quantum Computers, Mohamed Abouelela
Quotas in Egypt: Understanding the Implementation and Discourse about Introducing Quotas for Women in the People’s Assembly between Women’s Groups, Members of Parliament and Political Parties from 2005-2012, Kristen Anne Belle-Isle
Radiation damage studies of Libyan desert silica glass, Farkhonda Hassan
Radiation effect on poly-α-methylstyrene, Magdi F Iskandar
Radiation induced centers in silver doped glasses and application in phototropy, Perihan Soliman Tawfik
Radiation induced color centers in Alkali silicate glasses, Ramez Morgan Louca
Radiation induced color centers in potassium silicate glasses containing lead, Ibrahim Abou-Seif Henry
Radicalization of Zaydi Reform Attempts, Maysaa Shuja al Deen
Rasha Abdulla - Interview, Yossra Hamouda
Raymond Aron's theory of industrial society, S Jan Amin
R&D sector as a vehicle for development: an application of an R&D-based model on South Korea, Rabab Hassan Ismail
Reactions of dicarbonyl compounds with Wittig & Wittig-Horner reagents, Sadiah Eltayeb Makky
Reactions of diketones with phosphorous ylides, Amal Mohamed Lakany
Reactions of Egyptian students to five language varieties encountered in Egypt, Linda Gentry El-Dash
Reader, Response, Theory: The Nineteenth- Century Fantastic as a Counter-Enlightenment Mode, Graham Harman
Reading and creating comics in the fully online AFL classroom: Students' perceptions, Mona Azam
Reading Capital: towards an understanding of the process of colonization in India, Adham Shebl
Reality television and its impact on cosmopolitan university students in the Middle East, Ola El Sissy
Reality TV game shows, Neveen Hosny Ebrahem Gad
Realizing the right to education in Egypt: an assessment of primary education in relation to international standards, Fawziah Abdel Rahman Qadir
Real-time distributed scheduling in non-guaranteed networks within a quality of service framework, Hisham Nabil El-Zahhar
Rebellion and the Absurd: Reading the novels of Albert Camus, Basma Bishay
Rechargeable battery modeling and lifetime optimization, Naglaa El Agroudy
Recognition and reversal in the short story, Hamida Ibrahim Mashali
Recognizing contextual valence shifters in document-level sentiment classification, Sara Ahmed Morsy
Recognizing grave socio-economic rights abuses as valid refugee claims under international refugee law, Ramy Mohamed Moustafa
Recommendations for policy directions or interventions needed to incorporate human rights in the FGM/C combating strategy in Egypt, Heba Abdel-Hady
Recommending Egyptian guidelines for managing construction and demolition (C&D) waste, Marwa Saad Moussa AlAnsary
Reconstructing development women at the Moqattam settlement of the zabbaleen, Doaa Abdel Motaal
Recovering addicts: A behind the scenes look, Sara Ashraf Mohamed
Recovery of scrap tire rubber waste, Dalia Adel Habib Nakhla
Recruitment, employment, and training of manpower in a public sector pharmaceutical company in Egypt: case study, Laila Hussein Abdel Rahim
Recycled concrete properties and feasibility, Mourad Nabil Shenouda
Recycling concrete construction and demolition wastes: a financial feasibility model, Omar Farahat Hassanein
Recycling of aluminium, Nayera Abdel Mossawer Shahin
Recycling of composite material, Shereen Hassanein El Attawi
Recycling of polysterene foam and other polymeric waste materials, Elwathig Tibara Idris
Recycling of waste aseptic packages, Eiman Monir Hamdy
Recycling of waste gypsum boards to produce new drywalls and non-load bearing bricks, Nada Khaled Fathy Ragab
Recycling PET (polyethylene terephthalate) soda bottle wastes to produce carpet fibers, Sherry Halim Yacoub
Recycling PVC wastes in concrete mixtures, Maged Lamei Naguib
Redeploying semiology: Contrapuntalism in coetzee, friel, and darwish, Sarah Mahmoud Esmael
Reduction of lead pollution from vehicular emissions in greater Cairo, Sherif Kamal Saleh
Re-examining the Myth of Dionysos: A study of Euripides, Ibsen, and Duras, Nada Ghazy Nasser
REFLECTIVE practices of educators in a masters' program in Egypt: a case study, Mayada Samy Elsayed
Reforming local extrabudgetary funds in Egypt: lessons from China, Domenica Preysing-Lichtenegg
Reform program in developing countries: higher education reform and accountability in Mozambique, Bernardete Sebastiao Gomana
Refugee and Migration trends in Jerusalem: The Shufat Refugee Camp and Ar Ram Commercial Town - The Contested Status of Jerusalemites, Riman Barakat
Refugee assistance and the impediments to self reliance, Mai Ahmed Helmy Mahmoud
Refugee flows to Europe: A critical assessment of the policy-making of the European Union between 2015 and 2016, Gretel Pahmer Sanchez
Refugee response in Egypt: A public administration and policy perspective. A case study of Syrian refugee response in Egypt: 2012 to the present, Nadine Elshokeiry
Refugees in Egypt: practices and prospective law., Neemat Sharafeldin
Refugees, nowhere to go, Zina Halim
Refusals in Arabic: Egyptian native speakers vs. American learners of Arabic as a foreign language, Rasha M Abdel Moneim Badr
Refusal strategies in L1 and L2 among undergraduate Egyptian students, Alaa Kamel Darwish
Refusing to wait: Hunger-striking in the age of Gazafication, Ayah Abo-Basha
Regime building in the Levant:The feasibility of cooperation in the Levant Basin, Johnny Rishmawi
Regional disparities and regional planning with special reference to U.A.R., Mohammed H Eisa
Regional industrial wage differentials in Egypt, 1943-1948, Mona Tewfik Hussein
Regional integration, capital investment and the cultural content of Egyptian TV: the case of MBC and OTV, Sahra Gemeinder
Regional non-governmental organizations and human rights in the Arab world with a special reference to The Arab Lawyers' Union and The Arab Organization for Human Rights, Manar Mohsen Wafa
Region broadcasting in multiway channel networks, Rania Hussein Mameesh
Regulating demographics through regulating marriage: Israel's millet-based approach to personal status law and its ramifications on the social hierarchy, Briana Nirenberg
Regulatory networks in non-small cell lung cancer: Connecting differentially expressed genes, miRNAs, and incRNAs, Jasmine Omran
Re-imagining the NS/NNS dichotomy: bicultural teachers, Heba H. Fathelbab
Reinventing the artistic self: Coetzee's summertime and Matar's In the country of men, Rana Mounir ElBowety
Relation between Bitcoin and its orks: empirical investigation on price movements and their respective volatilities, Nidaa Achraf Hamed
Relations between the Fatimid Caliphate and the tribal peoples of Egypt and North Africa, Amar Salem Baadj
Relation with the dead, Fady Ussama Khalil
Relativization in Egyptian educated spoken Arabic, Dalia Abou Hagar
Reliable cost-optimal deployment of wireless sensor networks, Dina Salah DeifAllah
Religion, Domestic Politics, and Foreign Policy in the Third World: the Case of the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir, Samah Mohamed Adnan Al-Rayyes
Religion in Kato Zodhia, Christo Philip Psiloinis
Religious and political trends in the poetry of Ahmad Shawqi, Mukhtār al-Rahṃān Lūdhī
Religious medical centers in Cairo, Iman Mohammed Roushdy Hammady
Religious minorities in cyberspace: identity and citizenship among European muslims and Egyptian copts, Dalia Yousef
Religious tourism in Egypt: a case study analysis, Mohamed Mostafa Ali
Remapping borders and boundaries in the Middle East: Amitav Ghosh and Mourid Barghouti, Reem Yasser Zaki Abd El-Barr
Removal of heavy metals by using activated carbon produced from cotton stalks, Mohamed El Zayat
Removal of lead from industrial wastewater using a low cost waste material, Hayam Ahmed Talaat Amer
Removal of THM precursor by enhanced coagulation, Yasmine Kamal Abdel-Maksoud
Rentierism and its divergent paths: Bahrain and the UAE during the Arab Spring., Mostafa Ashraf El Sayyad
Repertoires of contention between the regime and political actors, Ereny Zarif
Reporting On Reporters: Self-Perceptions Of Journalists Towards Their Job Identity In Private Newspapers In Egypt, Bassant Zein Aldin
Representation of the Muslim Brotherhood in contemporary Egyptian newspapers, Sara Abouelmaaty Mogahed Youssef
Representing women: psychological conflict in three nineteenth-century novels, Heba Allah Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim
Reprimands in American English and Egyptian Arabic, Sherine Yehia Zaki
Reproductive behavior and contraception practices among attendants of a family planning clinic in Cairo, Eloise Butrus
Reputed authenticated routing for Ad Hoc networks protocol (Reputed-ARAN), Abdalla Ahmed Fekry Mahmoud
Request formation by Greek-Cypriot learners of English and native speakers of British English: a cross-cultural perspective, Sorayia Fahmy
Requesting strategies in American English, Egyptian Arabic and English as spoken by Egyptian second language learners, Amany Abd El Moneem El Shazly
Rescaling the human right to adquate housing: criteria and condominiums in Addis Ababa, Jesse McClelland
Research and development in UAR industry: a case study, Tharwar I Sabry
Resilient and residual properties of asphalt concrete: superpave and conventional mix design, Tamer Mohamed Breakah
Resilient and residual properties of Egyptian asphalt concrete, Medhat Habil Shehata
Resistance in political theatre of Saadallah Wannus, Iman Ahmed AlAyyat
Resistance to privatization in Egypt, Yasmin Khodary
Resource allocation for layered broadcast over relay-assisted channels, Mohamed Adel Attia
Resource aware space mission routing, Sameh Abdelfattah Abdelghany Ibrahim
Responding to non-stereotypical material: a case study in Egypt, Amira Rashad
Response of carbon fiber reinforced polymers strengthened beams to elevated temperature, Reem Gamal Abou Ali
Responsibility for displacement: Between denial and obfuscation, Veronica Øverlid
REST/NRSF is a master negative transcriptional factor for neurogenic program by maintaining stem cell quiescence in adult hippocampal neurogenesis, Mostafa Nashaat Ahmed Abdelhamid
Restructuring as a step towards privatization, Sameh Nasser Shenouda
Resurrecting Eden: inaugural British narration and policy of Iraq, Timothy Kennett
Retaliatory measures as sanctions under the World Trade Organization, Mohamed Elshahat Adly El-Yamany
Rethinking Cairo’s elevated urban highways: Scoping impacts and potentials, Nermin Dessouky
Rethinking counterinsurgency: A case study on boko haram insurgency in Nigeria, Abdulqadir Muhammad Buba
Re-thinking initiative of the Egyptian Jamaʿa Islamiyya in 1997, Maissa Hussein Niaz
Rethinking Turkey's position in the Middle Eastern regional security complex: from insulator to regional leader?, Jitlaeka Luenam
Return on investment for pre-K and primary teacher training in meeting social-emotional and cognitive developmental needs, Arthur Ernst Schneider
Reviewing the ISDF strategy for dealing with slums in Egypt, Basma El Maabady
Revisiting Globalization and the Rise of Global Production Networks, Syed Javed Maswood
Revitalization of the urban historic environment in Coptic Cairo, Rasha Mehyar
Revival of Mamluk architecture in the 19th & 20th centuries, Laila Kamal Marei
RF MEMS reference oscillators platform for wireless communications, Ali Kourani
Rhetoric: Spoken discourse, A systematic appeal for reasoning "Pathos", Marwa M. Adel Farid
Rifāʻah At-Tạhṭạ̄wī and the revival of practical philosophy: an examination of neo-classicism in his The paths of Egyptian minds in the joys of modern manners, John Ricardo Cole
Rights and the Islamic state: The thought of Ayatollah Khomeini and Sayyid Qutb, Sarah Adel Elibiary
Rights and wrongs, Suzanne-Juliette Mobley
Rights of Muslim converts to Christianity in Egypt, Hebatallah Ghali
Right to leisure through play for refugee children in Egypt, Carrie Leanna Johnson
Rise and development of societal obligation (Fardh Kifiiya) in Islamic legal philosophy, Nahla El-Haraki
Risk analysis and contract management for Public Private Partnership projects in Egypt, Yosr Badran
Risk analysis for mega commercial projects, Hesham Ibrahim
Risk identification and response methods in the Egyptian construction industry, Wallied Mohammed Orabi Ahmed Orabi
Risk identification, classification and response methods in the Sudanese construction industry, Zena Alwan
Risk management for the construction of power plants in Egypt, Amir Ibrahim Abouseif
Risky bodies offshore: spatialisation, securitisation and visual regimes of migration, Angela Smith
Road Map for Global Sustainability: Rise of The Green Communities, Salah El-Haggar and Aliaa Samaha
Road Safety Challenges in Egypt: A Discussion of Policy Alternatives, Yasmine ElMoghazi
Role of Ataxia Telangiectasia mutated in the repair of Magnetite Nanoparticles induced double strand breaks associated with Heterochromatin, Mie Mohamed Mounir
Role of development nongovernmental organizations in empowering individuals and communities as a prerequisite to social development in Egypt, Bakry M. Eljack
Role of information technology in providing decision support to crisis management, Ann Taysir Nosseir
Role of iron and electrical conductivity in iron calcium phosphate glasses, Rafik Farid Shaker
Role of local councils in empowerment and poverty reduction, Solava Samir Saad Mohamed Ibrahim
Role of non governmental organizations in combating sexual harassment in Egypt, Lamiaa Farag Abdel Rahman
Role of Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) in State-Building in Palestine, Mohammed Awny Ahmed Dabbour
Role of Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) in state-building in Palestine, Mohammed Awny Ahmed Dabbour
Role perception, role conflict, and role ambiguity in international development projects: a case study of American technical assistance personnel in Egypt, Frank Joseph Urso
Rooftop recipes for relating: Ecologies of humans, animals, and life, Noha Fikry
Roses in salty soil: a feminist ethnography of the phenomenology of women's depression in Egypt today, Dalia A Mostafa
Rote learning in the Egyptian national education system: possible roots and consequences, Deena Mahmoud Sami Douara
Routing and caching mechanisms for mobile IP networks, Baher Ali Esmat
Rumors about family planning in Egypt, Jeanet Samir Azer
Russian foreign policy: what drives Russia's support for the al-Assad regime?, Mary Levocz
Russia's resurgence in Syria: A new cold war, Lubna Sadek
Sacralizing national identity in Egypt, Hind Fatfat
Sacred Animal Cults in Egypt: Excavating the Catacombs of Anubis at Saqqara, Salima Ikram
Safe and potable water as a human right: monitoring implementaion- The case of Cameroon, Tabe Kevin Mbeh
Salaries and promotions of Saudi women in private sector, Shahad Alhamdan
Salome between Oscar Wilde and Mohamed Salmawy, Mounira Gamal Soliman
Samuel Beckett or the alienation of man, Paulette Raymond Caram
Satellite communication and the development of free speech in Egypt, Ib Knutsen
Saudi Arabia: remodeling authoritarianism for the 21 st century, Kira D Jumet
Saudi women in the media: Saudi and Egyptian perspectives, Rabaa Ahmed Abubotain
Sayyid Qutb and literary exegesis: An analysis of Sayyid Qutb's exegetical methodology in In the Shade of the Quran, John Clifford Halliwell
Scattering of ultra wide band X-wave pulses by a sphere, Maged Fayez Moawad
Scenes of schooling, Linda Herrera
Scheduling of pipeline construction projects using simulation, Hany Mohsen Zahran
Schema theory and vocabulary acquisition in culturally familiar and unfamiliar contexts, Zohaa El Gamal
School teachers' perspectives on homework: a comparative study, Naglaa Fawzy Hassaan
Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: Critical reception and visual interpretation, Ahmed Maklad
Seamless mobility in IoT world using software defined networks, Walaa F. Elsadek
Seating arrangement and cooperative learning activities: students' on-task/off-task participation in EFL classrooms, Nohayer Lotfy
Second-chance programs addressing early school leavers: A SWOC analysis of an intervention in a marginalized urban area in Cairo, Nada Nabil George
Second-language learners' writing anxiety: Types, causes, and teachers' perceptions, Ehab El Shimi
Secular and Islamic feminist voices in Egypt louder if together, Hoda Osman
Secular Women Activism and Neo-Patriachy: The Case of Egypt, Rasha S Mansour
Securing application command layer under JINI services, Tarek Mahmoud Negm
Securing the AODV protocol using specification-based intrusion detection, Hoda Mamdouh Hassan
Security in mobile agent systems: an approach to protect mobile agents from malicious host attacks, Dalia Fakhry
Seeing the unseen, Hebatallah Youssef
Seeking a place in a nation: the exodus of the Tunisian Jewish population 1954-1967, Sean Haley
Seismic bahavior of reinforced concrete liquid storage tanks, Iman Shawky Abdel-Rahman
Seismic field survey of the ground of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Mohamed Said Hanno
Seismic performance of steel-reinforced concrete composite columns of older and modern construction, Mayer Gerges Farag
Selected religious buildings from the period of ʻAbbas Hilmi II, 1892-1914, Mohamed Mohamed El Amrousi
Selecting authentic audiovisual materials and designing authentic tasks in the AFL classroom: Criteria and challenges, Mohamed Hassan Hamed
Selecting functional forms for the cost function with average and full frontiers, Amal Refaat Hassanein
Selection and training of broadcasting announcers in Egypt, Azza Mohy El Din
Selective summarization of online discussions, Mohamed Al Tantawy
Self-conception of the Egyptian national character in connection with development, Magda Mahmoud Tawfik El Guindy El Guindy
Self-discovery in James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man and Taha Hussein's al-Ayyam (The stream of days), Fawzy Abdul Salam Abdul Hady
Semantic and syntactic representation in fluent Arabic-English bilinguals, Amina Ghanem
Sentence combining exercises and T-Unit analysis in advanced EFL composition, Jeffrey Alan Kravis
Sentence structure in Egyptian journalistic Arabic. A Quantitative and Comparative Study in Al Ahram Newspaper from 1937 to 1997, Gehane Hamdy El Hakim
Separation of the heavy lanthanons from Egyptian monazite sand, John Nicholas Keramopoulos
Separation, regulation, and Bio-power in the West Bank, Farah Najjar
Servant leadership in the context of education: teachers as servant leaders with emphasis on individual development, Mariam Gamil Labib
Serving two masters: family and factory in the lives and consciousness of Egyptian women workers, Lamia Yacoub Bulbul
Sex differences in attitudes and motivation of Egyptian students in an intensive EFL program, Amani Shawki H Demian
Sex differences in complimenting behavior, Emad El-Din Aly Morsy
Sexual harassment gender, power, ideology and time: A case study of the Hill-Thomas and Ford-Kavanaugh Senate Hearings, Salah Mohamed
Shape optimization of a camoid follower surface, Karim Adham Soliman Aguib
Sharing blue gold, Mohammed S Helal
Sheikh cult in Dahmit, Nawal EL Messiri
Sheila Peuchaud - Interviews, Maghie Ghali
Shelley's embodiments of "Inconstant Wind", Mashalla Mohammad Abdul Maguid
Sheltering strategies, Rania Atef Morshed
Sherine Moody - Interview, Farah Fayez
Shifts in the Egyptian national identity during the 1930s as chronicled in the Egyptian Gazette: a content analysis, Auwal A Nassir
Silicon nanophotonics for mid-IR applications, Hosam Eldin Ibrahim Mekawey
Silicon nano wires solar cell, Sara Mohamed
Silver centers induced in borate glasses: ESR and optical studies, Hadia El Zayyat
Similarities between sources of syntactic errors made by Arab learners of "fusha" and sources of errors made by second language learners, Nihal Mohamed Talaat
Simply about being happy, Mostafa Elezaby
Simulation and optimization model for the construction of electrical substations, Rania Fayed
Simulation-based Optimized Production Policy for Hybrid MTS/MTO Glass Tube Manufacturing Systems, Ahmed Ellaban
Simulation of oil spills at environmentally sensitive areas along Egyptian coasts, Peter Fayez Nasr
Simulation via communicative English, Noha Hamed Abdel Kerim
Single scheduling problem with dependent setup cost, Mohamed Mahmoud Zaki
Skill, tenure and size as determinants of wages in a blue chip market, Nevine Esam Zaki
Skill-training programs for youth in Egypt: A study of key targeting and associated employment services, Afaf Faryz
Slag-Ceram from Egyptian blast furnace slag, Abu Bakr Mahran
Slaying the ego: moral education of the Self in Sufism and its relations to virtue ethics, Ahmed Sameh
SlowStart congestion control for fine-grained layered multicast, Khalid Shaheen
Slums family life: A study of three dwellings in the city of Port-Said, Shawki I. Al-Sibai
Small and medium enterprises and access to finance in Egypt, Ismail Houssien
Small and micro enterprise development in the governorate of Qena, Amr Abou ElAzm
Small and micro enterprises' assistance programs in Egypt, Reem Ahmed Abd El-Megeed
Small construction firms, Samih Wahid Adly
Small scale enterprises in Egypt, Randa Helmi Abbas
Smart work and efficiency at the work place, Samah Abdel Geleel Hassan
Social action research in urban Egypt, Suzanne Saleh Sabet Mubarak
Social change, alienation and social crisis as reflected in novels of Naguib Mahfouz, Hala Nadia Abd Almaguid Abd Alhak
Social cost-benefit analysis for Egyptian free zones, Doha Mounir A H Youssef
Social entrepreneurship and education in Egypt: A critical inquiry into the role of social enterprises in education, El-Samman Karim
Social history of an agrarian reform community, Reem Saad Luka Mikhail
Social identity and class in Mit Okba, Nadia Adel Taher
Social impact of mobile telephony in Egypt, Mona Soliman
Social inclusion or exclusion? never-married singles in West Amman, Dana Mustafa Sabbah
Social interaction among superior students in two settings in a Cairo secondary school, Mohammed Farouk Mahmoud
Socializing the deaf in Cairo, Anne Edelstam
Socially-responsible entrepreneurship education: A qualitative study among Egyptian teachers, Mohamed Shabana
Socially sustainable neighborhoods: Special reference to the Egyptian context, Alia Omar Azzam
Social media effects on the academic performance of Nile University students, Gina Mowafy
Social media policy in Egypt: case studies of three ministries, Gehad Soliman Kenawy
Social media references in Egyptian newspapers: The use of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and WhatsApp in El-Ahram, El-Masry El-Youm and El-Wafd newspapers, Nashwa Mohamed Mamdouh Mostafa El-Degheidy
Social orientalism, Daniel P Reany
Socio-cultural impacts of tourism, Sherif Mostafa Abdel-Aziz
Socio-demographic study of language variation, Rose-Marie Wadie Shenouda
Socio-Economic inequalities in accessing treatment of non-communicable diseases in Egypt using health issues survey 2015, Radwa Ahmed Elmoneer
Software application for computer aided vocabulary learning in a blended learning environment, Rasha Essam Hashem Hassan
Software copyright: fairness analysis through the parallel link between users and authors, Islam Dakroury
Software design recovery of object oriented systems developed in C++, Mohamed Reffat El Harras
Software quality attribute measurement and analysis based on class diagram metrics, Dalia Rizk
Soft x-Ray Spectra of Alloys and Compounds, Sherif Samaan Antonius
Soldiers and social revolution in Ethiopia, Merera Gudina.
Solidification of aluminium alloy ingots, Hassan Abdel Kader Abdel Salam
Solving problems in deductive reasoning, Mohga Anwar Hafez
Solving the confusion of body sides problem in two-dimensional human pose estimation, Mohammad Hamdy Oreaba
Somalia's political dilemma, Mohamed Hashi Egal
Somalia's struggle to integrate traditional and modern governance: The 4.5 formula and 2012 provisional constitution, Nasteha Ahmed
Some A. C. properties of lead-borate glasses, Salah El-Din El-Nahwy
Some aspects of cloze testing for adult Arabic-speaking students, Mohamed Imam Ibrahim
Some aspects of development and foreign trade policy, 1952-67, Fatma EL Mallah
Some aspects of futurity in English with special reference to their presentation to Eyptian students, Aida Soliman Nawar
Some aspects of social change in Saydiya, a semi-industrialized village near Baghdad, Najia Ahmed Hamdi
Some aspects of the food security issue in the Arab countries, Mona Salah El Din Mourad
Some bonding aspects of cobalt ions in phosphate glasses, Tewfik Boutros Absi
Some ecological and legal factors affecting the status of the employee in the public sector in the United Arab Republic, Dimitri Voyiadzis
Some environmental aspects of the problem of maldistribution of graduates of humanities for manpower planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mohamed Awad Kheir
Some factors affecting crude oil production in Egypt, Dalia Mohamed Abou Senna
Some managerial problems of female employment in the U.A.R., Ayten Heykal
Some MIMO applications in cognitive radio networks, Feeby Magdy Girgis Salib
Some numerical experiments on the problem of sequencing jobs in a flow shop, Badran Mohammad Badran
Some physical and mechanical properties of calcium phosphate glass-aluminum composites, Argyrios John Argyroglou
Some physical and mechanical properties of iron calcium silicate glasses-iron composites, Hani Louis Rizkalla
Some physical and mechanical properties of lead, borate glass, aluminium composites, Jeanne Victorine Zahar
Some physical properties of CaO-Fe2O3-B2O3 glasses in relation to structure, Magda Fouad Hayek
Some problems in translating the Qur'an with reference to rhetorical features, Khalid Abdulhadi Yahya Blankinship
Some properties of cerium borate and phosphate glasses in relation to structure, M Osama El-Bayoumi
Some properties of iron zinc borate glasses-aluminium composites, Faten Emile Guirguis Youssef
Some properties of silicate and borate glasses containing titanium in relation to structure, Nabil N Wasfy
Some quality studies on the bottom sediments of the River Nile, Mona Raymond Zarifa
Some quality studies on the sediments of Lake Nasser, Khadiga Mostafa Hafez
Some reactions of neamine derivatives, Deena A Boraie
Some reflexions on Mamluk silks, Claire Cecile Louca
Some structural aspects of Ni2+ in potassium haloborate glasses, Samia Sidhom
Sources of determinism in American naturalistic fiction and Theodore Dreiser's place in the movement, Nevine Ghourab
South Africa in Southern Africa, Mariam Sayed Ahmed
Southern Sudanese women in refuge, Christine Mori Nyoka
South Sudan: Civil service, training and development, Aggripa Wajo
Sovereignty and Globalization: Borders in the line of Fire, Shaden Khallaf
Soviet decision-making during the 1990-1991 Gulf crisis, Elena Rybina
Soviet-Egyptian aid and trade relations from 1955-1976 and its impact on the economic development of Egypt, Mervatte Ahmed Ehsan Madkour
Spaces of escape: Sexuality in the age of the Internet., Miral A. Mahmoud
Spatial model for the management of a system of infrastructure facilities, Sherif Omar
Spatial temporal measures: a new parameter for planning, Abdel Hady Hosny
Speaker-dependent Arabic digits speech recognition using invariant moments, Marwa Mossaad Hegazy
Speculative Realism: An Introduction, Graham Harman
Spirit in Philosophy: a Metaphysical Inquiry, Catarina C.M. De M. Belo
Spiritual reconciliation and self-discovery: the autobiographies of al-Ghazali and Malcolm X, Fatima-al-zahraa Ahmad Ramy
Spoofing!: criminal law, cyberspace and Egypt, Rim Al Kassaby
Stability and properties of products made from splat cooled aluminium base alloys, Soheir Ahmed Azab
Standards based education in Egypt and Singapore, Dara Akeal El Masri
State and industrial capitalists in Egypt, Sāmir Sulaymān
State budget formulation process and good governance framework in the context of Egypt, Amira Mohamed El-Said Gamal El-Din
State building in Palestine and Jordan, Tamim Barghouti
State capacity and rule of law: the case of Upper Egypt, Reem Abu Zahra
State capacity under reform: a case study of the adminstrative, policy, and private consultative capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry in Egypt, Mona Hosny Ghander
State, capital and workers protests in Egypt, Tamer Abdel-Kader
State-led technological development in South Korea and India, Hanaa M Ebeid
Statistical priority-based uplink scheduling for M2M communications, Ahmed Elhamy Mostafa
Stem injection as a technique for the biological incorporation of radioisotopes into foods for metabolic studies, Adib Samir Zeind
Stereotypes of Arab women in women's magazines, Maha Khairy
Stereotypes of the Arabs among Egyptians, Maha Tahlawi
Stigma of mental health and society: Time to change, Nada Mohamed
Stock price synchronicity and firm's exposure to financial crisis: evidence from emerging markets, Ashraf Abdelnasser Heleka
Stories of silence: Acceptance, Nada Baraka
Strangely familiar: The surprise ending in Poe, Maupassant, and Borges, Pacinthe Adel Abou Senna
Strategic advantages of visual violence, Roxanne Brook Vigil
Strategic competence training in the L2 classroom, Amy Widger
Strategic Culture: A Power Capability in Protracted Conflicts, Karim El Kady
Strategic human resource management and organizational performance: a case study from an Egyptian nonprofit organization, Nivin Abdelmeguid
Strategies for change: exploring the impact of the 2004 nationality law reform campaign on gender equality in Egypt, Catherine MacKay
Streamlining the regulatory procedures for small and medium enterprises, Manal Hussein
Street vending challenges and opportunities: the case of women fish vendors in Fayoum, Mona El-Azzazy
Strength and ductility of bulk nanostructured aluminum processed by mechanical milling, Nesma Tarik Mohamed Aboulkhair
Strength and fracture toughness of steel fibre reinforced mortar, Moussa Mahmoud Shouman
Strengthening women's educational status in relation to population issues in Dar Es Salam - Jebel Aulia, Sarah Cleto Rial
Strindberg's misogyny, Amal Moussa
Structural change in Egyptian industry: A comparative analysis of the 1966/67 and 1983/84 input - output tables, Lobna Hilal
Stucco ornament in Cairene architecture, 970-1250, Diana Curtiss
Student academic freedom policy in Egyptian Higher Education; case study: Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University., Israa Medhat Tawfik Esmat
Student-centered teaching in private higher education institutions in Egypt, Soha Sayed Abdelhady Aly
Students' and teachers' perception of rapport management strategies used by teachers, Lobna Sherif
Students' composition errors in relation to levels of proficiency on the AUC English entrance examination, Aida Abd El Maksoud Hassan Zaher
Students' participation in private tutoring activities in Egypt in Egyptian lower primary schools: A qualitative investigation, Mohamed Faiz Salaheldin Kabadaya
Students' perceptions of native and non-native English-speaking teachers and their influence on students' motivation, Sarah Ossama El-Sawah
Students perceptions of the future: a sociological analysis of AUC students, Mona Makram Ebeid
Students with disability and the quest for inclusive education: A case study of private schools in greater Cairo, Noha Sayed-Ahmed
Students writing across the disciplines, Elizabeth Arrigoni
Studies on guest/host complexes, liposomal and other systems for potential chemotherapeutic drug(s) delivery, Sherif Ashraf Fahmy
Studying binary clathrate hydrate of hydrogen and deuterium using raman spectroscopy, Moaaz El.Ghazaly
Studying the effect of multisource Darwinian particle swarm optimization in search and rescue missions, Ahmed M. Youssef
Studying the molecular dynamics of deuterium molecules trapped inside a simple clathrate hydrate using high resolution Raman spectroscopy, Mohamed Ibrahim Moussa Ibrahim
Studying the QCD medium in proton-proton collisions using PYTHIA, Omar Tarek Elsherif
Study of Qattara depression and its hydropower potential, Aly El Shafei
Study of the compressive strength of multidirectional layered glass polyester laminates, Hend Ahmed Amer
Study of the noise and band properties in semiconductor injection lasers, Fikry Ramzy El Sonbaty
Study of the thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes in five-dimensional anti-de sitter spacetimes, Hassan El-Sayed
Stylistic analysis of the use of simile in Kalila wa Dimna by ibn Al-Muqaffa', Cynthia Brandenburg Harlow
Stylistic differences between the Makkan and Madinan sūras of the Qur'ān, Maha Galal El-Borie
Subaltern voices: Silenced by race, gender, and caste, Tamer Abdel Wahab Aly
Subjectivism and objectivism in contemporary theories of the self: study in the divergence of two lines of thought represented by Harry Stack Sullivan and George Herbert Mead, Hend Salem El-Sayed
Subject matter instructor's evaluation of learners' errors in an EAP setting, Karen Park
Subsidies for energy efficiency and alternative energy adoption programs: case study from Egypt taxi recycling program, Omnia Ahmed M. Abdellatif
Sudanese refugees in Cairo, Sandra Maxine Jefferson
Sudanese women speech variation and its role of convergence, Samia Mohamed Adnan
Suitability of Egyptian raw materials for the production of cement clinker using the dry process, Lamia Rifaat Ismail
Sulaf Taha - Interview, Gloria Botros
Sultanabad ware, Kristy L McCoy
Sultan Al-Mansur Qalawun's policy with the Latin States of Syria 1279-90, and the fall of Acre, Adil Ismail Muhammad Hilal
Superhero v bystander effect: Effects of fictional and non-fictional media priming on situational altruism, Nermine Mourad Aboulez
Superplastic behaviour and cavitation formation of A1-2li-1.9Cu-1.5Mg-0.09Zr alloy, Ali Mohamed Farah
Supply chain performance, Dina Wafaa Hegazy
Support services for family members suffering from domestic violence in Zarqa' city - Jordan, Hanan Charles Ghannoum
Surface and acidic properties of mixed zirconium and titanium oxides, Sofi-Rosamelia Bahgat Mahmoud Bahgat
Surface area and pore structure of low porosity cement pastes, Ghassan Andrawes Oweimreen
Surrealism and symbolism, Maha Mohamed Munib Abdel Moutaleb
Survey study of some Egyptian meteorites, Hedy Edward Assiouty
Survival of non-oil producing monarchies from "Arab Spring": Morocco and Jordan, Zaineh Bisharat
Survival Strategies and Coping Mechanisms of Syrian Female Head of Household in Egypt, Mirette Bahgat
Surviving ISIS:Life Stories of Yezidi Women, Marian Mounir Rizkalla
Surviving the Arab uprisings: Political regimes and state responses, Hood Ahmed
Sustainability and reciprocity of service learning partnerships: The case of a private university in Egypt, Eman Motawi
Sustainability literacy in higher education: an assessment of the American University in Cairo's students, Yomna El Awamri
Sustainability of e-waste Management: Egypt case study, Ahmed Tarek Mohamed
Sustainable consumerism in the eyes of the Egyptian generation Z, Salma Khalil
Sustainable design guidelines for new and existing schools in Egypt, Sara Harb
Sustainable development and environmental policy in Egypt, Meaghan McKenna
Sustainable electrochemical devices based on earth-abundant materials for solar energy harvesting and storage, Menna Tullah Samir Said
Sustainable Management of Urban Green Spaces in Compact Cities: Case Studies from Cairo, Nehal Ali
Sustainable rural community: waste to business (W2B) model, Hala Omar
Sustainable treatment of tanneries wastewater using low-cost and highly efficient materials, Sarah Ehab Abdelkader
Swarm Multi-Path congestion & Power aware routing protocol for MANETS, Ahmed Said Nagy
Swarm robotics: Cooperative navigation in unknown environments, Abdallah Galal Khalil
Switching characteristics of calcium borate glasses containing iron, Mahmoud Aly El Hamamsy
Sylvia Plath and the crisis of the self: a feminist reading of the late poetry, Rania Salah Mohamed
Symbolic interactionism: an alternative basis for the teaching of second languages, Audrey E Hamblett Kennedy
Symmetry groups & atomic structure, Magdy G Elias
symposium: Beyond Presence?, Graham Harman
Syntactic markedness in SLA: the acquisition of the dative alternation, Mohammad Atef Sallam
Synthesis and characterization of a novel biodegradable cellulose acetate-chitosan biosorbent for water purification and treatment purposes, Emad Raafat Farag
Synthesis and characterization of efficient polyamide thin film nanocomposite membranes, Mohamed M. A. Elleithy
Synthesis and characterization of EVA-montmorillonite cloisite clay nanocomposites, Ali Ahmed Abdel Hafiz
Synthesis and evaluation od ashless polymeric lube oil addtives containing phosphorus, sulphur and nitrogen, Salwa Salah Nasr
Synthesis and optimization of digital systems for low power at logic level of abstraction, Ihab Mostafa Amin Amer
Synthesis of polysulfone/polyamide thin film nanocomposite membranes for forward osmosis applications, Ahmed Omaia Abdelfattah Mohamed Rashed
Synthesizable delay line architectures for digitally controlled voltage regulators, Omar Fathy Haridy
System level modeling and design using SysML and SystemC, Waseem Mohamed Raslan
Tab asta'zen ana ba'a: a corpus-based study of three discourse markers in Egyptian film language, Ahmad Ismail
Tāhirid Yaman on the eve of the Mamlūk conquest as based on the Qurrat al-ʻuyūn of Ibn ad-Daybaʻ (d.944/1537), Charles Warren Hassett
Tailored-design of molecularly imprinted polymers with induced cavities of high conformational stability as new platforms for chemical sensing applications, Ghada ALTaher Selim
Tariff policy and protection to industry in Egypt, 1961-1986, Mohamed Imam Imam Salem
Tawfiq al-Hakim and his search for a national culture, Nadia Raouf Farag
Teacher evaluation: a qualitative study, Nahed Mohammed Shalaby
Teacher politeness: A cross-cultural comparison in ESL classrooms, Yasmine Mostafa Soheim
Teachers as agents of change: a case study of action research for school improvement in Egypt, Mary Victor Kostandy
Teachers' attitudes toward Egyptian students as reflected through their evaluations of written essays, Saida Belas Gianou
Teachers' attitudes toward including children with special educational needs in private schools in Egypt, Asar Ismail Youssef
Teachers’ development programs: Qualitative/SWOC analysis of “Education First” initiative, Rehane Sarhan
Teachers' experiences in overcrowded classrooms in Egyptian public schools, Ghada Mamdouh Ayoub
Teachers' metacognitive awareness and metacognitive instructional practice: A mixed method study in Egypt, perihan magdi
Teachers' perceptions and practices in feedback and assessment of EFL writing, Yosra Mohamed Wagih Kotb
Teachers' perceptions of professional identity and communities of practice, Heidi Mohamed Badr El-Din Sadek
Teachers' perceptions of the type of continuing professional development in an Egyptian public school: An exploratory study, Hanaa AbdelKader
Teachers' perceptions on formulaic language, Shaimaa Nabil Abdel Aziz
Teachers' perceptions on reflective practices in higher education institutions: A case study, Samar Wahba
Teachers' recruitment and selection practices within different schooling systems in Egypt, Amira Abdou
Teachers' views about the effectiveness of short visits on their instructional performances, Gelan Hesham Abdou Ahmed Mahmoud
Teaching Arabic to non-Arab muslim children through Islamic culture, Mustapha Yusuf Ibrahim
Teaching the structure of MSA through children's language in third primary level, Hanaa Hamed Kilany
Teaching writing, Mariam Khalil Thabet
Technological communication patterns in an industrial organization, Yusef Khalil Mazhar
Technology as a determining factor in television foreign news coverage: A case study of NBE News Cairo from 1973to 1985, McDonald David Andrew.
Telecommunication regulation analysis using legal realism principals, Mohamed Amin Elnawawy
Televised electoral campaigns: content analysis of the November 1995 party programs, Samar Hossam Abd El-Bary
Television dependency and knowledge of drug abuse among Egyptian adults, Azza Abd El-Azim Mohamed
Television human-puppet talk show: sensationalism, conflict and emotional concerns "case study of Abla Fahita Live", Mary Yousry Kamel Habib
Television programs exchange, Hassan M Hamed
Temporality and the ontological experience in the works of Virginia Woolf To the lighthouse and Edward Al-Kharrat The City of saffron, Maggie Hosni Awadalla
Temporary permanence: the use of refugee camps in protracted refugee situations and its effect on human rights protection, Samantha Kerubo Angwenyi
Tenancy law 96 of 1992: socio-political aspects, Ghada Mohammed Ragaa Mohammed El Tantawi
Ten heroin addicts: A case study of socio-cultural and psychological factors, Maha El Rashidy
Tense and time referent of the active participle in modern standard Arabic, Nadia Khalil Harb
Tensile and fracture behavior of single and dual matrix aluminum-carbon nanotube composites, Ehab Salama
Tensile behavior of hybrid woven-fabric-composites, Hussein M Massoud
Tensile properties of aluminium/polypropylene laminates, Ashraf Adib Hanna
Terrorism:an analysis of the international legal framework, international and regional responses case study: Syria., Sara Ayman Mohamed Hassan
Terrorism in Egyptian cinema, Iman A Mosharafa
Terrorists as Monsters: The Unmanageable Other from the French Revolution to the Islamic State, Marco Pinfari
Testing of leakage current failure in ASIC devices exposed to total ionizing dose environment using design for testability techniques, Assem Mohamed Alaa El Din Ali Mohamed
Testing short-term over/ underreaction hypothesis: empirical evidence from the Egyptian stock exchange, Amira Yasser Ragab
Testing Weiner's attributional model in an EFL context, Sophia Mohammad Khalifa
Text categorization based on phrase indexing, Hany Seif Habib
Textual analysis of Quranic stories, Sulieman Tarawneh
Textual and Visual Representation of Hijab in Internet Memes and GIFs, Omneya M. Nagib Ibrahim
Texture classification using transform analysis, Mary Habib
Thanking in American English and Egyptian Arabic: a cross-linguistic cross-cultural study, Ahmed Hosni Gabr
Thank you, merci, shukran! private education and language in Egypt, Ericka Galegher
The 1967 defeat impact on the generation of the sixties and earlier generations, Shahira Khalil
The absurd and revolt in two of Albert Camus [sic] novels, Nermine Abd
The absurd in theory and dramatic practice, Wail Abul-Hassan
The abuse of stray dogs, Monica M. Mahany
The acquisition of English relative clauses by native speakers of Arabic, Susan Adly Hassan El-Esnawy
The acquisition of morphosyntactic agreement in the interlanguage system of AFL learners in Ghana, Alhassan Abdur-Rahim Husein
The acquisition of temporal concepts and related linguistic forms in Egyptian children between the ages of 2,4 and 4,11, Stanley A Otto
The administration of Armenia during the Arab domination, Manuel Missak Jinbashian
The administration of Egypt's food subsidy program and policy implications, Osama Hamid El-Keshky
The administration of national elections: A comparative analysis and the case of Egypt., Marie Ramona Canaan
The administration of the health programs, Maged Reda Botros
The aesthetic faith in the self, Nashwa Hassan M Hafez Al-Kassry
The aesthetic of the concrete, Magued Selim Kommos
The Afghan government's relationship with the Pashtun community and its effect on stability; a comparative approach, Alfred Jasins
The agenda-setting function of Egyptian newspapers, Ayman Ghabour
The agenda-setting impact of Egyptian nightly television talk shows on attitudes towards civic engagement in Egypt, Sara Nassar El-Khalili
The agricultural credit policy and economic development in contemporary Egypt, Mirette Nashed Messiha
The analysis of the key doctrines of Boko Haram (Jama’at Ahl-I- Sunnah Li Al-Da’wati Wa Al-Jihad)., Aisha Muhammad Iyawa
The annealing behavior of pure bismuth and bismuth-antimony alloys, El-Saied MI Ali
The application of media convergence in Egypt: current situation, obstacles and potentials, Mohamed Ahmed
The Arab Andalusian love poetry, Basma Al Dajani
The Arabic Braille: Evaluation and Suggestions for Modification, Mohamed Tarek El-Sharkawy
The Arab Organization for Administrative Sciences and the Development of Management in Arab States, Nafiz Qasem Assaf
The architectural works of Al-Ashraf Barsbāy: Ashrafīya, mausoleum and khāneqāh, Raphael Audi
The Armenian community in Cairo, Rasha Tarek Habib
The Armenian community in Egypt during World War I, Armin Albert Kredian
The artist and the literary text in Sterne's Tristram Shandy and Shidyaq's Al-Saq ala al-saq, Noha Saad Nassar
The assessment of the economic aid provided by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the Development Assistance Committee to the underdeveloped nations, Nihad Hassan Negm
The assessment of the significant determinants of the parallel market rate in Egypt, Iman Tymourlank Shoukry
The association between health financing and maternal and child health in Middle East and North Africa countries, Ahmed Tammam Abdelgawad
The association between personality, coping and depressive symptoms in adult patients with chronic pain, Reem Mohamed Ahmed Deif
"The Aten desires that there be made for him": An analysis of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten's Temple Construction Activity outside of Tell el-Amarna, Megan Kathryn Paqua
Theatre, performance and affect through revolutionary times in Egypt, Noha Khattab
The attitude of Egyptian Nubian university students towards Arabic and Nubian languages, Sanaa Gamal Abou-Ras
The attitudes of Egyptian, adult, non-degree learners of English towards the language laboratory, George Fouad Ajamian
The attitudes of Finnish tourists and Egyptians towards tourism in Hurghada, Laila El-Mahgary
The attitudes of the Egyptian air traffic controllers to technical change, Ahmed Mounir
The AUCian experience of an alumnus, Nouran Omar
The automotive industry in Egypt, Mahmoud Hussein Ahmed
The Bahṛī Mamluk monumental entrances of Cairo, Hilary L Roe
The Balance: human rights and international security in the new world order, Frank Knaack
The Battle of the Camel, Linda D Lau
The Beach scene in James Joyce's novel A portrait of the artist as a young man & Thomas Mann's novella Death in Venice, Mona Hamed Sallam
The beliefs of Arab university learners about their readiness for autonomy in a web-based setting, Aliaa Salah Youssef
The bias of a least squares estimator under a unit root, Karim M Abadir
The bimāristān of al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh and the area around it, Nairy Hampikian
The Book of Habakkuk in the Mount Sinai Arabic codex no. 9 and its textual affiliations, Peter F. Abboud
The book on the secrets of pilgrimage (Kitāb ʼasrār al-hajj) by ʼAbū H̉āmid Muhạmmad al-Ghazālī, Ibrahim Umar
The breakdown of military regimes in a dependency context, Safaa Moussa
The building of the American University in Cairo, Hend Asaad Nadim
The Byronic hero, Maha Mohamed Hosny Moustafa
The Byronic hero in evolution from Childe Harold to Enoch Soames, Mervat Mohsen
The call for freedom in Shelley's poetry, Amatul Hadi Hoda Mogaddedi
The case for cultural genocide: the formulation of a working definition, Tye Tavaras
The case of the disappearing self as portrayed in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and The Picture of Dorian Gray, Thoraia Abou Bakr Tallawi
The castaway: a comparative study of alienation in Franz Kafka's "The Trial" and J.M. Coetzee's "Foe", Alia Mohamed Taher Ahmed Tawfik Abou Zeid
The castaway: a comparative study of alienation in Franz Kafka's "The Trial" and J.M. Coetzee's "Foe", Alia Abou Zeid
The celestial element, Loai Omran
The ceremonial-urban dynamic of Cairo from the Fatimid to the early Mamluk period, Heba H Mostafa
The challenges and the policies of media literacy programs in Egyptian schools, Salma Sherif El Ghetany
The challenges of protecting animals in Egypt., Nadine Mohamed Ismail
The challenges of urban sprawl and its impacts on the fragmented agricultural lands: A case study of Tersa, Giza, Aya Farid Youssef
The change of language in Egypt from Greek to Arabic in official documents of the first four centuries of Arab rule, Nahed El Gamal Saleh
The Changes in the Arab Policy of Turkey from 2002-2010 : With a special reference to the Turkish Policy towards Syria, Shaimaa Abdel Fattah
The change to private management in a public sector hotel, Anwar M El Ghatit
The Changing Perceptions of Leisure and Hybrid Consumption: Heliopolis City of the Sun, Menna Al Sheiby
The changing role of Nubian women in Khashm El-Girba, Eastern Sudan, Mashaair Sharif Saeed
The Chechen-Russian wars of 1994 1nd 1999, Omar Ashour
The chronicles of Narnia as myth, Jehan Shafie El Margoushy
The church in the square: negotiations of religion and revolution at an evangelical church in Cairo, Egypt, Anna Dowell
The Circassian mamluk monumental entrances of Cairo, Daad H Abdel Razik
The city as feminine principle, Hala Halim
The cognitive and affective antecedents to consumer behavior towards on-demand transportation services in Egypt, Islam Nasser Asaad
The compatibility of Yusuf Al Qaradawi's wasateyya school of thought with the second generation of the Muslim Brotherhood, Reem Ahmed El Mahdy
The complex of Sultān Al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh at Bāb Zuwayla, Tarek M Swelim
The concept and determinants of sustainable development and their applications for public administration in developing countries, Ndiribe Ambrose Amsalem Ndiribe
The concept of Egyptian nationalism in the thought of Ahmad Lutfi Al-Sayyid, Hoda Ragheb Awad
The concept of evil in children's literature, Nadia Kholy
The concept of labor in Islam: the status, duties and rights of labourers, Mohamed Ayyad
The concept of love as portrayed in Al-Zahrah by Ibn Dawud, Shereen Mohammad Hassan
The concept of motherhood in Islam, Aliah Schleifer
The concept of the rules of public order in the political thought of Hizb al-Tahrir, Saʻīd al- Hasan
The conceptualization of development journalism by mass media leaders in Borno State of Nigeria, Muhammad Sani Rabiu
The conservation history of the mausoleum of Shajarat al-Durr, Farah Shoukry
The consistency of export and agricultural policies in Egypt, Nourhan Ahmed Sultan
The Constitutive role of torture in the modern Egyptian state, John M G Brown III
The construction and assumptions made about Egyptian women by development organizations, Christina Gagnier
The construction of a national identity in exile: Palestinians in Egypt, Wael Mohamed Ismail
The construction of chaos: cinematic representations and politics in Egypt in the 2000s, Fayrouz El Sayed Karawya
The Construction of Sectarianism: How Intermestics shaped “Other”ing in Iraq and Syria, Dina Elrashidy
The contemporary intellectual debate between the islamists and the librals on the imposition of "Shari'a" laws in Egypt, Nadia Tewfik
The Contemporary Sufi Heritage of Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Mustafa al-‘Alawī: The Seven Spiritual Stages of the Sufi Path, Omneya Nabil Ayad
The Context-oriented architecture: Integrating context into semantic web services, Aisha Mohamed-Salama Elsafty
The contingency theory of accommodation in public relations and its applicability to the telecommunication sector in Egypt, Rania H El Bakry
The contribution of role play to second language acquisition, Fathy Mohamed Ashour
The controlling role of Central Bank of Jordan on money supply, Khaled Wassef Al- Wazani
The Coptic church of Egypt and development, Dalia William Habib
The coptic community in Egypt, Amany El-Khateeb
The Coptic Orthodox church, Leila Moukhtar Zaki
The correlation between television news credibility and the level of fear of crime, Nahla Badr ElDin
The cost of capital and the socialist economy, Ahmed Sadek Foda
The Cotton Plantation Remembered, Mona Mohsen Abaza-Stauth
The coverage of children’s issues in Egyptian Newspapers, Eman Mohamed Serag
The cultural construction of disability: an ethnographical approach to women with disabilities in Egypt, Amira Mahmoud Said Abd El-Khalek
The culture of Bulaq as viewed by its children, Iness Maurice Louca
The dark side of multilateralism: An assessment of the position of the developing world in the international trading system, Marwa H. El-Saghir
The death of the hero: A study in Modern and Postmodern Literature, Sarah R Yeslam
The deflationary effects of indirect taxes under inflationary gap conditions, Ali Abdel-Aziz Soliman
The degree of civilian control and military effectiveness in combating insurgency: a case study of Turkey and Pakistan, Ahmed Elbohy
The Department of Agriculture A conceptual and empirical study of co-ordination of activities in Cyprus, Chrystalla Yiakoumi
The desert militants: change and modernizing factors in Coptic monasticism, Christiane Rathle
The design of management games, Mohamed Ossama Mallawany
The determinants of citizens' satisfaction in the water public service: the case study of the governorate of Fayoum, Mona Salem El Rassass
The determination of the training needs, Nermine Magdy Atteya
The development experiences of Korea and Egypt, Nermine Gamal El Shimy
The development in the Arabic verb forms and their semantic meanings in classical Arabic, modern standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial, Azza Mahmoud Hassanein
The development of a Cairene open space, Sherif Hazem Mansour
The development of acoustics in the religious architecture of Cairo from the Arab conquest through the Ottoman period 640-1914, Ahmad Hussein
The Development of alienation in three of O'Neill's leading characters, Soad Omar Mansour
The development of fluency, syntactic complexity, and grammatical accuracy in oral presentations: a case of Egyptian EFL learners, Mayada Mohammad Tawfik Zaki
The development of public policy and the Egyptian economy 1952-1980, Amr Gamal Eldine Sabet
The development of the Coptic perceptions of the Muslim conquest of Egypt, Walid Mohamed Asfour
The development of the hero in Makhail Naimy's novels, Hadia Ihsan Hallak Ramadan
The dialectics of the neo-neo debate in the neoliberal moment, Sarrah Kassem
The Diaries of AUCians abroad, Kanzy Mahmoud
The difference between political and philosophical freedom in the completed works of Hannah Arendt, Khadeega Ga'far
The diffusion of edublogs among educators in Egypt, Salma Hany Mohammed Omar Abdelrehim
The discourse of drug use in Egypt: an interdisciplinary exploratory study, Alejandro Gutierrez
The discourse of state sovereignty, development and foreign aid in sub-Saharan Africa, Karyn Christine Miller
The discourse of state sovereignty, development and foreign aid i Sub-Saharan Africa, Karyn Christine Miller
The displaced as guest: A case study of the Yezidis of Iraq and Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction of hospitality, Zachary Jackman
The distributional effects of fiscal and trade reform in Egypt, Mona Aboul-Kheir
The divine and the problem of violence, Wafaa Esmat Wali
The divine and unapprehended manner, Terri DeYoung
The divine names in Ibn 'Arabi's theory of oneness of existence, Makoto Sawai
The divinity of personal status law in Egypt, Maha Muhammad Asaad
The double-edged sword: Globalization and international Islamic terrorism, Yara Toutounji
The dowry system in relation to changing roles of men and women in a Greek peasant community, Frosso-Evangelia K Michailidou
The dual education program in Egypt: a qualitative study on challenges and opportunities, Ahmed Maher Sherif
The dynamics of inflation and exchange rate depreciation, Elamin Hamoda Mohamed Elbasha
The dynamics of oppression portrayed in Harold Pinter's One for the Road and Salah Abdul-Saboor's Night Traveller, Salma Zohdi
The dynamics of political theatre in David Hare's Via Dolorasa and Saʻdallah Wannūs's The King is the King, Rehab Ali El-Kobtan
The dynamics of the real estate sector in Egypt: Is there a risk of having a housing bubble?, Rana Hamdy Lymouna
The earliest Arab illustrated Kalila wa Dimna manuscript, Wafaa Rizkallah
The economic activities of the Egyptian Military, 1970-1989, Heidi McCormack
The economic and social integration of the Syrian migrants and refugees in El-Rehab city in Egypt., Miranda Mahmoud
The economic efficiency of the Egyptian Company for Chemical Fertilizers: a case study of the Egyptian nitrate fertilizer industry, Amr Ameen Alee
The economics of the refining industry in Kuwait, Khalil Ibrahim Ahmad
The edgy relationship between sports media and sports organizations in Egypt: The urgency for an effective media policy, Inas Mohamed Ali Mazhar
The effectiveness of a dialogue-based program for developing the speaking skill of ESL students, Safiya Mostafa Ghazzawi
The effectiveness of electronic discussions on foreign language anxiety levels of adult Egyptian EFL learners, Dina Amr Abul Magd
The effectiveness of native ESL cassette supplemental instruction with a decoding-based methodology compared to the same methodology used without the supplemental cassette instruction, Shaker Rizk Taky El-Din
The effectiveness of productive writing as subject matter in teaching advanced level English, Edith d'Olive Dimond
The effectiveness of the consciousness-raising technique in promoting pragmatic competence, Randa Anwar Halim
The effectiveness of the discovery method as a technique for teaching reading comprehension to students of EFL, Maha Fathy Mohamed
The effectiveness of the European Union as an international security actor limits and opportunities, Elena Deola
The effectiveness of the total physical response as a comprehension-based approach to teaching English to adult Egyptian beginners, Ahmad Aly Mursy
The effect of adding radiotherapy to the administrated chemotherapy on infants' gut microbiome, Nourhan Elsahly
The effect of a listening comprehension-based communicative syllabus on communicative performance at the advanced EFL level, Barbara Jean Kelberer
The effect of a new community in Abis on settlers attitudes, U.A.R., Haifaa Shanawany
The effect of behavioral biases and gender differences on portfolio returns & investment decisions: An experimental approach, Noran Naiem El Kashef
The effect of Cairene colloquial Arabic negation and interrogation on the acquisition of English negation and interrogation, Bertha Alfred Khalil
The effect of clutural background on reading comprehension, Hoda Rizkallah Mikhail
The effect of CNN on media and business decision-makers in Egypt, Jawahir Alfaiz
The effect of cold work on the mechanical behavior of NiTi shape memory alloys, Mohamed Elwi Mitwally
The effect of collaborative writing on individual writing performance, Sara Mostafa Kotb
The effect of content schemata on EFL reading comprehension of textually explicit information, Safinaz And El Rahim El Antably
The effect of corporate governance on firm performance: The case of Arab spring in the Middle East, Michael Moustafa Mahmoud
The Effect of devaluation on output in the Egyptian economy: A vector autoregression analysis, Sahar Mohamed Abdel-Haleim Abdel-Moneim
The effect of EFL teachers' use of L1 in class on learners' listening comprehension, Amr Salah Ahmed Hammam
The effect of El Bernameg TV show on Egyptian young viewers’ evaluation of Egyptian media figures, Menna Mohamed Kadry
The effect of Ephedra foeminea on human bone osteosarcoma U2OS cell viability and migration, Eric Zadok Mpingirika
The effect of error correction types on grammatical accuracy in student essay revision, Neveen Saeed Abd Al Kareem Al Saeed
The effect of financial inclusion on Banks' credit risk: perspective from MENA region, Rami Mohamed Farid
The effect of firm performance and governance indicators on firm's credit rating in the MENA region, Marwa Mohamed Elteir
The effect of foreign aid on foreign direct investment iInflows: Evidence from Africa, Joseph Michael
The effect of formal tests on English language learning in Egypt, Nabila Ahmed Saleh
The effect of government intervention and pricing policy on agrarian supply in Egypt, Gamal M Taher Mahdy
The effect of input-based and output-based feedback on the short-term development of AFL learners' inter-language, Heba Mohamed Said El Ramly
The effect of instruction on EFL argumentative writing, Hala Abdel-Moneim Abdallah
The effect of laboratory training on the behavior and attitudes of top managers in the U.A.R., Ibrahim El Ghamry
The effect of learners' beliefs and attitudes on the acquisition of Arabic, Nehad Mohammad Shawky
The effect of micro-credit on poverty alleviation: The case of urban and rural Egypt, Raghda El Ebrashi
The effect of mixing water temperature on concrete properties in hot weather conditions, Mennatallah Amr Assal
The effect of nano-silica on the performance of Portland cement mortar, Mohamed Mostafa Ammar
The effect of negotiation role play on two sub-skills of critical thinking of EFL university students, Reem Mustafa Sohdy
The effect of photographs and line drawings on text comprehension and recall, Sanaa Abdel Hady Makhlouf
The effect of photovoice on explicit & implicit prejudice towards persons with disability, Amira El Zawahry
The effect of remittances on Egypt's economic growth, Samar Amr Naga
The effect of roughly tuned video taperecordings as opposed to syntactically graded audio taperecordings on listening comprehension, Clinton Halstead Smith
The effect of selecting material of interest in the decoding-based approach on early stage secondary school pupils' reading comprehension, Ahmed Hassan Al-Imam
The effect of stem length in multiple choice questions on item difficulty in syllabus-based vocabulary test items, Marwa Mohamed Abd El-Mohsen
The effect of supplementation with selected micronutrients on dementia and osteoporosis, Rafik Soliman
The effect of the desiccation of the Aral Sea on Central Asia, Mona Hossam Mostafa Abdel Rahman
The effect of the development and restoration projects on the culture of Marsh Arabs, Habiba Ramadan
The effect of thermal history on modes of formation of borate glasses containing titanium, Shahinaz Abd El Rahman Imam
The effect of the visual clue on listening comprehension, Essam El-Sayed
The effect of topic familiarity on reading comprehension of college non-specialist English as a second language students, Maissa Abou Youssef
The effect of transformational load on short-term memory for English sentences by native speakers of Arabic, Madeline Haggan
The effect of translation on raising students' proficiency level in writing, Samia Medhat Serag El Din
The effect of using same language subtitling (SLS) in content comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in Arabic as a foreign language (AFL), Aysha Abdel-Moneim Selim
The effect of video application in the foreign language classroom, Nazli Labib Badrawi
The effect of violence during mass uprisings on the duration of the democratization process and inclusiveness in elections, Gehad Hussein
The effects of American television programs on the Egyptian elite, Margaret-Anne Epps
The effects of audio feedback on the L2 writing quality of Egyptian university students, Omar Abouelazm
The effects of culturally relevant early childhood development (ECD) on gender relations and women empowerment, Heba Mahmoud Zaki
The effects of extensive reading on advanced EFL students in relation to their cognitive styles of learning, Aida Meleka Erian
The effects of foreign capital inflow on growth, Amira Iskander
The effects of marginal glosses and online dictionary use on incidental receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition through reading, Saliha Arseven
The effects of media on vocabulary acquisition in a web-based environment, Eric van Bourgondien
The effects of neoliberalism on poverty in Egypt, Adham Sameh Elmeligy
The effects of prior knowledge and repetition on EFL listening comprehension, Marwa Hussein Moussa
The effects of semantic and keyword strategies on recall and recognition of an English foreign language vocabulary, Patricia Barnes
The effects of Syrian refugees on Jordan’s economy: A critical case study, Michael Philips
The effects of television advertising on children's consumer learning, Nagwa El Gazzar
The Egyptian cinema, Dalia El Toukhy
The Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya) : an Apolitical Struggle for Democracy?, Saif Salah Al Nasrawi
The Egyptian personal status law and domestic violence, Abeer Abdel Raouf Mohamed
The Egyptian Popular Committee in Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifada: A Social Movement, HebatAllah Mahmoud El Kalaʻawy
The Egyptian public prosecution and human rights in the pre-trial criminal justice, Khaled Wahid Mohamed Khaled Ghazy
The Egyptian Revolution in the Eyes of Women, Jehad Mohamed
The Egyptian Social Fund for Development, Mona Lisa Dürr
The Egyptian-Syrian unity, 1958-1961, Nael Mohamed Shama
The Egyptian trade union movement under Nasser and Sadat, Nevine Naguib Youssef
The elderly in a changing Egyptian society, Marie Fahim Girgis
The electrical resistivity of different types of glasses, Fadel Youssef Iskandar Assabghy
The electric resistivity of bismuth and bismuth based alloys between 295 and 520oK, Omar Selim Asim Es-Said
The elite press and the agenda in Congress, Stephanie Mulica
The Emergence of Internet Radio in Egypt, Linda Abdellatif Badr
The emergence of the state of Jordan, Raya Nayef Al-Kadi
The emerging of the new Egyptian woman as seen in L'Egyptienne: the redefinition of Egyptian womanhood, Annie Zarouhie Madanian
The Eritrean cessation clause, Lobna Abdel Hadi
The establishment of an engineering documentation center in the Egyptian electricity authority, Ahmed Ahmed Amin
The establishment of an environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) support center, Heba Aly El Meligy
The estimate of future demand for cement in the United Arab Republic, Noha A. El Askalani
The EU-Egypt partnership agreement, Gehan Mamdouh Saleh
The evolution of armed non-state actors: The case of Iraq, Ahmed Samra
The Evolution of Birkat al-Fil (from the Fatimids to the Twentieth Century), Nadia Fouad Younes
The evolution of ideas on the subject of trade and development with reference to the Brazilian experience, Mona Raouf Naaman
The evolving social contract: appraising the Egyptian experience in the context of Malaysia`s "Miracle", Loubna Ahmed Olama
The ex officio power of the arbitrator to raise new issues of law in Islamic finance disputes, Mohamed Hassan
The exoteric vicegerency (Khilafat al-Zahir) in the thought of Shaykh Muhyi 'L-din ibn al-Arabi, Maha Abdel Megid Maamoun
The experience of art: Between Arthur Schopenhauer and Sigmund Freud, Sarah Hammad
The experience of passenger transport start-ups in greater Cairo: An analysis, Passant Ehab Fakhr El-Din
The Experience of protest: Masculinity and agency among young Sudanese refugee males in Cairo, Martin Timothy Rowe
The export problems of a less developed country, Hafez M H Ghanem
The external public debt problem of the Developing Countries with particular reference to the debt problem of Egypt, Nihal Mohamed Nour El Din Korra
The extraterritorial processing of refugee claims & the refugee convention, C Frederick Sheffield
The fable in medieval literature, Ashraf Abdel Fattah Eissa
The factors that affect the level of farmers, Iyad Ghasoub Asali
The failed-state in the Great Lakes Region, Bassem Nabil Hafez
The failure of the Oslo peace process: causes and impacts, Nidal Mahmoud Al-Natour
The fallacy of Spanish policy towards asylum seekers, Isabel Cara Martin
The farthest place: The making and remaking of social boundaries in Abu Minqar, Joseph John Viscomi
The Fatimi Mausolea of Cairo, Caroline Ransom Williams
The Fiction of History: Garcia Marques, Morrison and Djebar, Tahia Khaled Gamal Abdel Nasser
The First Zionist Congress, Basel, 1897: An Annotated Translation of the Proceedings, Michael John Reimer
The Flow of Communication in an Egyptian Village, Shahinaz Talaat
The forgotten population: a case study of Palestinians in Cairo, Lamia Saleh Raei
The Formation of Social Networks in New Urban Communities- Case Study: New Borg Al-Arab City, Fatma Helaly
The French expedition to Egypt: its goals and their effect on cross-cultural inter-relationships, Michele C Worthing
The French occupation: a historiographical view, Jaimee Hunsdon
The function of language in the plays of Arnold Wesker, Hanaa Moustafa Shehata
The functions of code-switching in dialogues between two bilingual children, Kerima Hassan Nashat
The Functions of EL Zar, Dawheya Nagi
The gap between rhetoric and reality in Al Ahram Weekly's local news coverage, Hisham Kandil
The gendered self and the gendered other, Nana Aba Kyereba Bentil
The geometry of social networks, Daniel Mackisack
The Gezira scheme and its economic effects on the Sudanese economy, 1950-1970, Hussein Mohamed Mirghani
The Ghawriyya in the urban context: an analysis of its form and function, Shahira G Mehrez
The governance of human trafficking in Egypt: The legal, policy, and institutional frameworks, Nourhan Amr Abdel Aziz
The Graffito Effect, Engy Rabie
The Greek theme in Rilke's poetry, Magda Fathi Amin
The Gulf Cooperation Council and regional economic integration, Pak Young-Chul
The GX-Tree, Amgad Mohamed Abdelkader Al-Sisi
The Haitian threat: humanitarianism, security, and internally displaced Haitians following the 2010 earthquake, Kelsy Yeargain
The hakima: a study on the socialization of a professional role, Aida Fahmy Sourial
The health insurance system in Egypt, Aya Allah Amr ElHilaly
The hidden dimensions of the historical settlement in Southwestern Africa (December 1988), Jehan Tharwat Rashed
The hidden economy in Egypt: a social accounting matrix approach, Jihan Kamel Tawfik Diab
The Hijra to Abyssinia, Barbara Croken
The Ḥīran school: a canonical controversy in pre-islamic poetry, Adam Talib
The historical importance of the works of Walter Pater, Mohamed Amr Barrada
The history of the Abbasid Caliphate in Egypt during the mamluk period 659-923 A.H./1261-1517 A.D., Ben Ndike Tobg-Nsangou
The Household without Husband: The Role of The Wives of Egyptian Professional Labor Migrants, Maissa El Rifaei
The housing problem in Egypt, Nivine Mostafa Oraby
The human right to water: A plea to the United Nations and the global community to enact and adhere to a convention on the human right to water, Regina J Elliott
The Ibāḍī Traders of Bilād al-Sūdān, Jason van Riel
The idea of homecoming in post-colonial African literature, Maria Mildred Langley
The idea of land reform in the Egyptian parliament, 1942-1952, Eunkyung Lee
The idea of the outsider, Mohamed Osman Gheleway
The Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Egypt, 1928-1966: a study of the social and economic factors supporting Islamic revivalism, Joan Wucher King
The image of Turkey in Egyptian media: Content and discourse analysis of the coverage in three Egyptian newspapers, Mohamed Moustafa Gameel Ebada
The Image of Woman in Pre-Islamic Qasida: The Mu’allaqat Poetry as a Case Study., Yakubu Zahrrah Kamaldeen
The imagery of Eliot's dramatic monologues and its expression of the process of the human quest, Hoda Akkad
The impact of a cartoon character’s gender on Egyptian Girls’ knowledge of and intentions toward pneumonia prevention, Farah Hafez El-shiaty
The impact of an introduction to community psychology course on refugee sense of empowerment, Kamauria Acree
The impact of authoritarian systems on the rise of transnational Islamist movements: Egypt, Saudi Arabia & the path to Al Qaeda, Rehab El-Bakry
The impact of community-based learning programs on developing concepts of civic responsibility and intercultural sensitivity in female university students in Sudan, Azza Abdelmoneim Osman
The impact of computers as a new instructional medium in education, Lamiaa Issa El Nakib
The impact of conflict type on child and infant mortality rates: evidence from global data, Ubah Abdulgani Adan
The impact of corporate governance and firm maturity on working capital management efficiency: Evidence from listed European firms, Sarah Reda Kamel
The impact of environmental change on the marriage institution: The case of Kanuba settlers, Samiha Fahmy El Katsha
The impact of exchange rate changes on sectoral activity: The case of Egypt, Nada Shokry
The impact of external shocks on the Egyptian economy, Hala Ali Fares
The Impact of firms' compliance to shariah on stock price synchronicity, Aya Mohamed Sharafeldin
The impact of foreign capital inflows on savings in Egypt, Khaled Abdel Fattah
The impact of geographic and source biases in television news, Nashwa Hassanein El Shalakany
The impact of globalization on fertility behavior in the Arab World, Samar Safwat Hilmi
The impact of improved irrigation systems on water scarcity and sustainable development, Farah Ahmed Z. Deghaidy
The impact of legislation on NGO's role in programme delivery: the case of Egypt, Rana Magdy Salah El Araby
The impact of liberal arts education on Egyptian student identity and worldview: a study of the core curriculum of the American University in Cairo, Rami Wasfi Maurice Guindi
The impact of mass media uses and gratifications on voters: case of Egypt 2012 presidential elections, Nouran Victor Phillips
The impact of migration on Sudanese labor migrants and the problems of integration of their families in the society of the United Arab Emirates, Sarra El Tayeb El Harith
The impact of new technology on communication within a business organization, Hala Ahmed Loutfi Abdel Badie
The impact of political developments on personal status law reforms in Egypt, Mona Saleh
The impact of promotion system on the structure of the governmental apparatus in Egypt, Mohamed Rauf Fikry Abdin
The impact of social background on th working conditions and contributions of female government employees in the United Arab Emirates, Hayat Mohamed Khattab
The impact of space communication on television news distribution, Hanan Kamal Kilani
The impact of speech rate reduction techniques on the listening comprehension performance of Egyptian high school students, Ghada Abdul-moneim Ibrahim
The impact of strategic planning on mission achievement in Egyptian nonprofit organizations: an assessment using the balanced scorecard approach, Nashwa Ghoneim
The impact of structural adjusment programs on women in Sudan 1978-1993, Amani Awad El Jack
The impact of the attitude of Egypt's modern political regimes towards the censorship role of al Azhar on writers and bookpublishing 1952-1997, Azza Gamil Khattab
The impact of the death criterion on the WSN lifetime using EM pollution monitoring algorithm, Sara Nouh
The impact of the internet on political parties in Egypt, Hatem Youssef Ezz Eldin Mohamed
The impact of the Turkish-Israeli rapprochement on Turkey's relations with Syria and Iraq from the realist and constructivist perspectives, Nibal Ezz El-Din Gamil Attia
The impact of the western liberal arts education in the MENA region: A case study, Heba Abdelrahman Ibrahim Mansour
The impact of tourism on host communities, Miral Ahmed Dwedar El-Bassyouni
The implementation of building information modeling (BIM) towards sustainable construction industry in Egypt "The pre-construction phase", Amira Elshazly Mohamed
The implementation of the United Nations security council resolutions on Libya, Mostafa Ahmed Mostafa Safwat
The Implications of "global warming" for the development of a human right to environment, Nevine Amin Sayed Soliman
The Implied Reader and the Recovery of Childhood: A Study of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, Georgette Talaat Rizk
The importance of human rights protection in the internal protection alternative inquiry, Matthijs Ivo Niks
The importance of information to repatriation decision-making: The Sudanese refugees in Cairo and their main sources of information, Eline Sophie Vorland Holen
The importance of proverbs in teaching Arabic, Wafaa Abu Bakr El Seddeek Abd Allah
The importance of research in the success of television advertising, Nevine Albert Ezzat
The importance of women as villains and violators: scenes from the ICTY, the ICTR, and Abu Ghraib, Sheri Ann Labenski
The impossibility of access: An analysis of child marriage discourse, Kiminder Sekhon
The inappropriate nature of imported technologies in less developed countries, Tadesse Haile Bahta
The in-betweens of lifeworlds: Double clicks of becoming-entrepreneurial, Ahmed Amin
The indigenization of Western-based theories of administration for administrative development in the third world, Gail E Johnsen
The Individual and Society in four Mailer Novels, Nabila Fathi
The Indo-Islamic residential garden, Aulani Margaret Mulford
The influence of culture and identity on second language acquisition: a perspective from Egypt, Shirley Barber
The Influence of Hekayat Banat on Egyptian Women’s Perceptions of Ideal Relationships and Couples, Yomna Sallam
The influence of national aid coordination on the impact of aid programs, Lene Skrumsager Moeller
The Influence of pre-task planning time on the speech production of "Accuracy-oriented" and "Fluency-Oriented" EFL learners, Hala Sayed Ayoub
The influence of Shaw's career as a music critic on Man and superman, Ahmed Shafic Abu Oaf
The influence of the Christian Right on the American foreign policy in the Middle East (2000-2004), Leidya Adel Boutros
The influence of the public opinion on the American foreign policy towards Iraq 1990-2011, Ayman Nada
The influences of Fatimid jewelry: Echoes through motifs, techniques and shapes, Dina M. El-Mahdy Tolba
The Influences on Moammar Qadhafi`s foreign policy shift to cooperate with the international community: Post Gulf War 1991 until the present, Heather Dawn Patterson
The information and training center for future entrepreneurs, Hanan Galal Dowidar
The initiative of stem schools in Egypt: Issues of process, teachers' compatibility and governance, Lamis AbdelMeguid
The innovations in the Ottoman legal administration:The 16th century between theory and practice, Honey El-Moghazi
The institutionalization of Palestinianism in Egypt (1960s-1980s), Maha Ahmed Dajani
The Integration and Securitization of Muslim Migrants in Europe, Yasmeen Nawwar
The integration of children with Autism in the Egyptian society by the use of ICT tools, Aline Bahari
The interaction between donors and recipients: A case study on Egypt's bilateral aid regime, Salma Mashhour
The interconnectivity of political and legal discourses in the assessment of the invasion of Iraq, Mohamed Hussein Soliman
The interface of politeness strategies and power relations in disagreements among Egyptian students, Hend Tarek Bakry
The interference of Cairo colloquial Arabic verb system with the English verb system, Mohamed Sami Anwar
The interlingual errors in the written English of Arabic-speaking students, Abdel-Moneim Mahmoud Mohammad
The International Conference on Population and Development: The Media & Population, Amina El Afifi
The international economic correlates of hegemony, Hisham Nehad Seif-Eldin
The International Monetary Fund and Egypt, Leila Mustafa Hassanin
The Internet and the Arab world: Audio documentary, Mohamed Hatem Idris
The interplay of genetic variation and regulation of long noncoding RNAs in colorectal cancer, Amany Abdel-Motaleb
The interpretation of Islamic art and architecture of Cairo in European paintings in the 19th century, Heba Sheta
The intersection between the pictorial and the lyrical in contemporary poetry, Hoda Aly Hassanein
The intoxication of the spirit: Ahmed Ibn 'Ajibah's Commentary on 'Umar Ibn al-Farid's Wine Song, Nuri Friedlander
The Introduction and Development of Islam in India, Md Islamuddin
The introduction of human rights education to two secondary schools in Sudan, Siham Taha ElMugammar
The introduction of military slavery: a political expedient, Brian Eastwood
The introduction of muqarnas into the Maghrib and its ideological dimensions, Shereen Saleh El-Hadidy
The Islamic domed tombs of Central Sudan, Intisar Soghayroun Elzein
The Islamic movements in Kuwait since independence, Nasra Abdulla Hasan
The Islamic resistance movement in Palestine and the emergence of HAMAS, Salma Al-Rayies
The Israeli conception of peace, Īmān Ḥamdī
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon (1982), Muthana Seif El-Din Rashid Ammus
The issue of methodology adopted by Mustafa Abdel-Raziq and its effects, Amina Abd-Allah
The ‘Ivory Tower’ exposed: The university in Ashour’s Atyaf and Coetzee’s Disgrace, Fatma Atef Ibrahim Massoud
The Jihad, Nemat Guenena
The journey of Egyptian woman from East to West ... and back, Eman Abdelaziz Fahmy Ibrahim El-Nouhy
The Kashmir problem, Sherine AH Elghatit
The Khan Al-Khalili District: Development, Topography and Context from the 12th to the 21st centaury, Ola Rashad Seif
The Khanqah of Sultan Inal in the Northern cemetery in Cairo, Joyce Pressey Tovell
The Khazin Family: A Case Study of the Effect of Social Change on Traditional Roles, Mary-Jane Deeb
The labor movement at the American University in Cairo: strikes, associations, and institutional change, Derek Ludovici
The language of contemporary Egyptian newspapers: re-visiting Badawi's model, Yasser Elshami
The language of front page newspaper headlines: the study covers the period from January 1980 to March 1981 with reference to October and November of 1973, Zeinab Ahmed Taha
The law of Nations in Islam: a Study of the Principles and Practices of Public International law in Early Islam compared with the Attitudes of Modern Islamic States, Antony M Economides
The laws governing non-governmental organizations in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Karim Refaat
The Lebanese crisis: structural vulnerability, the 1982 Israeli invasion to the Lausanne Conference, Hisham Mohamed Badr
The Legal Framework Of Apostasy in Egypt: A Manifestation Of Secular Reconstruction Of Sharia By A Modern State, Ahmed Sedky Mohammed
The legal framework of apostasy in Egypt: an illegal limitation on freedom of belief, Yara Yasser Nassar
The legality of the October 7th 2001 attacks on Afghanistan under international law, Ahmed Ismail
The legal methodology of the Salafi movement in Egypt, Brian Wright
The lenient treatment of honor crimes in Egypt, Mohamed Diaaeldin Zaid
The level of fertility of the married female employees of a major oil producing and marketing organization in Cairo, U.A.R., Mohamed Hafez
The limbs factory: Circuits of fear and hope and the political imagination on the Western Sahara, Kenza Yousfi
The limitations of the comic in Edgar Allan Poe, Melek Marise Dimyan
The local chief executives: a comparative study of international experiences focusing on the role of governors in Egypt, Nahla Mahmoud Mahmoud
The localization of the Western globalization discourse in Egypt, Mohamed Waked
The localized corrosion behavior of 6% Mo and 316L stainless steels in chloride media and the effect of applied mechanical stress, Houssam El-Din Sabry Ahmed
The longer stories of Yūsuf Idrīs, Mona Kamel ʻAbd el-Salām
The lucky bilingual: ethnography of factors influencing code-switching among the Nubian community in southern Egypt, Syonara Tomoum
The madrasa of Umm al Sultān Shaʻbān, Leonor E Fernandes
The Maghāzī element in the Musnad of Ibn Hạnbal, Ahṃad ibn Muhạmmad Ibn Hạnbal
The Mahdiyya of the Sudan, Zeinab Bashir El-Bakri
The making of gender in Egyptian families: A cross-class engagement, Farah Moataz Atia
The Mamluk khans of Tripoli Case Studies: Khan al-Misriyyin, Khan al-Khayyantin, and Suq Haraj, Dalia Nabil Aly Abdul-Ghany
The management of a student hostel and its contribution to the students' successes, Alhiji Muritala Akorede
The management of development, Abukar Mohamud Ga'al
The man with the iron fist, Abdelhamid Mahmoud
The Manzara: its form and function in Fatimid Egypt, Jehan Ismail Reda
The maq'ad of Amir Mamay al-Sayfi: The history and context of a mamluk jewel, Amira Ayman Osman
The Marble Industry in Egypt: A Microeconomic Analysis, Azza Ibrahim Hamed Kandil
The "marginalized violent internal conflict" (MVIC) model and the Ogoni conflict in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, John Osayere Agbonifo
The marginaliztion of women in the political participation process in Egypt, Nouran Ezz El Din El Shabrawy
The margin and the center: a study in selected works from contemporary Egyptian novels, Linda Istanbulli
Thematic affinities of the Bildungsromane, Nedal Mousa Mahmoud Al Mousa
Thematic concerns in the speeches and dialogues of ʻAbdallah Al-Nadīm, Etidal Osman
The matrimonial culture in Cairo's upper middle class: Capital, collective and consumption, Mariam Al-Mokadem
The Mausoleums of Fatima Khatun and al-Ashraf Khalil, Naglaa Muhammad Sami Hassan
The meaning and perception of environment by rural women in the Sudan and their importance in the design of public awareness campaigns for environmental protection, Hind Abbas Hilmi Ibrahim
The meaning of exponents of 'Iʻrāb to contemporary educated Egyptians, Raghda Essawi
The Medieval Cairene house, Mohamed Hassan Kashef
Theme of personal liberation, Ghada Jamil Hamati
The microbiome of The Egyptian Red Sea proper and Gulf of Aqaba, Ghada Alaa El-Din Mustafa
The microstructure of hardened gypsum pastes, Raafat Ishak Abdel Malek
The middle frame and medieval narratology, Faten Morris Isshak
The miraculous and Coptic Orthodox Christianity: Empowerment, Embodiment and the Living Tradition, Markéta Sebelová
The mirage: Dreams of utopia in the deserts of Egypt and Greater Cairo’s chaotic reality, Michael Bufano
The mobilization of Palestinians during the Intifada, Laura Giries El-Khoury
The modern mosque in Egypt: The mosques of Mario Rossi for the Awqaf, Ahmed Mohamed Sedky
The modern school in the garbage settlement: different social imaginaries of the future of the Zabbaleen recycling school for boys, Marwa Adel Abed El Fattah
The modified hash chain sealed bid auction protocol, Riham Hassan Abdel-Moneim
The morpho-phonetic patterning's in the speech of two native Arabic speaking children, Huda Ghali
The mortgage market in Egypt: barriers and recommendations to availability of housing finance, Mona Mostafa
The Moslem Brothers, Karen Aboul Kheir
The mosque of Asḷam Al-Silahḍār, Chāhinda Fahmī Karīm
The Mosque of Britain: How British Muslims Express their Identity?, Mamdouh Sakr
The music TV in the Arab world overview and analysis, Moataz Abdul Aziz Ben Taleb
The Muslim wives' share in the matrimonial wealth: Between theory and practice, Yomna Amr Shaffei
The Mut`azilī criteria for evaluating Prophetic traditions with special reference to usụ̄l al-fiqh, Mohamed Ahmed Abdelrahman
The mythic element in Melville's Billy Budd and Conrad's Heart of darkness, Magda Haroun
The myth of Syrian-Egyptian marriages after 2011: the struggle for livelihoods of Syrian women in Cairo., Dina Khaled El Sherbiny
The myth of the fall and the road to redemption: the meaning of Hawthorne's heroes, Zainab Taji Farouki
The myth of the white goddess in the late poetry of Robert Graves, Rehab Amin Fahmy
The narrative of irony and the irony of narrative: Time in Milan Kundera’s novels, Ramy Amin
The nascent development of administrative structures during the period of prophetic government in Medina, Nagwa Selim Hedayet
The Nasserist work ethic and the spirit of state capitalism, Willa Newton Thayer
The National Association of Arab Americans Political Action Committee, Laurie Trousil
The national diarrheal disease control project: The Egyptian experience, Faten M Ibrahim Dahlan
The need for participatory development in agriculture, David A Rowntree
The neoconservative theory of international politics, Zane Larwood
The new generation phase, Sarah Hassan
The new villages in the reclaimed lands: a study on women's impressions regarding the level of development of the area, Gawaher Atif
The new Wafd Party: An example of a Liberal opposition, Nihal Shimy Abdel Fattah El-Shimy
The New York Times coverage of the crisis in the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1982, Charles Onyango-Obbo
The nexus between Sudan's refugee policy and its bilateral relations with Ethiopia and Eritrea, Shelley Burke
The nineteenth-century genres in Pirandello's The game of roles, Niver Fayez Azmi
The Nixon legacy: How it informed the administration of George W. Bush, Carolyn C La Fontaine
The Northern Cemetery of Cairo, Hani Hamza
The North Kharga Oasis Survey: Explorations in Egypt’s Western Desert, Corinna Rossi and Salima Ikram
The novels of Najīb Mahfūz subsequent to the trilogy, Narimān Khālis Warrāqī
The Nubian woman in Cairo: Patterns of adjustment -- a case study of five families, Shahira El Sawy
The Obama administration and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Exploring the ideational and structural factors, Mohamed Mosaad Mohamed
The Occupy Wall Street movement as a 'space of profanation', Alberto Rinaldi
The opposition in Egypt, Layla Ahmad Kassem
The optimal age to learn Arabic as a second language, Galila Ibrahim Mustafa
The order of verb sequences in modern standard Arabic, Waḥīd Sāmī
Theoretical investigations of the vibrational spectra of boron oxide glass, Zaven K. Altounian
The other Copts: Between sectarianism, nationalism and catholic Coptic activism in Minya., Ana Carol Torres Gutiérrez
The outbreak of the Ridda and the campaign of Khālid b. al-Walīd in Central Arabia, James F Gould
The Palestinian agricultural sector: deepening dependency and the failure of international development aid, Nicole Halbert
The paradox of masculinity in Shakespeare's Macbeth, Howayda Elenany
The participation of workers in decision-making: the case of ESCO, Laila Omar Gad
The passengers' satisfaction with public bus service among middle-income users in Greater Cairo, Mohamed Nady Aref
The pastoral ideal in the poetry of Mahṃūd Hạsan Ismāʻīl and Walt Whitman, Hoda Sadda
The past restructured, Hind Wassef
The pattern of foreign financed projects in the Sinai Peninsula, Hanan Salah El Din Soliman
The pattern of relations between Sadat's regime and the military elite, Ahmed Abou-Zeid El-Sherif
The pattern of urbanization in Egypt, Maher Suleiman Kurd
The pendulum of development: From "the end of history" to "make poverty history", Abby El-Shafei
The people and place of al-Hattaba: a socio-temporal juncture, Heba El-Sawy
The people and place of al-Hattaba: a socio-temporal juncture, Heba El-Sawy
The people of the city, Omnia Khalil
The perceived professionalism and credibility of citizen journalism in Egypt, Mona Mohamed Naguib Ahmed
The perception and utilization of health care services by the poor in a government free hospital, Iglal Bishry
The perception of beauty, Shahd Saleh
The perception of encamped refugees on the value of education: The case of Zaatari camp, Sarah M. Nael
The perception of the human body, Malak Kamal Wassef
The perfect me: cosmetic surgery and the social body in Egypt, María S. Muñoz
The Persian Gulf crisis and The New York Times' predictions, Rasha Hammad
The persistence of the caliphate debate in Egyptian legal thought: Historical analysis from 1925 to 2014, Assil Salem
The pharmaceutical supply of brand and generic medicines in different rural and urban areas of Egypt., Yasin M. Ragaey Afify
The phenomenon of hashish consumption, Nashaar Hassan Hussein
The poetry of ʻAbd al-Sạmad B. al-Muʻadhdhal: the collection of his extent [sic] poetry, its appraisal and his biography, Hassan Mohammad Abdul Hadi Isa
The poetry of Abu 'l ʻAtahiyah, John Malcolm Mclellan
The poetry of ʻUrwa B. Udhayna: the collection of his extant poetry, its appraisal and his biography, Abdul Ali Abdul Hamid Muhammad Hamid
The policies of the state and targeting the poor in Egypt: Egypt's transition to a welfare state?, Catherine Isaac Van Bebber
The policy response of agriculture, Leyla Abdu Prahim Hashim
The political determinants of the Egyptian competition law, Hassan M. Hassan El-Kassas
The political economy of migrant smuggling: The case of conflict in Mali, Thomas Hinkel
The political economy of tariff setting in Egypt, Heba Abou Shnief
The political economy of violence: the case of Venezuela, Daniel Simon Leon
The political ideas of Khaled Mohamed Khaled, Nadia Mahmoud Ibrahim Abou El-Magd
The political ideology of the Jihad movement, Sameh Khairy Naguib
The political role of a journalist: the case of Mohammed Hassanein Heikal (1952-1974), Shahira Aly Idriss
The political unity of Ethiopia and fragmentation of Somalia in the post-1991 period, David S Zerbe
The political vision embodied in the novels of Najib Mahfuz written in the Nasserite era, Amal Mostafa Morad
The politics of burden-sharing in the refugee regime: The refugee as point of reference, Mark van de Fliert
The politics of liquidation and privatization in Egypt, Khaled Fouad Sherif
The politics of the conflict in Darfur, Sherifa Shafie
The politics of the Kiobel decision: The United States Supreme Court narrowing of jurisdiction under the Alien Tort Statute, Claire McNally
The politics of the response to HIV/AIDS in Egypt and Sudan: Analysis of NGO, state and donor involvement, Lenka Benova
The population and development of Egypt, Kevin Elkins
The postcolonial liminal novel in Africa: Farah's Maps, Ben Jelloun's L'Engant De Sable and Okri's the Famished road, Martha Anne Plettner
The Potential of Architecture: The Meaning and Purpose of Commemorative Architecture in Islamic Civilizations, Natasha Pradhan
The potentials for corporatization of public hospitals: The case of Egypt, Mohamed Fayek Abdelaleem
The Power of the box: legislative elections under authoritarian rule in Mubarak`s Egypt, 1984-2005, James Harris Sunday
The power of the rational C-test in measuring knowledge of English derivational morphemes, Karima Helmy Ammar
The practical apologetic of Muhammad Abduh with a view toward his approach to Christianity, Michael F Kuhn
The practicum experience in the faculties of education in Egypt: a study on students' perceptions of strengths and weaknesses in two faculties of education, Laila Adel El-Kerdany
The pragmatics of most commonly used modals in spoken educated Egyptian Cairene colloquial Arabic, Nehal Salah
The prefixes in urban Arabic dialect in Gaza: a morphological study, Nedal El Shorbagy
The price of peace?, Andrew John Tabler
The prices of crude oil and refined petroleum products in the U.A.R. during the nineteen fifties, Sabet Kiddis Rizkalla
The private costs of free education in Egypt at the basic stage, Sahar Mohamed Hegazi
The privatization process: prospects for Egypt, Dahlia O Khalifa
The Problem of corporate social responsibility: The need for solutions for the future, Dalia Aly Sarhan
The problem of viable states, Lawrence Simaro Fraser
The process of monitoring and evaluation of the Egyptian social pension program (al-daman al-igtimaay): An assessment, Soha Soliman
The process of socialization in a bedouin family, Samiha Sidhom
The production, performance and articulation of masculinities in Dahab, South Sina, Laleh Behbehanian
The promotion of small and micro enterprises in Egypt: a small enterprise development project for El-Kassabgy community in Giza, A Jonathan Belke
The Pronunciation of English vowels by Native Arabic Speakers: The Relationship Between Age of Learning, Perception, and Production, Joel Ramez Atallah
The purloined self in the fictional letter, Walid Abd el Aal El Hamamsy
The quest for happiness, Nadia El Sanhoury
The Quest for help, Sarah Abdel-Wahab
The quest for self, Ma Xuan
The question of freedom in Utopia and Gargantua, Soumaya Mazloum
The Question of Islamophobia and Marlowe's Tamburlaine the Great, Dalia Al-Abboud
The question of the ending: critical approaches to Rasselas, Mohammed Atta Suleiman
The quest: Where do Muslims fit the best?, Safaa Magdy
The Qur'an, a holy message delivered, May Kaddah
Therapeutic potential of curcumin in a spinal cord injury model: Local application versus dietary supplement, Sarah Kamel Farahat Abu hussein
The rationality of Egypt's regional development policy, Nihal Fouad Fahmy
The reality of refugee rights in Africa: How to implement the right to work in an era of refugee camps, Nezia Munezero-Kubwayo
The reality that lies behind appearances in Virginia Woolf's novel The waves, Bahira Sami
The realization of adjacency pairs by native speakers of colloquial Egyptian Arabic, American English and Turkish in a conversational discourse, Nahed Hamed Awny
The realization of the Islamic self, Mindy Raffel
The rebellion against family, religion, and state in modern literature, Laila Tewfik Doss
The reform of solid waste management in Cairo: Lessons learned from international models, Hoda El Mahdy
The regulation of interfaith marriages in Islamic legal discourse, Leena Salah Azzam
The reign of Sulaymān ibn ʻAbd Al-Malik:a critical assessment, Taj Mohammad Hargey
The relation between cultural assumptions and the study of foreign language and literature with special reference to some Egyptian college students of English, Mahmoud-Atif A Bekheet
The Relation Between the Shale Origin (Source or non Source) and its Type for Abu Roash Formation at Wadi El-Natrun Area, South of Western Desert, Egypt, Ahmed Zakaria Nouh
The relation between the TRIPS agreement and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Ahmed Mahmoud El-Said El-Tantawi
The relationship between exposure to television violence and committing anti-social acts by adolescent male juveniles, Rasha Abdel Hamid Kamhawi
The relationship between Fatah and the Palestinian Muslim Brothers, Sherin Hamed Fahmy
The relationship between financial leverage and equity returns in Arab stock markets, Sahar Shalaby
The relationship between investor flows and returns on the Egyptian stock exchange, Manar K. El-Batrawy
The relationship between knowledge management and innovation: empirical study on AUC and Mansoura University, Ashraf Mohamed Numair
The relationship between language proficiency, prior knowledge and reading comprehension in EFL, Hayam William Mikhail
The relationship between performance evaluation systems and motivation: A case study from three NGOs in Egypt., Heba Aloush
The relationship between Sir Philip Siney's critical theory and his poetical practice, Gabriele Del Re
The Relationship between Source Credibility and Political Participation: Examining the Egyptian Talk Show “Masr Al Yom” broadcast on Al Faraeen Satellite Channel, Riham Ibrahim Abdel Raouf
The relationship between the government and developmental NGOs, Nevine Ellia Mikhael Bishai
The relative autonomy of the state, Tamer El-Meehy
The relevance of project evaluation to Egypt's manufacturing industry, Magda Sayed Assaad
The religious monuments of the period of Isma'il Pasha (1863-1879), Mohamed Aly El-Hamamsy
The representation of homosexuality between text translation and movie adaptation in Midaq Alley and The Yacoubian Building, Rania Ahmed Salem
The representation of migration to the Gulf in Arabic novels, Noha M Radwan
The representation of veiled versus non-veiled women in advertising:a comparative analysis of local and western brands' Instagram posts, Doaa El-Banna
The reproduction of privilege: education, jobs and precarity in rural Upper Egypt, Ghosoun Tawfik
The responsability to protect and the Uniting for Peace Resolution, Dina Youssef Elsharkawy
The return of the sacred: Collective action of Copts during Muslim Brotherhood rule, Alaa El Shamy
The revival of Damascene tile production in the second half of the sixteenth century, Farida Mourad
The revival of the Arabization of electronic content: from texual to contextual, Hebatullah Samir El Gamal
The Rights-Based Approach to Development: From Theory to Policy Formulation, Rania El Essawi
The Rights-based approach to development in the UN programming cases of World Bank and the UNDP Millennium Development Goals, Asmaa Ramadan Shiba Mohamed
The right to appeal of a person sentenced for a criminal offense: the current Egyptian ordinary legal system and its degree of compliance with internationally recognized standards, Mohamed El Ghannam
The right to information in Egypt and prospects of renegotiating a new social order, Farida Ibrahim
The right to refuse military service under international human rights law, Asmara Sium
The right to self-determination in South Sudan: A critique, Hoda Medhat Elmeligy
The rise of Amal movement in the Shii Lebanese politics, Rania M B Serbai
The rise of a new generation: Intergenerational value change in Egypt, Zeyad M. Elkelani
Thermal behavior of a stratified cylindrical energy storage tank, Sheherazad Youssef Ezz Eldeen Ahmed Korayem
Thermohydrodynamic analysis of a boiling water reactor, Nahed Youssef Morcos
Thermoluminescence and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Libyan Desert Silica Glass, Kamal A Rashid
The role and impact of foreign cultural centers, Abeer Salem
The role and impact of Islamic television preachers (Doaah) in the Arab world, Assya Yassin Ahmed
The role and impact of social media on Arab networks on Arab Spring: a case study on the Egyptian Revolution, Mai Nabil Allam
The Role of China’s Overseas Special Economic Zones in Economic Development, Salah Eldin Mohamed Ibrahim Elrashidy
The role of communication concerning employees in successful privatization: the case of Sanpaolo Bank's acquisition of Egypt's Bank of Alexandria, Mahmoud El Agamy
The role of communication in promoting oral rehydration in Egypt, Naglaa Saad Hassanein
The Role of corporate governance in Egypt's transition from planned to market economy, Abdel Aziz M. Aidaros
The role of cultural preference in the perception and retention of information, Michael Lennertz
The role of Egyptian film in stereotyping single women, Heba Metwally Ibrahim Metwally
The role of Egyptian television in modernism and fostering social change in Egypt, Amina Yehia Zaghloul
The role of Egypt's industrial policy in SMEs empowerment: A focus on industrial land allocation and licensing, Dina Elkhishin
The role of emotions and beliefs in developing language teacher's professional identity, Dalia Adel Mahmoud
The role of financial performance incentives in motivating employees for improved job performance, Mahmoud Mohamed Gamal Eldin Zayed
The role of human rights groups in promoting the democratization process in Egypt, Mona Ali El Roby Fathalla
The role of IGAD in the peace process in Sudan, Mustafa AbdelMonim Ali ElTayeb
The role of illusion in three of Henrik Ibsen's later plays in view of Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of tragedy, Samia El Neanai
The role of informal sector in development, Jago Arop Yor
The role of internal corporate social responsibility in promoting employees' commitment in Egypt, Mahmoud Abdel Wahab
The role of Japanese development assistance in Japan's foreign policy, Mai Mohamed AbdelMoniem
The role of labour productivity in industrial development with special reference to the U.A.R., Fikry Philip Bassily
The role of leadership in rural development, Ahmed M El Dabrany Ayoub
The role of mass communications in inter-state conflict, Olfat Hassan Muhamed Agha
The role of media in crisis management, Radwa Hamada Ashoush
The role of news media in framing anti-Coptic attacks and Muslim-Coptic relations in Egypt: A frame analysis, Esraa Fayez Mahfouz
The role of NGOs in empowering visually impaired people to access education and employment in Egypt, Nevine Sharaf
The role of non-governmental organizations in addressing street children in Egypt, Reem ElMenshawy
The role of non-governmental organizations in policy making: the case of anti-sexual harassment legislation in Egypt, Injie Swailam
The role of non-state actors in regime formation: Case study on Internet governance., Sameh Mohamed Elkhishin
The role of online and social media in combating sexual harassment in Egypt, Mariam Saleh
The Role of online media in revolutionizing science communication in the Arab world: A uses and gratifications approach, Nadia Abbas El-Awady
The role of political parties in Egypt (1978-2017) and the resilience of authoritarianism, Yasmeen Shaheen
The role of political parties in promoting a culture of good governance in Egypt post-2011, Omar Kandil
The role of private sector in the provision of primary education in Ghana, Sulemana Bangna Abdul-Karim
The role of punctuation in Arabic writing in Egypt, Said A Nagy
The role of social sciences in African development (the case of Mali in West Africa), Macouta Dangui Sissoko
The role of State, private and foreign capital in law 43 of 1974 projects, Omar Saad El Din Mahmoud
The role of the American corporate media in U.S. policy: framing Hezbollah, Benjamin Long
The role of the Arabic root in guessing the meaning of unfamiliar nominals, Laila Hasan Familiar
The role of the Bar Association in Egyptian politics (1952-1981), Moushira E Elgeziri
The Role of the Bedouin in Egyptian Politics in the Period 1750-1850, Mahmud Tabo Muhammad
The role of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration in training senior administrators, Omayma Kamal El Dean Mohammed El Shaaer
The role of the Hawza of Najaf and Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in restructuring the Iraqi governance system in post-Baathist Iraq, Fadel Reda Ali al-Kifaee
The Role of the Merchant Class under the Early Circassian Sultans, 784-824 A.H./1382-1421 A.D., Takeshi Yukawa
The role of the Middle East in foreign textbooks: an examination of the Egyptian market, Amira Awaad
The role of the Muslim Brotherhood the post January 25 Egyptian political system, Hessa Al Khalifa
The role of the press in helping the society in transition in Ethiopia, Melisew Dejene Lemma
The role of the supernatural element in the creation and development of the tragic hero in Shakespeare's plays Macbeth and Hamlet, Yehia Kamel El Sayed Youssef
The role of the United Nations in implementing a gender mainstreaming approach post 2011 in Egypt: The women's citizenship initiative as a case study, Mai Ibrahim Abdel Rahman
The role of traditional and new leadership in Dairmina, a village in Upper Egypt, Marie Bassili Assaad
The role of tradition and the individual talent in the love poetry of Ahmad Shawqi, Saneya Shaarawi Lanfranchi
The role of using the balanced scorecard in improving performance in nonprofit organizations:The case study from Egypt, Nihal Ramzy Elgammal
The role of women and attitudes to family size, Syada Elhamy Greiss
The Roman Catholic Church: A Transnational challenge to State Sovereignity?, Ashley Regina Hudson
The Saliba street, Dina Nabil M Ghali
The Saudi reaction to the Arab revolts: the paradoxical Saudi policy towards the Arab Spring, Youssef Tarek Bastaoros
The scope of most-favoured nation treatment in bilateral investment treaties, Tarek Fouad El-Marsafawy
The Search for a New Islamic Identity: Middle Aged Elite Women, Noha Ali Abou Gazia
The search for identity through self-alienation in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations and Naguib Mahfuz's Palace of Desire, Sahar Salah El-Din El-Khatib
The Security Council: Is it beyond any system of legal limits?, Tarek O Mohanna
The self-management alternative and its efficiency aspects, Damir Murat Pasic
The self-perceived identities of six English teachers at one Islamic language school in Cairo, Rama MA Abdelaziz Ghazi
The Seljuks of Anatolia: An epigraphic study, Salma Moustafa Azzam
The Shahnama of Firdusi of 990/1582 in the Laurenziana Library of Florence: An Analysis of the Miniatures, Francesca Casule
The shaping of the news in the Egyptian press, Dina Seddik Lamey
The shifting nature of terrorism, Kimberly Ann Alldredge
The Shifting Security Landscape in the Middle East: An Egyptian Perspective, Karim Haggag
The shored ruins of V. S. Naipaul: one big book, Ginan Raouf Mostafa
The Significance of the "Self": A Study on the "self" in Development Discourse, Lulie El-Ashry
The sisters of the Muslim Brotherhood: Islamic activism for better or for worse, Amira Elserafy
The social construction of Down syndrome, Ivana Portella Hoch
The social contract of nations: Peace, Politics, and Discipline in the International Society of States, Christoph A Borucki
The Socialist Labor Party, Hanaa Fikry Singer
The sociocultural impact of hemodialysis on Egyptian patients with end stage renal disease, Rory Mac Ewing
The Somali refugees in Cairo, Mulki Al-Sharmani
The sources of Ibn Tulun's soffit decoration, Pamela Mahmoud Azab
The spiral of the self: Coleridge's Conversation Poems, Naglaa Mohamed El Baz
The spirit of place, Amal Sherif Abu El Fadl
The State and Gender Policy: Girls Educational Policy in Sudan (1956-1997), Ghada Mohamed Wadeisa
The state of statelessness: justice, violence, subjectivity, and urban asylum seeking and refugee women in Cairo, Mariham Iskander Wahba
The status of women in the newly reclaimed villages of Sinai, Hana'a Al-Marsafy
The status of women's rights in Egypt, Sigrid Grude Amb
The stone and the seed in The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, and Season of migration to the North by Tayeb Salih, Mark Andrew Taylor
The Strategic Use of Blockchain and Information Technology in Financial Inclusion and Sectors, Mona Khalil El-Begawi
The structural dimensions of language attrition, Mahamat Ousman
The structure of the caravan trade in Western Arabia during the period immediately prior and subsequent to the rise of Islam, Najwa Nazim Abdul Hadi
The struggle of female bodybuilders in Egypt, Sade Sade
The struggles of obscure sports in Egypt, Kareem El-Kahky
The students' Islamic movement; study of the veil, the hijab /, Aliaa Redah Rafee
The Suez Canal, its role in world sea borne trade and its effects on th Egyptian economy with particular reference to the period after nationalization, 1956-1980, Noha Mohammed Nour El Din Korra
The supposed dissipation of figural imagery in Mamluk art: a study of Mamluk iconography, Jennifer Peruski
The sustainability of community participation activities in pre-university education, Heba Yehia Abdel Megeed
The sustainable management of byproducts of the steel industry: Egypt case study, Amina Mahmoud Karem Mahmoud
The sustainable succession of family-owned businesses in the agriculture-farming sector in Egypt, Sara Khaled Aboulmagd
The Symbolic Context of Romeo and Juliet, Ahdaf Mostafa Soueif
The symbol of wine in pre-Islamic poetry, Mohammed Ahmad Birairy
The Syria Conflict and the Euro-Med Refugee Crisis: An Opportunity to Enhance the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Robert David Mason
The Syrian public opinion versus frames in news media, Menna-t-Allah Hussein Abd El Rahman
The teaching of English as a foreign language in Egyptian kindergartens: A survey of Teacher characteristics and instructional practices, Heather Kathleen Browne
The terms of empowerment: Islamic women activists in Egypt, Sherine Hafez
The theater and us, Salma El Kerdany
The theme of childhood in William Blake's Songs of innocence and of experience & Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, Nabil Fayez Saad
The theme of master-slave relationship in Jean Genet's The maids and Yusuf Idris's Alfarafir, Ashraf Ahmad Kamal Mahmoud
The theme of rebirth in modern poetry, Cherien S Lennie
The themes of death and immortality in the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Azza Mohamed Aly
The theory of consensus according to Saif Al-Dīn al-Āmidī, Aaminah Durrani
The third stage of the Egyptian communist movement: 1965-present, Fatemah Shawki Farag
The thought of Tareq Al-Bishri between the new Islamic intellectual discourse and the contemporary modernist discourse, Mariam Yaseen Abdel Ghaffar
The threat of state sponsored Cyber attacks in Canada: to serve and protect, Andrew MacDougall
The three-stage entrepreneurial model to empower recycling product designers., Ismail Tammam
The tourism crisis in post January 25th Egypt, Mary Shoukry Hanna
The Trade off between trade liberalization and protectionism: an application to the textiles and clothing industry in Egypt, Miriam Snefro Ahmos Iskander
The transfer of velarization into the pronunciation of English by native speakers of colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Victor De Cozar
The transformation of the nuclear non-proliferation regime in the aftermath of the second Gulf war, Khaled M G Abdel-Hamid
The traveling experience: Kathleen Saville interview, Nada Ismail
The Treasure Hunt, Dona Korany
The Treatment of delinquent juveniles in Egypt in light of the CRC & the Peking Rules, Maged Sobhi Soueha
The trial scene in fiction, Nehal Mohammed El-Naggar
The tribe during president Saleh: a friend or a foe, Waleed Derhem
The Turkish Olympics: Festival into the Gulen movement, Sean David Hobbs
The turning points in the Hashemite-Palestinian relations, 1970-1994, Ghaith El Lawzi
The tutktuks in Maadi: What is their presence disrupting?, Doaa Ayman Kaddah
The tying of AID to developing countries with a special reference to Egypt, Marwa Taha El Arif
The UAR book publishing industry, Nadia Abdel Shaheed
The ultras in Egypt: political role before and after January 25th, 2011, Amira Ahmed Mahmoud Taha
The unbearable lightness of Oscar Wilde's "Fan", Lamya Fouad Ramadan
The unifying power of love in Robert Browning's divided world, Afnan Hussein Fatany
The United Nations and peacekeeping after the cold war, Wael Badawi
The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: living up to its mandate? A look into the Commission's role in promoting transitional justice, Mohamed Moussa
The United States and Saudi Arabia, Clarissa Evans Lamont
The United States hegemonic legitimacy, Mohamed Hamdy El Molla
The unlawful combatant: humanitarian law's other, Hussein Salama
“The UN-Touchables Humans Rights Discourses and the Challenges of Emancipatory Politics in Lebanese Women's Movements”, Maya El Helou
The upper economic class in Egypt, Nermine Mokhtar
The urban development of the ʻAbdīn area, ca. 1100-1900, Ashraf Mohamed Tawakol
The Urban development of the Azbakiyya perimeter, Magdy Albert
The urban evolution of Roda Island (ca. 21H/641AD-1335H/1917AD), Ahmed Mohamed Sabry
Theurgy in the medieval Islamic world: conceptions of cosmology in Al-Būnī’s Doctrine of the Divine Names, John Daniel Martin III
The Usage of Songs in Arabic as a Foreign Language Classes: Teachers' Perceptions and Practices, Yahia Moshtahari
The use of authentic reading material in the Arabic language classroom, Magda Malouf-Campo
The use of Egyptian spoken Arabic in modern Egyptian novels, Esraa Essa
The use of horror and fear as a unifying device in four tales by Poe, Mona N Bedwani
The use of information technology in providing government services in Egypt, Sherif Ahmed Sherif
The use of special economic zones to drive sustainable development in Egypt: A case study on the Suez Canal region, Dona Alaa Ali
The use of the dialogue and speeches in al-Tabari's account of the Battle of Siffin, Yolanda Adair
The use of the finite element method in the analysis of the direct extrusion process, Mohsen Mohamed Abou-Elleil
The use of transnational jurisprudence in constitutional human rights adjudication, Mona Ahmed El Bahtimy
The uses and gratifications of music television in Egypt, Rasha A Abdulla
The uses and gratifications of Twitter in Egypt after Jan 25 Revolution, Yousra Habib
The uses of smart phones and their sociopolitical implications on Egyptian society, Yousra Mohsen EL Sayed
The utilization of artificial intelligence in online advertising and its perceived effectiveness, Nouran Tahoun
The viability of a fully fledged inflation targeting regime in Egypt, Sarah Samy Farid
The viability of Arab tribal political culture the case of the tribes of Barqa in the 19th and early 20th century, Mahdy Ahmad Sidki El-Dajani
The viability of Arab tribal political culture, the case of the tribes of Barqa in the 19th and early 20th century, Mahdy Ahmad Sidki El-Dajani
The vision of London in Henry James's The Princess Casamassima, Joseph Conrad's The secret agent and Compton Mackenzie's Sinister street, Iman Ibrahim Niazy El Rafee
The visualization and representation of gender in Egyptian comics, what is the fuss all about?, Sara Hany Shaker Rizkallah
The voice of the other: representations of the United States in Egyptian popular discourse, Sara Pulliam
The Wafd newspaper, Shaden Shehab Khairy
The Waqf in Relation to Maintenance and Repair: The Medieval Sources and their uses for Contemporary Practices, Dina Ishak Bakhoum
The war generation: returnee and non-migrant youth in Lebanon, Randa A Kayyali
The West-German press and its attitude towards the Arabs before and after the October war of 1973, Klaus Ruhenstroth
The Will of God and its intervention in human life as expressed in the profane literature from the Old Kingdom to the end of the New Kingdom, Aisha El Ghazzawy
The Wisdom of Empowerment through Participation: A Case Study of the Garbage Collectors of Greater Cairo, Maha Mohamed Ghazi El Dahan
The women language variations as a reflection of the female position in the Egyptian society, Laila Ahmad El-Sawi Sawi
The working class of Shubra al-Khayma, Deena Ahmed Gamile Abd el-Salam Ibrahim
The World Bank and the Land Center for Human Rights: spaces of contested meaning, Keith Glenn Whitmire
The World Bank's support to higher education reform in Egypt: Educator's perspective on its impact for quality and equality, Merhan Mohamed Rasmy
The world rice market, 1963-1977, Farida Alim
The writer's journey into solitude : self-discovery in Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, Robinson Crusoe and Friday, Rabia Abdul Salim Madhi
They are the government: bureaucracy and development in an Egyptian village, Hania M Sholkamy
Thirsty for music! turn on the radio, Lama Al-Hammouri
"This soul which has suffered": : the objectification of Guantanamo detainees in law, Menna M Khalil
Thomas Hardy's view of society in Jude the obscure, Erando Vacca
Threat-driven security architecture modeling and analysis of web services-based systems, Yomna Mostafa El-Sayed Aly
Three dimensional deformable modeling of the spine, Rania Atef
Three-Dimensional modeling of the lumbar spine for simulation purposes, Ayman Hamdy Mohamed Kassem
Three glosses on Kitāb al-Fasị̄h ̣, Medhat Edmond Credi
Three motifs in Christina Rossetti's poetry, Mona Mohamed Safwat Abd El-Magied Gado
Three spiritual narratives: A reading of Hermann Hesse, Ibn Tufayl and Naguib Mahfouz, Muna Moataz Khattab
Thriving rather than surviving transition: A case study of an emerging first-year learning community in a nursing institute in Egypt, Sylvia Adel Basta
Through the keyhole: Ethnographic analysis of cyber violence in Egypt, Radwa Fouda
Through the lens: Egypt from Van Leo to Instagram, Nadine Awadalla
Ti-based functional nanoarchitectures for enhanced drug eluting stents, Yomna Emad Saleh
Ties that bind: motherhood, modernity, and the State in semi-colonial Egypt, Marianne Dhenin
Tiling as a loop parallelization technique, Hoda Ahmed Khalil
Till' death (or conversion) do us part - Coptic divorces in Egyptian courts and their implications, Barbara Viktoria Bishay
Time-compression or montage technique as a heightening of stage poetry, Abdel Fattah Younis Sharkawi
Time-cost-quality trade-off analysis for construction projects, Mahmoud ElBassuony
Time-cost Trade-off Analysis for Highway Construction projects, Tesfu Oqubagabir Tedla
Time, nature, and the body: Sufi dimensions in Muhammad Afifi Matar's Quartet of joy and T.S. Eliot's Four quartets, Yasmine Mohamed-Samir Motawy
Tiraz fabrics in Islamic collection: Textile Museum, Washington, D. C., Amal Abul-Hajj-Hull
To have or not to have, Enas Abdul Karim Almudaris
To "make life in living it": the everyday among elderly upper-class Egyptian housewives, Hala Osman
Tomorrow's doctors and today's changes: neo-liberal discourses and the daily practices of medical interns at a state university hospital in Cairo, Salma Shokralla
Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead and Shakespeare's Hamlet, Wagdi Ahmed Zeid
Too much freedom?: the danger of the "Liberal" Islamic reform project, Karl Christopher Procaccini
Topography and architecture of the North-eastern suburb of Cairo in the Circassian period, Doris Behrens-Abouseif
To politicize or depoliticize, is that really the question of administrative adjudication?: A study of the state council judicial interpretation in Egypt, Abouelfetouh ElSammak
Total productive maintenance (TPM), Giuma Mohamed El Waer
Tourism in Alexandria: problems and potentials, Tarek Ahmed Elguindy
Toward new dominations: Flawed devotions to human rights discourse and its contingent hope, Shaimaa Ragab Hassan Abdelkarim
Towards a child-centered juvenile justice system in Egypt: A situation analysis of law and practice, Manar Mohammad AbulQasem Hafez Ahmed
Towards a code of ethics for community psychology and community practice in the Arab world: Defining ethical values, Fatema Mohamed Abou El Ela
Towards a cultural history: discourse, practice and the ethical horizon, Hassan Khan
Towards a minimal metrics suite for agent based systems, Maha Ahmed Nabil Abdel Kader
Towards an Arabic-Japanese collocational dictionary, Tomoko Kondo
Towards an understanding of the creative event: a hermeneutic perspective, Sahar Moheb Mashhour
Towards a regional governance of the nuclear fuel cycle in the Middle East, Yomna Ismail Ahmed
Towards context aware opportunistic forwarding in social pervasive systems, Soumaia Al Ayyat
Towards developing an Arab public diplomacy strategy, Aliaa Abdel Aziz Dawoud
Towards effective democratisation in Africa: A Review of the role of Donors and Lenders in the Democratisation of Kenya and South Africa, Richard Martin Byakuleka
Towards efficient photoanodes for solar fuel production, Basamat Saif El Din Shaheen
Towards more pedestrian-friendly streets in Cairo, Sahar Ahmed Zaki El Ghandour
Towards reforming public bus service in greater Cairo metropolitan area, Asmaa Abdalla
Towards reforming the regulatory and policy environment of the microbus system in the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Area, Amr Ramadan
Towards teachers' empowerment through teacher professional development programs provided by an NGO development project: An exploratory study, Sara Kamel Aboelkhair
Towards the adoption of E-Tendering in the public sector of the Egyptian construction industry, Cherif Adham Khalil
Towards the characterization of a novel thermohalophilic antioxidant Thioredoxin from the metagenome of the Red Sea; LCL of Atlantis II Brine pool, Mohamed Mohamed Gamal Abdelwahed
Towards the Convergence of the Development and Human Rights Discourses: Case Study of the World Bank Poverty Reduction Project in Matrouh, Marwa Yehia Abdel Meguid
Towards the development of multicultural TEFL materials aimed at enhancing the motivation and attitudes of learners in Muslim societies, Stephen Casewit
Towards understanding gender similarities and differences in their uses and gratifications of online social interactions, Dalia Sherif El Nazer
To what extent do the legal restrictions on non-government organizations in Egypt undermine NGOs' ability to achieve their goals?, Mohammed Sirajalden Hassan
To what extent the World Health Organization's policies of antimicrobial resistance are implemented in Egyptian hospitals., Amira Farouk Hussein
Tracing the Islamic influences on the garden design of nineteenth-century Cairene gardens, Radwa M. Elfardy
Trade and growth in the relation between China and Selected African countries, Gehad Moawad Ismail
Trade, competition and the WTO : An assessment from a developing country perspective, Waleed M Shoukry
Trade unions & professional syndicates of contemporary Egypt: regulations, rights & violations, Jano Theodore Charbel
Trading politics and the politics of trade, Peter Thompson
Traditional Siwan music cassettes sold here, Ruth M Mitchell
Tradition, change and social reform in the fatwas of the Imam Muhammad 'Abduh, Malak Tewfik Badrawi
Trafficking of Eritreans in Egypt: facts and misconceptions, Emad Guihad Daoud
Trained peer review and its effect on fluency and argumentation in university argumentative writing, Lilian Wagih Farag Allah
Training and marketing link project for small and micro-entrepreneurs, Ghada Abdel Tawab
Training of local government personnel in the U.A.R.: Institute of Local Administration, Afaf A Al-Bassam
Training trainers in the use of acting techniques of accent modification to alter the speech of non-native speakers of English, Sharon Blauer
Transcriptional regulatory networks in Hepatitis C virus_induced hepatocellular carcinoma, Marwa Zahra
Transcriptional response to stressors in arabidopsis thaliana, Aya Abd Elsalam Galal
Transcription regulatory networks in medulloblastoma., Yasmeen Hesham Howeedy
Transcriptomic profiling of the extremophile eutrema salsugineum response to environmental stressors, Diana Abou El Hassan
Transcriptomics of iron limitation in Phaeocystis antarctica, Mariam Reyad Rizkallah Issak
Transformational leadership in action: A case study on the role of NGOs in reducing poverty and catalyzing social change in Egypt., Nour El Akkad
Transformational leadership style and its role in promoting innovation: A Case study of three public hospitals in Egypt, Ragaa El Fiky
Transition and crisis in the Balkans, Jeanne-Thérèse Avierino
Translational profiling of adipocytes within adipose depots and intermuscular adipose tissues, Sara Serag Hassan
Transnational Arabic media and Arab international relations, Rasha El-Ibiary
Transnational criminal networks and extremist groups in west Africa: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Boko Haram, Mustapha Bawa Bwari
Transport of E. Coli in Egyptian agricultural soils as a result of reclaimed wastewater use for irrigation, Aimen Badawy
Traps and trap distribution in commercial zinc Sulphides phosphors silver activated and poisoned with cobalt, Zohra Safinaz El Calamawy
Traveling sounds: Cairean independent music landscape., Ewelina Trzpis
Traversing the urban as a woman in Cairo and Aswan, Mennat-Allah Yehia Mourad
Treatment of municipal wastewater and sludge using cement kiln dust, Nesrine Nagui Taha
Tree-based regional broadcasting in MESH direct networks, Hadeel Youssef Samaan Haddad
Trending Egyptian food brands, Noha El Tawil
Trending Egyptian Food Trends, Noha El Tawil
Trending topic extraction from social media, Nada Ayman A. Mostafa
Trickle down this effect: negotiations of culture, care, and freedom in contemporary Cairo international schools, Anne Caldwell
Troilus and Cressida: a monetheistical view: a monetheistical view, Faiza Ahmed Kamel
Tropical Mudejar: Mosque-type chapels in Mexico and their role in early Spanish America., Luis Carlos Barragan Castro
Trust and Power as Fundamental Determinants of Tax Compliance across 44 Nations, Mohamed Medhat A. Aty Hassanein
Truth commissions: a path to reconciliation?, May Mohamed Abdel Dayem
T. S. Eliot, images of reality in his poems and plays, Carmen Weinstein
T. S. Eliot's conversion, Nur Abd El-Wahab Elmessiri
Tuning the nature of defect states in black TiO2 nanostructures, Moamen Mohamed Soliman
Turmeric/ Oregano extracts as wound healing agents in a diabetic animal model, Diana Guirguis Sami
TV addiction: young adults' uses & of Egyptian television, Laila H Said
TVE International: audiences and communicators, a case study, Sahar Mohamed Talaat
Twentieth-century allegories of the human condition, Hala Mohamed Kamel Amin
Twentieth Century Egyptian Art, The Private Collection of Sherwet Shafei., Mona Mohsen Abaza-Stauth and Sherwet Shafei
Two anti-heroes: Leopold Bloom and Sai'd Aboul Naḥs, Samia Mehrez
Two dimensional quantum and reliability modelling for lightly doped nanoscale devices, Rana ElKashlan
Two journeys of the spirit: comparing Plato's Republic and Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, Zeina Abdallah Jehama
‘Uberization’ as Neoliberal Governmentality: A Global South Perspective., Charles Wharton Kaye-Essien
Uganda's resistance councils and committees: The RCs (From 1986 to 1995), Nivine Ahmed Kadry
Ultras Ahlawy and the Spectacle: Subjects, Resistance and Organized Football Fandom in Egypt, Dalia Abdelhameed Ibraheem
Unbiased spontaneous solar fuel production using stable composite nanofiber photocatalysts, Menna Hasan
Underdevelopment with unlimited supplies of capital: Four Case Studies, Jackline Emile Wahba
Understanding disability: Seeking empathy not sympathy, Nourane Ashraf Selim
Understanding disability: seeking empathy not sympathy., Hanin Wael Qandil
Understanding the evolution of the Israel Lobby's influence on U.S. foreign policy, Heba Bahnassy
Understanding the experiences of K-12 ESL teachers teaching refugees in Cairo: The case of Sudanese and Syrian community schools, Diane Joseph Lakah
Understanding the extremely impoverished: an exploration into the lives of the poor in Upper Egypt, Shanaya Frazier
Understanding the Iranian motivations for possessing nuclear capabilities, Tamer Mahboub
Understanding the saving behavior of poor households: evidence from Egypt, Imane Abdel Fattah Helmy
Understanding voices in Conrad's fiction, Kariman Kira
Underwater concrete, Dina Adel Nakhla
Unequal citizens: Cairo between gated and informal, Hend Ibrahim Muhammed Aly
Unequal citizens: Cairo between gated and informal, Hend Ibrahim Muhammed Aly
Unequal error protection for power line communications over impulsive noise channels, Osama Senam Mostafa Ali
Ungendering power relations: stateswomen, agency and foreign policy in Jordan, Catherine Guzzi
Uniformity of economic freedom and economic growth, Ahmed Sabry Abou-Zaid
United Nations access challenges and non-state armed groups in conflict situations: The need for legal reform, Omneya Makhlouf
United States violations of international humanitarian law in the 1991 Gulf War, Suadad Nabil Najim
United we stand..divided we fall: Political opposition fragmentation post-Mubarak, Asmaa Mohamed
Unit labor cost and trade patterns: prospects and concerns, Nadia Hani El Nokrachi
University youth and online safety in Egypt: use and trust, Nasser Alsherif
Unjustified punishment: A recipe for failure in Egypt, Hend Hanafy
Unpacking the stranger: Examining the lives of Darfuris in Amman and Cairo, Elena Habersky
Unveiling (Hi)stories: Colonial Dispossession in Emile Habiby’s. The Pessoptimist and Caryl Phillips’ Crossing the River, Mushira Salah El-Deen Sabry
Urban geographies of romance: meeting and mating in Cairo, Elaine van Dalen
Urban space and politics of the everyday: thinking through and with the image in contemporary Cairo, Darren Spirk
US civil society aid & its effects on democratization in Egypt case study: the NGO Service Center project, Nahla Shafik Mesbah
Use of alginate/montmorillonite nanocomposites as drug delivery system for curcumin, Marwa Fathy Ahmed
Use of children in political conflicts in Egypt: Legal categorization under international and national legislation, Sandy Heshmat Shinouda Abadir
Use of expanded polystyrene in developing solid and hollow block masonry units, Youmna Alaa Yahia Ali
Use of hate speech in Arabic language newspapers, Sarah Eissa
Use of investment criteria in economic development, Yolande Cassab
Use of neutron activation analysis in the study of biological disposition of antimony compounds, Moustafa Mahmoud Mansour
Use of social media by governments to enhance online civic engagement: The case of Egypt, Ayman H. Elsherbiny
Use of whey protein nanoparticles for the encapsulation and sustained delivery of beta-carotene and zinc micronutrient, Alshaimaa Salem
User friendly computer software for construction projects delay analysis, Kamel Ahmed Salem El Sayed
User friendly progress reporting system for construction projects, Mohamed ElGindi
Users' obstacles to ICT adoption in Egyptian construction companies., Ahmed Azzam
Uses and gratification of spiritual and religious music in Egypt: A descriptive analysis study, Hend El-Taher
Uses and gratifications of sex education programs on Arab satellite channels among Egyptian youth, Mai Mohamed Mamdouh El-Nawawy
Uses and gratifications of social media in the Middle East North Africa region, Yousra Osama Taha
Uses and gratifications of television viewing among Egyptian adults, Hesham Mahmoud Ibrahim Mesbah
Uses and gratifications of webloggers in Egypt, Mona Munir El-Hefnawi
Using culture independent approaches to gain insights into human urinary tract microbiome in healthy male and female individuals, Sarah Hussein El-Alawi
Using design thinking to enhance construction site problem solving, Ehab Mokhtar
Using games to learn vocabulary in Arabic as a foreign language classroom: A study of teacher and student beliefs, Haitham Salaheldin Mohamed
Using minimal number of electrodes for emotion detection using noisy EEG data, Mina Mikhail
Using multimedia in consolidating learners' acquisition of modern standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial Arabic at the elementary level, Ola Ahmed Moshref
Using multimedia to enhance learners' second language reading skills in modern standard Arabic high intermediate level, Kamal Al Ekhnawy
Using natural systems for wastewater treatment at Egyptian coastal resorts, Hussein Yahia Zakaria
Using neural networks for the diagnosis and repair of corroded steel in reinforced concrete structures, Youssef Ibrahim Fayez
Using neural networks to identify the effect of construction factors on the cost of reinforced concrete elements, Ahmed Aly El-Sotouhy
Using the Cloze procedure and error analysis to assess developmental stages of second language acquisition, Susan E Hadad
Using the water-energy-food nexus to enhance Egypt’s cooperation with Nile Basin countries, Aly Taher Kheireldin
Using trusted platform module for securing virtual environment access in cloud, Asser Sherif
US-Israeli special relationship, Girgis Naiem Bakhoum
U.S mediation at Camp David (I) and (II): a reflection on third party mediation processes, Bassel Salah Mostafa
U.S national security strategy versus behavior, Michael J Birmingham
US public diplomacy efforts in the Middle East: prospects and concerns, Injy Mohiy El Din Galal
U.S. refugee policy since 11 September 2001, Kristin Nicholson
US-Russia relations after the crisis in Ukraine, Mariam Ezzeldin
Us/Them: a comparative study of relations of cultural difference within the context of Britain's imperialism in the Middle and Far East as presented in Al-Tayyib Salih's "The season of migration to the North" and E.M. Forester's "A passage to India", Rasha Muhammad Wagdy Muhammad Elleithy
Utilitarianism and liberal religious approach and Islamic corporations: distortion vs. protection of classical Islamic law, Nehal Brain Abd Elrahman
Utilization of Chlorella vulgaris for biomass production and treatment of wastewater from greenhouse farms, Yousif Adam
Utilization of municipal solid waste rejects in producing wave dispersion and shoreline erosion protection structures (breakwaters), Yasser Mohamed
Utilization of municipal solid waste rejects in the production of a recycled plastic waste composite material, Mohamed Kamal Abou Khatwa
Utilization of Slag and Dust Generated from Iron and Steel Industry in Egypt, Yasser Sayed Korany
Utilization of thermopolastic rejects with different reinforcing elements in the production of manhole covers, Lama Mosad El Hatow
Utilizing graph-based representation of text in a hybrid approach to multiple documents summarization, May Sayed Mahmoud
Utilizing wastewater as nutrition source for the cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris, Ali Mohamed Roshdy
Uzbekistan in search of a national identity, Magda Hussein Mohamed Zaki
Value Engineering in Academic Buildings in Egypt, Ahmed M El-Adawy Nassef
Value engineering in bridge deck construction during the conceptual design stage, Yasmine Ahmed Sherif Ali Essawy
Variables affecting the cost of technology transfer from developed to less developed countries, Hala Helmi El Hadidi
Variation of surface properties of ceramic and composite nanostructures and their measurements by a novel approach using perichromic dyes, Amr Mohamed Tayel
Variations on particle swarm optimization and their experimental evaluation on maximum satisfiability, Susan A AbdelShahid
Vehicle Classification For Automatic Traffic Density Estimation, Aya Abdelhady
Versions of the alter ego: A study of Joyce, Kushner, and Ellis, Sherif Mahmoud El Newehy
Vibrational analysis of octahedral molecules, Magdi Aziz Girgis
Vibration- based damage detection using damage location vectors, Khaled Faizallah Mostafa
Vicious circle: Coptic divorce between Positive law and Canon law, Jacqueline Samir Saad
Videoblogging as an online news phenomenon : an exploratory study, Tauheed Ramjaun
Violence against women in Egypt: Public policies and services, Maha Said Rateb
Virome of red sea brine pools and other hydrothermal vents, Sherry Kamal Berty Aziz
Visions of life: Resettlement expectations of refugees in Cairo, Shashikala Visuddhi Perera
Visual constraint programming environment for configuration problems, Rania A/Hamid El Sayed
Visual framing in TV news: A comparative case study between CNN and Al-Jazeera, Noha Radwan
Visualization as a guidance to classification for large datasets, Heba Abdelfattah Atteya
Visualization of flow around bluff bodies, Khaled Mohamed Elsherbini
Visualizing the unfamiliar: ethnography of an emerging moment in Cairo, Alexandra Schindler
Visual rhetoric and cinemas of the non-Western world: Mapping cultural identity in gendered images from Egyptian and Emirati popular film, Montiana Bahgat Ashour
Vitamin a palmitate-loaded NLCs vs. SLN for cosmetic application with a study of their controlled release, skin permeation and characterization., Sham Mohamad Ayman AlZahabi
V. K. Ratliff and spiritual eupepsia, Saneya Shaarawi Lanfranchi
Vocabulary acquisition: lexical storage, Fotna Nagwa Fayek Kassabgy
Vocabulary selection for teaching Arabic as a foreign language, Noha M Attia
Vocational education development in Egypt: an administrative perspective, Emile Maher Abdel Messih
Waqāʼiʻ Hạ̄rat al-Zaʻfrānī, Jamāl Ghītạ̄nī
War and peace: the changing face of development discourse, Ahmed Arif
Warehouse allocation in the Egyptian petroleum industry - an application of integer programming, Aly Abulleil
War in Iraq and Lebanon: Egyptian public opinion, civil society and foreign policy, Anne Silke Czichos
War, Media and Public Opinion; Al-Jazeera's Role in the Recent Arab Israeli Conflicts", Marwa Ragaa Radwan Al-Mutafy
Waste steel chips from workshops as a substitute for fiber reinforcement in concrete, Alaa Abdultawab Abulella
Water and land in a Nubian village, Abdel Hamid El Zein
Water consumption in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: a virtual water approach, Matthew Timmerman
Water scarcity and population displacement in southern Iraq: Perceptions and reality, Tiba Fatli
Water splitting by defects: Insights into multinary transition metal oxides for solar water splitting, Samar Mohamed Fawzy Adam Shahin
Web services - based autonomic computing framework (WSAC), Sherif Atef Gurguis
We live like Khayalat (scarecrows): An ethnography of a Palestinian village in Egypt, Amal Adel Abdrabo
“Whatever happened to hope? Egyptian youth post-revolution” audio documentary, Shaza Walid
Whatever happened to the state?: a preliminary analysis of the role of state and civil society in development discourse, Corrie Blankenbeckler
What happened to Mabrouk, Mariam El Zaghl
What is the current status under international law of Israeli tools to maintain a majority Jewish state?, Christian Richmond
What press systems for Sub-Sahara Africa?, Abraham T Imanzghi
What strategies can Egyptian non-governmental organizations apply to ensure financial sustainability?, Amira Hussein Gaber
When she rhetorically swears in Arabic: A sociolinguistic approach to women’s swearing in a university speech community, Mohamed Bayoumi
Who am I without exile? Syrian everyday life in Cairo, Banan M. Abdelrahman
Who is responsible for the process of labelling refugees and the creation of the "Refugee Status"?, Soha Nader AbdelMalek
Who's at fault?, Farida Ewida
Whose downtown is it anyways? The urban transformation of downtown Cairo between state and non-state actors, Hajer Awatta
Why Buy and Hold? Technical Analysis in the Egyptian Stock Market, Sherif Mourad
Widowhood and the cyclical development of El Beit El Kebeir, Azza Hamed Beshir
Wife battering in contemporary Cairo: an exploratory study in rights and perceptions, Iman Mohamed Eissa
Wife battering in Egypt : breaking the walls of silence, Mehrinaz Aly El Awady
Wikalas of Bulaq: the relation between commerce, buidings and topography, Nelly Hanna
Women and inheritance laws: the case of Egypt, Hedayat Labib
Women and smoking in Egypt, Mustafa Essam and Mohamed Ghamrawy
Women and theatre in Egypt: two faces of a coin, Amira Sherif
Women, Architecture and Representation in Mamluk Cairo, Amina Karam
Women as refugees: change through displacement among Southern Sudanese women in Cairo, Jane Kani Edward Lado
Women entrepreneurs in Egypt: A qualitative study of perceptions and challenges, Rwan Zakria Abdelrhman
Women in management: the experience of women'a banks in Saudi Arabia, Rawia Rasheed Sonbol
Women In Post Revolutionary Egyptian Cinema: Female Centered Film Plots (2011-2018), May M.Kamal
Women make trouble: employers' perceptions and female labor-force participation in the Tenth of Ramadan, Rebecca Sewall
Women NGO coalitions in Egypt post January 25, 2011: prerequisites for enhanced effectiveness, Rana Gamal Korayem
Women-owned MSMEs and Financial Inclusion in Egypt, Noheir Ahmed Khairy
Women, personal blogs, and the cultural public sphere: surveying females' blogsphere in Egypt, Lobna Abd Almaguid Shoukry
Women, power and position within the household economy, Mamdouh Kamal Hakim
Women, power and position within the household economy: an ethnography of microcredit in poor Cairo neighborhoods, Mamdouh Hakim
Women, regional radio and development: the role of north upper Egypt radio in the struggle of females towards development in North Upper Egypt, Haidi M. K. Abdel Rahman
Women's expectations and experiences of childbirth in an Egyptian public hospital, Zeinab Ahmed Mohamed Farahat
Women's political interest groups in Egypt, Iman M Diaa el Din Bibars
Women's political participation in the eyes of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Jamaat-I-Islami in Pakistan, Dena Rashed
Women's prisons: cohesion and social structure, a study of Qanater women's prison, Christianne Geargeoura
Women's rights in Islam, two reformist approaches: Abdullahi An-Na'aim and Khaled Abu El Fadl, Mohamed Sayed Sultan
Women's rights in Islam, two reformist approaches: Abdullahi An-Na'aim and Khaled Abu El Fadl, Mohamed Sultan
Women's work and the informal sector: case studies of Egypt's feminization of the textile and garment industries and market vendors, Engi Assaad El-Maghraby
Women through the development gaze of the World Bank: legal reforms and the myth of empowerment in the Global South, Mariam Salem
"Women, Work and Family”: Educated Women’s Employment Decisions and Social Policies in Egypt, Ghada F. Barsoum
Wordsworth's inscriptions and "Poems on the naming of places", Michael Love
Workers' struggle in Mubarak's Egypt, Omar El Shafei
Working class disempowerment: A dialectical analysis, Lama Tawakkol
Working memory in children: How does it affect learning? Different methods and techniques that can be used to train and enhance the working memory of children, Christine T. Fawzy
Work-life balance approaches among educated working married mothers in Egypt, Duaa Marafi
Writers and the state: heterotopias of exclusion in the works of Sonallah Ibrahim and Gholam-Hossein Sa'edi, Sherine Nabil El Taraboulsi
X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy studies of glasses containing antimony, Sadek Momtaz Tadross
X-ray diffraction studies of amorphous silicon, Adel Gabra I Gouda
X-ray irradiation studies of Lybian desert glass and sand, Magdi M. Nasrallah
XTPVM a transparent thread scheduling and migrating abstract machine, Tarek Hafez Mohamed Abdel-Radi
Yayya's spiritual journey, Laila Sherif Said and Sadig El Tigani
Years of schooling and quality of governance: A case study from global data, Ahmed Zaky
Yeats and the Noh drama, Elizabeth Rogers Hayes
Yoruba-Arabic: a study of the Arabic sounds as produced by Yoruba learners of classical Arabic, Abdul Ganiy Abdus Salaam Oladosu
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here: the impact of a camp-centric international refugee regime on urban refugees, Ainslie Lilianne Avery
Young women smoking Shisha in Greater Cairo: A Social Study, Shahinaz M Khalil
Youth and the 25th Revolution in Egypt: agents of change and its multiple meanings, Dina El Sharnouby
Zamala, sadaka and hob: conceptions of relations between the sexes among urban Cairo youth and adults, Marlene Michel Anawati
Zinc metabolism in the rat testis, Ahmed Said El Shami
Zirconium-based photoelectrodes for the production of solar fuel, Ahmad Waleed Amer
تدريس الكتابة: رؤية ومنهج, Raghda Sami El Essawi
ملامح من تطور الفكر اللغوي من سيبويه إلى الجرجاني, Zeinab Ahmed Taha
Имматериализм: объекты и социальная теория, Graham Harman
铃与哨: 更思辨的实在论 (Ling Yu Shao: Geng Sibian de Shizail), Graham Harman
非唯物論: オブジェクトと社会理論, Graham Harman