Enset Leyady
Sign language is the communication media among them. It is" a language which uses gestures instead of sound to convey meaning - combining hand shapes, orientation and movement of the hands, arms or body, facial expressions and lip-patterns. Signs are always part of daily communication among people, but for deaf it is the primary means. Communication among deaf community is easy through the sign language; however, the difficulty is when communicating with normal or vocal people.
Journalism & Mass Communication Department
First Advisor
Abduallah, Rasha
Committee Member 1
Khawanky, Farah
Committee Member 2
Fathy, Nouran
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval
Approval has been obtained for this item
Recommended Citation
Rahmy, Mayar, "Enset Leyady" (2019). Capstone and Graduation Projects. 12.
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Publication Date
Fall 1-13-2019