
The annulment of a presidential election held on June 12, 1993, in Nigeria led to a grave political upheaval, second only to a civil war fought in Nigeria in 1967-70. This political crisis of great human and economic consequences, happening in an important African country, attracted huge global 1nedia attention. It is a common belief, especially among the developing world communication scholars, that Western 1nedia usually pay more attention to the negative aspects of most issues in Africa. To that effect this study examines and con1pares the coverage the Nigerian political crisis received in Western and developing world media-the New York Times and Al Ahram respectively. The research approach adopted is a content analysis of the New York Times and Al Ahram weekly covering the period of January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994. Data were obtained from a Quota sampling of the New York Ti1nes stories while a population survey of Al Abram stories was done. The result of the study, however, showed that the coverage of Nigeria and the political crisis received a more positive treatment in the Third World media than in the Western media studied.


School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Journalism & Mass Communication Department

Degree Name

MA in Journalism & Mass Communication

Date of Award


Online Submission Date


First Advisor

James Scotton

Committee Member 1

Hussein Amin

Committee Member 2

Sonia Dabbous

Committee Member 3

Farouk El Hitami

Document Type



90 leaves


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Call Number

Thesis 1999/69


