
Submissions from 2010

Cases of written code-switching in egyptian opposition newspapers, Zeinab Ibrahim

A Pasha's pleasures: R.G. Gayer-Anderson and his pharaonic collection in Cairo, Salima Ikram

Making sense of a barrier: U.S. news discourses on Israel's dividing wall, Amani Ismail

Trafficking and contract migrant workers in the middle east, Ray Jureidini

Egypt: A growing ICT hub in the middle EastNorth Africa (MENA) region, Sherif Kamel

Electronic commerce prospects in emerging economies: Lessons from Egypt, Sherif Kamel

Information and communication technology for development: Empowering Egypt's youth, Sherif Kamel


The Evolution of the ICT Sector in Egypt – Partnership4Development, Sherif Kamel

Corporate reputation and the news media in Egypt, Kevin L. Keenan

Using GIS in constructing area-based physical deprivation index in Cairo Governorate, Egypt, Zeinab Khadr, Mohamed Nour ElDin, and Ramadan Hamed


SOCIOECONOMIC RIGHTS OF REFUGEES: The Case of Palestinian Refugees in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, Asem Khalil

Monitoring and Medicalising Male Sexuality in Semi-Colonial Egypt, Hanan Kholoussy


Aristophanes's Response to the Peloponnesian War and the Defeat of the Comic Hero / استجابة أريستوفانيس للحرب الپلوپونيسية واندحار البطل الكوميدي, Vassiliki Kotini

Inclusiveness in higher education in Egypt, Ray Langsten


شهادة سينماﺋﻴﺔ من زمن الحرب / A Wartime Cinematic Testimony, Arab Lotfi


Social Memories 'in the Flesh': War and Exile in Algerian Self-Writing / ״ذاكرة الجسد״ الاجتماعية: الحرب والمنفى في كتابة الذات ﺍﻟﺠﺰﺍﺋﺮﻳﺔ, James McDougall


تأملات حول الذاكرة والصدمة عند يوسف شاهين / Reflections on Trauma and Memory in Youssef Chahine's Films, Dalia Said Mostafa


Child of the Revolution: Sara Dolatabadi and the Esthetics of Memory (An Interview) / ابنة الثورة: سارا دولات آبادي وجماليات الذاكرة, Amy Motlagh and Sara Dolatabadi

Internationalisation: a new positioning strategy in the higher education market, Maha Mourad

Students' adoption of an open access online education service An exploratory study in an emerging higher education (HE) market, Maha Mourad

Benefit-incidence analysis of government spending on Ministry of Health outpatient services in Jordan, Heba Nassar, Hassan Zaky, and Yara Halasa

A model for assessing occupant flow in building spaces, Khaled Nassar

Queuing model for assessing the efficiency of building corridors, Khaled Nassar


عودة ٳلى بقايا الأطلال: الذاكرة والذاكرة المولَّدة والتاريخ الحي في فلسطين / Return to Half-Ruins: Memory, Postmemory, and Living History in Palestine, Hossam Nayil and Lila Abu-Lughod

Alienation, authenticity and the self, Gavin Rae

Erratum to The quest of the historical Jesus at the American University in Cairo: A progress report ((2010), 21, 1, (23-38)), Michael J. Reimer

The mansuri collection at the library of congress: An underutilized resource for the study of muslim religious, intellectual, and social history, Michael J. Reimer

The quest of the historical Jesus at the American University in Cairo: A progress report, Michael J. Reimer


Trauma and Testimony: Heather Raffo's "9 Parts of Desire" / الصدمة المفجعة والشهادة: " تسعة أجزاء للرغبة " بقلم هيذر رفّو, Magda Romanska


People of Deir el-Medineh: A Preliminary Paleopathology Study, Lisa Sabbahy Dr.


Concocting Terrorism off the Reservation: Liberal Orientalism in Sherman Alexie's Post-9/11 Fiction, Steven Salaita

Do Board Independence and audit committees motivate disclosure on Different Corporate Governance information categories in the annual reports in developing countries?, Khaled Samaha

Mutant Bacteriophages, Frank Macfarlane Burnet, and the Changing Nature of "Genespeak" in the 1930s, Neeraja Sankaran

The bacteriophage, its role in immunology: How Macfarlane Burnet's phage research shaped his scientific style, Neeraja Sankaran

An overlapping generations model with a general default punishment structure, Abdelkrim Seghir

Social optimality with resource depletion: An investment project valuation model, Tarek H. Selim

Two energy storage alternatives for a solar-powered sustainable single floor desert home, M. A. Serag-Eldin

Could the employment-based targeting approach serve Egypt in moving towards a social health insurance model?, S. Shawky

Primary health care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: from Alma-Ata to Doha, S. Shawky

Effect of surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma on tumor staging and treatment decisions in Egyptian patients, Sherine Shawky

HIV prevalence and risk behaviors of male injection drug users in Cairo, Egypt, Sherine Shawky

No Path to Power: Civil Society, State Services and the Poverty of City Women, Hania Sholkamy


The Value of a Teaching and Learning Center, Mary Deane Sorcinelli


Lebanon: A Country of Emigration and Immigration, Paul Tabar


Catastrophic Subjectivity: Representing Lebanon's Undead / الذاتية الكارثية: تمثيل حالة اللاموت الشبحية في لبنان, Mark Westmoreland

Experiences of women using reproductive health services in Egypt: one health system in two governorates, Hassan H.M Zaky

Impact of a provider incentive payment scheme on reproductive and child health services in Egypt, Hassan H.M Zaky, Sherine Shawky, Faten Abdel Fattah, and Eman El-Hadary

Submissions from 2009


من أجل جامعة أفضل: مجموعة ۹ مارس / For a Better University: March 9 Group, Mohamed Aboulghar and Madiha Doss


الدراسات الٳسلامية في الجامعة: مقابلة / Islamic Studies in the University: An Interview, Nasr Abu Zayd, Mohamed Bariri, Charles Batarourth, and Lenart Sandilin

Egyptian Family Courts: A Pathway of Women's Empowerment?, Mulki Al-Sharmani

Islam and Feminism: Response to Hania Sholkamy, Mulki Al-Sharmani


Melancholy in the Humanities: Lamenting the "Ruins" of Time between Bill Readings and Augustine / أحزان ﺍﻹﻧﺴﺎﻧﻴﺎﺕ: البكاء على أطلال الزمن ما بين بيل ريدنجز وأوجسطين, Karyn Ball


Intelligent Redesign: A Collaborative Approach to “Scientific Thinking”, Brandon Canfield


Scholarship and Integrity: Matthew Arnold's "The Scholar-Gipsy" and Anita Desai's "Scholar and Gypsy" / البحث العلمي والنزاهة: قصيدة ماثيو أرنولد ״الباحث ـ الغجري״ وقصة أنيتا ديساي ״الباحث والغجري״, Peter Cook


The 2 + 2 schedule: revisiting active learning in the classroom, Aziza Ellozy Dr.


الأدب الٳنجليزي في الجامعة المصرية: شهادة وتجربة / English Literature in the Egyptian University: A View from Within, Doaa Embabi


Facilitated International Egyptian Labor Migration and Development, Christine Fandrich


One-Dimensional Learning: The Dialectic of Sacred and Secular as the Enduring Possibility of the University / التعلم من منظور أحادي: جدلية المقدس والعلماني بوصفها تاريخاً وٳمكاناً, Bruce Foltz


Divided at the Margins: A study of young southern Sudanese refugee men in Cairo, Egypt, Natalie I. Forcier


The Neoliberal University: Theory and Practice / الجامعة النيوليبرالية: نظرياً و عملياً, Stephen Germic


The Politics of Higher Education and the Militarized Academy after 9/11 / سياسات التعليم العالي وعسكرة الأكاديمية بعد ۱۱ سبتمبر, Henry A. Giroux


Public Spheres, Personal Papers, Pedagogical Practices: Ruth First's Academic Postings to / from Dar es Salaam and Maputo / الفضاءات العامة، الأوراق الخاصة، الممارسات التعليمية: مراسلات روث فيرست الأكاديمية من / ٳلى دار السلام وماپوتو, Barbara Harlow

Levinas and the Triple Critique of Heidegger, Graham Harman


صورة الجامعة وتداعياتها في مختارات من الأدب الأمريكي في القرن العشرين / The Image of the University and its Implication in Selected Twentieth-Century American Literary Texts, Magda Mansour Hasabelnaby


Face-to-Face Communication and Computer Mediated Learning: Building Communities with Social Presence, Doris Jones

Monitoring socioeconomic inequity in maternal health indicators in Egypt: 1995-2005, Zeinab Khadr


University and "Stasis": Four Rival Ideas of a University / الجامعة والركود: أربعة مفاهيم متنافسة عن الجامعة, John Kress


E-Content: Student Content Creators: Convergence of Literacies, Joan K. Lippincott


من القوة الصلبة ٳلى القوة الناعمة: مشروع النهضة من الجيش ٳلى الجامعة / From Hard Force to Soft Force: "Nahda" Project from Army to University, Ali Mabrook


سنوات شيكاغو: صياغة روح / Years of Chicago: Forming a Soul, Muhsin Mahdi and Bayoumi Kandil

Sartre’s Phenomenology of History: Community, Agency and Comprehension, William Donald Melaney

Sartre's Postcartesian Ontology: On Negation and Existence, William Donald Melaney


التعليم والمواطنة: دراسة في الفكر السياسي لأحمد لطفي السيد / Education and Citizenship: A Study of Ahmed Lutfi Al-Sayyid's Political Ideology, Anwar Moghith


الجامعة في ״روايتي الباب المفتوح״ و״أطياف״ / The University in "The Open Door" and "Atyaf", Faten Morsy


الجامعة والسياسة: ماﺽٍ مجيد، تجارب ثرية، واقع ﺑﺎﺋﺲ / University and Politics: Glorious Past, Rich Experiences, Miserable Reality, Kamal Mougheeth


WANTED: Languages Dead or Alive / مطلوب: لغات، حية أو ميتة, Sara Nimis and Stephen Nimis


De-Disciplining the Humanities / ٳخراج العلوم الٳنسانية من قوقعتها, Jennifer Rowland and Robert Frodeman

Evaluation of liver biopsy in Egyptian HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients at initial presentation: implications for therapy, Sherine Shawky

Gender and HIV in the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons for Low Prevalence Scenarios, Sherine Shawky


الاستشراق وتأريخ الأدب العربي: كارلو نالينو نموذجاً / Orientalism and the History of Arabic Literature: Carlo Nallino as a Case Study, Samy Soliman


Understanding Copyrights & Educational Fair Use at AUC, Jayme Spencer


مجاز الجامعة: الجامعة وكأنها۰۰۰۰ / The Metaphor of the University: The University as If..., Mona Tolba

Submissions from 2008


الاقتباس/ الالتفات النوعي: شهادة نقدية / Adaptation / Generic Transition: Critical Testimony, Alaa Abd El Hadi


From Page to Celluloid: Michael Cunningham's "The Hours" / من الصفحة ٳلى شريط السينما: اقتباس رواية الساعات لمايكل كننجهام, Fadwa AbdelRahman




From Sacred Ritual to Installation Art: A Personal Testimony / من الطقس المقدس ٳلى فن التجهيز: شهادة شخصية, Dena Al-Adeeb


Palestinians in Lebanon: Chains of Misery (Bound by the Law and the Market), Hoda Baraka


Des dunes du désert aux jardins d'Eden: L'interprétation des désirs par Ibn 'Arabi, à travers une appropriation du "nasib", du "ghazal" et du "muwashshah" / من كثبان الصحراء ٳلى حداﺋﻖ عدن: تفسير ابن عربي للرغبة من خلال اقتناص النسيب والغزل والموشح, Anne Clement


أسطورة ريا وسكينة: خمسة وثمانون عاماً من الصور ﺍﻟﻤﺆبلسة / Rayya and Sekina: Eighty-Five Years of Jaded Adaptation, Hany Darwish


مسرحية روستان وقصة المنفلوطي بين استلهام الواقع التاريخي والاقتباس الفني / Rostand and al-Manfaluti: Between Historical Invocation and Artistic Adaptation, Ibtessam El Esnawi


Concept/Mind Mapping: Initial Experience and Lessons Learned (Part 2), Aziza Ellozy Dr. and Hoda Mostafa


Palestine Uncovered in "My Name Is Rachel Corrie" / الكشف عن فلسطين في مسرحية اسمي راشيل كوري, Mahmoud El Lozy


Adapting Sufism to Video Art: Bill Viola and the Sacred / تجليات التصوف في فن الڤيديو: بيل ڤيولا والمقدس, Ziad Elmarsafy


من الحكاية الشعبية ٳلى الحكاية النسوية: شهادة / From Folktale to Feminist Tale: A Testimony, Sahar El Mougy

The Path to Replacement Fertility in Egypt: Acceptance, Preference, and Achievement, Laila O. El-ZeinI


Iraqis in Egypt A Statistical Survey in 2008, Philippe Fargues, Saeed el-Masry, Sara Sadek, and Azza Shaban


Grading or Assessing Learning? Seasonal thoughts for reflection!, Pandeli Glavanis Dr.


The Pedagogy of Community-Based Learning: Do students learn?, Pandeli Glavanis

A festival of anti-realism: Braver’s History of Continental Thought, Graham Harman

DeLanda's ontology: assemblage and realism, Graham Harman