Center for Migration and Refugee Studies
Author's Department
Center for Migration and Refugee Studies
Document Type
Research Article
Publication Title
Forced Migrations and Refugee Studies
Publication Date
This report details a selection of findings on the situation of Southern Sudanese refugee youth at-risk for engaging in violence. Acknowledging that youth violence is not the problem but rather the symptom of underlying social and economic problems, the primary aim of this work was to explore the root causes for young Sudanese men to engage in violence.
Ethnographic data was collected through participant observation from 4 June 2008 to 17 December 2008. Using a series of community entry points, participant observation took place in public or semi-public settings with young men, adult men, young women, and the sisters, mothers and other female relatives of the young men. Between February 2008 and December 2008, ad hoc interviews and discussions were conducted with a total of 158 young men and 32 young women consisting of approximately 1,500 hours of participant observation and interviews.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Forcier, N. I.
(2009). Divided at the Margins: A study of young southern Sudanese refugee men in Cairo, Egypt. Forced Migrations and Refugee Studies, 1–28.
MLA Citation
Forcier, Natalie I.
"Divided at the Margins: A study of young southern Sudanese refugee men in Cairo, Egypt." Forced Migrations and Refugee Studies, 2009, pp. 1–28.