Estimation method of inelastic displacement demands of moment resisting-frame buildings in moderate seismic zones
S. H. ElKassas and M. A. Haroun
[abstract not available]
An original technique to characterize naturally fractured reservoirs frompressure transient analyses
Tarek Elkewidy
[no abstract provided]
The fractured triangle; A graphically aided technique to characterize naturally fractured reservoirs from pressure transient analyses
Tarek Elkewidy
This new technique is introduced to characterize all kinds of naturally fractured (secondary porosity) reservoirs, including carbonates, basements, and elastics on the Megascopic scale of well testing delineation. The technique is based on an original view of pressure transient data (buildup). In fact, this technique bridges between the Macro, Meso, and Megascopic scales of reservoir characterizations. Conventional well testing analysis techniques, e.g. Horner method, do not often work for naturally fractured reservoirs since they are based on a homogeneous reservoir model. In addition, all available techniques to characterize naturally fractured reservoirs from pressure transient analyses are very much theoretical models based on unrealistic geometrical assumptions. They lack practical applications and produce limited information. The new technique has the merit of working on real reservoir data. It utilizes pressure buildup data through the fact that formation fluids travel across different systems in heterogeneous naturally fractured reservoirs; matrix, fractures and the damaged area. A unique graphical characterization of shut-in well pressure versus time will illustrate the effect of fluid movements from the matrix system (or the tiny fractured system) through the main fracture system and across the damage area, if any, into the well. Fluid movements through each system are represented graphically. The technique is further optimized through application of pressure derivative methods to yield a very characteristic graphical representation (triangle) of each hydraulic "flow" unit in the reservoir. The presence of the triangle sides can be used to confirm the existence of a secondary porosity system (fractures) and/or damaged area. The slopes and intersection values of the straight lines are utilized into exclusive formulas to yield the most important petrophysical and engineering parameters about the heterogeneous naturally fractured reservoir (and, in many cases, other kinds of reservoirs) including: effective fractures, matrix and skin systems volumes, partitioning coefficient, fracture intensity index, formation resistivity factor, formation tortuosity, effective drainage radius, damage radius, effective cementation exponent, fracture porosity, matrix porosity, storativity ratio, in addition to fracture permeability, matrix permeability, damaged (skin) permeability, average permeability, pressure drop across the damage area, skin factor, damage permeability, average/dimensionless diffusivity factor, flow efficiency, damage ratio/factor, economic implication of formation damage, average hydraulic "flow" unit quality index. This document and presentation will cover the theory behind the technique and present actual field application examples. Copyright 2011, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Simulating the effect of access road route selection on wind farm construction
Mohamed El Masry, Khaled Nassar, and Hesham Osman
[abstract not available]
Novel modified energy detection spectrum sensing technique for FM wireless microphone signals
Salwa Elramly, Fatma Newagy, Hatem Yousry, and Ayman Elezabi
[abstract not available]
Contact resistivity of laser annealed SiGe for MEMS structural layers deposited at 210°C
Joumana El-Rifai, Ann Witvrouw, Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Robert Puers, and Chris Van Hoof
[abstract not available]
Laser annealed SiGe devices for MEMS applications at temperatures below 250C
J. El-Rifai, S. Sedky, R. Van Hoof, S. Severi, and D. Lin
[abstract not available]
Effect of holding time before solidification on double-oxide film defects and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys
M. El-Sayed, H. Salem, A. Kandeil, and W. D. Griffiths
[abstract not available]
An on-line Arabic handwriting recognition system: Based on a new on-line graphemes Segmentation Technique
Hesham M. Eraqi and Sherif Abdel Azeem
[abstract not available]
Quantitative analysis of materials substitution in motorcars: How can light and advanced materials help the industry meet its challenges?
Mahmoud M. Farag
The automotive industry, more than ever before, is faced with great technical and economic challenges. The new generations of cars are expected to comply with increasing restrictions on emission, lower energy usage over the lifecycle of the car, and higher requirements for recoverability and recyclability of components. Research has shown that reducing the weight of the motorcar and selecting appropriate materials are among the most important factors that can be used to meet these challenges. It is known that about 85% of the total lifecycle energy consumption occurs during the operation phase of the motorcar and this is directly related to its weight of the car, especially in city driving. In electric and hybrid cars, the size and the distance travelled between consecutive battery charges are also related to the weight of the car. Weight reduction can be achieved by using high performance structures as well as lightweight and advanced materials in the design and manufacture of the motorcar frame, engine, chassis and components. For example, aluminum die castings and extrusions can be used for making the space frame, magnesium castings for engine blocks and instrument panels, fiber reinforced plastics for exterior and internal panels, metal matrix composites for engine components, and power metallurgy and thermal spray coating processes for transmission and engine parts. The light and advanced materials and the processes used for their manufacture are relatively more expensive than their traditional counterparts and are expected to increase the purchase price of the motorcar. However, the economic balance may considerably change if the lifecycle costs are considered. In addition to technical and cost considerations, safety, aesthetic and comfort issues need to be considered in materials substitution for the motorcar. This chapter discusses the different types of new materials and manufacturing processes that can be used to substitute current materials in modern motorcars to enable them to meet the technical and economic challenges that the automotive industry is now facing. A case study is presented to illustrate how quantitative methods can be used in materials substitution. Two methods (Performance/Cost Analysis and the Analytic Hierarchy Process) are introduced and used to reach rational decisions on optimum materials for interior body panels. Natural fiber reinforced plastics are shown to be the optimum materials for economy models and wood is shown to be optimum for luxury models. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Class-A stacked SiGe HBT power amplifier at millimeter-wave
Thomas J. Farmer, Ali Darwish, Benjamin Huebschman, Edward Viveiros, and H. Alfred Hung
[abstract not available]
Technology and the growth of the manufacturing firm
Steven D. Formaneck
Using a linked survey datasets in Canadian manufacturing (The Survey of Advanced Technology in Canadian Manufacturing the Annual Survey of Manufactures surveys), complementarities among 28 different Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) are empirically tested as well as substitute qualities, based on the success of the firm. Hypotheses generated from the AMT literature are explored. The main results show evidence against the classic theory that all forms of AMT are complementary. In addition, complementarity of AMT appears to aid in the growth of Canadian firms more so than short-term profit and productivity. Finally, there is evidence to suggest size and industry classification has an effect on AMT complementarity. © 2011 IEEE.
Low cost test for catastrophic faults in CMOS operational transcondutor
Mahmoud M. Fouad, Hassanein H. Amer, Ahmed H. Madian, and M. B. Abdelhalim
[abstract not available]
Fabrication of optical filters using multilayered porous silicon
Noha Gaber, Diaa Khalil, and Amr Shaarawi
[abstract not available]
Bey2ollak—Beat Traffic Together: A Case Study from Egypt
Laura Guindy and Maha Mourad
Traffic jams in Cairo can last for hours and even fire engines and ambulances often face difficulties reaching those in need on time. Six young Egyptian menhave decided to quit watching as the problem escalates and created a simple and easy traffic application to help people avoid congested streets by showing real time updates of the streets. The application turned out to do much more than let people update the status of different roads, it has evolved into a traffic community that responds to the needs of Egyptian street. From fuel crises to polling stations in the times of elections: Bey2ollak covered it all. The idea seems straightforward, but why was it such a big hit? Why did more than 6000 users download the application on the first day of its release alone? Why did the Daily News describe it as “more essential to traffic than traffic lights”? What are the reasons for its success? Did the environment and setting in Egypt facilitate the success or make it more difficult? And most importantly: Is it sustainable and could maintain its position in front of the new emerging competitors? This calls for a closer look and analysis of the environment, setting and framework under which Bey2ollak thrived and became the success it is today. In addition, the analysis will help in giving recommendations to the entrepreneurs regarding their expansion strategy.
Collaborative and distributed intelligent environment merging virtual and physical realities
Maki K. Habib
This paper introduces the development of a new collaborative and distributed intelligent environment that supports collaboration among geographically dispersed people including intelligent systems. The collaborative and distributed intelligent environment merges seamlessly mixed realities in terms of physical space, document, people, physical facilities and equipment, virtual environments, collaborative control, distributed teleopreration, decision making, etc. into one shared collaborative space. This approach aims to bridge the gap between reality and virtuality beyond time and physical constraints. Such capabilities have been achieved through the design and implementation of innovative, interactive, shared, 3D multi-user collaborative and distributed intelligent environment (CoDIE). CoDIE represents an integrated approach with embedded systems that offers the capability to administer distributed environment and resources with people accessing the environment remotely and others are collocated with the physical counterpart supported by ambient intelligence techniques. The developed environment can be used as a metaphor for wide range of application domains to integrate distributed resources, supports synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, distributed teleoperation, collaborative control, and to enable people to work beyond time and physical constraints. The talk presents the concept of CoDIE and describes its four-tire architecture and the key features and functionalities associated with its development and implementation. Finally, the paper highlights briefly the development of an educational and training robot center integrated with distributed physical and virtual facilities through the use of CoDIE. © 2011 IEEE.
Humanitarian demining mine detection and sensors
Maki K. Habib
The objectives of developing landmine detection technology are to achieve a high probability of detection rate while maintaining a low probability of false alarms. However, the probability of a false alarm rate is directly proportional to the time and cost of demining. The quality of mine detection affects the efficiency and safety of this process. Hence, there is a need for efficient, reliable and cost effective humanitarian mine detection technologies that speed up the detection process, increase productivity, maximize detection accuracy and reduce false alarm rate. Such technology should improve the ability to positively discriminate landmines from other buried objects and metallic debris while enhancing safety and protection for deminers. Methods of detecting individual mines vary from simple manual probing, the use of animals (dogs, pigs, rats, etc.), insects (Bees, etc.), biosensors, and genetically modified bacteria, to a variety of electronic technologies. Each mine detection technologies has its own strengths and weaknesses. This paper addresses the problem of landmines, their impact, difficulties, requirements, solutions and priorities as required for humanitarian demining. The paper introduces the available mine detection technologies along with a description of the ongoing research and development efforts in the field. The paper evaluates the available mine clearance technologies in terms of prospects, potential use to improve the speed and safety of humanitarian demining, discuss and identify any barriers to complete the development of new technologies. It also focuses on the features and requirements for having efficient sensors that can facilitate effective mine detection. © 2011 IEEE.
Robotics for rescue and risky intervention
Maki K. Habib, Yvan Baudoin, and Fusaomi Nagata
[abstract not available]
Testing of one stage pipelined analog to digital converter
Sahar M. Hamed, Ahmed H. Khalil, Hassanein H. Amer, M. B. Abdelhalim, and Ahmed H. Madian
[abstract not available]
Aerial Image retargeting (AIR): Achieving Litho-Friendly designs
Ayman Yehia Hamouda, James Word, Mohab Anis, and Karim S. Karim
[abstract not available]
Passive supervisor for railway fault-tolerant Ethernet networked control systems
Mai Hassan, Ramez M. Daoud, and Hassanein H. Amer
[abstract not available]
Optimization of cable tensioning in cable-stayed bridges
M. M. Hassan, A. O. Nassef, and A. A. El Damatty
[abstract not available]
Accounting and Auditing of Financial Derivatives: The Case of Maridive & Oil Services (MOS)
Mohamed Hegazy and Karim Hegazy
The Egyptian Capital Market Authority (CMA) examined the company’s financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2008, while the auditors’ reports forced the company’s management, despite the objection of two of the company’s auditors, to restate its financial statements at December 31, 2008, and modify its profit appropriation statement after their publication to shareholders and the public. The research presents the problems related to the application of the International Accounting Standards no 32 and 38 “Financial assets and Derivatives,” their Egyptian equivalents, and the Egyptian Standards on auditing no 700 and 702. Further, the research identifies the differences associated with auditors issuing contradictory audit reports for a company’s single set of financial statements.
Participatory decision making and modern cooperatives in mali: Notes towards a prospective anthropology
Nicholas S. Hopkins
[no abstract provided]
A Hybrid Agribusiness Value Chain: The Case of a Horticulture Social Enterprise in Minya, Egypt
Nagwan Ibrahim, Farage Lashin, and Ali H. Awni
The Case is centered on Ahmed Dakrouri as a successful social entrepreneur. It describes his business model for forming a cooperative value chain between small farmers in Abou Korkas, Minya, in Upper Egypt. The model utilizes a hybrid approach that combines commercial entities for producing medicinal and aromatic plants for local and export markets, with Civil Service Organizations that deliver upgrading and other social services to small farmers. The case describes the background of the social entrepreneur, his approach for gaining the trust of the small farmers and the community, and the hybrid value chain model used.
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