Funlozia’s Dune Raider Befriends the Egyptian Desert Sands
Iman Seoudi and Mirette Shoeir
Dune Raider was founded by Karim Hossam in 2008 as the first company to introduce sand boarding in Egypt. As the weekly sand boarding events gained more fans, Karim teamed up with his two partners, Mohamed Fadly and Mohamed Elwan to establish Funlozia in 2012, the mother company that would house the now popular Dune Raider sand boarding brand in addition to two other lines that the company offers. Besides sand boarding trips, Funlozia houses the Camponita brand, which organizes camps and adventure trips both inside and outside of Egypt. Funlozia also houses a corporate service line, Go Camp, which offers team building and interpersonal skills events for companies, with accounts such as P&G, Aramex and CIB. The case study focuses on the growing pains and spectacular success of young Funlozia. The case highlights the challenges an entrepreneurial startup faces as it transitions from the start-up stage and starts to negotiate the company building and growth stage. In addition, this young company already has three branded services each targeted to a different customer segment. With limited financial and human resources, the management team is challenged to set an effective strategy for each of the three service lines and create brand recognition and a presence in each segment. The case displays a rich array of strategic management, strategic marketing, entrepreneurship and organizational issues.
Frequently asked questions web pages automatic text summarization
Yassien M. Shaalan and Ahmed Rafea
[abstract not available]
Applying Scrum framework in the IT service support domain
Mohamed Shalaby and Sherif El-Kassas
[abstract not available]
Power gating of VLSI circuits using MEMS switches in low power applications
Hosam Shobak, Mohamed Ghoneim, Nawal El Boghdady, Sarah Halawa, and Sophinese Iskander
[abstract not available]
Validation and analysis of numerical results for a two-pass trapezoidal channel with different cooling configurations of trailing edge
Waseem Siddique, Igor V. Shevchuk, Lamyaa A. El-Gabry, and Torsten H. Fransson
[abstract not available]
Turbulence and heat transfer measurements in an inclined large scale film cooling array - Part II, temperature and heat transfer measurements
Douglas R. Thurman, Lamyaa A. El-Gabry, Philip E. Poinsatte, and James D. Heidmann
[abstract not available]
Party politics, national security, and émigré political violence in Australia, 1949-1973
Mate Nikola Tokić
From the early 1950 s, Australia's ruling party and internal security agency viewed acts of political violence among émigré separatist Croatian extremists ambivalently, if not at times favorably. Whereas the state certainly never encouraged or supported acts of terror on the part of Croat émigrés, neither did it actively pursue a policy of control over the purveyors of that violence. In Australia, as elsewhere, governmental policy toward Croatian émigré terrorism was driven more by external political considerations than by any desire to control the violence itself. The failure-or indeed refusal-of the Liberal Party and ASIO to exert control over separatist violence can be traced to the very ideological underpinnings of the two bodies, not least their staunch anti-communism. The unprecedented measures to control Croatian terrorism adopted by the Australian Labor Party after 1972, meanwhile, find their roots in part in the political opportunism of a party that had just come to power after enduring a full generation in opposition. The struggle for control over Croatian separatist violence became a struggle for control over much more in Australia: control over the institutions of the state, control over the underlying principles of government and, at its most basic level, control over power. The history of Australia's relationship to émigré political violence brings into sharp relief the complex relationship between ideology, party politics, institutional dogma, and the control of violence. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Ariel Egypt: From market penetration to fierce competition
Ahmed Tolba
This case study examines the past and present challenges facing Ariel, a long-time market leader in the detergent sector in Egypt whose market share has started to slip. In particular, it examines the marketing strategies and performance of Ariel High Suds, which is witnessing a declining market share as well as a decline in the overall high-suds market due to fierce competition and the growing low-suds market in Egypt. © 2011, IGI Global.
Ariel Egypt: From Market Penetration to Fierce Competition
Ahmed Tolba
This case study examines the past and present challenges facing Ariel, a long-time market leader in the detergent sector in Egypt whose market share has started to slip. In particular, it examines the marketing strategies and performance of Ariel High Suds, which is witnessing a declining market share as well as a decline in the overall high-suds market due to fierce competition and the growing low-suds market in Egypt.
Social Marketing in Egypt: A Case Study on the Use of Marketing by “Nahdet El Mahrousa” NGO
Ahmed Tolba and Mohamed Ads
Social Marketing in Egypt: A Case Study on the Use of Marketing by “Nahdet El Mahrousa” NGO
The alexandria mineral oils company (AMOC): A strategic assessment of AMOC's IPO
Eskandar Tooma
This case deals with a critical question about the underlying motives for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), using the events surrounding the IPO of the Alexandria Mineral and Oils Company (AMOC) in Egypt. AMOC, a government-owned company that was seeking partial privatization, was offered to the public at LE 45per share, and in no more than one week of trading, the share price skyrocketed to LE 85, almost doubling the company's price/earnings (P/E) ratio. This was a matter of major concern to the company's management, since the high P/E ratio detracted from AMOC's attractiveness to a strategic investor. The case gives an overview of AMOC's main business activities and of the local and international petroleum industry and highlights the process of an initial public offering as well as the parties involved. © 2011, IGI Global.
The Alexandria Mineral Oils Company (AMOC): A Strategic Assessment of AMOC’S IPO
Eskandar Tooma
This case deals with a critical question about the underlying motives for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), using the events surrounding the IPO of the Alexandria Mineral and Oils Company (AMOC) in Egypt. AMOC, a government-owned company that was seeking partial privatization, was offered to the public at LE 45per share, and in no more than one week of trading, the share price skyrocketed to LE 85, almost doubling the company’s price/earnings (P/E) ratio. This was a matter of major concern to the company’s management, since the high P/E ratio detracted from AMOC’s attractiveness to a strategic investor. The case gives an overview of AMOC’s main business activities and of the local and international petroleum industry and highlights the process of an initial public offering as well as the parties involved.
Premium International for Credit Services: Application of Value-Based Management
Eskandar Tooma, Aliaa Bassiouny, and Nourhan El Mogui
The case follows through the history of PICS, presenting the business model and the market for its products. It then moves on to outline the financial position of PICS over the period 2002-2005,which shows that, despite double-digit growth in revenue, the company has suffered from poor bottom lines that have put the company in severe financial distress.
Centralizing Integrated Long Range Planning and Budgeting
Taylor Valore
Upon relocation to a new, state-of-the-art, 260-acre campus outside of Cairo, Egypt, the American University in Cairo (AUC) sought to revamp its annual planning and budgeting processes to address several deficiencies. Primarily, long-range planning and annual budgeting were two independent events with little synchronization. This case study will detail the process and technical aspects of AUC’s transition to a centralized and synchronized planning and budgeting cycle focused on determining appropriate workflows and leveraging database technologies to track planning initiatives throughout an approvals process. Readers will be able to weigh the drawbacks of centralization against the benefits of standardized budget review and planning.
Resonant square-wave clock generator for low power applications
Mohamed Wahba and Yehea Ismail
[abstract not available]
Increasing game immersion through randomizing game characters' appearance in crowded scenes using inexpensive pixel shader operations
Ramy Taher Makram Wassef and Awad Khalil
[abstract not available]
Improved periodogram-based spectrum sensing technique for FM wireless microphone signals
Hatem Yousry, Ayman Elezabi, Fatma Newagy, and Salwa Elramly
[abstract not available]
Masculinity on Shifting Grounds: Emasculation and the Rise of the Islamist Political Scene in Post-Mubarak Egypt
Mustafa Abdalla
The first of four issues in volume 33. This issue covers masculinity in Egypt and the Middle East. Contributors include: Mustafa Abdalla, Samira Aghacy, Wilson Jacob, Hanan Kholoussy, Florence Martin.
Worst-case test vectors generation using genetic algorithms for the detection of total-dose induced leakage current failures
H. A. Abdel-Aziz, M. M. Abdel-Aziz, A. G. Wassal, and A. A. Abou-Auf
[abstract not available]
Monitoring electromagnetic pollution using wireless sensor networks
D. Abou El Seoud, S. Nouh, R. A. Abbass, Nora A. Ali, and Ramez M. Daoud
[abstract not available]
Masculinity and Spatial Trajectories in the Contemporary Arabic Novel
Samira Aghacy
The first of four issues in volume 33. This issue covers masculinity in Egypt and the Middle East. Contributors include: Mustafa Abdalla, Samira Aghacy, Wilson Jacob, Hanan Kholoussy, Florence Martin.
Integrative rhetoric and exclusionary realities in Bangladesh-Malaysia migration policies: Discourse on networks and development
A. K.M. Ahsan Ullah
[no abstract provided]
ERP post-implementation adoption success dynamics: A cultural perspective
M. S. Akabawi
The purpose of this research is to explore the barriers of adoption and adaptation of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems at the post implementation phase within Developing Countries (DCs) business culture. Human agency-related issues and IT materiality factors specific to the DCs business environment were researched within the framework of post-implementation use of cross-functional information systems in a longitudinal case study. Focus group teams, composed of business units' end-users, managers and IT specialists (employment cohorts) were mobilized to elicit the causes of failing ERP services. The scope of this research fits within the studies that target the analysis of organizational adoption and use of ERP. Feedback loops analysis method was used for the study and presentation of the complex dynamic socio-technical behavior in enterprises to gain insight of the relationships among the many non-linear variables prevalent in the post implementation stage of the ERP lifecycle. Those variables were arrived at through canvassing stakeholder groups in the case firm, using focus group approach and the Causal Loop Diagramming as the analysis tool. The introduced methodology in this research is meant to highlight a new perspective to the understanding of the success model of ERP use and adoption. © 2011, IGI Global.
Introduction: Contentious politics, political opposition, and authoritarianism
Holger Albrecht
[no abstract provided]
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