ERP post-implementation adoption success dynamics: A cultural perspective
Management Department
The purpose of this research is to explore the barriers of adoption and adaptation of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems at the post implementation phase within Developing Countries (DCs) business culture. Human agency-related issues and IT materiality factors specific to the DCs business environment were researched within the framework of post-implementation use of cross-functional information systems in a longitudinal case study. Focus group teams, composed of business units' end-users, managers and IT specialists (employment cohorts) were mobilized to elicit the causes of failing ERP services. The scope of this research fits within the studies that target the analysis of organizational adoption and use of ERP. Feedback loops analysis method was used for the study and presentation of the complex dynamic socio-technical behavior in enterprises to gain insight of the relationships among the many non-linear variables prevalent in the post implementation stage of the ERP lifecycle. Those variables were arrived at through canvassing stakeholder groups in the case firm, using focus group approach and the Causal Loop Diagramming as the analysis tool. The introduced methodology in this research is meant to highlight a new perspective to the understanding of the success model of ERP use and adoption. © 2011, IGI Global.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
ICT Acceptance, Investment and Organization: Cultural Practices and Values in the Arab World
Salam Abdallah; Fayez Albadri; IGI Global.
IGI Global
Hershey, PA
First Page
Last Page
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Akabawi, M.
(2010). ERP post-implementation adoption success dynamics: A cultural perspective. In Salam Abdallah; Fayez Albadri; IGI Global. (Eds.), ICT Acceptance, Investment and Organization: Cultural Practices and Values in the Arab World (pp. 88-113). IGI Global.
MLA Citation
Akabawi, M. S..
"ERP post-implementation adoption success dynamics: A cultural perspective." ICT Acceptance, Investment and Organization: Cultural Practices and Values in the Arab World, edited by Salam Abdallah; Fayez Albadri; IGI Global., IGI Global, 2010. pp. 88-113