Egypt: Between overstretch and pivotalness in its foreign policy
Bahgat Korany
[no abstract provided]
Fabrication and characterization of starch based bagasse fiber composite
Sherif Mehanny, Mahmoud Farag, R. M. Rashad, and Hamdy Elsayed
[abstract not available]
The new kid on the block: Bahibb issima (I love cinema) and the emergence of the coptic community in the egyptian public sphere
Samia Mehrez
[no abstract provided]
On the ARQ protocols over the Z-interference channels: Diversity- multiplexing-delay tradeoff
Mohamed S. Nafea, D. Hamza, Karim G. Seddik, Mohamed Nafie, and Hesham El Gamal
[abstract not available]
On the diversity gain region of the Z-interference channels
Mohamed S. Nafea, Karim G. Seddik, Mohammed Nafie, and Hesham El Gamal
[abstract not available]
CAM system without using robot language for an industrial robot RV1A
Fusaomi Nagata, Sho Yoshitake, Akimasa Otsuka, Maki K. Habib, and Keigo Watanabe
[abstract not available]
Automated planning and design of formwork for freeform shell structures
Khaled Nassar and Ebrahim A. Aly
[abstract not available]
A simulation study of the effect of Mosque design on egress times
Khaled Nassar and Ahmed Bayyoumi
[abstract not available]
Towards an ontology for autonomous robots
Liam Paull, Gaetan Severac, Guilherme V. Raffo, Julian Mauricio Angel, and Harold Boley
[abstract not available]
Knowledge Gaps: The Agenda for Research and Action
Hoda Rashad and Zeinab Khadr
The Arab world is a distinct geographic and cultural entity, with a complex demographic. Public Health in the Arab World reviews and dissects the public health concerns specific to this region. This volume will interest not only researchers, practitioners and students in the Arab world, but also the wider constituency of international public health specialists and social scholars interested in this region. With contributions from a multidisciplinary group of leading regional and international experts, this volume addresses a comprehensive range of contemporary topics, including the social determinants of health, and health issues in different population groups. Synthesizing a large body of knowledge in an accessible manner, the authors critique and adapt public health concepts, frameworks and paradigms to the context of the Arab world, engaging readers in current debates. This is a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in global public health and in Arab world studies. Presents a diverse perspective on health issues through a multidisciplinary approach including public health, social and anthropological perspectives Describes the practical relevance of current theoretical debates, allowing readers to apply the theory in different frameworks Highlights the differences and commonalities between various Arab countries and population groups, helping readers understand the complexity of the region
Knowledge Gaps: The Agenda for Research and Action
Hoda Rashad and Zeinab Khadr
The Arab world is a distinct geographic and cultural entity, with a complex demographic. Public Health in the Arab World reviews and dissects the public health concerns specific to this region. This volume will interest not only researchers, practitioners and students in the Arab world, but also the wider constituency of international public health specialists and social scholars interested in this region. With contributions from a multidisciplinary group of leading regional and international experts, this volume addresses a comprehensive range of contemporary topics, including the social determinants of health, and health issues in different population groups. Synthesizing a large body of knowledge in an accessible manner, the authors critique and adapt public health concepts, frameworks and paradigms to the context of the Arab world, engaging readers in current debates. This is a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in global public health and in Arab world studies. Presents a diverse perspective on health issues through a multidisciplinary approach including public health, social and anthropological perspectives Describes the practical relevance of current theoretical debates, allowing readers to apply the theory in different frameworks Highlights the differences and commonalities between various Arab countries and population groups, helping readers understand the complexity of the region
Fault-tolerant controllers in Wireless Networked Control System using 802.11g
Tarek K. Refaat, Ramez M. Daoud, and Hassanein H. Amer
[abstract not available]
Daylighting efficiency of external perforated solar screens: Effect of screen axial rotation under clear skies
H. Sabry, A. Sherif, and T. Rakha
[abstract not available]
Daylighting efficiency of external perforated solar screens: Effect of screen axial rotation under clear skies
H. Sabry, A. Sherif, and T. Rakha
[abstract not available]
High performance electrical driven hotspot detection solution for full chip design using a novel device parameter matching technique
Rami F. Salem, Mohamed Al-Imam, Abdelrahman ElMously, Haitham Eissa, and Ahmed Arafa
[abstract not available]
Reconfigurable micromachined antenna with polarization diversity for mm-wave applications
Mai O. Sallam, Ezzeldin A. Soliman, and Sherif Sedky
[abstract not available]
Child Health: Caring for the Future
Sherine Shawky
The Arab world is a distinct geographic and cultural entity, with a complex demographic. Public Health in the Arab World reviews and dissects the public health concerns specific to this region. This volume will interest not only researchers, practitioners and students in the Arab world, but also the wider constituency of international public health specialists and social scholars interested in this region. With contributions from a multidisciplinary group of leading regional and international experts, this volume addresses a comprehensive range of contemporary topics, including the social determinants of health, and health issues in different population groups. Synthesizing a large body of knowledge in an accessible manner, the authors critique and adapt public health concepts, frameworks and paradigms to the context of the Arab world, engaging readers in current debates. This is a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in global public health and in Arab world studies. Presents a diverse perspective on health issues through a multidisciplinary approach including public health, social and anthropological perspectives Describes the practical relevance of current theoretical debates, allowing readers to apply the theory in different frameworks Highlights the differences and commonalities between various Arab countries and population groups, helping readers understand the complexity of the region
Child Health: Caring for the Future
Sherine Shawky
The Arab world is a distinct geographic and cultural entity, with a complex demographic. Public Health in the Arab World reviews and dissects the public health concerns specific to this region. This volume will interest not only researchers, practitioners and students in the Arab world, but also the wider constituency of international public health specialists and social scholars interested in this region. With contributions from a multidisciplinary group of leading regional and international experts, this volume addresses a comprehensive range of contemporary topics, including the social determinants of health, and health issues in different population groups. Synthesizing a large body of knowledge in an accessible manner, the authors critique and adapt public health concepts, frameworks and paradigms to the context of the Arab world, engaging readers in current debates. This is a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in global public health and in Arab world studies. Presents a diverse perspective on health issues through a multidisciplinary approach including public health, social and anthropological perspectives Describes the practical relevance of current theoretical debates, allowing readers to apply the theory in different frameworks Highlights the differences and commonalities between various Arab countries and population groups, helping readers understand the complexity of the region
Effectiveness of external wall shading in reducing the energy consumption of desert buildings
Ahmad Sherif, Khaled El-Deeb, Abbas El Zafarany, and Mohamed Aly
[abstract not available]
Effectiveness of external wall shading in reducing the energy consumption of desert buildings
Ahmad Sherif, Khaled El-Deeb, Abbas El Zafarany, and Mohamed Aly
[abstract not available]
How Private Lives Determine Work Options: Reflections on Poor Women's Employment in Egypt
Hania Sholkamy
This book presents a comparative historical overview of female employment patterns across the Mediterranean region, analyzing how the relationship between economic development, political change and the cultural environment shapes the evolution of gender roles in interconnected spheres of social life.
Women Are Also Part of This Revolution
Hania Sholkamy
This chapter provides a critical review of the roles of women in the Egyptian revolution and of the place of feminism in Egyptian politics. On the one hand the imagery of the revolutionary moment is replete with scenes and signs of gender justice, camaraderie, equality, mutual respect and liberation. The transformative event that we call Tahrir Square did change the gender imbalance! But on the other hand the post revolutionary space is disturbingly similar to the way we women used to be. The chapter reviews the recent history of gender justice gains, state sponsored feminism and attempts to challenge formal politics and formal feminism and presents an interpretation of what happened in Egypt, why the roar of revolution only yielded an ripple of modest gains for women and what is needed for a way forward for women as social and political partners in the future. Key to this argument is a distinction between personal and formal freedom and rights. The case of Egypt shows a dis-juncture between the rights and equality enjoyed by powerful women in the public domain and their own inability to realise equality for themselves and for other women in the realm of the personal and the private.
Women's Laboring Practices: Egypt
Hania Sholkamy
Women’s participation in the labor force whether public, private, informal or home-based productive activities is a challenge to outdated constructions of gender roles. There are few women in Egypt who do not work, yet society still construes this work as problematic and contingent.
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