Experimental characterization and multi-objective optimization of the orbital drilling process of CFRP
A. Sadek, A. O. Nassef, M. Meshreki, and M. H. Attia
[abstract not available]
Barack Obama, Islam, and the Discourses of American Racial Belonging
Steven Salaita
The Making of Barack Obama will appeal to politically engaged, intelligent readers, scholars of rhetoric, and anyone interested in understanding how the strategic use of language in highly charged contexts—how the art of rhetoric—shapes our world, unites and divides people, and creates conditions that make social change possible. For those new to the formal study of rhetoric, editors Matthew Abraham and Erec Smith include a glossary of key terms and concepts. Contributors include Matthew Abraham, Steven Salaita, and others..
The use of social context to enhance mobile web search experience
Nour Salama, Sherif Gamal Aly, and Ahmed Rafea
Web access, especially through search, is by far one of the most popular operations performed on mobile devices. It is very interesting how the Mobile and Social worlds have significantly converged in many interesting ways, the least of which is the ability to simply access social networks on the move. However, much literature indicates how search results, and in specific mobile search is far from satisfactory in terms of meeting user intent and need. This has ultimately led to the introduction of context-aware web search to obtain more adequate results. In this research, we focus on using social context obtained from user social networks to refine search queries. Our initial target is to propose a system that will ultimately demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating this type of context when conducting mobile search. We also describe how we will utilize this system to classify user queries issued on mobile devices to determine the degree by which social context used, to then reformulate the queries by augmenting relevant context, and then finally ranking the results to match user needs. © 2013 IEEE.
Radial drilling technique for improving well productivity in Petrobel-Egypt
Adel M. Salem Ragab and Amr M. Kamel
[abstract not available]
Exploiting spatial spectrum holes in multiuser MIMO systems
Feeby Salib and Karim G. Seddik
[abstract not available]
Corporate array of micromachined dipoles on silicon wafer for 60 GHz communication systems
Mai O. Sallam and Ezzeldin A. Soliman
[abstract not available]
Nanostructured membrane separators for electrochemical detection of heavy metals
M. Serry, A. Gamal, Ahmed Abdel Kader, A. Sharaf, and M. Shaban
[abstract not available]
The Egyptian revolution: The power of mass mobilization and the spirit of Tahrir Square
Emad El Din Shahin
[no abstract provided]
Identifying the topic-specific influential users and opinion leaders in Twitter
May Shalaby and Ahmed Rafea
[abstract not available]
Numerical modelling of slot film cooling using a wall function
Karim M. Shalash, Lamyaa A. El-Gabry, and Mohamed M.Abo El-Azm
CFD modeling of gas turbine film cooling remains a challenge for the computational arena due to the lack of robust accurate turbulence model or numerical technique to solve this highly complex problem. Modeling the exact behavior of the coolant jet is computationally expensive due to the complexity of the jet mainstream interaction, such as vortex generation, and separation. This paper, validation progress is presented using experimental data executed by the second author [GT2011-46491] and Thurman et-al [GT2011-46498] for blowing ratios of 1.0 and 2.0, and density ratio of 1.0. A wall function approach is chosen for a robust computation, and aiming for CPU time reduction. The in-house CFD code EOS is used to solve the RANS equations. A simple flow over flat plate validation problem was executed using experimental data of Klebanoff and El-Tahry as a code validation evidence. The computational results of the flow field were in agreement with the experimental measurements, with a slight over estimation of the thermal field due to over prediction of dissipation, resulting in less diffusion and mixing between the coolant jet and the mainstream. The wall function approach is shown to have great potentials for a robust accurate solution. The use of the continuous slot injection is known to be the best film cooling technique when compared to the other conventional circular coolant tubes, with the critical drawback of lowering the mechanical integrity of the blade. One way to overcome this problem is the use of discrete slots, which will optimize for better film cooling effectiveness, while maintaining the structural strength of the blade. Rectangular slots showed an increase in film cooling effectiveness for the same mass flow rate of coolant and blowing ratio when compared to the standard circular hole, which is due to the minor counter rotating vortex pair effect. An oval slot design showed higher film cooling effectiveness and more spreading, covering more surface area. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.
Experimental Investigations of CO2 Solubility and Variations in Petrophysical Properties due to CO2 Storage in Carbonate Reservoir Rocks
Shedid A. Shedid and Adel M. Salem
[abstract not available]
Finish materials of hospital operating rooms of the usa and egypt: Selection and actual performance-in-use
Ahmed H. Sherif
The materials selected in finishing the surfaces of operating rooms can have an effect on performance. They must be suitable and supportive to the functions of these specialized spaces. Also, they must withstand the various demands resulting from the intensive use. This is especially important with the strict aseptic techniques that are typically observed in these spaces. This can also result in increased hospital operation and maintenance costs. This paper reports on the results of two surveys on the finish materials used in the floor, walls and ceiling surfaces of operating rooms. The study covered more than 546 operating rooms in more than 86 hospitals. The first survey was conducted for hospitals built -or renovated in the USA between 1980 and 2003. The second survey was conducted in Egypt for hospitals built, renovated, or under design between 2008 and 2012. The time difference between the two surveys was of little concern, since the performance of finish materials does not become apparent except after long term use that extends for years. The surveys identified the materials that were most commonly used in finishing the operating rooms in both countries. Also, views of the facility managers of the USA hospitals in regards to the actual performance of these materials were collected. These were compared with previous studies in Egypt and the USA. The paper draws useful conclusions to architects, administrators and facility managers on the most popular finish materials used in these specialized spaces. Also, views of the facility managers on the performance-in-use of these materials were identified. This included performance of the most popular materials in regards to their sterile properties, durability, maintenance, aesthetics, comfort, safety and cost. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Tension of legacy: Self-authorship of female engineering students and their professional choice
Jennifer A. Skaggs
[no abstract provided]
Mining cloud environments usage data
Karim Sobh, Ahmed Rafea, and Amr El-Kadi
[abstract not available]
Novel wire-grid nantenna array for optical communication systems
Ezzeldin A. Soliman, Mai O. Sallam, and Guy A.E. Vandenbosch
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A spatial incremental relaying-based user transparent ARQ protocol
Radwa A. Sultan and Karim G. Seddik
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Measurements of giant second harmonic generation from vertically aligned silicon nanowires
M. A. Swillam, M. Khorasaninjead, and S. S. Saini
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Equivalent circuit model for plasmoinc slot waveguides networks
Mohamed A. Swillam, Charles Lin, and Amr S. Helmy
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A general approach for automating outliers identification in categorical data
Ayman Taha and Ali S. Hadi
[abstract not available]
Le Gallienne’s Paraphrase and the limits of translation
Adam Talib
This essay shows that Richard Le Gallienne’s 1897 edition of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám is an original literary text and that it, along with other versions of the Rubáiyát published in the same period, was a response to FitzGerald’s wildly popular translation of a few decades earlier. Le Gallienne’s paraphrased versions of Persian poetry, Khayyam and later Hafez, are linked to his close involvement with the commercial publishing industry while his primary reliance in these paraphrases on academic translations highlights the parallel trend of scholarly reaction, often corrective, to FitzGerald’s edition. By examining how Le Gallienne composed his paraphrase and how he crafted an original work of literature, this essay helps us better understand the extent to which the Rubáiyát quickly ceased to be regarded as an original Persian literary artefact and was adopted as a constellation of literary tropes with which English literature could engage unreservedly. Le Gallienne’s Rubáiyát has been mistaken for a genuine translation and been derided as such, but this essay demonstrates that when seen as an original, and opportunistic, work of literature, it helps us to understand the contemporary tensions surrounding academic and commercial translation and the place of the Rubáiyát in English literary history.
Topoi and Topography in the Histories of al-Ḥīra
Adam Talib
This chapter examines the Arabic poetry dealing with the city of Ḥīra in south-west Iraq. Much of this poetry is filled with longing for a fleeting era of glory, when Ḥīra was ruled by its Christian kings. The chapter suggests that much of this material had its origins in the Ḥīra court itself. When this poetic tradition was inherited by Muslim Arabs, it caused them to view the Islamic conquests as a time of loss, as well as victory, and it acted as a reminder of the temporary nature of all political authority
Plasmonic slot waveguides with core nonlinearity
Sherif A. Tawfik and Mohamed A. Swillam
[abstract not available]
Statistical static timing analysis of conditional asynchronous circuits using model-based simulation
Eslam Yahya, Laurent Fesquet, Yehea Ismail, and Marc Renaudin
[abstract not available]
Modeling pipeline projects using computer simulation
Hany Zahran and Khaled Nassar
Due to The increasing demand on fossil fuel, Pipelines have become an essential element in today's world economy. Thus, any delays in pipeline construction projects have become highly intolerable. The construction process has many activities that involve various resources and each activity relies strongly on its predecessors. This paper presents a tool for planning pipelines projects using computer simulation. The proposed tool aids contractors in planning pipelines projects by estimating their associated time and cost of construction. The tool breaks down pipeline projects into a number of activities along with their resources. An application example is presented to demonstrate the features of the proposed tool. © 2013 IEEE.
Particle swarm optimization for the identification of worst case test vectors of total-dose induced leakage current failures in ASICs
M. M. Abdel-Aziz, H. A. Abdel-Aziz, A. A. Abou-Auf, and A. G. Wassal
[abstract not available]
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