URJe - The Undergraduate Research Journal | American University in Cairo

The Undergraduate Research Journal


The Undergraduate Research Journal (URJe) is a multi-disciplinary, refereed annual publication for undergraduate research and creative works. It is managed and published jointly by the Office for Undergraduate Research and the Library at the American University in Cairo.

URJe is committed to showcasing outstanding student work in all subjects, and in a variety of formats – research articles, essays, case studies, reviews, creative writing, etc.

The URJe Editorial Board, consisting of faculty members from different disciplines, manages the peer-to-peer review (by other AUC undergraduate students) of all submissions and publishes a selection of works that are highly creative or make an intellectual contribution at a high level of scholarship.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Volume: Volume 10 (2024)

Research Articles


Period Poverty in Egypt
Amina Hani Boudah


The Effects of the Devaluation of the Egyptian Pound on AUC Student Happiness
Mariam Kharboush, Nour Dabbour, Nelly Abdelwahed, and Nour Heikal


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