
The Undergraduate Research Journal


Navigating the intricate landscape of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) poses considerable challenges, especially within societies where the discourse is shaped by deeply rooted traditions and cultural norms. This paper examines a research project aimed at addressing the critical gap in dialogue surrounding women's SRH in Egypt. Adopting a community psychology framework, this project has two components: a mother-daughter communication guidebook and a comprehensive needs assessment survey. The guidebook was designed to facilitate discussions during the critical transitional phase of puberty, and the needs assessment survey aimed to understand the distinct needs of Egyptian women using a strengths-based approach. By reaching over 1,000 women across 25 Egyptian governorates, the survey highlights their experiences, barriers, and attitudes towards SRH, serving as a foundational resource for both the guidebook and future health promotion campaigns and interventions. The project strives to cultivate a more inclusive dialogue surrounding SRH in Egypt, ultimately contributing to a society that is more informed and supported. This paper offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of community psychology approaches in addressing sensitive topics, emphasizing the significance of understanding and respecting cultural nuances in promoting open dialogue, while also highlighting the importance of building rapport with the target audience and adopting a strengths-based approach.

Document Type

Research Article


Psychology Department

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item

Mona Amer

