Testing current mode two-input logic gates
S. H. Amer, A. S. Emara, R. Mohie El-Din, M. M. Fouad, and A. H. Madian
[abstract not available]
A feedback-soft sensing-based cognitive access scheme with feedback erasures
Ahmed M. Arafa, Karim G. Seddik, Ahmed K. Sultan, Tamer Elbatt, and Amr A. El-Sherif
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Optimal power allocation for layered broadcast over amplify-and-forward relay channels
Mohamed Adel Attia, Mohammad Shaqfeh, Karim Seddik, and Hussein Alnuweiri
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Submicron-integrated plasmonic power splitter
Marina Ayad and Mohamed A. Swillam
Using plasmonic waveguide for interconnects application is very promising direction to achieve high density integration a good size compatibility with electronic devices. Thus, proposing compact and efficient functional plasmonic devices is or prime essential to achieve the required system functionalities. Power splitters are widely used as one of the important component of the optical interconnects and integrated photonic and plasmonics devices. We propose a simple, ultra compact and wideband balanced power divider. The advantage of this device is compactness and ability to split the power over wideband with negligible imbalance. The device is based on plasmonic slot waveguide configuration and has submicron total foot print. To achieve the proposed optimized design, a simple and novel analytical model is utilized for modelling the behavior or any plasmonic structure using circuit model. © 2014 SPIE.
Tunable nanoscale-effecient plasmonic demultiplexers
Abdulilah Azzazi and Mohamed A. Swillam
The importance of wavelength division demultiplexers (WDM) reside in its aggressive use in many areas of industry which are based on signal processing, especially in the fields of telecommunications, optical computing, integrated photonics circuits and sensing applications. Plasmonic wavelength division demultiplexers are essential component for on chip nanoscale plasmonic systems. In this work, we present nanoscale plasmonic wavelength-selective demultiplexer based on feedback resonator. The devices are based on a thin layer of silver with waveguides etched onto it having small foorprint. These devices can be easily tuned to any specific wavelength in the IR range. © 2014 SPIE.
Energy-aware scratch-pad memory partitioning for embedded systems
Florin Balasa, Noha Abuaesh, Cristian V. Gingu, Ilie I. Luican, and Doru V. Nasui
Hierarchical memory organizations are used in embedded systems to reduce energy consumption and improve performance by exploiting the non-uniformity of memory accesses and assigning the frequently-accessed data to the low levels of memory hierarchy. Moreover, within a given level, energy can be further reduced and performance further enhanced by memory partitioning - whose principle is to divide the address space in several smaller blocks and to map these blocks to physical memory banks. Scratch-pad memories (SPMs) offer a good compromise - as on-chip storage in embedded systems - when taking into account performance, energy consumption, and die area. This paper addresses the problem of optimizing the partitioning of SPMs. Different from previous techniques, the cost function takes into account all the three major design objectives - energy consumption, performance, and die area, letting the designers decide on their relative importance for a specific project. The proposed approach proved to be computationally fast and very efficient when tested for several data-intensive applications, whose behavioral specifications contain multidimensional arrays as main data structures. © 2014 IEEE.
Leakage-aware scratch-pad memory banking for embedded multidimensional signal processing
Florin Balasa, Noha Abuaesh, Cristian V. Gingu, and Doru V. Nasui
Partitioning a memory into multiple banks that can be independently accessed is an approach mainly used for the reduction of the dynamic energy consumption. When leakage energy comes into play as well, the idle memory banks must be put in a low-leakage 'dormant' state to save static energy when not accessed. The energy savings must be large enough to compensate the energy overhead spent by changing the bank status from active to dormant, then back to active again. This paper addresses the problem of energy-aware on-chip memory banking, taking into account - during the exploration of the search space - the idleness time intervals of the data mapped into the memory banks. As on-chip storage, we target scratch-pad memories (SPMs) since they are commonly used in embedded systems as an alternative to caches. The proposed approach proved to be computationally fast and very efficient when tested for several data-intensive applications, whose behavioral specifications contain multidimensional arrays as main data structures. © 2014 IEEE.
On the stability of random access with energy harvesting and collision resolution
Ahmed M. Bedewy, Karim G. Seddik, and Amr A. El-Sherif
[abstract not available]
Novel luminal spatiotemporally localized waves
Ioannis M. Besieris and Amr M. Shaarawi
[abstract not available]
Two transient plays: A streetcar named desire and camino real
Frank Bradley
© 2002 by Robert F. Gross. Critics have made much of the similarities and resonances between Anton Chekhov’s and Tennessee Williams’s plays the qualities of lyricism, poignancy, the bittersweet vision of life, the resemblances among certain characters in the plays, and a basic humanity shared by the writers. An opportunity for comparing these two playwrights in detail is provided by the 1997 publication of Williams’s The Notebook of Trigorin, subtitled ‘a free adaptation of Chekhov’s ‘The Seagull’. Williams’s focus on sex and age continues in Masha and Medvedenko’s discussion of whether Arkadina and Trigorin are lovers or just traveling companions something which would have been understood in Chekhov’s culture and the fact that in Notebook Trigorin is made closer in age to Treplev than to Arkadina. Notebook is a bleakly funny, wonderfully gothic and even grotesque melodrama and must be taken on its own terms, separated from comparison with its source of inspiration.
Design and optimization of multi-modal vibration energy harvesters using slitted beams
Mina Dawoud, Hesham Hegazi, and Mustafa Arafa
[abstract not available]
Wireless Sensor Network deployment using a variable-length genetic algorithm
Dina S. Deif and Yasser Gadallah
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Solar thermal power generation using a double concentration on a dish collector
Ramy Khalid Zakaria El Adli Imam, Mohamed Yassin, Mohamed Donia, and Ahmed Atiya
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Hyperlink-extended pseudo relevance feedback for improved microblog retrieval
Tarek El-Ganainy, Walid Magdy, and Ahmed Rafea
[abstract not available]
Structural deterioration prediction modeling for coastal protection structures in alexandria eastern harbor
Ayman El Hakea, Soliman Abu-Samra, Ossama Hosny, and Hesham Osman
Limited research has been carried out on artificial-intelligence-based deterioration modeling for coastal structures. An asset inventory database (AID) for Alexandria's Eastern Harbor coastal assets was developed. Established visual inspection and condition rating procedures were followed to obtain a current structural condition index (SI) and a structural condition matrix (SCM) for each structure, considering a single inspection point. SIs and SCMs are classified into severity ranges. Taking the age of structure into account, transition probabilities between each of the deterioration severity ranges were calculated using backward analysis. Such probabilities then were utilized to formulate the structure's Markov- Chain (MC) transition probability matrix, enabling the prediction of future deterioration in case of a no-action policy. Furthermore, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was constructed using the same backward analysis concept. Comparing the MC and the ANN deterioration forecasts up to year 2050 for the same structures, the results showed very close deterioration trends with an error margin ranging between 5% and 12%. It was concluded that the stochastic MC-based deterioration modeling was more accurate in simulating the deterioration of structures between their year of construction and present. The deterministic ANN model showed promising capability of deterioration prediction depending on the quality of the structure's design data, historical records, and environmental conditions. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
On the stable throughput of cooperative cognitive radio networks with finite relaying buffer
Adel M. Elmahdy, Amr El-Keyi, Tamer Elbatt, and Karim G. Seddik
[abstract not available]
Low-power all-digital manchester-encoding-based high-speed serdes transceiver for on-chip networks
Abdelrahman H. Elsayed, Ramy N. Tadros, Maged Ghoneima, and Yehea Ismail
This paper proposes a new architecture that multiplexes both data and clock on serial links, reduces Inter symbol interference (ISI) by using a resistive termination technique, and uses two-level Manchester encoding to solve the reduced swing problem and enable the use of power efficient circuitry. Using this signaling scheme makes the system insensitive to jitter accumulation along the transmission line, and avoids the need for a power hungry clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. A self-calibrating digital-delay line is also implemented inside the decoder to enable the system to operate efficiently across process, voltage and temperature variations. The proposed scheme is implemented for a 3mm long on-chip transmission line in TSMC 65nm technology and simulation results are presented. © 2014 IEEE.
Performance evaluation of finFET based SRAM under statistical VT variability
Ahmed T. El-Thakeb, Hamdy Abd Elhamid, Hassan Mostafa, and Yehea Ismail
[abstract not available]
Adaptive spectrum hole detection using Sequential Compressive Sensing
Ahmed M. Elzanati, Mohamed F. Abdelkader, Karim G. Seddik, and Atef M. Ghuniem
[abstract not available]
Novel aluminum-carbon nanotubes composites for structural applications
Amal M. K. Esawi, E. Salama, and Y. Ibrahim
The development of aluminum-carbon nanotubes (Al-CNT) composites has seen a surge in interest following promising results reported by various groups. The latest enhancements achieved by the research group: an increase in tensile strength and Young's modulus of 69% and 23% respectively for Al-CNT composites with 5 wt. % MWCNT were accompanied by a reduction in ductility expected to limit the applications of these novel composites. This is currently being addressed through the use of (1) dual matrix approach in which the CNTs are embedded in a first matrix of aluminum powders which are consequently embedded in a second matrix of aluminum; (2) functionally-graded (FG) approach in which a gradual change in the composition of the CNT-reinforced regions is tailored so as to produce a design-efficient material with an ultra hard surface that gradually leads to a soft core. The two approaches aim at enhancing the formability of the material for wider industrial applications.
Optimization-based approach for organizing the bidding of nonserial repetitive projects
Ahmed Samer Ezeldin and Ahmed M. Alhady
In practice, the number of contracts and the categories of contractors to be called for bidding on nonserial repetitive projects under one major program often are estimated on the basis of intuition and experience. It may involve emotional reactions to existing surrounding conditions. Accordingly, the factors that form the possible different scenarios should be properly analyzed and evaluated. This paper introduces an analytical model that allows for decisions on the number of contracts and projects per contractor for different contractor categories within major construction infrastructure programs. These optimum decisions are reached using an integrated time and cost objective. Genetic algorithm has been employed for performing optimization. A computer-based model has been developed and validated. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Birth of the 'Secular' Individual: Medical and Legal Methods of Identification in Nineteenth-Century Egypt
Khaled Fahmy
[no abstract provided]
An IP-based arrangement to connect wireless sensor networks to the Internet of Things
Yasser Gadallah, Ehab Elalamy, and Mostafa Eltager
[abstract not available]
Innovative and cost-effective coring technique extended coring for long intervals of multiple zones with world record - Case histories from the UAE
M. Hegazy Gehad, Adel M. Salem, Shedid A. Shedid, Muhammad N. Aftab, and Ali Muhammad
[abstract not available]
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