Structural deterioration prediction modeling for coastal protection structures in alexandria eastern harbor
Construction Engineering Department
Limited research has been carried out on artificial-intelligence-based deterioration modeling for coastal structures. An asset inventory database (AID) for Alexandria's Eastern Harbor coastal assets was developed. Established visual inspection and condition rating procedures were followed to obtain a current structural condition index (SI) and a structural condition matrix (SCM) for each structure, considering a single inspection point. SIs and SCMs are classified into severity ranges. Taking the age of structure into account, transition probabilities between each of the deterioration severity ranges were calculated using backward analysis. Such probabilities then were utilized to formulate the structure's Markov- Chain (MC) transition probability matrix, enabling the prediction of future deterioration in case of a no-action policy. Furthermore, an artificial neural network (ANN) model was constructed using the same backward analysis concept. Comparing the MC and the ANN deterioration forecasts up to year 2050 for the same structures, the results showed very close deterioration trends with an error margin ranging between 5% and 12%. It was concluded that the stochastic MC-based deterioration modeling was more accurate in simulating the deterioration of structures between their year of construction and present. The deterministic ANN model showed promising capability of deterioration prediction depending on the quality of the structure's design data, historical records, and environmental conditions. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Construction Research Congress 2014: Construction in a Global Network - Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress
Daniel Castro-Lacouture; Javier Irizarry; Baabak Ashuri
American Society of Civil Engineers
Atlanta, Georgia
First Page
Last Page
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
El Hakea, A.
Abu-Samra, S.
Hosny, O.
Osman, H.
(2014). Structural deterioration prediction modeling for coastal protection structures in alexandria eastern harbor. In Daniel Castro-Lacouture; Javier Irizarry; Baabak Ashuri (Eds.), Construction Research Congress 2014: Construction in a Global Network - Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress (pp. 2185-2194). American Society of Civil Engineers.
MLA Citation
El Hakea, Ayman, et al.
"Structural deterioration prediction modeling for coastal protection structures in alexandria eastern harbor." Construction Research Congress 2014: Construction in a Global Network - Proceedings of the 2014 Construction Research Congress, edited by Daniel Castro-Lacouture; Javier Irizarry; Baabak Ashuri, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014. pp. 2185-2194