
Submissions from 2024


The figures, profiles, border figures (figures-limites), and ‘pure schema’ of Foucault’s later lectures on cosmopolitanism, Chris Barker


Reflections on the Study of Contentious Politics in the Middle East and North Africa, Rabab El-Mahdi


Women’s Religious Agency and the Positioning of the Mosque: a Case Study of State-Sponsored Female Preaching in Egypt, Dina Hosni

The war on Gaza: carnage of hard power, Walid Kazziha


How Bashar al-Asad Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the "war on Terror", Sean Lee

Submissions from 2023

Taxing the rich but not the capitalists: Direct taxation in Sisi’s Egypt (2014-2021), Amr Adly

Foucault’s anarchaeology of Christianity: Understanding confession as a basic form of obedience, Chris Barker

On Legal and Legitimate Wars in the Transforming Public Sphere: Social Contract Theory’s Confusion about War Declarations, Chris Barker

The American action film and the Arendt–Pitkin ‘tyranny of “the Social”’, Chris Barker

Mobilization, Repression and Policy Concessions in Authoritarian Regimes: The Cases of Egypt and Jordan, Nadine Sika

The consequences of trust and repression on the rise and fall of movements in authoritarian regimes, Nadine Sika

Submissions from 2022

Hiroshima in Egypt: interpretations and imaginations of the atomic age, Hebatalla Taha


Hiroshima in Egypt: interpretations and imaginations of the atomic age, Hebatalla Taha

Submissions from 2021

Disempowerment without expropriation: Egypt’s old oligarchy under Sisi, Amr Adly

Economy, Amr Adly

Origins and consequences of economic globalization: moving beyond a flawed orthodoxy, Syed Javed Maswood

Citizenship and religious freedoms in post-revolutionary egypt, Mohamed Fahmy Menza

Middle eastern middle powers: The roles of norms in mediation and conflict prevention, Marco Pinfari

Submissions from 2020

Authoritarian restitution in bad economic times Egypt and the crisis of global neoliberalism, Amr Adly

Sexuality as a standard of civilization: Historicizing (homo)colonial intersections of race, gender, and class, Andrew Delatolla

The "linguistic ceasefire": Negotiating in an age of proscription, Sophie Haspeslagh

Euro-Mediterranean partnership and youth policies in the MENA: why policy discourse travels but implementation doesn’t, Emma Murphy and Nadine Sika

Special Issue: The Political Aesthetics of Democratization Conflicts, Marco Pinfari

Beyond the Impasse? Dynamics of youth agency in times of crisis, Nadine Sika

Contentious activism and political trust in non-democratic regimes: evidence from the MENA, Nadine Sika

Youth socio-economic and political grievances: Bringing the "Political" back into understanding contestation in the MENA, Nadine Sika

Submissions from 2019

How to tell the political truth: Foucault on new combinations of the basic modes of veridiction, Christopher Barker

The Lebanese Civil War and post-conflict power sharing: continuation of conflict dynamics in post-conflict environments, Andrew Delatolla

The Peace-Makers‘ War : Camp David Peace Accords 40 Years After, Bahgat Korany

Icons of Contention: The Iconography of Martyrdom and the Construction of Coptic Identity in Post-Revolutionary Egypt, Marco Pinfari

Neoliberalism, marginalization and the uncertainties of being young: The case of Egypt, Nadine Sika

Repression, Cooptation, and Movement Fragmentation in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from the Youth Movement in Egypt, Nadine Sika

Submissions from 2018

Jihad Jurisprudence in Al-Andalus: A Case Study of the Ẓāhirī Ibn Ḥazm, Nesrine Mahmoud Badawi

Dostoevsky and Education through Punishment, Christopher Barker

Policing, Incarceration, Race, and Protest after Ferguson, Christopher Barker

Racializing Religion: Constructing Colonial Identities in the Syrian Provinces in the Nineteenth Century, Andrew Delatolla

Decline of the Regime or Demise of the State?, Rabab El Mahdi

The Failure of the Regime or the Demise of the State?, Rabab El-Mahdi

The Politics of Cultural Essentialism: Bint Al-Shati’ and the Cult of Authenticity., Nehal Mohamed El Naggar

State and regime capacity in authoritarian elections: Egypt before the Arab spring, Kevin Koehler

EU Mediation in Egypt: The Limits of Reactive Conflict Management, Marco Pinfari

In the Leopard’s Footprints, Marco Pinfari

The EU and Conflict Resolution in Egypt: The Limits of Reactive Conflict Management, Marco Pinfari

Civil society and the rise of unconventional modes of youth participation in the MENA, Nadine Sika

Civil Society and the Rise of Unconventional Modes of Youth Participation in the MENA, Nadine Mourad Sedky Sika

Neoliberalism, Marginalization and the uncertainties of being young: the case of Egypt, Nadine Mourad Sedky Sika

Repression, Cooptation and Movement Fragmentation in Authoritarian Regimes Evidence from the Youth Movement in Egypt, Nadine Mourad Sedky Sika

Submissions from 2017

Political militaries in popular uprisings: A comparative perspective on the Arab Spring, Kevin Koehler

Framing through Paradox: Egypt and the “Obama Supports Terrorism” Campaign, Marco Pinfari

Democratization in the Middle East and North Africa: A More Ambidextrous Process?, Philippe C. Schmitter and Nadine Sika

Ambiguities of student activism, authoritarianism and democratic attitudes: the cases of Egypt and Morocco, Nadine Sika

Ties to the Rest: Autocratic Linkages and Regime Survival, Oisín Tansey, Kevin Koehler, and Alexander Schmotz

Submissions from 2016

Exit, resistance, loyalty: Military behavior during unrest in authoritarian regimes, Holger Albrecht and Dorothy Ohl

Regulation of armed conflict: critical comparativism, Nesrine Badawi

An empire of eros: Colonizing through desire in diderot’s supplement to bougainville’s ‘voyage’, Christian R. Donath

Revolutionary Islamists and the politics of wait and desperation in Egypt, Ashraf El Sherif

The Strong Egypt Party: representing a progressive/democratic Islamist party?, Ashraf El Sherif

From disaffection to desertion: How networks facilitate military insubordination in civil conflict, Kevin Koehler, Dorothy Ohl, and Holger Albrecht

Temporality, Peace Initiatives and Palestinian-Israeli Politics, Sean F. McMahon

Submissions from 2015

Does Coup-Proofing Work? Political–Military Relations in Authoritarian Regimes amid the Arab Uprisings, Holger Albrecht

The myth of coup-proofing: Risk and instances of military coups d’état in the middle east and North Africa, 1950–2013, Holger Albrecht

Palestine in the Arab dilemma, Walid W. Kazziha

Submissions from 2013

Sunni Islam: Part I: Classical sources: Part II: Contemporary sources, Nesrine Badawi and John Kelsay

Voting for justices: Change and continuity in confirmation voting 1937-2010, Charles M. Cameron, Jonathan P. Kastellec, and Jee Kwang Park

Liberal art: Art and education for citizenship in kant's critique of judgment, Christian R. Donath

Simulating the Camp David Negotiations: A Problem-Solving Tool in Critical Pedagogy, Sean F. McMahon and Chris Miller

The EU, Egypt and Morsi's Rise and Fall: 'Strategic Patience' and Its Discontents, Marco Pinfari

Dynamics of development and uprisings in the Arab world, Nadine Mourad Sika

Submissions from 2012

Institutional and ideological re-construction of the justice and development party (PJD): The question of democratic Islamism in Morocco, Ashraf Nabih El Sherif

After the Arab spring: Islamism, secularism, and democracy, Ellen Lust, Gamal Soltan, and Jakob Wichmann

The role of women in the Arab world: Toward a new wave of democratization, or an ebbing wave toward authoritarianism?, Nadine Sika

Youth political engagement in Egypt: From abstention to uprising, Nadine Sika

One step forward, two steps back? Egyptian women within the confines of authoritarianism, Nadine Sika and Yasmin Khodary

Submissions from 2011

Labour protests in Egypt: Causes and meanings, Rabab El-Mahdi

Egypt's Spring: Causes of the Revolution, Ann M. Lesch

North Africa's epochal year of freedom, Augustus Richard Norton and Ashraf El-Sherif

Empire des Nègres Blancs: The Hybridity of International Personality and the Abyssinia Crisis of 1935"36, Rose Parfitt

The Millennium Development Goals: Prospects for gender equality in the Arab world, Nadine Sika