A different world, a different Egypt: Observations on the geopolitical context of the papers
Mark C. Kennedy
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Introduction: Social Change in Egypt, 1977-1997
Mark C. Kennedy
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
The Good, the Bad, and the News: Twenty Years of the Egyptian Media
James J. Napoli and Hussein Y. Amin
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Cynthia Nelson
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
The Women's Question: New Directions of Inquiry and Action: Roundtable Discussion
Cynthia Nelson and Shahnaz Rouse
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Losing the Key to Peace: American Policy and the Palestinians
Charles Perreault
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Reforms in the Basic Educational Compulsory System: A Reading of Primary School Arabic Curricula in Egypt
Malak S. Rouchdy
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Discussion: Concluding Remarks
Shahnaz Rouse
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
The Nation in the Village: War and Migration in Narratives of Egyptian Peasants
Reem Saad
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Different Approaches to Violence against Women
Aida Seif El Dawla
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Family Planning to Reproduction Health, Women to Gender: Small Steps in a Circle
Hania Sholkamy
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Israel and it's Pursuit of Peace in the Middle East
Ann McLennan Smith
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
The birth of Cairo Papers in Social Science
Earl L. Sullivan
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Riding the Roller Coaster: Egypt's Regional Economic Relations Since Camp David
Paul Sullivan
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Twenty Years of the Peace Process and its Impact on the Arab World
Andrew John Tabler
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Redressing the Balance: Male Sexuality and Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt
Daia Wassef
The second of two issues, this volume covers aspects of Egyptian society. Contributors include: Donald Cole, Soraya Altorki, Asef Bayat, Eric Denis, Enid Hill, Ziad Bahaeddin, Malak Rouchdy, Linda Herrera, Jim Napoli, Hussein Amin, Mahmoud al-Lozy, Cynthia Nelson, and Shahnaz Rouse.
Change in the Egyptian Economy 1977,1997
John R. Westley
The first of two issues that contain a collection of papers delivered at the Cairo Papers 20th Anniversary Symposium, this volume covers political and economic issues. Contributors include: Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, John Westley, Galal Amin, Ibrahim Awad, Paul Sullivan, Mostafa Kamel al-Sayyid, Andrew Tabler, Ann McLennan Smith, and Charles Perreault.
Assessing Gender/Women's Studies: A Comparative Perspective -- Women's Studies Programs: The Middle East in Context
Nahla Abdo
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
Lila Abu Lughod
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
Women's Studies in the Middle East: Some Problems and Prospects
Haleh Afshar
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
Open Discussion (Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop)
Haleh Afshar, Boutheina Cheriet, Shahnaz Rouse, Barbara Ibrahim, and Seteney Shamy
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
Reconceptualizing Research and Policy: Gender, Development, and Policy Formation
Boutheina Cheriet
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
Reconceptualizing Research and Policy: International Gender discourses: private comparative research agendas and methodologies- The Middle East and the United States
Sondra Hale
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
The Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World: The Natural Outcome of the First Women's college in the Middle East
Mona Khalaf
The proceedings of the Arab Regional Women’s Studies Workshop held at the American University in Cairo in May 1997. Among the theoretical and practical issues discussed are: the importance of introducing gender studies in order to achieve social equality in the Arab World, rethinking political and research priorities in order to give more attention to gender issues, and comparing gender programs in some Arab countries.
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