God, Nature, and Mankind: Some Muslim Views on Proper Conduct Towards Other Creatures with Special Reference to the 10th century Brethren of Purity
E.M. Sartain
The first volume of four issues addressing nature and its cultural expression. Contributors include: J.R. McNeil, Sharif S. Elmusa, Robert Switzer, E.M. Sartain, Maysa Abou-Youssef Yayward
The Place of Nature in Hayy Ibn Yaqzan and Robinson Crusoe
Robert Switzer
The first volume of four issues addressing nature and its cultural expression. Contributors include: J.R. McNeil, Sharif S. Elmusa, Robert Switzer, E.M. Sartain, Maysa Abou-Youssef Yayward
The Parliamentary Elections of Year 2000 in Egypt: A Lesson in Political Participation
Assia Boutaleb
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Elections in Sudan
Curtis Francis Doebbler
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Israel's 2001 Elections: Stability at Stake
Iman A. Hamdy
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Introduction (Elections in the Middle East)
Iman A. Hamdy
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Democracy and/or Stability? The Lebanese Parliamentary Elections of 2000
Judith Harik
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
The 2000 Elections: New Rules, New Tactics
Maye Kassem
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Elections in Egypt: Rumblings for Change
Mona Makram-Ebeid
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
1999 Elections in Turkey: Nationalists and Globalization
Baskin Oran
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Transformation Without Transition: Electoral Politics, Network Ties, and the Persistence of the Shadow State
Christopher Parker
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
Bouteflika: A Badly Elected President Looking for Peace? The 1999 Presidential Elections in Algeria
Sami Zemni
The first and second issue of four volumes, this volume addresses elections in the Middle East. Contributors include: Assia Boutaleb, Judith Harik, Mona Markram-Ebeid, Christopher Parker, Curtis Francis Doebbler, Maye Kassem, Baskin Oran, Sami Zemni.
The Absent Father
Josette Abdalla
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Domestic Public Debt in Egypt: Magnitude, Structure, and Consequences
Gouda Abdel-Khalek
[abstract not provided]
Sisterhood and Stewardship in sister-brother relations in Saudi Arabia
Soraya Altorki
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Social Change and Parent Adolescent Dynamics in Egypt
Sahar El Tawila, Barbara Ibrahim, and Hind Wassef
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Terminating Marriage
Philippe Fargues
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Introduction: The new Arab family
Nicholas S. Hopkins
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Introduction: The New Arab Family
Nicholas S. Hopkins
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Among Brothers: Patriarchal Connectivity and Brotherly Deference in Lebanon
Suad Joseph
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Families and Households: Headship and Co-Residence
Zeinab Khedr and Laila El Zeini
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
The Impact of Food Subsidy Policy on Low Income People and the Poor in Egypt
Karima Korayem
[abstract not provided]
From Sexual Submission to Voluntary Commitment: The Transformationof Family Ties in Contemporary Tunisia
Lilia Labidi
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Age-Discrepant marriages in Egypt
Magued I. Osman and Laila S. Shahd
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
Nuptiality in Arab countries: Changes and implications
Hoda Rashad and Magued Osman
This volume represents revised versions of a collection of papers presented at Cairo Papers Ninth Annual Symposium on ''The New Arab Family,'' held in May 2000. Marriage, divorce, and related topics were center stage, particularly in the demographic papers. Another focus was to combine two very different approaches to the study of the family -- on the one hand demographic, and on the other broadly sociological or anthropological, or as some would say, psychodynamic, that is to say focusing on dyadic or multi-member networks of relationships within the family. Some of these papers in turn focused on ''agency,'' the ways in which individual action fit into cultural and social frames. The research covers most of the Arab world, though with a focus on Egypt. In addition to general papers relying on demographic data from different parts of the Arab world, the volume includes case studies from Tunisia, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia.
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