A Place Called Tahrir
Sabelo Narasimhan
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
January 25: Visual Knowledge of an Event - A Place Called Tahrir
Sabelo Narasimhan
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/5
Crossing borders, retaining boundaries
Cedric Parizot
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
Historical orientations to the study of family change: Ideational forces considered
Hoda Rashad
Have Western ways of understanding family ties and family change affected perceptions about these human ties in Middle Eastern populations? Have Western understandings of family also affected how people in Middle Eastern cultures understand themselves? The essays in this collection address questions like these, which academics have only recently begun to ask.
Historical orientations to the study of family change: Ideational forces considered
Hoda Rashad
Have Western ways of understanding family ties and family change affected perceptions about these human ties in Middle Eastern populations? Have Western understandings of family also affected how people in Middle Eastern cultures understand themselves? The essays in this collection address questions like these, which academics have only recently begun to ask.
Galilee vs. Jerusalem: Space and Temporality in Mark's Gospel
Michael Reimer
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
Beyond the Written: Visual Productions and Sensory Knowledge
Hanan Sabea and Mark R. Westmoreland
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/4
Beyond the Written: Visual Productions and Sensory Knowledge
Hanan Sabea and Mark R. Westmoreland
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
The Serpent and the Ship: Imaginatioin, Memory, and Rhetoric in Early Byzantine Constantinople
A.C.S. Saunders
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
The Features and Functions of Certain Tombs in Cairo, Medina, and Aswan
Mark Sedgwick
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
The Empowerment of Women: Rights and Entitlements in Arab Worlds
Hania Sholkamy
Since the late 1990s rights-based approaches (RBAs) in development have been advanced by the major institutional development actors such as the UN, multilateral and bilateral agencies, and international NGOs. A number of critiques of RBAs have emerged that question whether the emancipatory potential of rights discourse and practice will be realized within development. These critiques, however, have not sufficiently questioned the implication of rights discourse and practice for advancing a gender equality agenda and women 's autonomy. This is an area that needs considerable research, and this publication explores some of the key issues at stake. The publication, based on contributions from different regions of the world, sheds light on the problematic of delivering on rights in a way that treats and sees women as entities in themselves and worthy of rights, and not simply in relation to a man and as subordinate within gender relations. The authors remind us that in order to practice rights, we need on the one hand to side with, promote and learn from the awareness of those deprived of rights, because it is their agency that will fuel and drive the struggle for rights. On the other hand, rights-based practice requires a politically engaged research, activist and development community in order to promote gender equality.
Why Kin marriages? Rationales in rural Upper Egypt
Hania Sholkamy
Have Western ways of understanding family ties and family change affected perceptions about these human ties in Middle Eastern populations? Have Western understandings of family also affected how people in Middle Eastern cultures understand themselves? The essays in this collection address questions like these, which academics have only recently begun to ask.
Why Kin marriages? Rationales in rural Upper Egypt
Hania Sholkamy
Have Western ways of understanding family ties and family change affected perceptions about these human ties in Middle Eastern populations? Have Western understandings of family also affected how people in Middle Eastern cultures understand themselves? The essays in this collection address questions like these, which academics have only recently begun to ask.
The radical turn of Coptic activism: Path to democracy or to sectarian politics?
Samer Soliman
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/11
Protest against a hybrid state: words without meaning?
Robert Springborg
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/4
The Resonance of the Sacred: Body, Dimenstionality, and Place
Robert Switzer
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
The negotiation of identity among Palestinian-American returnee youth
Tamara Tamimi
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
Changing realities and changing identities
Mary Totry
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
In this Field: Akram Zaatari's Ethnographic Excavations
Mark R. Westmoreland
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
Epistemological Intersections: Anthropology and Art - In This Field: Akram Zaatari’s Ethnographic Excavations
Mark R. Westmoreland
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/11
Epistemological Intersections: Anthropology and Art - ‘Imaging Memory’: Conflations of Time and Space, and Contestations of Epistemological ‘Truth,’ in Visual Art and Ethnography
Elizabeth Wickett
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/13
Imaging Memory': Conflations of Time and Space, and Contestations of Epistemological 'Truth,' in Visual Art and Ethnography
Elizabeth Wickett
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
For a Cultural Politics of Water
Amita Baviskar
The fourth of four volumes, this volume covers resource problems in the Middle East. Contributors include: Amita Baviskar, Ana E. Cascao, Ibrahim Elnur, Robert Mabro, Greg Muttitt, MOhamed Suliman, Richard N. Tutwiler.
Power Relations, Conflict, and Cooperation in the Eastern Nile River Basin
Ana Elisa Cascao
The fourth of four volumes, this volume covers resource problems in the Middle East. Contributors include: Amita Baviskar, Ana E. Cascao, Ibrahim Elnur, Robert Mabro, Greg Muttitt, MOhamed Suliman, Richard N. Tutwiler.
Chance Favors the Prepared Mind: Oil and Water Wars in the Middle East
Sharif S. Elmusa
The fourth of four volumes, this volume covers resource problems in the Middle East. Contributors include: Amita Baviskar, Ana E. Cascao, Ibrahim Elnur, Robert Mabro, Greg Muttitt, MOhamed Suliman, Richard N. Tutwiler.
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