Exploding into the seventies: Ahmad Fu'ad Nigm, Shiekh Imam, and the aesthetics of a new youth politics
Marilyn Booth
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/5
When "enough" is not enough: Resistance during accumulation by dispossession
Ray Bush
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/8
The Buddha in the Dunes: The Aesthetics of Alientation and the Sacred in the Surreal Japanese Novel
Richard Byford
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
The Sacrament of Mari Giris: Rituals of Contact and Consumption at a Coptic Orthodox Saint's Festival in Upper Egypt
Cassandra R. Chambliss
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
Worker protests under economic liberalization in Egypt
Francoise Clement
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/9
Communitas or Contestation? Buddhist-Hindu Practices and Interactions at "The Holiest Place in Sri Lanka"
Bradley S. Clough
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
Funerary Riturals in Cairo's City of the Dead: The Sacred and the Profane, Considerations from the Field
Anna Tozzi di Marco
The first of four issues in volume 31, covering topics of sacred spaces and human perspectives. Contributors include: Richard Byford, Cassandra R. Chambliss, Anna di Marco, Michael Reimer, ACS Saunders, Mark Sedgwick, Robert Switzer.
Itineraries of Palestinian refugees
Mohamed Kamel Dorai
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
Epistemological Intersections: Anthropology and Art - Knowledge Production and the Visual Medium
Fadwa El Guindi
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/10
Knowledge Production and the Visual Medium
Fadwa el Guindi
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
A feminist movement in Egypt?
Rabab El-Mahdi
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/10
Evidence of What? The Photographic Archive and its Problematics
Heba Farid
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
Photographic Practices and the Egyptian Imaginary: Evidence of What? The Photographic Archive and Its Problematics
Heba Farid
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/7
A Film Exploration of Sanayeh, a Neighbothood of Beirut
Pascale Feghali
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
Doing Anthropology of Visual Culture and Doing Anthropology Visually: A Film Exploration of Sanayeh, a Neighborhood of Beirut
Pascale Feghali
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/15
Return Migration and the Burden of Borders
Sari Hanafi
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
Virtual and real returns
Sari Hanafi
This monograph centers on the effort to understand the issue of return migration to Palestine from a sociological point of view. Six papers examine various human situations among Palestinians, ranging from villages that have been divided by borders such as the Green Line to populations of Palestinian origin that have been cut off from their roots in Palestine and are now seeking to establish their lives elsewhere. The common theme is the role of borders and boundaries—those that people seek to cross and those that the wider political processes establish around existing populations. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 1.
On the horror of phenomenology: Lovecraft and Husserl
Graham Harman
In a dismissive review of a recent anthology on Schelling, Andrew Bowie accuses two authors of a style he ‘increasingly’ thinks of as ‘continental science fiction’. There is room for further increase in Bowie’s thinking. With his implication that science fiction belongs to the juvenile or the unhinged, Bowie enforces a sad limitation on mental experiment. For nothing resembles science fiction more than philosophy does — unless it be science itself. From its dawning in ancient Greece, philosophy has been the asylum of strange notions: a cosmic justice fusing opposites into a restored whole; a series of emanations from fixed stars to the moon to the prophets; divine intervention in the movement of human hands and legs; trees and diamonds with infinite parallel attributes, only two of them known; insular monads sparkling like mirrors and attached to tiny bodies built from chains of other monads; and the eternal recurrence of every least event. While the dismal consensus that such speculation belongs to the past is bolstered by the poor imagination of some philosophers, it finds no support among working scientists, who grow increasingly wild in their visions. Even a cursory glance at the physics literature reveals a discipline bewitched by strange attractors, degenerate topologies, black holes filled with alternate worlds, holograms generating an illusory third dimension, and matter composed of vibrant ten-dimensional strings. Mathematics, unconstrained by empirical data, has long been still bolder in its gambles. Nor can it be said that science fiction is a marginal feature of literature itself. Long before the mighty crabs and squids of Lovecraft and the tribunals of Kafka, we had Shakespeare’s witches and ghosts, Mt. Purgatory in the Pacific, the Cyclops in the Mediterranean, and the Sphinx tormenting the north of Greece.
Epistemology of Photographic Evidence: A Response
Angela Harutyunyan
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
Photographic Practices and the Egyptian Imaginary: Epistemology of Photographic Evidence: A Response
Angela Harutyunyan
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/9
Political and social protest in Egypt
Nicholas S. Hopkins
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/3
Doing Anthropology of Visual Culture and Doing Anthropology Visually: Past and Future Pathways of Culture: Cinematic Representations of Kurds and the Kurdish Issue in Turkish Media Worlds
Suncem Kocer
This collection of essays builds on presentations and debates that were part of Cairo Papers 19th Annual Symposium, “Sights of Knowledge: Debates about Visual Production in the Middle East,” held in spring 2010. It also integrates commissioned contributions by other authors to reflect the wide scope of visual productions and engagements with and about the Middle East. Of special significance is a paper that deals with the 25 January Revolution and the visual productions and effects thereof. How was the revolution experienced through the visual production of everyday life on the square? And how and what forms of visual engagements allow us to tell different façades of experiences and demands that occasioned the revolution? Cairo Papers in Social Science 31:3/14
Past and Future Pathways of Culture: Cinematic Representations of Kurds and the Kurdish Issue in Turkish Media Worlds
Suncem Kocer
The third and forth of four issues in volume 31. This issue covers topics such as visual anthropology and activism art. Contributors include: Mona Abaza, Diana Allan, Yasser Alwan, Heba Farid, Pascale Fehali, Fadwa el Guindi, Angela Harutyunyan, Suncem Kocer, Sabelo Narasimhan, Elizabeth Wickett.
Judges as reform advocates: a lost battle?
Nathalie Bernard Maugiron
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/7
The Muslim Brotherhood: contradictions and transformations
Sameh Naguib
Cairo Papers in Social Science first appeared in 1977, the year that witnessed the famous bread riots in Egypt. As the journal celebrates its 30th anniversary, Egypt also seems to be at a crossroads, as new forms of protest have been developing with the aim of challenging the existing order and inducing change. This issue includes a collection of papers delivered at Cairo Papers 30th Anniversary Symposium that deal with the different protest groups that have been active in Egypt in the last three decades, including the Kefaya movement, the Negm-Imam phenomenon, the feminist movement, Coptic activism, and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as workers' protests, rural resistance, and the judges' call for reform. Cairo Papers Vol. 29, No. 2/12
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