Most Recent Additions*
Internet Penetration and Firm Innovation in the Digital Era: A Sectoral Analysis of U.S. Firms
Mariam ElGarf
The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Inflation in the MENA region: Oil vs Non-oil countries
jailan elsaid
Enhanced LSMC for Valuation of Options
Amr Mekawy
Media, Public Opinion and Migration Policies in Euro-mediterranean Countries: The Case of France
Maysa Ayoub
The war on Gaza: carnage of hard power
Walid Kazziha
Kant, Hume, and the ‘ontological arguments’
Richard Fincham
Zone In Not Out! The Key to Winning High-Level Tetris
Jacquelyn H. Berry
Adorno and the Work of the Spirit: Modernism in Aesthetic Terms
William D. Melaney
Refashioning the sharia courts in the semi-colonial period
Hanan Kholoussy
The Sustainable Development Goals as mechanisms of educational governance in Africa
Teklu Abate Bekele
Beyond Co-integration: New Tools for Inference on Co-movements
Karim M. Abadir and Gabriel Talmain
Do strategic management, innovation and social capital matter for firm performance in developing countries? Evidence from Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt
Nizar Becheikh and Mohammed Bouaddi
Riding the crypto wave: How does country R&D spending respond?
Mina Sami and Wael Abdallah
The Metaverse: A Liquid Consumer Utopia A Journey Into Gen Z's Usage Intention Behavior Using the TRAM Model
Dina H. Bassiouni and Hakim Meshreki
A new non-parametric estimation of the expected shortfall for dependent financial losses
Khouzeima Moutanabbir and Mohammed Bouaddi
*Updated as of 01/23/25.