A Widow’s Plea: Rhetorical Strategies in Coptic Personal Letter SB Kopt I.295
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Sociology, Egyptology & Anthropology Department
In this chapter, I analyze a well-known letter sent by a widowed woman to a cleric (SB Kopt I.295), in which she seeks his help to stay in her house from which she is threatened with imminent eviction. My aim is to examine the rhetorical strategies she employed in order to convince the cleric that she is worthy of his assistance and that he should come to her aid. The focus on this widow stems from a realization that women should not be viewed, or treated, as a monolithic bloc.¹ Instead, evidence pertaining to women should be analyzed according to...
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Document Type
Book Chapter
Book Title
Coptic Culture and Community: Daily Lives, Changing Times
Mariam F. Ayad
The American University in Cairo Press (January 16, 2024)
Cairo and New York
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APA Citation
Ayad, M.
(2024). A Widow’s Plea: Rhetorical Strategies in Coptic Personal Letter SB Kopt I.295. In Mariam F. Ayad (Eds.), Coptic Culture and Community: Daily Lives, Changing Times (pp. 137-166). The American University in Cairo Press (January 16, 2024).
MLA Citation
Ayad, Mariam.
"A Widow’s Plea: Rhetorical Strategies in Coptic Personal Letter SB Kopt I.295." Coptic Culture and Community: Daily Lives, Changing Times, edited by Mariam F. Ayad, The American University in Cairo Press (January 16, 2024), 2024. pp. 137-166