Egypt recognizes the impacts of climate change and is particularly vulnerable because of its high-density population, economic burden and geographical location. In response, Egypt established National Climate Change Council in 2016. In 2022, the council issued “National Climate Change Strategy 2050” to integrate and align the efforts of government bodies to adapt and mitigate climate change risks. One of the strategic goals of “National Climate Change Strategy 2050” is to enhance climate governance in Egypt as a critical tool. This study attempts to evaluate climate change policies in the context of good governance by using a tool developed by World Bank named Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). The study follows qualitative descriptive approach and employs mixed methods, including semi-structured interviews, surveys, and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Total of 42 semi-structured interviews include 15 interviews with climate change experts, 14 with teachers, and 14 with parents. These methods are used to evaluate the extent to which good governance principles are reflected in climate change policies. The survey explores the general knowledge about climate change among higher education to assess awareness levels. Climate change education in primary schools is examined by reviewing the curriculum of primary schools from years 1 to 5 and interviewing teachers and parents. Principles of good governance in climate change policies are analyzed from data collected from interviews with 15 experts in the climate change filed. This analysis is conducted through Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative (FSQCA) software, applying WGI criteria as independent variables, with principles of good governance as an outcome. The study finds that while Egypt is making different efforts to align with principles of good governance, there is room for improvement at the coordination and awareness levels.
KEYWORDS: Climate governance, WGI, Climate change policies, FSQCA.
School of Sciences and Engineering
Center for Applied Research on the Environment & Sustainability
Degree Name
MS in Sustainable Development
Graduation Date
Spring 3-12-2025
Submission Date
First Advisor
Shahjahan Bhuiyan
Committee Member 1
Laila El baradei
Committee Member 2
Noura Wahby
Committee Member 3
Charles Kaye
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval
Approval has been obtained for this item
Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Elshourbagy, M.
(2025).Climate Change Policies and Good Governance in Egypt [Master's Thesis, the American University in Cairo]. AUC Knowledge Fountain.
MLA Citation
Elshourbagy, Mahmoud. Climate Change Policies and Good Governance in Egypt. 2025. American University in Cairo, Master's Thesis. AUC Knowledge Fountain.
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