Submission Guidelines for Theses and Dissertations
Follow the instructions below to submit to Theses and Dissertations. Before submitting, please read all relevant policies.
PART 0: Before you Start
- Make sure that your thesis or dissertation meets the requirements of AUC’s Office of Graduate Studies and of your department.
- Complete all necessary forms and secure any necessary approvals (advisors, Institutional Review Board/IRB, etc.).
PART 1: Getting Started
- Set up a (free) account on AUC Knowledge Fountain ("Fount"), by clicking on My Account at the top of the homepage.
- Follow the “Sign up” link at the bottom of the page to reach the account creation form.
- Please ensure that you enter your name EXACTLY as it appears on your thesis or dissertation.
- Check your email, and activate your account by clicking on the link provided in the message.
PART 2: Preparing your material
You will need to upload electronic copies of the following:
- The final version of your thesis:
- All chapters, including the bibliography, must be contained in one file. Please name your file in the follwing manner: firstname_othername_lastname_thesis (NB: underscores, no spaces; e.g.: amira_emad_elmasry_thesis)
- Supplementary files (such as datasets, audiovisual recordings, etc...), if applicable. Name the files as follows: firstname_othername_lastname_filename (e.g. amira_emad_elmasry_dataset)
- IRB Approval Waiver Form (fully signed by all parties)
- Turnitin receipt (a copy of the automatically generated report)
- Signature page, complete with all signatures.
- CAPMAS Approval (if applicable).
Please name these files in the same manner as your thesis, with the extensions "_irb", "_turnitin", and "_signature". For example, amira_emad_elmasry_irb.
You also need prepared the following items, so that you can copy them into the submission form:
- The thesis or dissertation title
- The abstract (up to 250 words)
- A list of keywords (10 maximum)
PART 3: Uploading your thesis or dissertation
The online submission process has four steps:
- Approving the Submission Agreement
- Filling the online submission form
- Attaching the main file of your thesis or dissertation
- Uploading supplementary files, and the required forms listed above.
Step 1: The Submission Agreement
Please review, and approve the terms of the Submission Agreement. Note that this agreement does not entail a transfer of rights: You retain full copyright of your thesis or dissertation. By consenting to the Submission Agreement, you grant a license to AUC to publish your work on your behalf. Please print the license page for future reference.
Step 2: The Submission Form
After you approve the Submission Agreement, you will be taken to a form. Please fill all applicable fields on this form. Some fields are required, and detailed instructions are given below for each of the fields.
Title: Enter the complete title of your thesis or dissertation, exactly as it appears on the cover page of your thesis or dissertation.
Name: Your name should automatically appear in the author field. If not, then please enter it here; please ensure that your name matches the name on your AUC records.
AUC ID Number: Provide your full ID number. This will NOT be displayed publicly in AUC Knowledge Fountain.
Abstract: Copy the abstract you prepared for your thesis or dissertation.
Department: Select the name of your department from the drop-down menu.
Degree Name: Select the name of your degree from the drop-down menu.
Graduation Date: Enter the month and year of your expected graduation ceremony. If you are not sure about the date, you can provide an approximate date.
First Advisor: Enter the name of your thesis or dissertation advisor, as it appears in your thesis or dissertation.
Committee Member: Enter the names of the members of your committee, as they appear in your thesis or dissertation
Document type: Select "MA Thesis" or "PhD Dissertation" from the drop-down menu.
Number of pages: Enter the total number of pages of your thesis or dissertation, based on the last numbered page, and enter "p." after that number.
Keywords: Enter a maximum of ten keyword descriptors (words or phrases) that are important for describing your thesis or dissertation.
Subject Categories: Please select the subject category that best fits your thesis or dissertation.
Restrictions on online access/Embargo Period: Please select from the drop-down menu. If you select "no restriction", your thesis or dissertation will be available online immediately after your submission has been approved. This option is preferred. Alternatively, you may request to restrict online access for six, twelve, and twenty-four months from the date of submission. Please choose these options only if you have valid reason (such as a pending patent, or a publication under review), or after discussing embargo options with your supervisor. After the embargo period elapses, your thesis or dissertation will automatically become available online.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: Select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Uploading the thesis or dissertation
- To upload your thesis, click on the “Browse” button and select the file which contains your thesis.
- Important: You will need to upload several forms with your thesis, so the "Supplemental Files" box MUST be checked.
- Click on "Submit"
Adding required forms and supplemental files
After submitting the form, you will be taken to a page where you can upload additional files. These include:
- Required forms (see above, Part 2: Preparing your material)
- Supplemental files: Datasets, spreadsheets, audiovisual files, etc... that are part of your thesis
To upload supplemental files, please proceed as follows:
- Choose “Browse” to find additional files to upload.
- For supplemental files related to the content of your thesis check the “Show” box so files will be available to the public. For required forms leave the "Show" box empty so that files will not be available to the public.
- Type in a title or descriptor for each file.
- Click “Save”.
- Click “Continue” and you will be returned to the submission form.
When you have completed entering information into all fields on the form, click the “Submit” button to submit your thesis or dissertation and any supplemental files to AUC Knowledge Fountain. By doing so you agree to give permission for your thesis or dissertation to be made available on AUC Knowledge Fountain. You will still retain the copyright, and will be able to publish the content of your thesis or dissertation elsewhere./p>
PART 4: Finalizing the submission process
After you click “Submit” on the form, you will be sent to a page displaying the information you entered. Please double check that the information you entered is correct.
If you have corrections to make, click the “Revise Submission” option, which will take you back into the previous screen where you can make any necessary changes. Be sure to click “Save” after any changes are made.
You will receive a confirmation email when you have successfully submitted your thesis or dissertation. Please check your spam folder if you did not receive this confirmation email.
Within a few business days Library staff will review your submission, and approve its inclusion in AUC Knowledge Fountain. You will receive an email from the Library alerting you of this, and also informing the Registrar that your thesis or dissertation submission to Fount has been approved (submission of your thesis to Fount is a required point on your graduation checklist). If any changes are needed to your submission the Library will contact you about additional actions needed by you.