Tumult, Trauma, and Resilience: Psychological Well-being of Cairenes One Year Following the January 25, 2011 Uprisings
Deena Abdelmonem, Salma N. Mohamed, Tiya Abdel-Malek, and Mona M. Amer
Egypt is a country of its people. What has been the effect on its inhabitants of the 2011 revolution and subsequent developments? In 2013, a conference held under the auspices of Cairo Papers in Social Science examined this issue from the points of view of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, psychologists, and urban planners. The papers collected here reveal the strategies that various actors employed in this situation.
Revolutionary Poetics and Translation
Tahia Khaled Gamal Abdel Nasser
The poetry recited in 2011 in the context of the Egyptian revolution, and its later translation into a variety of languages, contributed to local and global understandings of that historical moment. This essay examines some of the ways in which new poetic production in 2013-2014 extends and reconfigures the revolutionary movement in Egypt, the difference between the new poetics and the poetry inspired by the 2011 revolution, and the effect that translating new poetry concerned with the events that have been unfolding since 2011 can have on global understandings of the unfolding narrative of the uprising. I argue that the poetry of Tahrir published in 2013 renews the revolutionary ideals epitomized in the poetry that appeared in 2011. The poetry of Amin Haddad, as a case in point, translates the dreams and aspirations of Tahrir, resituated in 2013 and 2014 with the publication of a new volume. I examine Haddad’s poetry against English translations of poetry since 2011 and argue that translation of this new poetry is an ethical and political act that simultaneously reads and registers the iterations of Tahrir and the developing narrative of revolution in the contemporary local poetry scene.
A tunable receiver architecture utilizing time-varying matching network for a universal receiver
Hoda Abdelsalam, Emad Hegazi, Hassan Mostafa, and Yehea Ismail
[abstract not available]
5-Level buck converter with reduced inductor size suitable for on-chip integration
Abdullah Abdulslam and Yehea Ismail
[abstract not available]
Optimization of the fabricated silicon nanowires for energy-harvesting applications
Sara H. Abel Razek Mohamed, Nageh K. Allam, and Mohamed A. Swillam
[abstract not available]
Militarism, Neoliberalism, and Revolution in Egypt
Zeinab Abul-Magd
Egypt is a country of its people. What has been the effect on its inhabitants of the 2011 revolution and subsequent developments? In 2013, a conference held under the auspices of Cairo Papers in Social Science examined this issue from the points of view of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, psychologists, and urban planners. The papers collected here reveal the strategies that various actors employed in this situation.
Islah, from Gift to Right
Yasmine Ahmed
Egypt is a country of its people. What has been the effect on its inhabitants of the 2011 revolution and subsequent developments? In 2013, a conference held under the auspices of Cairo Papers in Social Science examined this issue from the points of view of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, psychologists, and urban planners. The papers collected here reveal the strategies that various actors employed in this situation.
Different scenarios for estimating coupling capacitances of through silicon via (TSV) arrays
Kareem Ali, Eslam Yahya, Alaa Elrouby, and Yehea Ismail
[abstract not available]
Formal verification of AUTOSAR FlexRay state manager
Ghada Bahig, Amr El-Kadi, and Ashraf Salem
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Optimization of memory banking in embedded multidimensional signal processing applications
Florin Balasa, Noha Abuaesh, Cristian V. Gingu, and Hongwei Zhu
[abstract not available]
Scratch-pad memory banking by dynamic programming for embedded data-intensive applications
Florin Balasa, Noha Abuaesh, Ilie I. Luican, and Hongwei David Zhu
[abstract not available]
Critical Thinking through a Multicultural Lens: Cultural Challenges of Teaching Critical Thinking
Maha Bali
[no abstract provided]
Gender in a North African setting: A sociolinguistic overview
Reem Bassiouney
[no abstract provided]
Cooperative MAC for cognitive radio network with energy harvesting and randomized service policy
Ahmed M. Bedewy, Amr A. El-Sherif, Karim G. Seddik, and Tamer Elbatt
[abstract not available]
Propagation of finite energy Airy pulses in dispersive media
Jose A. Borda-Hernandez, Michel Zamboni-Rached, Ioannis M. Besieris, and Amr Shaarawi
[abstract not available]
Adapting to Change: Tribal Influence on the 2011–2012 Parliamentary Elections in Aswan Governorate
Hans Christian and Korsholm Nielsen
Egypt is a country of its people. What has been the effect on its inhabitants of the 2011 revolution and subsequent developments? In 2013, a conference held under the auspices of Cairo Papers in Social Science examined this issue from the points of view of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, psychologists, and urban planners. The papers collected here reveal the strategies that various actors employed in this situation.
Simulation of stochastic activity networks
Bajis M. Dodin and Abdelghani A. Elimam
[abstract not available]
Labor Struggles and the Quest for Permanent Employment in Revolutionary Egypt
Dina Makram Ebeid
Egypt is a country of its people. What has been the effect on its inhabitants of the 2011 revolution and subsequent developments? In 2013, a conference held under the auspices of Cairo Papers in Social Science examined this issue from the points of view of anthropologists, historians, political scientists, psychologists, and urban planners. The papers collected here reveal the strategies that various actors employed in this situation.
Tunable bistable devices for harvesting energy from spinning wheels
Mohamed Elhadidi, Mohammed Helal, Omar Nassar, Mustafa Arafa, and Yasser Zeyada
[abstract not available]
Integrated Simulation Model for Maintenance and Repair Optimization for Rubble Mound Coastal Structures Using Markov Chains, Regression and Genetic Algorithms
A. H. El Hakea, S. Abu-Samra, Ossama Hosny, M. Iskander, and H. Osman
[abstract not available]
BAT: A balanced alternating technique for M2M uplink scheduling over LTE
Ahmed Elhamy and Yasser Gadallah
[abstract not available]
Super-focusing using plasmonic lens based on super oscillation effect
Mahmoud El Maklizi, Mostafa Hendawy, and Mohamed A. Swillam
[abstract not available]
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