The Cairo Review of Global Affairs is the quarterly journal of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at American University in Cairo (AUC). It is a focal point for policymakers, officials, academics, experts, journalists, students, and others in the Middle East region who follow global affairs. It is also a platform that gives perspectives from the region a voice in international policy conversations and debates.
The Cairo Review strives to be the premier global affairs and public policy journal in the Middle East. In print and online, it seeks to take its place among leading international journals distinguished by its Middle East accent. To that end, the Cairo Review aims to be a media organization from the region that maintains the highest professional standards and recruits top-notch writers to contribute to its vision.
- Managing Editors: Firas Al-Atraqchi, Karim Haggag
- Senior Editor: Nadeen Shaker
- Deputy Senior Editor: Omar Auf
- Associate Editor: Abigail Flynn
- Contributing Editors: Sydney Wise, Leslie Cohen, Sean David Hobbs, Ariana Bennett
Submissions from 2017
Refugee Champion, Amir Hussien Radjy
The Modernity Trap, Amir Hussien Radjy
The Year of Living Dangerously, Stein Ringen
Trump, Congress, and Democracy, Stein Ringen
Anti-Trade Alliance, Pietra Rivoli
Meet the Neighbors, Nadeen Shaker
Oriental Hall, Etc 24, Nadeen Shaker
Remembering Nubia, Nadeen Shaker
Televising Egypt's History, Nadeen Shaker
Egypt, Rebranded, Jack Shenker
Peace versus the People, Khalil Shikaki
Trump's Toughest Deal, Khalil Shikaki and Shai Feldman
From Cairo to Tokyo, Jessie Steinhauer
Jerusalem and its Holy Sites, Jessie Steinhauer
Submissions from 2016
Oriental Hall, Etc 19, Salma Abdallah
Saving Muslim Women, Maha AbdelAzim
The Islam of Bassam Tibi, Maha AbdelAzim
Pakistan's Democratic Opportunity, Madiha Afzal
Graves of Empire, Rozina Ali
The Death of Qandeel Baloch, Rozina Ali
After the Paris Agreement, Hoda Baraka and Payal Parekh
The End of Stationarity, Neil Bhatiya
The Paradox of Arab France, Pascal Blanchard
The Fantasy of Disengagement, Thanassis Cambanis
The Problem with Secularism, Sophie Chamas
The Meaning of Trump, Donald T. Critchlow
Understanding Conservatives, Donald T. Critchlow
Closing the Gates, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Marine Le Pen's Challenge, Alexandre Deze, Nonna Mayer, and Sylvain Crepon
Egyptian Entrepreneurs, Inc, Hasan Dubar
Oriental Hall, Etc 21, Hasan Dudar
Oriental Hall, Etc 22, Sara Edmunds
Hillary Clinton's Imperial Feminism, Zillah Eisenstein
Chahine Lives!, Sarah El-Shaarawi
A Call for Arab Diplomacy, Nabil Fahmy
Egypt Looking Forward, Nabil Fahmy
Toward an Egyptian Open Society, Nabil Fahmy
Our Common Home, Pope Francis
America's Misadventures in the Middle East, Chas W. Freeman Jr
Oriental Hall, Etc 20, Mohamed Gameel and Roxanne Brook Vigil
Remembrance of Things Past, Jonathan Guyer
Why the Subcontinent's Dynasties are Falling, Faisal Hamid
How ISIS Will End, Mark Juergensmeyer
Barack Obama's Presidency, James T. Kloppenberg
A Long Road to Havana, William M. LeoGrande
The Buying of the President, Charles Lewis
A Moroccan Love Letter, Helen Mackreath
Black Power, Scott MacLeod
Global Trouble, Scott MacLeod
The Elusive International Order, Scott MacLeod