The Cairo Review of Global Affairs is the quarterly journal of the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at American University in Cairo (AUC). It is a focal point for policymakers, officials, academics, experts, journalists, students, and others in the Middle East region who follow global affairs. It is also a platform that gives perspectives from the region a voice in international policy conversations and debates.

The Cairo Review strives to be the premier global affairs and public policy journal in the Middle East. In print and online, it seeks to take its place among leading international journals distinguished by its Middle East accent. To that end, the Cairo Review aims to be a media organization from the region that maintains the highest professional standards and recruits top-notch writers to contribute to its vision.

  • Managing Editors: Firas Al-Atraqchi, Karim Haggag
  • Senior Editor: Nadeen Shaker
  • Deputy Senior Editor: Omar Auf
  • Associate Editor: Abigail Flynn
  • Contributing Editors: Sydney Wise, Leslie Cohen, Sean David Hobbs, Ariana Bennett


Submissions from 2014

Comic Relief, Jonathan Guyer

Why Syria Matters, Nader Hashemi

The Taliban Question, Zahid Hussain

The Art Effect, David Joselit

Arabs, Engage!, Rami G. Khouri

Scramble for Iraq, Nabeel Khoury

A New Palestinian Strategy, Daoud Kuttab

Afghanistan Since 1700, Fritz Lodge

Brazil on the World's Stage, Scott MacLeod

Foreign Policy Mess, Scott MacLeod

Shooting for a Century, Fawzia Mahmood

Protests, Protests, Everywhere, Joao Marcelo Ehlert Maia

A Disconnected Middle East, James Manyika and Susan Lund

The Son Also Rises, Sophie McBain

Smile, You're in Rio, Julia Micheals

Collapsing Certainties, Partha Mitter

After the Iran Nuclear Deal, Seyed Hossein Mousavian

The Call of Pluralism, Marwan Muasher

New Threat to Afghan Women, Manizha Naderi

Concept Pop, Ganzeer NA

Letter from Brazil, Filipe Nasser

Eyeing the Generals, Shuja Nawaz

Boom or Bust, Joao Augusto de Castro Neves

Images from a Land at War, Robert Nickelsberg

Tray of Candies, Qais Akbar Omar

Egyptian Dreams, Tarek Osman

Syrian Civil War, Thomas Plofchan

Rise of the South, Vijay Prashad

Revolution to Revolution, Nadia Radwan

Age of Darkness, Jonathan Randal and Scott MacLeod

Tahrir Tech, Deena Refai

Oriental Hall, Etc 11, Deena Refai and Rozina Ali

A Street Called mohammed Mahmoud, Amanda E. Rogers

An Egyptian in Space, Aaron T. Rose

Oriental Hall, Etc 14, Aaron T. Rose and Rozina Ali

From Syria to Sao Paulo, Monique Sochaczewski

Perspectives on Western Sahara, Tom Stevenson

The Beautiful Game, Kanishk Tharoor

Submissions from 2013

The Never-Ending Palestine Tragedy, Karen Koning AbuZayd

Damage Control, Rozina Ali

United States National Security Agency, Rozina Ali

The Sinai Connection, Lina Attalah

No Jobs and Bad Jobs, Ghada Barsoum

Foreign Policy Begins at Home, Neil Bhatiya

Addresses on China and the World, Erin Biel

China Since 1898, Erin Biel

Guests and Hosts, Dawn Chatty

An American in Tehran, Holly Dagres

The United States and Iran, Holly Dagres

Consumption Conundrum, Christian Deseglise and Delfina Lopez Freijido