
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

Local administration in Egypt faces several challenges that hinder fulfilling its responsibilities towards citizens sufficiently. The main challenges are the lack of financial resources due to over-regulation as well as the non-enforcement of laws and regulations that allow the local administration to collect its own tax share, the local administration staff’s lack of skills to manage and develop revenue sources, and lack of accountability mechanisms. This policy paper seeks to propose policies to aid the local administration in increasing its financial resources.

In this paper, the authors depended on desk research as well as interviews held with officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Local Development. Based on the information gathered, the authors proposed three policy options. Finally, they selected the “Local Non-Tax Revenue Mobilization” policy option based on the evaluation criteria and provided recommendations for this policy’s successful implementation.


Local Revenues; Local Development; Economics; Revenues;


This paper is published by The Public Policy Hub - GAPP School (AUC), established in 2017:

Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager), Waleed El-Deeb (Senior Specialist), Ghadeer Ibrahim (Senior Outreach and Communications Specialist).

Faculty Advisor

Khaled Abdel Halim

Content Type



48 p.


eng|| ara
