
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

The policy paper tackles the issue of managing solid waste in rural areas in Egypt. It mainly targets the reform of the solid waste management system. The authors deal with rural areas specifically due to their importance and significance. In this context, the policy paper research demonstrated that the current solid waste management system in the governorates studied has a number of flaws and limitations. These issues show the inadequate solid waste management technical performance at the governorate level in terms of institutional, technical, financial, economic, and environmental factors, due to the lack of or ineffective solid waste management departments in local government.

In the end, the paper provides a set of recommendations that are essential to support the successful implementation. However, the researchers agreed on one core policy that is cost-efficient and is considered the most important. The selected policy alternative is the establishment of a national-wide campaign in the Egyptian rural areas that aims to raise the individuals’ awareness on the economic, social, and health aspects of the issue as well as how to reduce generating waste, increase waste reuse, and facilitate the segregation of waste.


Solid waste; Solid Waste Management; Recycling; Environment; Rural Areas


This paper is published by The Public Policy Hub - GAPP School (AUC), established in 2017:

Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager), Waleed El-Deeb (Senior Specialist), Ghadeer Ibrahim (Senior Outreach and Communications Specialist).

Faculty Advisor

Noura Wahby

Content Type



34 p,


eng|| ara
