
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

The Metro and railway stations play crucial roles in Greater Cairo. Most working-class residents use the Metro and trains as the main transport means to reach their workplace. The Metro carries around 4 million passengers daily, whereas the railways take around 1.4 million passengers per day (Saif Eldien, 2019).

This policy paper is tackling the issue of the informal transportation peddlers namely in the Metro (subway) and railway stations. The authors dealt with this kind of informal peddlers as an occupational segment of the society that contributes to the national economy rather than groups of people who are distorting the civilized image of the means of transportation in Egypt.


Peddlers, Public Transportation, Public Policy, Informal Sector, Informal Businesses, Egypt


The Paper is published by The Public Policy Hub - GAPP School (AUC) established in 2017

Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager), Waleed El-Deeb (Senior Specialist), and Ghadeer Ibrahim (Senior Communications & Outreach Specialist)

Faculty Advisor

Ghada Barsoum

Content Type



eng|| ara
