Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Swarm robotics: Cooperative navigation in unknown environments, Abdallah Galal Khalil
Educational accountability of faculty and students in Higher Education: A prospective policy analysis, Marwa Khalil
Dabiq: A study of the usage of terrorist-produced publications in framing and selective moral disengagement, Nouran Hussein Mohamed Hussein Khalil
Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from mouse germ cells, Nora Khan
The images of alcohol and abstinence in Egyptian films: A content analysis, Arpi Sarkis Khatcherian
Three spiritual narratives: A reading of Hermann Hesse, Ibn Tufayl and Naguib Mahfouz, Muna Moataz Khattab
Dealing with slums in Egypt: Learning from the success factors of international experiences, Sylvia Maher
Modification of cellulose acetate membranes with graphene oxide nano-fillers for water treatment, Madina Mahmmod
The effect of corporate governance on firm performance: The case of Arab spring in the Middle East, Michael Moustafa Mahmoud
The economic and social integration of the Syrian migrants and refugees in El-Rehab city in Egypt., Miranda Mahmoud
Functions and contextual triggers of offensive language on Twitter, Deena Mohamed Mansour
Discourses around Nubians: A critical discourse analysis of Egyptian social studies and history textbooks, Nesma Assem Mansour
Law and discipline: A psychological trap?, Alaa Mazloum
A novel control mechanism for hybrid 5-level DC-DC converter for higher switching frequency and lower voltage ripple, Mohamed Samir Mazloum
Critical success factors of international development projects in the education sector in Egypt: Community Schools as a case study, Marian Mohareb
Developing industrial resource sustainability roadmap: Cement industry case study, Mary Mamdouh Moharib
An integrated framework approach for PPP projects in Egypt, Nada Sherin Mohy El Din
Between accumulation and (in)security: The real estate industry and the housing crisis in Egypt, Norhan Sherif Mokhtar
Farmer's regulation by Muhammad Ali 1830 from legal and social perspectives, Enas Moustafa
Language variation in classical and modern standard Arabic: The case of interrogation, Enas Moustafa
Unequal citizens: Cairo between gated and informal, Hend Ibrahim Muhammed Aly
Does trade liberalization lead to specialization in dirty industries? A CGE assessment for Kenya, Charles Kariuki Muthuthi
Characterization of aggresome formation in choroid plexus carcinoma., Marwa Mohamed Ali Nassar
Owner time and cost contingency estimation for building construction projects in Egypt, Seif El-Din Nawar
Mannose binding lectin in the treatment of imiquimod induced psoriasis mouse model, Hagar Nofal
The impact of the death criterion on the WSN lifetime using EM pollution monitoring algorithm, Sara Nouh
Solving the confusion of body sides problem in two-dimensional human pose estimation, Mohammad Hamdy Oreaba
The maq'ad of Amir Mamay al-Sayfi: The history and context of a mamluk jewel, Amira Ayman Osman
High frequency analysis of the EWZ ETF, Nada Ragab
Molecular adaptation of mercuric reductase to hypersaline environments, Emanbellah Ramadan
The effect of the development and restoration projects on the culture of Marsh Arabs, Habiba Ramadan
Violence against women in Egypt: Public policies and services, Maha Said Rateb
Nanocomposite formulations for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), Marwan Yasser Rezk
Because we cannot walk on water, Meriam Rizkallah
Automated early plant disease detection and grading system: Development and implementation, Hashem Rizk
The implementation of the United Nations security council resolutions on Libya, Mostafa Ahmed Mostafa Safwat
Legitimation strategies in Egyptian political discourse: The case of presidential speeches, Hala Mohammed Said
A cognitive linguistic study of cultural models of age in American English and Egyptian Arabic: A corpus-based approach, Hebatallah Said
Influence of coatings on energy conservation in construction industry: A case study in the new Egyptian administrative capital, Nancy Abdel Moneim Sakr
Lexical variation in news headlines: A comparative study of Egyptian, Lebanese and Moroccan written Arabic, Moustafa Saleh
Plasmonic waveguides and nano-antennas for optical communications, Mai Osama Sallam
Khul' in Egypt Between Theory and Practice a Critical Analysis for Khul' Implementation, Nivine Samaha
Campus-based student volunteering in Egypt: A case study of students in a private university, Basma Serag
Examining guided online peer feedback on L2 writing content and language via Edmodo, Hasnaa Hisham Shaalan
Socially-responsible entrepreneurship education: A qualitative study among Egyptian teachers, Mohamed Shabana
Patterns in spiritual awakening: A study of Augustine, Coleridge and Eliot, Lucy Shafik
Water splitting by defects: Insights into multinary transition metal oxides for solar water splitting, Samar Mohamed Fawzy Adam Shahin
Identity and its political manipulation in Syria, Nada Yasser Sharkawy
Graphene quantum dots with multi-band emission: Unraveling the molecular origin of graphene quantum dots, Radwa Adel Shedeed
Framing of charity TV advertisements in Egypt: A content analysis, Maha Sherra
The interpretation of Islamic art and architecture of Cairo in European paintings in the 19th century, Heba Sheta
Encapsulation of essential oils in chitosan nanoparticle formulations and Investigation on their antioxidant and antibacterial properties., Amro Abdel Azeem Shetta
The impact of exchange rate changes on sectoral activity: The case of Egypt, Nada Shokry
The three-stage entrepreneurial model to empower recycling product designers., Ismail Tammam
Working class disempowerment: A dialectical analysis, Lama Tawakkol
Integrating language and content in mainstream biology classrooms - the experiences of English language learners, Yasmeen Tawfik
The other Copts: Between sectarianism, nationalism and catholic Coptic activism in Minya., Ana Carol Torres Gutiérrez
Efficient redundancy in wired and wireless S2A architectures for NCS, Medhat Medhat Toubar
The double-edged sword: Globalization and international Islamic terrorism, Yara Toutounji
Strategic advantages of visual violence, Roxanne Brook Vigil
Islamist state: Various visions?, Shehab Wagih
Code choice in Egyptian TV advertisements, Mostafa Younes
Context aware advertising, Youssef Youssef
Cash transfers and state-citizen relation in Egypt: Takaful and Karama in a development context, Ebshoy Magdy Zaki
Barriers to entry: Challenges facing youth entrepreneurs as they establish their small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt, Roqaya Zamzam
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Use of children in political conflicts in Egypt: Legal categorization under international and national legislation, Sandy Heshmat Shinouda Abadir
Evaluating the governmental health expenditure pattern and its association with health outcomes in Egyptian governorates, Wessam Abass
On becoming citizens of the 'non-existent': Violence, document-production and Syrian war-time migration in Abkhazia, Jihad Abaza
Introducing entrepreneurship into the public university scheme in Egypt, Ahmed Abbas
Consumption inequality and inflation differentials among different income groups in Egypt, Dina Abdallah
The governance of human trafficking in Egypt: The legal, policy, and institutional frameworks, Nourhan Amr Abdel Aziz
Teachers' perceptions on formulaic language, Shaimaa Nabil Abdel Aziz
Negotiated identity of teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL): A sociocultural perspective, Nesma Hossam Eldin Abdel Fattah
Humanitarian intervention: Before and after responsibility to protect (R2P) assessing the impact of R2P, Amr Abdelhady
Originary tmporality in being and time, Mai Abdel Kader
Toward new dominations: Flawed devotions to human rights discourse and its contingent hope, Shaimaa Ragab Hassan Abdelkarim
Assessing the international criminal court with the organizational effectiveness approaches, Heba Yehia Abdel Megeed
An exploratory study of teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding the class opening by teachers of Arabic to speakers of other languages (TASOL), Ghada Abdalla Ibrahim Abdelrehim
The role of internal corporate social responsibility in promoting employees' commitment in Egypt, Mahmoud Abdel Wahab
Egyptian public diplomacy: Past performance and future strategies ( case study), Manar Abd El-wahed
In silico screening, analysis, and modelling for a novel anticancer peptide, Youssef Abdou
We live like Khayalat (scarecrows): An ethnography of a Palestinian village in Egypt, Amal Adel Abdrabo
Innovation in the local administration system in Egypt, Mustafa Adel Abdulrahman
Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of alternative splicing modulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, Moustafa Ahmed Abohawya
Response of carbon fiber reinforced polymers strengthened beams to elevated temperature, Reem Gamal Abou Ali
Ethnic inclusion, education, durable assets and occupational opportunities, Nihad Aboud
Enzymatic hydrolysis and ion exchange fractionation of sulfated polysaccharides extracted from Ulva lactuca and evaluation of their biological activity., Nihal Ali Moheib Abdelmoneim Abou El Azm
Transcriptomic profiling of the extremophile eutrema salsugineum response to environmental stressors, Diana Abou El Hassan
Superhero v bystander effect: Effects of fictional and non-fictional media priming on situational altruism, Nermine Mourad Aboulez
Strangely familiar: The surprise ending in Poe, Maupassant, and Borges, Pacinthe Adel Abou Senna
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of patients suffering coarctation of the aorta (CoA) for pre and post-operative, omar abozaid
Protection denied: Palestinian refugees from Syria and the protection gap theory, Maya Abu-Ajamieh
Hiring challenges facing employers in small and medium enterprises (SMES) in Egypt’s textiles sector, Reem Abughattas
A hybrid deep learning approach for texture analysis, Hussein Adly
Dual protocol performance using WiFi and ZigBee for industrial WLAN, Ghada Afifi
Internal curing of high performance concrete using lightweight and recycled aggregates, Mohamed Afifi