
Coastal communities worldwide face unprecedented threats from climate change, with rising sea levels, increased storm intensities, and accelerated coastal erosion posing significant risks. Egypt, with over 3,000 kilometers of coastlines along the Mediterranean and Red Seas, it is particularly vulnerable due to its densely populated and economically critical low-elevated coastal zones. With the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile Delta specifically under huge threats, this study examines the different coastal protection strategies used to address these climate change impacts. Different coastal protection structures have been used throughout the years starting with the well-known hard structures moving on to greener alternatives such as soft structures and finally using hybrid solutions to maximize the benefits of these structures. This study explores hybrid solutions that integrate the strengths of hard and soft approaches to mitigate each of their drawbacks. Through an in-depth analysis of global case studies and Egyptspecific data, the research highlights the potential of hybrid designs to enhance coastal resilience while minimizing environmental impacts. Drawing on extensive literature, field data, and stakeholder input, this study evaluates the performance and effectiveness of soft and hard structures while exploring the potential of hybrid solutions. Findings emphasize the detrimental environmental impact of hard structures on coastal ecosystems, the superior adaptability of soft structures, and the importance of incorporating green materials in hybrid designs. The study aims to provide actionable recommendations for selecting sustainable coastal protection strategies and ensuring resilient and adaptive solutions for Egypt’s vulnerable coastal communities.


School of Sciences and Engineering


Construction Engineering Department

Degree Name

MS in Construction Engineering

Graduation Date

Fall 12-26-2024

Submission Date


First Advisor

Mohamed Naguib AbouZeid

Second Advisor

Mohamed Darwish

Committee Member 1

Amr Hefnawy

Committee Member 2

Mai Haggag


96 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item
