
Some of the most pronounced effects of climate change on agricultural output include the depletion of freshwater resources and heightened salinization of arable land, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, adversely affecting crop yields. Many economic vegetable crops including members of the brassica family are sensitive to salt-stress. The use of organic soil amendments such as biochar and compost as complimentary nutrient sources in the sandponics system can improve the performance of crops. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of organic amendment on the growth performance and yield of broccoli and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under brackish water utilization. There were eight treatments, (sand, sand + biochar, sand + compost, sand+ compost + biochar) which received either fresh or brackish water irrigation. Freshwater with a salinity level of 400 ppm and brackish water of 3500 ppm were used to rear tilapia fish and the water was eventually used to irrigate the crop beds established with different growing media. The result of this study shows that there are no significant differences in the yield of broccoli irrigated with freshwater (FW); FW compost+ biochar gave the highest yield 14.29t/ha, followed closely by FW compost with 14.07t/ha, FW biochar 13.93t/ha and the control was 13.31t/ha. In contrast, broccoli irrigated with brackish water (BW) showed significant differences in yield; the treatment BW compost + biochar gave the highest yield of 13.36 t/ha, followed by BW compost with 12.2t/ha, BW biochar with 11.54t/ha and control recorded 10.27t/ha in yield. Our study concluded that; brackish water when used with compost and biochar in broccoli production in our sandponics system improve crop yield without having adverse effect on the nutritional composition.


School of Sciences and Engineering


Center for Applied Research on the Environment & Sustainability

Degree Name

MS in Sustainable Development

Graduation Date

Winter 1-31-2025

Submission Date


First Advisor

Hani Sewilam

Committee Member 1

Essam Mohamed Shaban

Committee Member 2

Mahmoud Zeid

Committee Member 3

Walid Fouad


100 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item

Available for download on Tuesday, January 27, 2026
