
The adoption in 1997 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UN Watercourses Convention or UNWC) marked a milestone in the codification and progressive development of international water law. Similarly, the signature in 2010 by the majority of the Nile Basin states of the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) was a major step towards a permanent legal and institutional framework as well as a significant shift from the currently applicable legal regime in the basin. The research concludes that the principles enshrined in the UNWC can assist future regional treaty negotiations, thereby enhancing its universal status in the development of transboundary watercourse agreements.

The investigation includes an analysis of the UNWC impact on the case of GERD dispute, emphasizing the role of the UNWC in mitigating conflicts and promoting cooperation, the thesis delves briefly into case studies, to illustrate real-world applications. The findings demonstrate the compatibility and efficacy of UNWC principles in facilitating equitable transboundary water management. However, the challenges in implementation, including fact-finding, conflicts of interest, and political considerations, underscore the need for a ‘neutral’ third-party intervention.

Within a policy design perspective, the thesis explores how the identified principles of international law have been employed in prolonged negotiations, offering insights that could inform the resolution of the Egypt-Ethiopia conflict. While acknowledging that international law principles alone may not completely resolve the conflict. Emphasizing both the principle of equitable and reasonable use and a human needs approach, the thesis suggests that these frameworks have the potential to shift the narrative away from a security-focused approach and a zero-sum game perspective. Instead, they encourage an approach grounded in the importance of cooperation between the involved parties, offering a pathway for a more constructive resolution to the conflict.


School of Sciences and Engineering


Center for Applied Research on the Environment & Sustainability

Degree Name

MS in Sustainable Development

Graduation Date

Winter 1-16-2025

Submission Date


First Advisor

Dr. Shahjahan Bhuiyan

Committee Member 1

Dr. Hamid E. Ali

Committee Member 2

Dr. Noura Wahby

Committee Member 3

Moderator: Dr. Ghada Barsoum


135 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item

Zienab_Ali_Abdelhady_Signature.pdf (127 kB)

Zienab_Ali_Abdelhady_IRBB.pdf (310 kB)

Zienab_Ali_Abdelhady_Turnitin.pdf (122 kB)
