
The present study aims at revisiting the applicability of Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory in the digital era, particularly in relation to recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence and their use in social media. The role of generational differences in influencing the adoption and non-adoption of these technologies is also explored. Drawing on the rich insights of qualitative data, the researcher adopts a multi-method approach comprising seventeen interviews with academic and professional experts and four focus group discussions among different generations to collect first-hand insights on AI adoption in the present time. AI was itself used for qualitative data analysis, including generating and categorizing codes, themes, and excerpts. The findings of the study provide updated insights into the elements of the diffusion process, establishing potential grounds for modernizing the theory. Reasons for non-AI adoption and future perspectives on AI technologies are also highlighted. Overall, the study offers a theoretical contribution to the literature on technology and innovations adoption.


School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Journalism & Mass Communication Department

Degree Name

MA in Journalism & Mass Communication

Graduation Date

Winter 1-31-2025

Submission Date


First Advisor

Shahira S. Fahmy

Committee Member 1

Rasha Allam

Committee Member 2

Ronald Rice



Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item

Available for download on Saturday, September 12, 2026
