
Food packaging plastic waste is posing great threats to ecosystems, human health, and the planet's overall sustainability; therefore, research has been directed towards the fabrication of biodegradable food packaging materials. In this study, active and biodegradable oxalic acid (OA) crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/chitosan (CS) composite films of different weight ratios were synthesized via the solvent casting technique and their food packaging properties were investigated. Owing to its water resistance and antibacterial superiority, the composite film with the ratio of OA chemically crosslinked PVA/CS 80:20 was elected to be coated with green tea extract (GTE) to ameliorate its antibacterial and antioxidant activities. The chemical crosslinking of PVA by OA and the intermolecular hydrogen bonding between PVA and CS were confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Surface roughness of the composite films mainly determined their antibacterial activities. Interestingly, CS provided the composite films with higher mechanical strength and stiffness along with ultraviolet (UV) barrier and antibacterial properties. Despite reducing the water resistance, barrier properties and thermal stability of the composite films, the values are comparable to literature and the produced films are of a great potential for food packaging applications. Furthermore, GTE coating further augmented the active properties of the elected composite film yielding it quite applicable for active food packaging purposes.


School of Sciences and Engineering


Chemistry Department

Degree Name

MS in Chemistry

Graduation Date

Fall 2-15-2025

Submission Date


First Advisor

Tarek Madkour

Committee Member 1

Hatem Talima

Committee Member 2

Mohamad Mohamad Ayad

Committee Member 3

Ehab Elsawy


88 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item

Available for download on Friday, September 05, 2025
