
Residential buildings consume around 40% of total electricity consumption in Egypt. This research investigates the energy saving potential of the Green Pyramid Rating system (GPRS) and Tarsheed rating system on the building envelopes of mid-rise middle income residential buildings in Cairo through energy modelling and simulation. The study evaluates the economic feasibility of the recommendations of the two rating systems through Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Simple Payback Period (SPP), Discounted Payback Period (DPP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Calculations. This research also aims to develop energy efficiency recommendations to achieve 30% energy savings above the national baseline. The results of this study indicate that the recommendations of GPRS for building envelopes can save up to 25% of total annual energy consumptions at a SPP of 12 years while the recommendations of Tarsheed can save up to 27% of total annual energy consumptions at a SPP of 21 years. Furthermore, this study suggests that up to 30% savings in total annual energy consumption could be achieved through improving the energy efficiency of the building envelope at a SPP of 9 years. However, the proposed energy efficiency measures are mostly not feasible at current interest rates in Egypt. Therefore, more favorable interest rates of 10% or less should be available for energy efficiency investments in buildings to promote their adoption.


School of Sciences and Engineering


Mechanical Engineering Department

Degree Name

MS in Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date

Winter 1-31-2024

Submission Date


First Advisor

Omar Abdelaziz

Committee Member 1

Mohamed El-Morsi

Committee Member 2

Omar Huzayyin


109 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item
