
The present study explores the realization of speech acts in 80 Egyptian billboard advertisements from five different locations in Greater Cairo, in an attempt to identify the most dominant types of speech acts utilized in such billboard advertising. Further examination of the linguistic elements in advertisements is conducted to identify the most salient syntactic structures constructing them. The study starts with a quantitative approach and ends with a qualitative content analysis based on framework of Searle’s (1969) Speech Act Theory. The findings of the study reveal that the most frequently employed speech act types are representatives, directives, commissives, and expressives respectively. The identified speech acts in billboard advertisements are utilized as persuasive tools to convey the ad messages and persuade audiences to buy or use advertised products and services. Furthermore, the grammatical structures comprising speech acts in advertisements are used to fulfill the pragmatic functions of Egyptian advertisements.


School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Applied Linguistics Department

Degree Name

MA in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language

Graduation Date

Summer 6-15-2023

Submission Date


First Advisor

Dr. Zeinab Taha

Committee Member 1

Dr. Zeinab Taha

Committee Member 2

Dr. Raghda El Essawi

Committee Member 3

Dr. Dalal Abo El Seoud


162 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item
