
The study aims to study the Impact of Egypt's Mega Events on Egyptians‟ Public Mood. Egypt organized two Mega Events in 2021: The Pharaohs‟ Golden Parade and Luxor Sphinx Avenue. The study also examines the impact of the two Mega Events on the Egyptian Identity. While the two Mega Events targeted Egypt's external publics to attract tourists to Egypt, the study attempts to assess the impact of the two Mega Events on one of Egypt's internal publics; the Egyptians. Depending on the concept of “Social Listening” as a theoretical framework, the study examines the possible ways the Egyptian government can use social media to trace Egyptians‟ Public Mood. The study draws on random samples of Egyptians, taken two months before and two months after each Mega Event. The samples were drawn using the Sentiment Analysis technique to gather spontaneous comments and reactions from Egyptians on three Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The study adapted the Public Mood model suggested by Rhan, Kroeger, and Kite (1996) and applied the eight Public Mood indicators suggested by the study as search keywords for the Artificial Intelligence (AI). For the measurement of Egyptian Identity, a Qualitative Analysis was done over the 2000 comments gathered by the AI. The Findings of the study suggest that the two Mega Events positively influenced Egyptians‟ Public Mood and reopened the debate about Egyptian Identity. In addition to the findings about the two Mega Events, the AI revealed other issues that mediated the Public Mood.


School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Journalism & Mass Communication Department

Degree Name

MA in Journalism & Mass Communication

Graduation Date

Spring 2-15-2023

Submission Date


First Advisor

Dr. Ahmed Taher

Committee Member 1

Dr. Rasha Allam

Committee Member 2

Dr. Hisham Dinana


74 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item
