
Development communication originated as a post-war term meaning “the application of communication strategies and principles in the developing world.”. As time went by, various definitions of development communication emerged, each reflecting its political agenda and interests. A more recent definition states that development communication aims to remove constraints for an increasingly participatory and equal society.

Sustainability and inclusivity are at the heart of effective development. The current development communication paradigms are the top down Dominant paradigm which is criticized for not being inclusive and the bottom up Participatory paradigm which is criticized for not being sustainable.

Based on the Seven Principles of Learning, this study suggests a new learning paradigm for development communication which bridges the gap between both afore mentioned paradigms. The suggested paradigm is more audience-centric than the current dominant paradigm and more structured than the current participatory paradigm. The suggested learning paradigm builds its conceptual model around the development communication campaign audience’s internal and external factors that directly influence their decision making. Those factors also determine if they receive the message and how they process it.


School of Global Affairs and Public Policy


Journalism & Mass Communication Department

Degree Name

MA in Journalism & Mass Communication

Graduation Date

Fall 9-15-2022

Submission Date


First Advisor

Ahmed Taher

Committee Member 1

Sherine Zaklama

Committee Member 2

Mervat Abo Ouf


123 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item
