"Making Yourself at al-Dar: On Islamic Education, Social Imaginations, " by Alia Amr Amin Shaddad


This thesis explores the Dar as an alternative space of knowledge, and unravels how its different contexts and rhythms allow us to imagine what that alternative means in the everyday. In order to do so, this thesis unpacks questions of space, time, subjectivity, and potential. I look at the ways in which this Dar is constituted as a space through its relations with other spaces and by engaging questions of temporality. By doing so, this thesis maps this space to make clear what and how it is, and highlights the historical and geographical context it exists in. This also includes unravelling the different relationships between the women in the Dar, and thinking about questions of relational subjectivity and gender to understand what it means to be in that space. I do so with the consideration of the complexity and messiness of the lives lived in, and in relation to, this space. Finally, this thesis also explores the notion of affective potential and how it relates to the alternative this space proposes by exploring the everyday rhythms and relationships as they happen. This thesis is meant to be an act of storytelling that relates space, time, subjectivity, relationships, alternativeness, affect, and potentialities.


School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Sociology, Egyptology & Anthroplology Department

Degree Name

MA in Sociology-Anthropology

Graduation Date

Fall 2021

Submission Date


First Advisor

Dina Makram-Ebeid

Committee Member 1

Hanan Sabea

Committee Member 2

Munira Khayyat


182 p.

Document Type

Master's Thesis

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Approval has been obtained for this item
