Student Status



Quantum computing is one of the promising active areas in physics research. This is because of the potential of quantum algorithms to outperform their classical counterparts. Grover’s search algorithm has a quadratic speed-up compared to the classical linear search. The quantum simulation of Schrödinger’s equation has an exponential memory save-up compared to the classical simulation. In this thesis, the ideas and tools of quantum computing are reviewed. Grover’s algorithm is studied and simulated as an example. Using the Qiskit quantum computing library, a code to simulate Schrödinger’s equation for a particle in one dimension is developed, simulated locally, and run on an actual IBM quantum computer. Several initial states are evolved in zero, harmonic, and linear potential fields. The results obtained are compared with similar results found in the literature


Physics Department

First Advisor

Tarek Elsayed


49 p.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval

Not necessary for this item

Publication Date


SHO_pythoncode.pdf (941 kB)
python code of the simulation of the simple harmonics oscillator

AUC_endorsement-Tohfa.pdf (529 kB)

Coherent_State_harmonic_potential.mp4 (17 kB)
Coherent state animation

Linear_Potential.mp4 (18 kB)
Linear potential animation

n=7_k=0_Phi=1pi_stepnum=100_int=100_FreeDissipating.mp4 (19 kB)
Dispersing Gaussian animation

n=7_k=0_Phi=1pi_stepnum=100_int=100_q_Freeeigen.mp4 (15 kB)
Sinusoidal eigenstate animation

n=7_k=2_Phi=1pi_Freemoving.mp4 (71 kB)
Moving Gaussian animation
