Egypt Non Conventional Water Resources
Description or Abstract
By 2050, the gap between Egypt's renewable water supplies and demands will grow by more than two folds from today's 23 BCM to approximately 50 BCM. Closing such a big water resources gap will be challenging and expensive. Managing demand, particularly of agricultural water use, which uses more than 85% of the total water use in Egypt, must be given the priority by planers and decision makers. Failure to save the water demands in various development sectors and reduce uneconomic agricultural use will have severe socioeconomic repercussions because, once renewable freshwater resources are depleted, the most significant source of new water will be desalination of seawater and brackish groundwater or reusing treated sewage effluent. In 2017, the renewed freshwater annual per capita consumption decreased to about 650 m3, which is significantly below the 1,000 m3 water scarcity threshold. About 98% of Egypt's freshwater resources originate outside of its borders, such as the Nile River and groundwater aquifers. Indeed, the Nile River provides the country with some 93% of its water requirements. This is considered to be one of the main challenges for water policy and decision-makers. In 2017 the total annual renewable freshwater resources is about 59.25 BCM. The estimated virtual water was about 34 BCM and the total projected water demand was about 114 BCM with a deficit in water resources balance of about 20 BCM. Non-conventional water resources include agricultural drainage water, desalinated brackish groundwater and/or seawater, non-renewable groundwater aquifers, and treated municipal wastewater. These resources represent about 22% of the total available water resources, and are generally used for agriculture, landscaping and industry through specialized processes. In this webinar we will focus on the future of using non-conventional water resources in Egypt.
non-conventional water, Egypt
Center of Excellence for Water
Dahlia El Oraby
Performance Date
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1 hr 12min
Recommended Citation
Dawood, Dawood Abdelhamid, "Egypt Non Conventional Water Resources" (2021). Audio & Video by Faculty: Webinars, interviews, documentaries, etc.... 6.