
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

The older population in Egypt needs a special healthcare system to fulfill its needs and expectations. Nowadays, the older people live longer than before due to the improvement of healthcare services. That leads to an increase in the number of older people and creates a pressure on resources especially with the limited resources in Egypt. Urbanization and the change in the Egyptian demographics is exacerbating the problem. Egypt now is becoming a nation of dignified older citizens that need additional care and special attention. A number of policies and reforms have already been discussed but never thoroughly analyzed. Some policies alternatives to the issue are discussed within this paper, and tangible solutions highlighted.


older populations, Egypt, public policy


The Public Policy Hub was estabished in 2017 by Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), and Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager)

Faculty Advisor

[advisor not specified]

Content Type



44 p.


eng|| ara


The Public Policy HUB, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, AUC

Publisher Location


Policy Brief 21_En.pdf (7520 kB)
Policy Brief 21: Vulnerable Older Populations

Policy Brief 21_Ar.pdf (13558 kB)
موجز سياسات 21: كبار السن الذين يفتقرون إلى الرعاية الصحية المتخصصة
