
Public Policy Hub

Description or Abstract

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Egyptian government has been following protocol as best as possible when it comes to responding to the needs of the health and economic sectors amid difficult times. From lockdown measures to the WHO’s recommended practices in terms of isolation of cases and treatments, Egypt has been lauded as one of the fastest and most effective countries in terms of COVID-19 emergency response. Authorities have implemented several awareness campaigns directed at citizens to inform them about the pandemic, how to prevent infection, what to do if infected and how to act accordingly. Authorities have utilized all the available tools in their arsenal to help spread awareness and safeguard public health.

Egypt is working diligently on all fronts to ensure the availability, affordability, and attractiveness of vaccines, succeeding in the first two points – with news every day about unveiling more vaccines to people in need. However, Egypt is still lacking in the third point. Egyptians are still hesitant when it comes to receiving their vaccines and this may be attributed to several factors, a “missing piece” in the current government’s communication strategy is apparent. While the analysis dwells on describing the current communication plan implemented by authorities, the authors suggest and recommend an augmented version of the current strategy; one that involves utilizing the “bottom/up” and “top/down approach” and mobilizes all relevant stakeholders in shaping a campaign that helps raise awareness, dispel misconceptions and information about the vaccines, and builds an open channel with the community.


Covid-19; pandemic; Covid-19 Vaccine; Vaccination Communication; Access to Vaccines in Egypt


This paper is published by The Public Policy Hub - GAPP School (AUC), established in 2017:

Laila El Baradei (PI), Shahjahan Bhuiyan (Co-PI), Mohamed Kadry (Program Manager), Waleed El-Deeb (Senior Specialist), Ghadeer Ibrahim (Senior Outreach and Communications Specialist).

Faculty Advisor

Hamed Shamma

Content Type



49 p.


eng|| ara
