Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Private broadcasting in Egypt, Ibrahim Mostafa Saleh
Digital photojournalism, Yasmine Abdou Salem
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Televised electoral campaigns: content analysis of the November 1995 party programs, Samar Hossam Abd El-Bary
Comparative strategies of environmental awareness campaigns in Egypt, Rawia Abbas El Dabi
The impact of the attitude of Egypt's modern political regimes towards the censorship role of al Azhar on writers and bookpublishing 1952-1997, Azza Gamil Khattab
Pay television in Egypt, Sherin Moody
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The role of communication in promoting oral rehydration in Egypt, Naglaa Saad Hassanein
Africa's new media: a case study of Uganda's mass media under Museveni, Peter G Mwesige
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Political documentary cinema coverage of the Palestinian question, Ingy Salama N Al-Sayed
Self-conception of the Egyptian national character in connection with development, Magda Mahmoud Tawfik El Guindy El Guindy
The Egyptian cinema, Dalia El Toukhy
Impact of the relationship between government and religion on Egyptian media content (1950-1995), Mourad Ruben Haroutunian
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The uses and gratifications of music television in Egypt, Rasha A Abdulla
Iraqi propaganda before and after the invasion of Kuwait, Suzy Said El Geneidy
Palestinian refugees in Canada Camp, Mariam Sami El-Waqf
Intellectual theft, advertising infringements & music piracy, Reem M Hamza
New technologies and the future of communication education in Africa, Bala A Muhammad
Female Illiteracy: A Case Study of Egypt, Sherin Mohamed Bahig Nafie
International media coverage of conflict at the III International Conference for Population and Development in Cairo, Cherine Adel Sadek
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Journalism, professionalism and information control, Mohamed Ahmed El Nawawy
The impact of geographic and source biases in television news, Nashwa Hassanein El Shalakany
The meaning and perception of environment by rural women in the Sudan and their importance in the design of public awareness campaigns for environmental protection, Hind Abbas Hilmi Ibrahim
Feminism and the media, Nadia Mohamed Kira
Newspaper coverage of terrorism: a content analysis of Al Ahram and the New York Times, Dina Amal Kotby
Egyptian theft of U. S. intellectual property, Shahira H Tewfik
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The relationship between exposure to television violence and committing anti-social acts by adolescent male juveniles, Rasha Abdel Hamid Kamhawi
The impact of space communication on television news distribution, Hanan Kamal Kilani
Mass communication master's theses in Egypt from 1972 to 1993, Mariam Maurice Magar
Children's magazines in Egypt, Marwa Moneir Mohammed
TV addiction: young adults' uses & of Egyptian television, Laila H Said
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Parents' views on the relationship between television violence and their children's aggressive behavior, Dina M El Deeb
Differential acquisition of knowledge from television among Egyptian adults in a natural disaster, Hany Mohamad Abou Elfotouh El-Konayyesi
The effects of American television programs on the Egyptian elite, Margaret-Anne Epps
Agenda setting and local issues on Egyptian regional television broadcasting, Solafa A Goueli
Effect of educational films on environmental attitude change, Sahar Mohamed Fawzi Hegazi
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Arab-Israeli conflict and American public opinion, Rania Salim Awar
Literature on Egyptian radio, Yosri Mohammad Mostafa Fouda
The Persian Gulf crisis and The New York Times' predictions, Rasha Hammad
The gap between rhetoric and reality in Al Ahram Weekly's local news coverage, Hisham Kandil
The conceptualization of development journalism by mass media leaders in Borno State of Nigeria, Muhammad Sani Rabiu
Changes in family planning knowledge gap and KAP-gap in Egypt during the 1980's, Hanan Zakaria Sisalem
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The shaping of the news in the Egyptian press, Dina Seddik Lamey
Uses and gratifications of television viewing among Egyptian adults, Hesham Mahmoud Ibrahim Mesbah
Egyptian decision makers' attitude towards international advertising, Mona L Zaki
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
The impact of new technology on communication within a business organization, Hala Ahmed Loutfi Abdel Badie
Censorship of English-language books in Egypt, Samira Helmy Ammar
Rumors about family planning in Egypt, Jeanet Samir Azer
Attitudes of foreigners towards five star hotels in Cairo, Amani Essawi
The agenda-setting function of Egyptian newspapers, Ayman Ghabour
Daily columns in the contemporary Egyptian Press, Thomas Kerop Gorguissian
Television programs exchange, Hassan M Hamed
The role of cultural preference in the perception and retention of information, Michael Lennertz
The role and impact of foreign cultural centers, Abeer Salem
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Popular theater as a mass communication medium for development, Eberhard G Chambulikazi
The effects of television advertising on children's consumer learning, Nagwa El Gazzar
The Wafd newspaper, Shaden Shehab Khairy
Family planning in Egypt, Amira A Fouad Abdel Hakim Khalifa
A comparative study on the news credibility of Egyptian television and daily newspapers, Sahar Mohamed Khamis
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Stereotypes of the Arabs among Egyptians, Maha Tahlawi
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
The political role of a journalist: the case of Mohammed Hassanein Heikal (1952-1974), Shahira Aly Idriss
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
The importance of research in the success of television advertising, Nevine Albert Ezzat
Technology as a determining factor in television foreign news coverage: A case study of NBE News Cairo from 1973to 1985, McDonald David Andrew.
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Ethiopia's literacy revolution, Amare Asgedom.
The New York Times coverage of the crisis in the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1982, Charles Onyango-Obbo
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
What press systems for Sub-Sahara Africa?, Abraham T Imanzghi
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Selection and training of broadcasting announcers in Egypt, Azza Mohy El Din
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Impact ot the mass media and other kinds of communication on American tourism in Egypt, Sonia A Guirguis
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The West-German press and its attitude towards the Arabs before and after the October war of 1973, Klaus Ruhenstroth
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The Flow of Communication in an Egyptian Village, Shahinaz Talaat
Books that Changed Egypt: a Study of the Diffusion of Innovations, Naila Abu Zeid Touny