Thermal design of a roof-mounted CLFR collection system for a desert absorption chiller

Funding Sponsor

American University in Cairo

Author's Department

Mechanical Engineering Department

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Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

International Journal of Sustainable Energy

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The paper presents a mathematical model for the thermal design of a new solar energy collection system adopted to drive an absorption chiller for air-conditioning a modern desert home. The collection system employs roof-mounted, retractable compact linear Fresnel mirrors. The conceptual design is described, and the mathematical model is presented. A hypothetical, two-floor home located in a typical desert site is employed for demonstration. The performance of the proposed solar collection system is evaluated employing a mathematical model presented here. Investigations are conducted to assess the effect of various design parameters on system efficiency. It is concluded that it is feasible to carry the entire house cooling loads employing only solar power collected with the proposed roof-mounted system, even though the house is located in an exceptionally hot desert environment. Moreover, the proposed system may require less roof space than a Photovoltaic-based system when correct conditions are present. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.

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