Media, Public Opinion and Migration Policies in Euro-mediterranean Countries: The Case of France
Author's Department
Center for Migration and Refugee Studies
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Research Article
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IMISCOE Research Series
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Irregular migration from the southern shore of the Mediterranean to the northern shore is on the rise since 2011. This chapter concerns itself with how the media and the public in Northern Mediterranean countries reacted to this movement and how such reaction is concurrent with the policy debate. Focusing on France as a case study of a Northern Mediterranean country, the chapter reviews media coverage, public opinion surveys as well as the parliamentary debates in France between 2013–2016 which signified the peak of the movement. The review indicates that the policy debate as well as the legislation adopted were concurrent with public opinion. The chapter also concludes that the media and public’s perception of immigrants from Southern Mediterranean countries is mostly negative. Such negative perception and the associated policy that restrict migratory movement reflect the asymmetrical power relations between the two shores of the Mediterranean and France’ collective memory of migration. The French public perception of irregular migration is directly linked to the failure of earlier immigration and integration policies. The chapter concludes by pinpointing to the importance of approaching migration in the Mediterranean from a historical perspective.
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Recommended Citation
APA Citation
Ayoub, M.
(2024). Media, Public Opinion and Migration Policies in Euro-mediterranean Countries: The Case of France. IMISCOE Research Series, Part F1581, 123–135.
MLA Citation
Ayoub, Maysa
"Media, Public Opinion and Migration Policies in Euro-mediterranean Countries: The Case of France." IMISCOE Research Series, vol. Part F1581, 2024, pp. 123–135.