Efficient but Poor: Analyzing Dual Crop Interdependency and Poverty among Cash-constrained Smallholders in Kambara, Africa

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Rachad Bani Samari, Sherwat Ibrahim

Document Type

Research Article

Publication Title

Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings

Publication Date





In production systems, operational decisions to overcome constraints and achieve optimal efficiency often follow a one-way sequential rationale. This may be efficient in the short-term but could eventually generate unintended iterations. This study investigates smallholders’ granular decisions in agriculture. Through a system thinking perspective, we analyze how cash-constrained smallholders’ operational decisions may be detrimental to their socioeconomic well-being. We reveal that limited access to finance compelled smallholders to adopt a “dual-cropping interdependent” practice between cotton and corn. While efficient in the short-term, the practice represents one-way thinking that generates unintended iterations and a feedback loop trapping the smallholders into poverty.

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